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(By Telegraph.—Special to “Graphic.”) CHRISTCHURCH. Saturday. All things considered those people who have backed Wairikl for the New Zealand Cup have no reason to be disappointed with his ruunlng at the North Otago meeting. The son of Soult was not ready, but he polished off the weak opposition in the North Otago Handicap, and, though beaten, ran a capital race in the President’s Handicap. It is not an easy task to give St. Denis a stone and a-half over seven furlongs, and in failing to accomplish it Wairiki was by no means disgraced. He was Gf course much admired, and deservedly so, for few finer horses have been seen on the Oamani Course. The racing will do him no end of good, and a few rasping gallops will doubtless work wonders in his condition. In my last letter I prepared you for the withdmwal of Lady I llHnn. but hardly expected that Secret Society would be scratched. Bulawayo’s absence from to-day’s list of acceptors is due to the son of Perkin Warbevk 11. having gone amiss. The accident to Pampero was a very minor affair. Mr McLean’s horse was at exercise last Monda y. and next morning he did strong work, moving freely, and pulled up perfectly sound. Au employee In a Dunedin range-making factory drew Sweet Nell in Tattersail’s sweep on the Caulfield Cup. He wins about £6OOO. It is stated here that Hewitt may ride Mars in the New Zealand Cup. CHRISTCHURCH, Tuesday. The fteLl for the New Zealand Cup promises to be a decent one. It now comprises 18 horses, : nd allowing for the shrinkage of the last fortnight. 11 or 15 will probably go ta the post. Among the doubtful starters is T.elbnm, who was lamp after exercise yesterday morning. The injury, whatever it is, does not interfere with his galloping. but trou’ules of this kind as a rule grow worse instead of better, and sooner or later reach a stage when th**y do Interfere, and very materially, with an animal’s galloping powers. The remainder of the local division are sound. W.iiiiki looks lighlei for his racing at Oamani, which is

of course a disadvantage. Ills trainer pr> fesses Co be more than satisfied with his displays there. Roseal continues to do famously, bvt Strathavon has doue literally nothing to suggest that he can win the Cup. Whenever he has been put against the watch the time has been very slow. Canteen, who arrived from Dunedin on Saturday, looks wonderfully well, and a similar remark applies to Lavalette mmL Leonore. So far Lavalette shares with Rcsbtal the track honours of the present spring, it is stated that on Saturday afterxiooi* the son of Seaton Deluval gal«oped & mile and a-half in 2.39. He had the shoes off, but on fhe other hand he carried a good deal more than his Cup weight, and was by himself, it was a nor'-we®t day, however, which is always a factor to fast time. I don’t think Leonore can get two miles, but 1 doubt if this view is shared by her connections, who have taken something like £ISOO about the filly. Of Mr Friedlander’s pair. General Symons is sup--posed to be the better, although this season s form points to his stable eompaiiion being a distinctly useful horse. Since his yiviory at Weiliiigtou, Melwood lias come favour, and it must be borne in mlud tn.'it at one time staying was regarded as tins horse’s strong point. Bainpero and Bemluirdo are expected at Ricearton on Wednesday. Conflicting accounts are entrant here regarding Mars. One is that h*. is Very well ami likely to run a good race, and the other that he is sore, if the son of ingomar arrives at the post dressed in his best, and if as is reported he is ridden bv Hewitt, he is bound to take some beating, lor a little while Inst week Achilles ruled but has since given way in favour of Roseal. The truth is, the market is tn a somewhat unsettled state. There are objections to almost every candidate, and this no doubt accounts for the presence at toe top oi the quotations «I a virtually unproved horse, and of second position being occupied by a horse whose staying powers have to be taken on trust. The following are the latest quotations:— rtt? 1 a a S o. ilst Kd « pj! : 7 to 1 Achilles, Wairikl, and Shrapnel; 8 to 1 Canteen and I’amu' r °'. 10 t 0 and Kelbuni. 16 to 1 Hiuetaiira, Mars, Strathavon, and Lavalette; 2t> to 1 Bombardo. General Symons and Count of Ko’mar: 33 to 1 Ringman and Heroism; 40 to 1 Leonore. Machine Guu is a strong favourite for the Stewards’ Handicap, a report that he is amiss not having been confirmed. The prices range from 20 to 1 to 500 to 1 on the

gouble. New Zealand Cop and Steward*’ Handicap. Rosel's track form has Infused au interest in the Derby wai-a 1.-. ore-.y :>l3 race U ked. Treadmill is coining on as,..iu. ami nur yet counrrn Uis last autumns form, •nd Quarryman is a:so doing welt. Fvr once Mr s-tead will ue-. be represented. but it li—Ks aa if Mr livid --u M--Friedlauder were u*t going to anew lire Obstacle of their beu-g lepreaeuted by dliiee to stand in the way ot tsieir tuning part ill the races. No doubt Melodeon will also start. Of the 14 remaining In the Welcome Stakes, three be.oog i<. Sir Geo. < intv.'d and two to Air Stead; wiiire the I’orirua stable shelters a brace ot Sir G.W. Giltford's. King's Guest, a full biother to Guarryntau, will pcol-abiy deve:up into the Lest, although he may not be quite so forward at present :s Signalman, a brother to Canute Chid. <IM Stronghold. by Clauranald —Saf- Guard. <>f Mr Steads parr the Hastings Stak-.s winner, citkwortu, will probaldy be preferred to the first of the Multiform*, a half sister to Gold Medallist, in th- person of Gohlen Lily. although the latter is reported to be n siiiutfher. Of the visitors But on tn? scene of action, we hear good accounts ot Aisia. the Wallace —Far Away filly. The promised presence of Rose Shield will lend additional interest to the Halts. To-morrow. unfortunat-ly. is prohibited from starting, but Air Stead can start two la St. Michael's half sister. Royal Flumes, and Bagpipes, who was returned a winner 111 her only appearance in public last season Gladsome is a certain starter, and is sure to mu well, but unfortunately Leonore was not entered. Among other recent arrivals at Rieearton are’Red Gauntlet. Juniper, and Apremete: while all the local horses who cvuipcted at the Wellington meeting have returned. Of the latter Pallas unfortunately jarred one of his legs, and lias been lam.during the past few days, ills trainer is persevering with him. and hopes to get him to the post, but the tracks are so hard that the task of patching up a cripple must necessarily be a very difficult one. Cvelas Parra also went amiss at 'Wellington.' His stable companion. Purdey. changed hands after the meeting, being sdd t a Foxton racing man. He is to remain in Harris' hands until after the Canterbury J C. spring meeting. Cannie Cliiel has recovered fr-'m the effects of his recent mishap, and is doing good work. Huku’s half brother. Ropa, who met with an accident some weeks ag*‘. on the retired list. Rockleigh. by Stepniak—Sail Rock. is coming up from Oamam soon to join Lewis’ team. Lady Lillian, who was so lame a fewdays ago that she could put her foot to the ground only with difficulty, is nowable io walk soundly. The attempt to train Benzoin lias been abandoned, and the son of Friar’s Balsam has returned to the stable. © © © THE NEW ZEALAND CUP* ( BY WHALEBONE-J WELLINGTON, SaturdayThe racing of the past few days has introduced a number of New Zealand Cup candidates to notice, and made the solution of the problem as to what will win more difficult. At Duuediu Pampero. Canteen, and Bombardo were seen out. At Oamaru Wairiki figured, an i at Wellington ShrapD'l. Kelburn. Heroism. Ringman. Sea Lion. Black Reynard and General Symons ran on the first day, and the same lot, with the exception of Kelburn. on the second day. with* the addition of Melwood. Dunedin people fancy Pampero and Canteen greatly. A report was in circulation at the Hutt racecourse soon after racing commenced that a wire had been received saying all was not w»H with Wairiki after racing at Oamaro. It is supposed that Shrapnel was not receiving the support of his owner in bls engagements at the Hutt, and many are prepared to see him win the New Zealand Cup. Kelburn ran a good race in the Wellington Handicap, hut was not started again. b’.< trainer not to race him a second time on the solid going. Hl< Joints do not look too nice. Heroism and Ringman can l*e written out. and I like I-lon less than I did at Wanganui. The Tastnamed annears very lazy, and b:is drawn finer. Black Reynard did not finish out the Pearce Haudi-'an too well, though he shared with Genera- fhrmons the task °f t>aremaking. The last named seems capable of som«* Improvement, and the r-aelng shorld do him a lot of en.-n]. T still fancy he will ♦ .ike a »<>' of beating, f »r he can stir. F >r Me’wood T retain the opinion T after the Wanganui races, and I think he n t*«- be ron-h to beet shor’d bls s\ind —ft remark »Mt to little HhHw*. who was wisely withdrawn from her W-d---finrtou engagement so as not tn take nnr rfalcs Tn my next T will hw more to - y anont the n’-osne-'is of th** Cun lot. hut may b •'-* a*td has been nh'gsing the Riecart *n greatly. WE LLINGTON. TucMay. ’A word or two nhont the New Zealand Cup can agidn be Indulged in. There are more horses left in tb&u most people antirlpcted. and it will be strange should some of the acceptor'* have any sort of show in ♦he light of their form tills season. Up to Mo’ l.'r the owner of Achilles had not hacked that colt f<w the New Zealand Cup for a penny piece and ••©seqneitty these who have supported the

crack cannot lw said to have followed the stable. It is frequently as expensive busiu» rss trying to lead, aud it is very doubtful whether lue dying of M--datik»n wiif l»e asked to essay the task. It is known Ik- asked to essay the tnskk. it is kuowu that be bus been doing loug work, but ibis is necessary, seeing that h- claims au engagement iu iLe Canterbury Cup. A severe race iu the New Zealand Cup might unfit film for his weight for age engage* meiits, which lu«-hule the Jubilee cup. Electric Plate, and Canterbury Cup. But should he start in the big two mile rice, there are a g**>d many who would be found falling over ca -Ii other in their euxiety to get their money on. despite the fact that the weight is one no four ye:r eld has ever carried successfully to the end of two mii-s in th»* spring of the year. A race or two would have seasuiitd Achilles up a good deal. Shrapnel improved a good deal through racing at Wanganui, and showed it by the way he ran during tb? week at the Hau. and he may strip really well for the Cup. After a*l. I am doubtful, how£ver. about him staying right out to the • -d of two miles, though his running has pleased many folioxvers ef form, and his trainer, who may know more about him than brokers uh. He was not overtaxed at the Hutt. Wairiki. who is beyond question a useful colt, has done a little racing at Oamaru. and that should assist him. but r.e met I'Othiug of much account St. Denis, who !• him over seven furlongs carsying 8.13 to his 10. G, is only a pony, and it was generally supposed before the race was not nearly at his best. With 8.10 over the Stewards’ Handicap distance he is not being backed, and six furlongs is more to his liking than seven. Wairiki was reported sore on Friday, but a private wire on the following day gave it that lie was all right when he left to return to Christ* cUiirch. lie is only a littie easier in the market. and it would appear that Northern penciKers who have laid heavily against him are keeping him in his present position by their constant inquiries for the son of Soult. who. like Shrapnel, has been very heavily supported in most quarters. Wanganui and Taranaki people are very strong followers of the Workman gelding. Kelburn is on? wh**se owner has not backed him for a cent- I had the gentteman’s assurance ns late as Friday last. *T was never offered a fair price or might have I een temptol to Lave a little on,” was jjr 11. Friedlander’s answer to my query: but with a horse liable to go wrong, it is time enough to wait till the day before speculating, and *s Kelburn was very sore and stilly after racing last Wednesday. some who have befriended him would probably he pleased bad held off. A wet course might help Kelburn. but I should say that it will take Holmes all his time to keep K- lburn vn his legs, and have him tit to do himself justice. Canteen has racing of a recent date to point to. and it is believed by his owner will strip quite as we!! as he did last year, and there are seme who fancy he wiil about win: but these who think so also believe that where he finished I’ampero wiil also be. Pampero’s leg has l>*-en a of some trouble. I stated this on the 11th inst., and an accident through the bandage coming off has not improved It. As a matter of fact he is not sound, and with plenty of work yet to be g»»t through, the chances are against him. though lie is the l**st handicapped hors° left in th«* event. He claims other engagements, however, and it has to be remembered that unsound horses have occasionally got home in the races. Ilinetaura has pleased me by racing well at Wanganui and Hawke’s Bay. and I am partial to her chance, though afraid that the ground will find out her weak spot in training on the good tracks at Riccarton. She may pull through, in which case I will have h?r ou my side, for she is a good mare. Melwood Is another with a leg. but it looks sound now. and must have been all right for him to win the Pearce Handicap as he dhl. I mentioned Melwood in my Cup article on tb n 11th inst. as one of my selections, and I like him more now. a olb penalty notwithstanding, for he is well. Mars I cannot fancy. He would have to !>e better than in the Wanganui Cup last March to win; and I fancy Strathavon will find the task l>eyond his powers over this distance. Ringman. too. is out of his place, and probably not as well as he can l»e got. Heroism would want to come on very quickly, and I think will want a lot more time. Genera! Symons, considering that he has had no racing this season, acquitted himself well in both engagements at the Hutt, aud I fanev that th** racing win do him a lot of gnod. He was beaten for want of sufficient pace, but art badly, in T*oth his races, but finished well, and was always on the premises, and Lad both races longer would have bo ft n better sot red. He should be improved a great deal for th? service he saw at the Hutt, ami I still incline to his chance. Rosea!. another of my selections of only a fortnight ago. has b-H'n doing all that he has b?on asked on the tracks at Riccarton. and is mn<-h fancied there Indeed, is new favourite In Wellington, and he is being supported by keen judges. Count of Kolmar. a< T Informed readers ft work ftgo, wn« not then all right, and he was practically renting during his trainer’s nlwence at Wellington, and may not be seen at his best ten days hencew Tie. however, may see the post. Lavalette Is perhaps, a little more

fancied than he was a short time ba» k, but kus Lruil of la.-c week. wi~.u«;ut &uoeti, over a utile and a quarter at kiccariou. was not so good as several have done there with their boots c»u. and his chance need iM>t be considered seriously. Bombardo, I am advised, is fast improving, but he is not looked upou as a boy’s horse, and may be better later on iu the season. Though a colt 1 hare a fancy for, 1 cannot rrcumnicud him iu this race. Leonore has been beaten in gallops by Rost al, but i am quite sa’Lsfitd that she can stay, and that sh«* has only to be aa well as at Ash’ urton last mouth to run a sound two miles, aud were she not a S -atou Dei.ivai 1 should expect her to do !»ett r than she then showed, if Mr iiubbs has her well uh the day she will run creditably. To narrow the race down I take Iliuetaura and Melwood, provided th»-y <oi»*e right t«* the post: General Symons and Roseal to make a big fight in what looks an open race fur supremacy. The following represents the betting in 91 oj oox—rtq2|u Xvpuojt uo uojSninaM Bfioeeal, liib to 13 Shrapnel 100 to 14 Wa.riki. I'JO to 12 Pamp-rv, l‘») to 10 Achilles. Canteen. Kelburn. and Melwood. !•*) to 11 Ilinetaura and Scrat ha von. 100 to 5 Geaeral Symons. 1«X) to 4 Mars. Count of Koimar. and Lavalette, 100 to 3 Bombardo. Kingman and Leonore, aud IU) to 2 Heroism. For the Stewards’ Handicap. Machine Gun aud Glsatsome wer** most in request, coupled with horses iu the Cup. but a cumber of others were receiving support. © © ©

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XVIII, 31 October 1903, Page 19

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TURF TALK FROM THE SOUTH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XVIII, 31 October 1903, Page 19

TURF TALK FROM THE SOUTH. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XVIII, 31 October 1903, Page 19