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Personal Paragraphs.

Sir John Logan Campbell was 86 on November 3. Many happy returns of the day. His Excellency Lord Ranfurly has notified the Picton Horticultural Society, through their secretary, Miss Belle Allen, that he will give a prize for children under twelve years for a floral basket competition. As His Excellency Is leaving the colony shortly, the prize, which will !>e p. book, will be doubly prized by the fortunate winner. Dr. Eccles, of Mongonui, has gone to practice at TaurangaMrs Glendinning, of Waihua, is staying at the Masonic Hotel, Napier. Miss Edwin, of Wellington, is visiting friends, in Napier. Miss Acland is the guest of Mrs. Wallis, at Bishopseourt, Wellington. Mrs. and Miss Butts, Wellington, are •taying at Karaka Bay. Miss Batchelor (Dunedin) is visiting friends in Wellington. Mr T. J. AlacKerras, a well-known Dunedin merchant, is in AucklandMr George Wallace, of Auckland, has taken the Royal Hotel, Raglan. Mr James Muir, of Remuera, will shortly take a holiday trip to England. Major Lusk returned to Auckland from North by the Clansman last week. Mr and Mrs Wise, of Dunedin, left Auckland for Rotorua on Friday last. Major and Mrs Pitt returned from their trip to Gisborne on Sunday last by the s.s. Tarawera. Mr L. 11. Darlot returned to Auckland after his visit to Gisborne by the Tarawera last Sunday. Mrs Ireland and the Misses Ireland, of Huhne Court, Parnell, left Auckland for Rotorua last Saturday. Mr Mervyn Stewart, of Athenree, Katikati, is in Auckland. He came up to be present at the Synod. Miss Elsie Gilfillan has returned to Auckland, after spending a most enjoyable holiday in Wanganui. Mr and Miss Snelling, and Air Owen Snelling, of Alaungaturoto, Kaipara, are in Auckland at present. Mr Alt. Barley returned to Taranaki on Sunday la-t, accompanied by his brother, Mr George Bayley, of Tauranga. Miss Rosa Laird, of Grafton-road, Auckland, leaves by the Zealandia next Monday for South AfricaMr F Gibson has purchased the Te Awamutu Roller Flourmill from Mr Burton. Dr. W. Brown, of Dunedin, will settle tn Tauranga, where he has taken the practice cf Dr. Fooks. The Misses Julius, who have been staying at Government House, Wellington, have returned to Christchurch. Air Geo. Dunnett returned from Wellington by th‘e West Coast boat last The Hon. Seymour Thorne George arrived in ' uekl ud Inst week from Wellington. AC-, D nald Wilson (Nelson) is visiting sister-in-law, Airs Kerr, of New Ph n outh. Captain and Mrs H. O’Neill and family nrriv.-.l by the War.aka last week from Fiji. The Rev. F. G. Evans, of New Plymouth, has returned from his holiday nt Sydney. The Rev. Canon Jordan, of Tauranga, was taken ill while attending the Synod at Napier, but G now recovering. The Rev. W. Gillam, of St. Alatthew’s Church, returned to Auckland on Monday from his visit to Sydney. Air Joe Chadwick, the well-known racing authority and handicapper, has returned to Auckland from South. Captain R. E. Smith, late of the Talane and formerly of the Alararoa, is now in command of the Tarawera. Captain Fishwick, of the Tyser steamer Niwaru, has resigned, and Capt. Kemp, chief officer of the Alarere, succeeds him. Air H. Cashman, late chief officer of the Moura, is spending a brief holiday at Auckland prior to resuming duty as chief officer of the Taviuxu.

Miss Broun, of Cannongate. Dunedin, at present on a visit to Auckland, left last Saturday for a week at Rotorua.

Mrs. Wickstced. of Timaru, is staying in Wanganui with her daughter, Airs. C. Jones.

Mrs. Vennell, of Wellington, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. Alillward. Durie Hill, Wanganui. Mrs. Atkinson, of Hawera, has lately been staying with Airs. John Mason, Wanganui. Mrs C. Watts and Miss Pitt, of Nelson, passed through Christchurch a few days ago en route to Hammer Springs. Mr J. Paul, who has been on a trip to Wellington, has returned to New Plymouth.

Airs. C. Izard, of Wellington, is the guest of Mr. and Miss Izard, Wanganui.

Aliss Ross (Christchurch) is staying with her sister, Airs D. Wood, at Ashburton.

Aliss Ethel Seymour, “Tyntesfield,” has gone to visit friends at Richmond, Nelson.

Aliss Alillward, of Wellington, is the guest of Airs. John Stevenson, Wanganui.

Airs. Forde has returned to Waitotara after a short visit to friends in Wanganui. Airs. Grieg, of Wanganui, has returned home after a visit to friends in Dannevirke. Airs and Miss Florence Pratt (Christchurch) have gone up to Waikari, North Canterbury, for a fortnight.

Airs Vicars (Blenheim) has gone to Wellington on a visit to her mother, Airs Francis.

Air and Airs Duncan Cameron (Methven) are leaving for England next week, and expect to be away about a year. Miss Hunter-Brown (Nelson) is staying with her sister, Airs. Pollen, in Wellington.

Air T. K. Skinner has returned to New Plymouth after his pleasant trip to the Old Country. Lady Campbell, of Napier, was staying in Wellington with Afrs. Tolhurst for the musical festival.

Aliss Amy Knight (Alelbourne) is staying with Airs. Prendergast Knight, Wellington. Air Leslie J. Thompson, of the Customs Department, Napier, has been transferred to Dunedin.

The Misses O’Connor, of Wellington, who have been visiting Napier, have returned to the former city.

Airs, and Aliss Beetham, who were in Wellington for the races, have gone on to- Hawke's Bay. Air. and Afrs. Eliot Barton (Hawera) are staying at Bishopseourt, Wellington.

Airs and Aliss E. J. Riddiford, after a visit to Hawke’s Bay, have gone on to the Hot Lakes District.

Airs. Woods (Napier) is visiting her daughter. Afrs. Ernest Hadfield, in Wellington.

Air. and Airs. Holworthy (Lady Buckley) have moved into their house. Belmont road, Lower Hutt, Wellington. Rabbi H. Van Staveren, of Wellington, has gone to Gisborne for a few days.

Mrs. Ronald McDonald is the guest of Airs. Loughnan, Hobson-street, Wellington.

Air Isaac Gibb, general manager of the N.Z. Shipping Company, arrived in Wellington last week. Aliss Barstow (Auckland) is staying with her sister, Airs J. P. Campbell, Wellington. Airs AfcCallum (Blenheim) is staying with Airs Grady, Woolcombe-street, Wellington.

Mr Dansey, postmaster of Waitara, has been transferred to Ashburton, and Air Gilbert, of Alotueka, will take his place.

Air Whittington, the recently appointed manager of the Bank of New Zealand at Woodville, is recovering from an attack of pneumonia and pleurisy.

Air P. Hansen returned last week from Wellington, where he had been on business relating to the proposed increased width of tram-cars.

Air Hawthorne Aiillar, of Dunedin, son of Mr Millar, M.U.R., is spending a holiday in Auckland. He returns to Dunedin this week.

Nurse Kitto, of the Christchurch Hospital, has been appointed Matron of the Wairau Hospital, and leaves shortly to take up her duties there.

Afrs. Barnicoat has returned to Wanganui from Wellington, after having seen her mother, Mrs. W. Smith, off by the Gothic.

Mr and Mrs G. V. 8. Wenley, who have been for a nine months’ trip to England, returned to their home in Napier last week.

Miss Martha Juud was on Alonday ■week presented with a silver tea pot as a wedding gift from the employees at Judd’s Foundry, Thames. Air. Sydney Kirkcaldie, eldest son of Air. John Kirkcaldie, Wellington, was married to Aliss Elsie Afacgregor recently. The wedding took place in Sydney.

Mr. and Aliss Kirkcaldie, who went to Sydney in order to be present at the marriage of their brother, returned to Wellington by the Warrhnoo last week. Miss Edith Whitelaw, who took the leadership of the second violins at the Wellington Musical Festival, returned to Auckland last Monday.

Air and Afrs Devore and Aliss Devore, who have been on a three months’ visit to Australia, returned to Auckland on Alonday by the Waikare.

Airs Gibson, “Marahemu,” Whakapirau, who has been spending a short holiday in Auckland, leaves for Kaipara this week.

The Rev. Air J. T. Ale William, of Te Awamutu, is in town for the Synod He leaves Auckland on a flying visit to the South this week.

Airs De Labrosse and Afrs Shakespear, of Kaipara, who have been spending tha winter in town, are returning home this week.

Air Hugh H. Lusk, of Napier, who has been at Rotorua for the benefit of his health, returned to Auckland at the end of last week, and proceeded on to Napier on Alonday last.

.Air Afurray Gibbes, son of Dr. J. M. Gibbes (a former well - known medical practitioner of New Plymouth), is visiting that town. His father is now practising in New South Wales.

Air. and Airs. Kenneth Duncan have returned to Wellington after their honeymoon trip to Alasterton, and are busy getting settled in their new home in Halswell-street.

Dr. and Afrs Alartin, who have been spending some time in Japan, returned to Wellington by the Monowai. They also travelled through some part of America, and came home via Vancouver. Air George Dunnet (of the firm of Afessrs Henderson and Alacfarlane), who has been on a visit to Wellington in connection with the San Francisco mail service, has returned to Auckland.

Air Hunt, accountant of the Auckland branch of the New Zealand Snipping Company, and Afrs Hunt, returning from London by the s.s. Ruapehu, arrived last week.

Air. Thos. Gilmour, late mine manager of the Waihi Company, who left on a trip Home last April, returned to Waihi last week. He visited Australia, America, Canada and Ireland.

Aliss Al. Alcorn, of the Wellington Technical School, carried off the only prize in the colony at the last South Kensington science and art examination.

Air and Afrs James Bell, and Afiss Bell, of “Hillersden,” Blenheim, have returned from a trip to Rotorua, where they had been on account of Mr Bell’s health.

Air and Airs Lewis and family, of Wanganui, have gone to Auckland to live, Mr Lewis, who is in the Survey Office, having been transferred to the Auckland office.

Air. and Airs. Frank Perry (Napier) have been paying a visit to Wellington. They were the guests of Mrs. Heaton Rhodes. Air. Clark, of England, a nephew of Air. and Mrs. Rhodes, is also their guest.

Air. H. B. Morris, of the Wellington post office money order branch, has been promoted to the position of chief clerk at Christchurch, and will leave Wellington this week to take up his duties there.

Mrs Wilson, wife of Dr. Wilson, of the Discovery, who has been staying

with Mrs Wallis -at Bishopseourt, Wellington, has left for Christchurch, in order to see the Morning before she. starts off iu quest of the Discovery.

Air and Mrs E. D. O’Rorke left Auckland for Christchurch by the s.s Rarawa on Sunday last. They intend being present at the New Zealand Cup, in which Air O’Rorke’s horse Mars is running.

Mr R- C. Barker, who is leaving Auckland for New Plymouth, was presented on October 23 at the Tabernacle with a handsome Bible by the Christian Endeavour Society, a travelling bag by the choir, and a writing-desk by tha young men, in token of his past services among the young. The marriage of Mr John M. Coote, eldest son of Mr J. Al- Coote, of Paeroa, with Afiss R. R. Forgie, of Auckland, and formerly of Thames, was performed at St. Paul’s, Auckland, on October 28th, by the Rev. W. H. Wilcon. Air Chas. Coote was best man, and Aliss Rosamond Forgie bridesmaid. Air E. D. Benjamin, of Alessrs. L. D. Nathan and Co.’s, left by the s.s. Rarawa last week to meet his brother at Wanganui. Arrangements have been made by Alessrs. Thos. Cook and Son for them to tour up the river to Pipiriki, and the upper reaches, thence overland to Auckland via Taupo and Rotorua.

Miss AlcKee, bookkeeper at McCullagh and Gower’s, has been presented by the firm with a cheque as a mark of esteem and appreciation of her faithful services. Last week, on behalf of the employees. Air F. AV. Gaze, presented a valuable dress ring and referred in a few words to Aliss McKee’s good qualities, and the regret felt at her leaving Auckland, and eo severing her connection with the staff with which she had been connected so many years. .

During the miscellaneous concert of the Alusical Festival on Saturday week a handsome laurel wreath was presented to the conductor, Mr Herbert Parker. Th© presentation was made by Mr E. H. Dean, on behalf of Air Rivers Allpress, the well-known violinist of Sydney, who was a former resident of Wellington. Allusion was made to the day being the 25th anniversary, of Air Parker’s arrival in Wellington, and the success of the Festival.

Mr. Hamilton Hodges (Auckland), whose singing has been such a feature at the Wellington musical festival, gave a song recital on Thursday week at the Sydney-street school room, which was crowded to the doors. The audience,, which was a most enthusiastic one, included a party from Government House. Air. Hodges was in splendid voice, and scored a great success in the Freebooter songs.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XIX, 7 November 1903, Page 50

Word Count

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XIX, 7 November 1903, Page 50

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XIX, 7 November 1903, Page 50