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Personal Paragraphs.

Mr Iw-lie Reynold-. C.E., lias returned after a visit to Sydney. Mr. Hursthouse. Wellington, is at present in Auckland.

Miss Kate Holdsworth (New Plymouth) is paying Dunedin a visit. Mr R. D. D. McLean has returned to Napier from Auckland. Mr W. Wood, of Wanganui, has gone to Napier, where he intends to reside.

Mrs Redman (Pieton) is spending a week or two in the Empire City.

Air.. Mrs. and Miss Corkill. of Taranaki. are spending a short holiday in Auckland.

Mr. Harold Thompson, of Inglewood, paid a flying visit to Auckland last week, returning to Taranaki on Sunday last. Mr J. Richards, of the staff of the ( .P. 0. Wellington, is baek after a holiday trip to the Old Country. Mr J. Heywood, Wellington, is expected back in the Atlienic after a six months’ trip to England. Airs and Aliss Alerton. Christchurch, have been on a short visit to Wellington. Lady Ward, Wellington, is now convalescent after her recent illness. Mrs Seddon is slightly indisposed. Air and Airs 11. B. Lusk, of the Barrack Hill, Napier, have left for Gisborne. Air. S. IL Luke, second engineer of the Tuntahekai, is going Home to study the higher branches of engineering. Air AV. H. Naylor, of Nelson, has been appointed organist and choirmaster of the Napier Cathedral. Aliss Westall (England) is staying with Mrs C. Tanner, Taradale, Hawke’s Bay. Aliss Standish, of New Plymouth, is visiting her many friends in Wellington and Christchurch. Ah- Henry Bedford, late Collector of Customs. New Plymouth, is paying Auckland a visit. Messrs F. and n. J. Cornwall, Palmerston North, have gone to live in New Plymouth. • aptain-Adjutant Taunton leaves New Plymouth earlv in November for England. Dr. and Airs Slator and children, of AVaihi. are spending a week in Te Arolia at the Hot Springs Hotel. Mrs Clendon. of "Rawhiti.” Thames, is 'biting her mother. Airs Carr, at Rein uera. Miss Grace Anderson, of Waihi, is vi-iting her people at Livingstone Park, Hamilton. Mrs Abbot, of Wellington, has returned to the Empire City after a short visit to Wanganui. Mr Lacy Peake, of ire Waikato, is spending a few weeks with friends in AA anganui. Miss Haydon, who went with her brother to the Argentine, and then on to south Africa, is expected baek in Christchurch shortly. Mr AA. G. Cargill. «ho was for some time past proprietor of the Wairarapa Age, Masterton. has just returned to <he colony after a trip Home. the many friends of Mr. Alec. Johnftone. of Waihi. will be glad to hear that he has successfully passed his surveyors' examination. ■ ■

Miss Kate Holdsworth. of New Plymouth. who has Ixeu spending some weeks in Wellington, is now vi-iting relatives in Oamaru.

Air. Webster and his son. of New Plymouth. were in Auckland last week, and are returning to Taranaki by the Rarawa.

Mrs Walcot Wood, of Christchurch,who has been staying for some weeks with Airs. Brett, “Te Kiteroa,” Takapuna, intends extending her visit for -omc weeks.

Mr J. Stanford, secretary to His Honor Air Justice Williams, has been admitted a solicitor of the Supreme Court of New Zealand.

Lady Constance Knox and Lord Northland were the guests of Sir William and Lady Kus-ell, of "Flaxinere,” Hastings, for the Napier races. Miss Connie Norris, Tatiranga. is visiting friends at Ponsonhy, Auckland, where she intends to remain for a week or two. Mr J. R. Stanford, secretary to His Honor Air Justice Williams, has been admitted by His Honor as a solicitor of the Supreme Court of New Zealand. The wedding of Air Gillard (Auckland* and Airs Johnston (Waihi) was quietly celebrated by the Rev. J. Olphert at AVaihi on October 8. The couple intend to reside in Auckland. Airs, iDr.) Barr, who has been the guest of Airs. Collins at the residence of Airs. Devore. Ponsonby, during the latter- visit to Australia, returned to Nelson last Thursday. * Airs W- L. Luxford, who has been in Auckland visiting her married daughter. Airs Howey Walker, left for London last week, accompanied by her eldest son and youngest daughter. Afessrs W. IL Pollock. Wellington. E. W. Cardie. Hawke’s Bay. and I- Ross, Wanganui, have been appointed delegates to the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association. Air AV. S. Fitzherbert. Hutt, Wellington, has gone to the Old Country for a visit. Aliases A. and L Fitzherbert are also going, but do not leave until early next year. At a farewell social in honour of Air Austin, representatives of the Town Council, the Fire Brigade. Forestei l -. and the railway staff were present to bid him farewell and good luck. Air T. P. Clark, manager of the AVaihi Company’s battery, has fe:t for Rarotonga Island for the benefit of his health. He is accompanied bv Airs Clarke.

Air and Mrs T. P. Clarke, of AVaihi, have gone for a trip to the Islands. It is taken in the hope of re-establishing

Mr Clarke’s health, which has been far from good of late. Air R. N. Blennerhassett, who for 11 years past has been with the Loan and Mercantile Company, has been appointed accountant, in the office of Mr G. Kronfeld. Auckland.

Tlie Diamond Drill Company's eni ployees at Thames have given Air. C. AV Crasthwaite. one of their number, a sil ver sugar basin and egg service, as a wedding gift.

The Rev. Father O’Gallaglier has returned, to Ngaruawahia much the better for the medical attendance lie got while staying W'th Father Darby al Hamilton. He has been unwell for a considerable time past. Ths Rev. Air. Radcliffe, w hose appointment to the parish of Hamilton as vicar we chronicled a month or so ago, arrived by the Papanui at AA’ellington, and reached Auckland on Oct ober 11. Ah' A. 11. Atkinson has been elected president of the Wellington Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Women and (. hildren. with Lady Stout and Airs AA. A. Evans, M.A., as vice-presi-dents. The Kia Ora Table Tenni- Chib, Thames closes its s-ason on October ICilh with it dance, when the tournament trophies will lie presented to Miss Imey Read. Alias Eva Gillespie. Miss Afaribcl Lawlor, and Mr F. Carpenter. The Paeioa bachelors tendered a euchre party and dance to the Ladies’ Hockey Club on Oct. 12 in the Choral Hall. This club lias not suffered a defeat, although it had draws on several occasions. Air Charles Ki.-sling. of the A.ALP. office, is spending his holidays at the goldfields. He is the guest of Mr and Airs Henry Roche. AVaihi, at present , but means to visit the Thames before returning to Auckland.

Mrs. (lenient Coven and her two daughters are shortly leaving for «u--otlier nip to the Old Country. The trip is being undertaken for the sake of Afiss Dorothy Govett, who is in verv delicate health. Mr. and Mrs. Courtney, of Taranaki, returned from their trip to Cambridge last week, and Mr. Courtney left for Taranaki on Sunday, while Mr-. Courtney is staying a few days longer in Auckland. Major C oyle has been engaged by the Bluff Harbour Board to superintend the blowing up of the Triangle Roeks and western reef in the harbour. The Defence Department has agreed to supplv the necessary gun-cotton. Before he left the Dunedin Post Ofiiee Air Edmund Cook, who has resigned the Chief Postmastership, was presented with several costly pieces of furniture by the members of the staff. Air Cook was 46 years with tiie postal service. Air AA illiam Sholto Douglas, who has been on the editorial staff of the "New Zealand Herald’’ for many years, has been appointed editor of that journal, in succession to the late Air AVilliam Berry. Air and Airs John Gray, of Auckland, are returning via Vancouver, having taken passages by the Moana. They are expected here about the end of the month. Air Gray was delayed in New Aork for a short time by illness. Air L. AL Hancock, Government hydraulic expert, left for the AVaikaio by train last week. He will go overland to AA ellington. and thence to the South. It is his intention to return to Auckland in time to catch the outgoing San Francisco mail. Mr Alfred Jolly, who has been a prominent member of St. Andrew’s (Presbyterian) Church. AA’ellington, has b?en presented with a solid silver inkstand ai.d a purse of sovereigns as a token of the esteem of the congregation. Air AA alter Best, who has been for many years connected with the studio of Messrs AA’rigglesworth and Binns, photographers. AA’ellington. is going into business on his own account in Auckland. Afr Thomas Halbert, who lias just left the colony for Edinburgh, where he intends to study medicine, was formerly employed in the Public Health Department, and for some time past aeted as secretary to Dr. Pomare. Among the many presentation, received by Afr AA’. Austin iwho has just been transferred from the railway staff at Petone to AA’anganui i were a marble clock, a silver tea kettle, a gold albert chain and Maltese cross pendant, and a silver tea and coffee service. Air John McConnell, formerly of Auckland, is said to be now superintendent of the Etruscan Alines, Ltd-, which is working eoppar. lead, and zinc mines in Tuscany. Italy. The mine is one which was first worked about 2IM) years ago. Mr and Airs F. C. Bassett, who gave a large ball to their dancing class last week in Auckland, were presented by the pupil- with a nicely-engrossed and mounted address signed by about ;»(» pupils. The address acknowledged the painstaking care of Mr ami Airs Bassett in teaching their pupils. The Honourable Sneneer Lyttelton, of London, left last week for Rotorua, en route to AA’ellington. via the AA’anganui river. Ales-srs Thos. Cook and Son have arranged this trip by special conveyances, as time will not allow of this gentleman’s making a lengthy stay on the road. The Aery Rev. De Berdt Hovell. Dean of AVaiapu, Airs and Aliss Hovell. ami Air R. Hovell arrived in Napier an Oetolier Bth. after a six months’ trip to England. Ireland, and France. They were met at the station bv a large number of friends, who heartily welcomed them home.

Mr E. G. Bank*. of the AVaihi G.M t'a. arrived from ’Frisco by the la si boat, afier a ten weeks’ absence from New Zealand. Amongst other placet he visited Deliver and Deadwood, at the last-mentioned seeing Mr and Mrs Basil Enip-on, formerly of Thames and Kara nga hake. Letters just received from Miss Olive Tilly are from Gairloch, Scotland. Since her arrival in England she ha- visited many of the southern English counties and Wales. She intended leaving Gairlocb for London on September !!>th. where she expected to meet her sister. Mis Prosser, who went Home in the Pakeha. The Councillors of the City of Dunedin presented their late Mayor, Mr J. A. Park, with a massive gold ring, in which was set a greenstone bearing the engraved arms of the Corporation of Dunedin. The idea i« a new one in Dunedin, and it is intended to make it a regular practice of presentiug the outgoing Alayor with a municipal ring. Mr Rogers, ex-city engineer for-Dun-edin, has gone to Rotorua for a few days. Air Rogers, who came from Australia, succeeded Mr Alirams in the position. and bad in hand several important works, when he somehow got at loggerheads with the Dunedin Council, ami threw up his billet sooner than submit to the Council on certain debatable points. < j Mr Paul Hansen, managing director of the Auckland Electric Tntniway Co., is going to Wellington this week iu order to push on the proposal for the increased gauge of the tram-car-. Air Hansen has taken over the largo house in Ponsonhy-road known as "Lynn Holme.’' but hereafter to be -tried “AUandale.” Tiie Hon. Air. and Airs. Moss, who have l*een spending a few days iu Rotorua, returned to Auckland and left on Saturday by the Te Auau for the South. The Hon. Mr. Moss is an old Dunedin boy. who went across to AA'e-t Australia, and achieved legislative as well as business distinction. He is a minister without a portfolio in the James Cabinet. Air. 1). C. Thompson, of the Goldfields Diamond Drilling Companv, who is leavins the Thames district, was presented on Oetolier *J by the employees of the finii with a gold watch, as a memento of his stay in the goldfields. Air. Clvenger. who made the presentation, referred to the amicable relations that had prevailed between Air. Thompson and the employees. Mi‘ < harles Bannerman, who lias been engaged as coach for Christ’s College, ( hristchureli, for this season, has arrived. Questioned by the "New Zealand limes as to the English cricket team, he said that the team was a fairly strong one. especially in batting, hut vvith such men as Jessop. Fry. Ranjitsinghi. Maclaren aud Jackson it could not be regarded as an out-and out rerresentativo one of England. sir Alfred I. Cadman was invested with the insignia of a Knight Commander of St. Michael and St. George bv His Excellency the Governor (Lord Ranfitrly) nt Government House on .Saturday. A large number of well - known gentlemen were invited to a full-dress dinner, and l>ef.>re thi-. in the drawingroom. His Excelleiny belli the investiture. The warrant from the King was read by Major Alexander, and Mr Cadman then walked lictween his supporters, the Holl. AV. C. AValkcr. (.AI.G., ami the Hon. E. Richard-on, C.M.G., to a dias, where the Governor stood in full die— rh<-y wore preceded by Lord Northland. A.D.C.. carrying the insignia <>n a crim-ou eu-hion. Kneeling before His Excellency, Afr Cadman was touched lightly upon each shoulder with a sword. Sir Jo-eph Ward, K.C.M.G.. read the Admonition, aud handed the new knight the warrant. The Governor then motioned Sir Alfred Cadman to rise, and the insignia was then placid upon him.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XVI, 17 October 1903, Page 45

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Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XVI, 17 October 1903, Page 45

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XVI, 17 October 1903, Page 45