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Personal Paragraphs.

His Excellency the Governor, who left Auckland for Wellington on .Sept. 23, is not expected in this province again until November, ' when he will come to the city with the object of opening the Veterans’ Home. It is so far his intention to leave Wellington for Auckland as soon after the Countess of Ranfurly’s departure (November 12) as possible. The home, it is hoped by the authorities, ■will be ready for the inmates by the middle of next month, and the old people will be installed as quickly as possible, so that they may be. comfortably settled there in time for the official opening, which will be held somewhere about November 17th.

Airs W. Ledingliam returned to Auckland by the Moura from Fiji last week.

Miss Moore, of Wanganui, has returned from her visit to Wellington. Mrs Tripp (0-ra.ri) is staving with Mrs ■Elworthy, "Inglewood,” Bapanui-road.

Mrs Leonard Alalet. of Clearwcll, is visiting friends in Christchurch. Mr F. AA’a-ymouth (Christeunurch) is hack again from a trip to Rotorua. Miss G. Shaw, New Plymouth, has gone for a trip to Wellington. Mtb J. H. Berwick (CShristchureh) has gone cn a visit to Dunedin. Dr. Williams ( ihas been visiting Wellington. Rev. F. G. Evans, New Plymouth, is paying Sydney a visit. Miss M. Sale (Dunedin) is visiting friends in Christchurch.

Miss Holmes, of Wellington, is the guest of Mrs Izett in Wanganui Lieutenant-Colonel Loveclay paid an official visit to Napier last week.

Mr George Beale, of Auckland, is at present staying in Napier. Mr Robert Pynsen-t lias returned fre-n his long trip to England. Mrs 11. Gore lias gone un to the AA'airarapa to her father, who is very ill. Miss Webb Bowen, of Nelson, is staying with friends in Wellington. Mrs Abbot, of Wellington, paid a short visit to Wanganui recently.

Canon Averill (Christ; ohurcih) is visit ang ■Wellington.

Mfes Taasley (Napier) has arrived in Skellington to rethea-rse the onusile for the con.iug festival. Mrs Russell, of Parnell, and her sister. Miss Coutie, left Auckland last week for a short trip to Rotorua.

Mr Justice Chapman (Dunedin) litas arrived in 'Wellington .to enter into his new duties.

Mr and Mrs S. Noble-Campbell, of Masterton, have been visiting Mrs Lyndon, Sea Point-road, Napier.

Mr and Mrs Richards have been staying with Mrs C. Cornford, Barrack Hill, Napier.

Mr and Mrs Gibson, of AA’hakapirau, Kaipara, arrived in Auckland last week and intend making a short slay here.

Miss Fitiherbert, of Wellington, is the, guest of Mrs Coleman, “Waititirait,” Napier. The Hou. 11. Scotland, M.L.C., and Mrs Scotland are staying at the Masonic Hotel, Napier. Mr and Mrs R. White have settled in Hawke’s Bay. Mr White has bought Mr Stanley Bennett’s Poraite estate. Mrs Fairfax-Cholmeley, of Wanganui, is visiting her brother, Mr W. Aidworth, in Dannevirke. Mrs Webster, of Wellington, has been visiting her mother, Mrs Basil Taylor, in Wanganui. Mr and Mrs A, E. G. Rhodes returned do Cthristcliurdh hirit week from their Blen>heMn-N e-teon tour, Mr John Colbcck, who lias been paying u flying visit to the South, is expected to return to Auckland this week. Miss Williams, of Hastings, is staying with her cousin, Mrs Warren, Ilobsonstreet, Wellington. The Rev. Wynne Bond and Mrs Bond, of Wanganui, are spending a few’ weeks in Wellington. Mrs and Miss Maitland Gardner (Dunedin) have been spending the holidays with o>ld friends in Ohrisieaureh. Colonel and Mrs Owen have returned to the. Empire City lifter a three months’ visit to Wanganui. ? Hits and Miss MeCc-sh Clarke left Auckland for New Plymouth by the Takapuna on Monday last. Mr and Mrs E. Jollie, of Pates, spent a few days in Wanganui, en route to their new home in the Waikato. Mrs Marshall, of New Plymouth, is visiting her son, Mr Gifford Marshall, at Putiki, Wanganui. Mr R. English, of the New’ Plymouth Sash and Door Company, has been transferred to the" Auckland branch.

Miss Beale came down from Papakura last, week to spend her holidays in Auckland.

Miss Burnett, who has been visiting in Christchurch, returned to Dunedin last week.

Mr and Mrs D. Mclntyre, Papanuiroad, have gone to stay at Springfield for a week or so. The Hon. C. J. Johnston has been reelected chairman of directors of the Wellington ’Woollen Company. Mr. and Mrs. C. Owen, of Upokongaro, Wanganui, are spending a few weeks in Wellington. The well-known Bi-hopscourt property at Roslyn, Dunedin, has been purchased by Mr AA’. E. Sargood, of Messrs Sargood, Sou and Ewen. The Rev. AV; E. Gillam, Vicar of St. Matthew’s, has gone -to Australia, for a month’s holiday on account of his health.

Sergeant Arthur Davelin was elected lieutenant of the AVhangarei Rifles on September 24. Mr Ccckburn and’ Sergeant Maekc-sy were also nominated.

Miss Lawson, late of Netley Hospital,. will shortly take up the duties of head nurse at the New Plymouth Hospital.

Airs Seddon (wife of the Right Hon. R. J. Seddon) came to Auckland to see a friend away by the Westralia. She will return to Wellington this week.

Lieutenant A. S. Biss, formerly of the Wellington Naval*. has been placed on the staff of the Wellington division of the Garrison Artillery.

Miss Kenny, '‘The Rocks,” Queen Charlotte Sound, has been in Pieton staying with Mr and Mrs E. Kenny, Wai-kawa-road. Mr G. G. Stead has had numerous congratula,tions on thnicifonn's win at lihe Ran.l wick races, Sydney, and (he is now on his way back to Christchurch.

Mr T. P. Moody, J.P., has been appointed a governor of the Whaagnrei High School, in place of Mr A. 11. Mason, who has resigned. Mr and Mrs D. P. Hciridersoai (Wellington) are Shortly Heaving New Zealand to settle in Soiiitili Africa, probably i'll Johannesburg. The Rev. Mr Ratcliffe, who is the new incumbent at the Hamilton Anglican Church, is expected in Auckland from England by the middle of October. Mr A. B. Plimmer. who thus just been appointed manager at I’er‘Ci (W.A.) for the New Zea'land Insur.’i.ioe Company, is a son of Mr J. A. PHmmler (Wellington). Constable Gale, of the Auckland police force, has been transferred to Dunedin, and will be succeeded here by Constable Lee. Mrs Green (Timaru) is to AA’elltogton with her daughter; they the guests of Airs Green’s ya-rcciis, Mr end Mrs Nco’aolas Reid, Wlllcs-strccii. Ma's Isuiac Gibbs (Ch.ri«!tehurdh) returned c.n Saturday, looking miieh bi>ttcr fer his trip to Auckland, though c-nly a very brief one. Footballers will b? sorry to hear that Mr R. ileWherter, the well-known Wa-ihi referee, got injured in a blasting accident at Waihi last week. Mrs Jaoobsen (Dunedin) nEio has berri vi-iteng friends cn 'the Weeii Coast, has also been in Pieton, staying with her -lister, Mrs C. Philpollts. Mr Joseph Mandel, who has sold his interest in the Empire Hotel in ’Wellington, intends to take Mrs Mandel for a two years' tour of the worldMrs James 'Watt, of 'Wanganui, has returned from her visit to Wellington, where,, she went to attend Miss Cohen's wedding. Mr F. O. Bridgeman has been gazetted as acting Consular agent for France at Dunedin during the absence of the Con sular agent Jlr P. C. Neill. Mr James Macfarlahe, late of Gisborne, has purchased the Clive Grange restate, Hawke’s Bay, and intends taking up his residence there very shortly. . Major Darcy Chaytor (Blenheim) (lias gone bo, Nelson oa business con-necteil with itlha recent sVeat .Coast volunteer case. Mrs Fletcher, whose late 'husband was for many years a partner with Mr George Humphreys in Christeliureh, left far England last week on a 'trip. Mrs and Miss Richmond have returned to Nelson. Mrs G. Kissling, of Wanganui, accompanied them as far as Wellington. T'he miarriage of Mr Keaneith Duncan and Miss V. Rawson (Weliikigton) has been postponed on account of tlhe ollness of tlhe bridegroom.

Colonel and Mrs Owen are back is Wellington from Wanganui, where tkey. havi. been for some months. They are the guests of Mrs William Pharazyn. The directors of. the Masterton Cooperative Dairy Company have appointed Mr R. J. Fownail, of Christchurch, to be manager of the Mangamairo Creamery. Mrs Malcolmson Boult was given a splendid silver cruet by her Devonport pupils last week —• an expression of the goodwill and regard of the Devonport class. Mrs. Edger, of Auckland, who hr.s returned from a three months’ visit to Australia, will rejoin Judge Edger at Rotorua, where they intend to spend some weeks.

Mr Edward N. Arniit, brother of Mr Joseph Armit, of the Wellington District Land and Survey Oflice, has been ap]Mjinted General Superintendent of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition.

Mr and Mrs 11. C. Seymour, “Tyntesfield,” were in Pieton again List week for a few days. Mr Seymour and Mr A. Soott paid a. flying visit to >t£re Empire. City during Itlbe week.

The many friends of Mrs AV. Reece sympathise deeply with her in thc loss of her father, Mr Thomas Raine, of Nelson, whose death took place during the week.

Miss Dolly Gossett, daughter of Dr. Gossett, Lincoln, returned from England after a delightful visit there of nearly two years. Miss Gossett arrived by the Gothic last week.

Mr G. Brown, 8.A., assistant master at the Cambridge District High School, was given a picture and a pair of vases by the teachers and pupils of the school respectively, as a wedding gift. Air George Gow. Superintending Engineer of the Northern Steamship Company, returned to Auckland in the Rawara alter being away, chiefly in Scotland, a year and a half.

The members of the Mushroom Dramatic Club at Rotorua have given Miss Maliroy a pretty gold necklet anti greenstone heart as a parting gift on the occasion of her leaving the club. Air and Mrs Kinsey (Christchurch) returned from Su,inner after three weeks of not too good wea.tiher -bhers!- Mrs AA’. A. Moore (Dunedin) and Mrs (Dr-) AVilsou are Still tiheir guests.

It is stated that Mr. F. T. Roskrugc, stationmaster at Cambridge for many years past, is resigning his post in order to start business as a magnetic healer.

Mr AA’. 'S. LittlejcJhn, who is going to Melbourne ifio ill! tt'ie post of Prinoipa-1 at the Preisbyterkun CoP-lege there, ihas been Ireadimaster at Nelson for many years.

The Dean of AVaiapu, Mrs, Miss, and Air R. Hovel! are on their way back to New Zealand, after a delightful trip to Europe, and are expected in Napier about the middle of next month.

Air Charles Bowker, of Timaru. iia« celebra'ted his fortieth year of residie-ncc in 'the colony by presenting a bind rotunda land twelve garden selalts tio tlhe town of Tiimuru.

Dr. and Airs Ronald reached Napier on September 24, after a pleasant visit

to England, Scotland, and America, extending over about seven months. They travelled, from Vancouver to New Zealand by the Aorangi.

Miss S. Johnson, who has been transferred from the Waiokaraka school JThames) to the Parnell school, was pretented by her pupils last week with farewell souvenirs in the shape of a silver butterdish, photograph frame, and hand mirror.

Mr and Mrs Poulter. of England, who Came to Auckland through the Islands, returned from Kamo last week, and left on Saturday for a few days’ rest at Waiwera. They returned this week and continued southward on their tour pf the colony.

At the Parawai school, on Sept. 25, Mr T. Finch, who is being transferred to the Board of Education from ithe pupdlteachership at the school to another place, was given a silver -mounted valise by Ms fetlow-teaolners and tlhe cadet corps on the eve of his departure. Mr J. H. Hempton (W-efllingfon), who has just been transferred to New Plymouth, has been the red pi emit of a Th andBome prescntaltkxn from his many friends la Wellington. He will take Ithe positfe* Uf CMleetor of Customs at New Kyuunrbh. Mr Cecil Tooth, a pupil of King’s School Goulbourn (New South Wales), has passed the naval cadetship examination, securing one of the six cadetships open to the Australian States. He will leave for England in October to Join the Britannia.

Mr F. W. G. M’Leod, conductor of the Masterton Municipal Brass Band, who returned in charge of the New Zealand Band, was offered the conductorship of the Hobart City Band while the Gothic was at that port. He has not yet given a definite answer.

Rotorua visitors who know Mr James Melville, of Messrs Robertson and Oo.’s coaching establishment, will be glad to hear that he has returned to duty in Rotorua after spending considerable time in the Auckland Hospital with an injures knee-cap.

It is stated that Colonel Bell’s interest in and admiration of New Zealand and its liberal legislation has led him to devote his literary ability to the production of a romance, which a few competent critics who have read the manuscript declare to be the finest appreciation of our country and its laws that has yet been presented. Mr F. J. Kidson, formerly of Nelson, who has been in England for the past three years, is now Professor of Elocution at King’s College, London. Mr Kidson was a prominent amateur singer and actor in Nelson, where he carried on the business of plumbing and tinsmithing. His brother, an even more able singer, is in the same business in Nelson now.

Colonel Somerville, manager of the Veterans’ Home, will be in Auckland at the end of October to take charge of the institution. He will enter into residence at the Home and supervise the reception of the pensioners as they come, so as to have the place in order in time for the opening in the middle of November. The Rev. John Dawson, chairman of the executive of the New Zealand Alliance, who is just now in Australia, took part in the recent meeting of the Victorian Alliance in Melbourne, and is carrying out a lecturing tour of about a month in the Richmond River district, on the invitation of the Good Templar bodies there.

Miss Rose Cox, who lias been for some time organist ait the Hamilton Congregational Church, is leaving for Wanganui, and a few days ago the Rev. G. Carr, on behalf of the congregation, presented her with a souvenir of her connection with the church in the form pf a fine album.

Mr W. McHutcheson, who is leaving his position as officer in charge of the Thames post and telegraph office to take a similar appointment at Timaru, was presented by the Thames staff last week with a case of silver-mounted pipes, while he received a handsome silver-mounted biscuit-barrel on behalf pf his wife.

It is currently reported in Wellington that Mr. John W. Brindley, formerly general manager for the Victoria Insurance Company in New Zealand, with linadquarters in Dunedin, is the expert Who has been advising Mr Seddon in regird to State fire insurance, and that

he it to receive the appointment ot general manager of the Department.

Mr Bert Royle, representing Mr J. C. Williamson, arrived on Saturday via Wellington to make preparations for the Frawley Company, which has ju.-d finished a very successful season in Sydney with high-class American drama. Tlie company play a short season in Brisbane, and open at His Majesty’s Theatre, Auckland, oil October 12. It is probable the opening piece will be “Madam Sans Jene.’’

Mr and Mrs Allan Strang and Mr and Mrs J. Strung (Palinenston North) visited Wellington for the wedding of Mr Wolter Strang and Miss Jessie R-eiid. Mrs Alan Strang is an elder sidter of the bride, and married the bridegroom's brother, so the two famlilies are dlosely connected.

At the annuiai mealing of the Newtown (Wellington) Crickdt Club the following officers were elected: Patron, Mr J. G. W. Aitken, M.H.R.; presidenit, Mr J. McGowan; vice - Captain Clark, Messrs Bland, Barber, Little, Stevens, Brown, Luke and Danks. Mr N. Bowden, first assistant master of the Remuera school, was presented last week by the football team of the school with a handsome silver-mounted and inscribed walking stick as a mark of appreciation of the trouble he took in coaching the team, and thus helping it to come out champions in the “B” grade.

Dr. Torrey and Mr Alexander, who recently travelled through Australia and New Zealand, on a musical Gospel mission, returned to their homes in Chicago at the end of June, and were received (according to the ‘•Tribune”) by GOOO peopl.e who sang hymns in loud unison, and showed the depth of their feeling by faces suffused with religious fervour.” Mr Savage, who went up to Hamilton to take charge of the Hamilton Brass Band, held his first practice with it on Monday week andwasafterwards entertained by tile members at a social, at which the Mayor of Hamilton presided. Mr Savage said that if the members paid proper attention to his teaching he saw no reason why the band should not be soon one of the best in New Zealand.

Mr Haggitt, a son of Mr D’Arcy Haggitt, of Dunedin, was ordained deacon on Sunday at the Cathedral by Bishop Julius, and the Rev. A. H. Norris was ordained priest. The latter has been appointed Vicar of Malvern and Mr Haggitt is curate at St. Michael’s, Christchurch. The Rev. Sedgwick, Vicar of Akaroa, has been appointed to St. Luke’s Christchurch, to take the late Ven. Archdeacon Lingard’s place. Dr. Neligan, Anglican Bishop of Auckland, was given a public reception ait Cambridge on Saturday by the Mayor (Mr T. Wells) anH the townsfolk, among those present being the VenArchdeacon Willis, the Rev. J. Irwin (Wesleyan) and Father Darby (R.C.). Mr George Dickinson, on behalf of the parishioners of Cambridge, presented an address to Dr. Neligan. during the evening. His reply to his reception was given with eha.ra.oteristie vigour. Dr. Neligan returned to Auckland on Monday.

The eonxmCitteie who have in hand the arramgemeinits for the Farewell Reception to Lady Ranfuriy in Wellington, have decided that the address to be presented shall include a collection of water-colour sketches of New Zealand scenery, depicted by Wellington ahfets. Dr.' Findlay, Mrs Ross and Mr Joynt are drawing up the (address, and Dr. Fell is selecting the illustrations.

At (the first annual meeting of the Wellington Bankers’ Club the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mr E. J. Finch; vicepresidents, Messrs A. Macdonald, A. Webster, G. L. Gee, R. Holmes, R. Kane, J. Stott, H. Bethune, J. Coates, G. Tothurst, and A. Macintosh. Mr R. H. Ashcroft is treasurer. The committee is composed of Messrs Wilkin, Finch, MeCor mac, McLeod, Sladden, Maitland, Simmons, Oarey, Clayton and Jones. Among reeemit over sea visitors to Wellington have been Mr G. Barnes (Sydney), Mr D. Marks (London), Mr G. Kolhn (Sydney), Mr T. Grout (Sydney), Mr R. H. Marriott (Nottingham, England), Mr J. Low (Sydney), Misses 0. and T. O’Rorke (San Francisco), Mr J. W. Marsden (Sydney), Mr and Mrs T. W. Stevenson (London), Mr R. H. Barnes (Seattle, U.S.A.), Mr E. Holkenbeck (Yokohama). Mr C. A. Saades

(Melbourne), Mr W. A. Thomson (St. Louis, U.S.A.), Mrs Hamilton (Brisbane).

An example of the young New ZeaJ&ndor who does well abroad is Mr Edward Napier Armit, a brother of Mr Joseph Armit, of Wellington, who has been living in (the United States for some years. After attainting an excellent p.>sii ; tijo<n in 'tire building trade of Chicago, Mr Armit (has been rewarded by the post of General Superintendent of the great Purchase Exposition of St. Louis, whidh is to be opened curly next year.

At the Colofdail Conference of the N.Z. Soldiers’ Graves Guild field in Wellington last week, Mrs Seddon (New Zealand President) presided. The following delegates were peasant: London, Mrs Von Haost land Mrs S. Thorne George; Auckland, Mr Kidd, M.H.R.; Christohurdh, Mrs Why; Grey, Hon. J. Marshall, M.L.C.; Weirtlland and Knakoura, Miss Seddon; Roas, Mrs Kendall; Taupo, ■Mr Te Heu Heu; Wellington, Mrs Luke and Miss Coates.

Mr James Duggan, of the Thames, is going to Wellington to take up a position in the Patents Office. Mr Duggan has been in Thames for the past 30 years in Mr John Muir’s employment. The employees of the firm have given Mr Duggan a fine marble clock, and the members of Court Pride of Parnell, A.0.F., have presented him with a P.C.R.’s jewel and a silver-mounted pipe and pouch, in recogniton of his services as treasurer.

M- Paul Audrain, a prominent New Caledonian colonist, arrived in Sydney lately by the French mail steamer Pacifique. M. Audrain held the office of vice-president of the Conseil-General, a sort of Legislative Assembly, and he was for some time also Mayor of Noumea. He has no political mission in Australia, but he is a strong advocate of the resumption of the transportation of convicts, a policy which he claims is absolutely indispensable to the development of New Caledonia.

The Rev. J. E. Jamieson, travelling secretary to Presbyterian Bible Class Union, who is at present holding a mission in Onehunga, is described as a young man who is not only an earnest Christian and convincing speaker, but also a capable cricketer and footballer. His mission is specially directed to the youth and young men of the district. He does not profess to be an evagelist, but relies on personal intercourse with his subjects. Mr Jamieson concludes

his Auckland mission at Onehunga, and then goes South. Monday, November 16th next, will be the seventh anniversary of the consecration of the Right Rev. Dr. Lenihan as Catholic Bishop of Auckland, and the oecarion is to be celebrated in a fitting manner. With this object in view a largely attended meeting of friends was held in the Marist Bros, school, Pitt street, last week. Mr. Ed. Mahoney occupied the chair. It was decided to hold a complimentary concert in the Choral Hall on the evening of the date mentioned above, and it was stated that at this gathering a motor car, subscribed to by his friends, will be presented to the Bishop. His Excellency the Governor has signified his intention of being present.

The following applicants are to be notified that they have been selected for admission to the Veterans Home:'—Wm. Wiggins, Whangarei; Dodsworth Jeffreys, Christchurch; Robert Harper, Ashburton : Hugh McDonagh, Christchurch; Richard Clifford, Howiek, Auckland; Robert Lacy, Ashhurst; Keyran Whelan, Wellington; Peter Curreen, Makino; Joseph Grace, Roslyn; Richard Baker, Thames; Benjamin Denny, Papakura, Auckland; Isaac Radding, Waitekauri. Angus McKay (Dunedin) and John Delaney (Wellington) have been selected for two of the four married quarters in the Home.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XIV, 3 October 1903, Page 981

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Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XIV, 3 October 1903, Page 981

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XIV, 3 October 1903, Page 981

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