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Dear Bee, September 22. MISS EDITH WHITELAWS INVITATION CONCERT. At the invitation of Alis- Edith Whitelaw. L.R.A.AI.. a large and fashionable gathering of her musical friends assembled in the Concert Hall of the Y.AI-C.A., when the talented voting musician, who Iras just returned front a three years’ course of study at the Royal Academy of Music, London, entertained them to what must lie accorded one of the musical treats of the season. The unstinted applause was evidence of the appreciation of tdie audience. The pieces rendered by out young friend hostess were £he duet Brahm’s "Sonata op. 100,” and Grieg's “Op. 15,” with Mrs Alaeandrew at the piano. She also played with much taste and feeling the difficult “Concerto in G minor” of Max Bruch. The other instrumental pieces were contribute,! by Mrs Macaudrew. who interpreted with expression the piano solo. “Scherzo in B flat, minor.” by Chopin, and by Airs Alacandrew. Aliss Sybil Lewis, and Professor Egerton, who contributed in finished style two tuneful tries for -the piano, violin and ’cello. Air C. Ki.—Jing was accorded a good reception for his rendering of the vocal solos, Schubert’s “Wanderer,” and Blumenthal’s “Across the Far Blue Hills. Marie.” A graceful compliment was paid Miss Whitelaw at the close of her solo, in the presentation of an exquisite bouquet of lovely flowers by her old master, Air Adams, who must have been justly prowl of his erstwhile pupil. We wish Aliss Whitelaw every success in the world of music, and express the hope that we may soon be afforded a similar treat to this one. Aliss E. Whitelaw looked distingue in a graceful black satin evening frock with a cream guipure lace berthe, and stole ends on one side, caught with blue chiffon chon; Airs Alacandrew wore a handsome white satin gown and net and. lace, Alonte Carlo bolero, white chiffon rosettes in her coiffure: Aliss Sybil Lewis wore a black satin evening frock. Amongst the audience I noticed were:—Airs Whitelaw. who wore a handsome black silk and a white crepe de chino fichu; Aliss Alay Whitelaw was in a dainty white muslin, with numerous frills on the skirt, and a Paris tinted lace vandyke collar, and pink sash: Airs G. Lewis, rich black satin with guipure lace front and fichu: Miss Lewis, whit? silk blouse and pretty Paris tinted lace collar, black skirt: Airs Hudson Williamson wore an apricot silk evening corsage with cream lace and black velvet, black silk skirt; Alias Williamson was in a becoming vieux rose silk with cream lace collar, and black skirt: Airs Egerton wore a lovely pale blue silk blouse inserted with ecru lace, black silk skirt, and a reseda, green silk cloak lined with pink silk: Airs C- Ris-Hng, cherry red satin blouse with cream lace collar, and black skirt: Airs Brookfield, black silk gown with cream lace; Hon. 11. Townshend; Mrs Townshend wore a dalbia and cream floral blouse and black skirt: Airs Leonard Marshall, black brocade evening gown, and a handsome white brocade cape: Dr. and Mrs McDowell, the lady wearing a pale blue silk blouse and black silk skirt; Airs IL Connell, black ioillette; Airs F. Dillingham, black gown: Mr T. ■AV. Leys: Alias Winnie Leys wore a dainty while silk with a lovely white glace silk and applique collar, and pale

blue cloak; Airs I'pton. black silk, with white silk vest, veiled in black chenille spotted net: Airs Hope Lewis, pretty turquoise blue glace silk blouse in-erted with cream lace, blaek satin skirt; Miss Lewis, white tucked silk blouse with touches of blue, and blaek skirt: Air and Airs J. Buchanan (Lake Takapuna); the latter was attired tn a pale lavender silk blouse, and dark skirt: Mrs Alycrs. blaek satin with jet encrustation-: Miss Ettie Myers, handsome blue evening cloak; Airs Davis, blaek gown, and a sealskin cape: Air- Suggate, black brocade evening ...oak with application of ereant lace on yoke: Air N. Shayle George: Aliss Muriel <| la yj c George, white silk biouse and cape, and black skirt; Dr. Parkes; Airs Parkes wore a pretty pale blue silk blouse and cream lace, blaek brocade skirt: Mrs R. R. Hunt was in a heliotrope silk blouse inserted with Paris tinted lace, and a blaek skirt; Air and Mrs R. M. Watt, the latter wore a dove grey and while floral erepe de chine, with ecru spotted net. bolero: Airs Hart, pale blue silk blouse, and a black silk skirt: Mrs R. Dargaville. blaek satin, ami cream lace fichu; Aliss Dargaville. tussore silk profusely tucked, eeru laee pelerine; Dr. Egan: Mrs F. B. Wiiistone. pretty for-get-me-not blue spotted satin blouse with point lace yoke and silver beaded berthe, black brocade silk: Miss Ale Neil (North Shore) wore a blaek frock; her sister wore a white silk blouse with touches of black velvet, ami eeru lace pelerine, blaek skirt: Dr. Knight; Aliss Aluriel Knight, pretty white tucked silk evening frock, eau do nil chiffon chon; Aliss D. Knight, soft white silk inserted with' Paris lace, and lace collar; Airs Gillies, black satin with apple green tucked chiffon vest edged with blaek lace; Airs Caldwell, blaek gown; Aliss Caldwell, eream blouse, with pretty lace collar interlaced with blue silk folds at the edges, dark skirt: Airs Challinor Purchas, dainty white silk blouse, and dark skirt; Miss Law. blaek satin, blue evening cloak with square collar of lace; Miss Ferguson, white tucked silk blouse, and dark skirl : Aliss A. Ferguson, white silk laee inserted blouse; Aliss Hesketh, cream tucked silk blouse, with applications of lace insertion. and touches of bright yellow velvet, blaek skirt; the Rev. T. F. Robertson; Airs Robertson wore a rich black silk gown: Airs C. Smith, cream and pink rosebud floral blouse and dark skirt; Aliss AVitchell. black satin evening gown; Airs Cr.awshaw. blaek gown; Air and Airs Angus, the latter wearing a white silk blouse with lace insertion, blaek skirl: Airs Cooke, black silk gown; Aliss F. Cooke, (rose Spink si-Sk blouse, trimmed with cream laee. blaek skirt; Air Beale: Airs Beale wore a pretty blue silk blouse with point laee berthe and transparent lace yoke interlaced with blue ribbon, black satin skirt; Mrs Mueller, black silk gown: Aliss Alueller. dainty whitesilk; Mr and Airs J. J. Ker. the lady wearing a ruby satin blouse and blaek skirt; Air Dickinson: Mrs Dickinson was in a black gown with cream lave insertion; Air Fish; Aliss Cooke, white tucked silk, and lace fichu; Air Goring Thomas: Airs Thomas wore a lovely orchid mauve silk blouse and cream laee, dark skirt; Aliss Edmiston, blaek toilette with cream laee insertion; Aliss Nellie Edmiston, black, and an electric blue Alonte Carlo jacket, trimmed with cream laee insertion; Airs (Dr.) Stopfoi-u. white silk and heliotrope brocade cape: Air and Airs 11. Airey. the lady wearing a dainty while silk blouse with touches of crimson, and a dark skirt; Miss Dunean, dainty shellpink silk evening gown; Airs A. Stewart, black silk gown: Air and Airs T. Brown, the latter wearing a white tucked and inserted silk blouse, and dark skirt; Airs Leslie Stewart: Airs T. L. Alurray, black toilette; Aliss A. Murray, pretty white silk blouse and dark skirt; Aliss Bridgewater wore an effective vieux rose brocade: Aliss Kent, dainty white satin blouse and a vandyke Paristinted lace collar; Miss G. Hunt, white voile, and a handsome eeru lace collar; Aliss Du Rieu, tussore silk ana a smart grey evening cloak with white silk colTar; Aliss Watkins, white silk, prettily trimmed with lace; Aliss Metcalfe, olive green gown: Aliss Hughes, grey and white figured gown; Airs 11, Walker, blaek silk toilette with Paris - tinted point d'esprit vest ami under sleeves; Aliss Walker, pretty white silk frock; Miss Patterson, pretty blue silk blouse and dark skirt; her sister wore a white silk blouse; Miss Edson, soft white silk with flowing sleeve-: Miss Ruueimnn wore a lovely azure blue satin evening

House with white 1.i.-c deftly arranged on decolletage; Miss Snell, white silk: Alias Pierce, pale blue brocade blouse with touches of lace, and black satin skirt; Mr Rusek; Mrs Bnsek wore a black brocade evening gown and handsome white brocade eape; Miss Atkinson, white silk blouse and eeru guipure laee pelerine, blaek skirt; her sister also wore white silk; Airs E. Mahony wore an exquisite blaek satin, brocaded wi: i blue forget-mc-nots. and a blue tucked chiffon vest; Air- Ross, black and sage green, trimined with blaek Chantilly laee; Miss McClatchy, crimson silk blouse With cream laee medallions, dark skirt; Air- Goodhue, ruby satin blou-e and black silk skirt; Aliss Al. Chapman, white silk: Ati-s Baxter, pretty white silk blouse and dark skirt; Aliss Ivy Ansley wore a becoming white and yellow striped silk blouse with ribbon- of a deeper shade, black skirt; Alis- Kennedy, rose piuk silk blouse with i>:n:. and blue ehou. grey skirt; Airs E. Bu.ler, white silk blouse and eeru guipure laee collar, dark -kirt; Air, Oxley, white silk blouse and grey skirt; Miss ( . Bit: ler, daintv white silk blouse ari l black skirt: Aliss Lewi-, ro.-e pink silk eveniii‘* gown; Xli-s ( lapcoit, crimson sada blou-e and Maltese laee collar, blaek skirt: Airs Atkinson, blaek s;lk gown with tucked white silk vest: Miss At'.slebrook, white silk: Mh Gittos. gown: Miss A. Gittos. daintv blue blouse, blaek skirt: Mrs AV. Morpeth, white satin tucked blou>e, black sxn r-. Rev. J. Campbell; Aliss Campbell. !) satin with handsome white lace: Mr llBaker: Airs Baker, yellow silk blous? and skirt.

The Kopana Hoekev Club t.« a most enjoyable ball in the Public Hall, Onehunga, on tne 10th inst. Great credit is due to the energetic secretary. Air. Fookes and the committee of young ladies, who worked well to make the gathering the enormous suece-s that it was. The supper table■were beautifully decorated with the club colours (light and dark blue), and vellow daffodils awl maidenhair tern, the work of Miss Violet Gray, of Otabuhu. Supper and the floor were ail that could be desired, and the music was sup plied bv Air. Carbine’s band, the extras beina placed by Aliss Ethel Martin. Mr. Yonge and Dr. Pabst. The hall’s decorations consisted of flags (lent by the Auckland Racing Club), the Kopana banner holding a prominent position, and the Avails were adorned with hockey sticks. Over 300 people were present, and amongst them I noticed: Airs. Alaitin. black merveilleux, white satin front, covered with black spangled net: Airs. >Dr ) Pabst looked sweet in pretty blue silk, laee berthe: Airs. AVynyard (president). cream embossed satin, with chiffon fichu; Airs. Alaekintosb. blaek; Alls. Johnston, black lace: Mrs. E. Clarke, blaek voile skirt, blue silk blouse; Airs. Ale Lean, blaek silk voile, handsome cream collar; Airs. AVhite. while tucked silk: Airs. Ri-shworth, pretty soft tucked silk, yellow ehou; Airs. Grant wore her wedding dress of rich white satin: Airs. SelgrinTblack and white; Airs. Neill (vicecaptain) looked well in blaek silk, transparent laee sleeves and yoke: Airs. AlcKinnev, white silk: Airs. Waller, blaek skirt.'red blouse; Airs. Priestly, white satin: Airs. Teed looked well in white silk, with laee berthe: Airs. Farquhar was in a pretty black and white dress; Airs. Ilaselden looked very nice in pretty black dress, white laee front and collar; Airs. (Dr. Scott), blaek; Airs. F. Yonge, blaek velvet, red roses; Airs. Hutchison, blaek; Aliss Hilda Brown (secretary of club), white silk: Aliss Wilkie, white sill: and cream net: Aliss Alartin (captain), pretty white silk and club colours; Aliss Al.‘ Alartin looked very pretty in white silk, blue ehou: Aliss Wilson (Alount Eden), blaek velvet gown, with laee collar; Aliss Parsons, very pretty scarlet dress; Miss Davey, blaek. with crimson roses: Miss Gilfiihin, white, with blue ehou and sash : Aliss Smales, red. covered with black net: Aliss Ida Percival, white; Aliss Hickson, black, with spray of pink roses: Aliss Seigrin, pretty pink frock; Miss Pearl Little, turquoise blue, pink roses; Aliss Suttic looked most striking in a handsome black satin covered with silk net. and net angel sleeves, scarlet in hair; Aliss Wilson looked very pretty in cream, with red in coiffure; Miss Carlaw, blaek silk, with white silk collar; Ali-s Barnes, pink frock; Miss Peltt, pink shower muslin; Aliss Ethel Alartin, white silk, tiny pink roses; Miss Noakes, pretty pink flowered muslin; Aliss Ivy Noakes, grey silk, with handsome lacc

collar; Ali-s Violet Gray, very pretty eraam dress, red ehou, and red in coiffure; Miss Eva Gray, dainty pink silk, black ehou. and blaek velvet trimming: Alis- Gould, pretty white tucked -ilk. insertion in front of bodice, blue ehou; Mi-s Mackinto-h. pretty pink -ilk frock: Alis- Taylor, yellow; Alis- Vernon. Hue. and pink flower-: Aliss Whitaker, yellow, rod in hair: Mi-s Abtcalf. white: Miss Atainland, white, with blue Ix-ls-ribbon on frill-: Mi.-s Oxley, white silk, rod sash: Ali— Elsie Stephenson, pink: Ali.— Kent, white -ilk: Mi-- Shippard. blaek net: Ali— Walk.r, white -ilk, blaek velvet; Ali— Farquhar, jwile yellow, finished with Ih‘lh> ribbon: Alis- P.-acoeke. white silk and pink trimmings; Aliss Aforrow, white silk frock, the bodice veil ed in white net; Alis- Atkinson, white silk; Ali— Kathleen lla-eldeti. white and blue ehou: Mi-s Watkins, cream; MisAllen, cream ami blue: Aliss Murphy. Ria k dress; Mi.— Adams, white: Ali— Phillip-on. white silk: Aliss E. Brown, cream silk; Ali— Moody, white: Ali— Scott, white -ilk voile, tiinimc.l with white satin ribbon: Mi— Porch looked handsome in blaek: Ali— Ilaselden, white silk; Mi— Yonge. pretty white silk gown, angel sleeves, green flowers: Mi— George, white silk: Mi— Brookfield, blue and white, with pink flowers; Aliss Oswald, white: Ali— < aldwell. blaek and pink; Afi— Niccol. pretty white tucked and in-ert ioned um-lin, red on ileeolletage: Miss Stephen-on, black and yellow : Aliss Olivo Buckland, white silk, blue ehou; Ali— Stewart, white .-ilk: Mi— F. Stewart, blue ami pink: Ali— Crowther, white silk, with red flowers; Mi— Bassett, black skirt, blue blouse. LARGE EL (HUE PAR lA.

A delightful evening was -pent last Thursday at "Sea A'iew.” Pon-otiby, the residence of Air and Mrs \V. ,1. Ralph. Nothing was left undone by the host and hostess to make the evening a most enjoyable one. Progressive euehre. was played at 23 table-, and the prize winners wire Mr C. I. Parr and Mr ( ussar, Ist and 2nd of the gentlemen, am! Aliss AVallnutt and Airs t rawsbaw of the ladies. Afusical items, which were much appreciated, were coiitriubted by Alesdanies Ralph and Phillips and Ali—and Alastcr Ralph and Dr. Egan. The supper was served in the dining-room, the table being nicely decorated with flowers, daffodils predominating. Airs Ralph received her guests in a blaek net and laee Alonte Carlo jacket, over a rose silk bodiee. caught at one side with a black velvet ehou. and a black trained skirt: her daughter was pretty in a bright pink silk, inserted with cream lace; Airs (Dr.) King wore an exquisite heliotrope silk blouse, with hand-pninl-cd violets on satin revers, and black satin skirt; Airs C. J. Parr was charming in blaek satin. W’ith gold and silver embroidered medallions; Alis (Dr.) Barr (Nelson), very handsome blush rose pink glace silk skirt, and silk chiffon iMtdiee. with cluster- of pink bauksi.i roses: All- (Dr.) Bedford wore her lovely ivory brocade trimmed with violets and violet velvet: All's Henry Wilson, black velvet and jet en traine: Airs Charles Smith, blaek -ilk. strapped with pretty ecru insertion; Air- Ziman. black silk ami lace, with pale blue feather on shoulder; Airs A. C. 11. Collins (New Plymouth), black satin, with blaek chiffon elbow sleeves and black and white embroidered chiffon bands and stole ends on decollctagc; Aliss Alison, dainty white tucked silk, with Paris tinted lace

insertion, and pale groi n chiffon chou on corsage; Mrs Crawshaw, dove grey voile gown, with Paris point lace sleeves and bolero; Miss Muriel Shayle George, eharming white chiffon over pale green silk, white silk fichu, caught with violets; Miss Matthews, pretty blue floral muslin; Mrs Duder, black evening gown, cluster of crimson flowers on corsage; Mrs H. F. Edgar, handsome black satin gown trimmed with jet and chiffon;, Miss Langsford also wore black with cluster of pale pink roses on corsage; Mrs William Coleman, black silk evening gown adorned with black Spanish lace and jet: Mrs Slialto Douglas, black satin with Paris tinted lace pelerine; Miss Douglas looked pretty in shell pink silk with deep berthe of ecru lace; Mrs Sidney Nathan looked exceedingly well in a black glace silk with bolero of rich Paris lace, and diamond necklet; Miss Kennedy, pink and blue silk blouse and pale grey skirt; Mrs Tibbs, bright crimson satin blouse with Paris lace pelerine and black satin skirt; Mrs W. J. Napier, wore a coffee jacket of rich Paris tinted lace over a rose pink silk bodiee, and a black satin skirl; Mrs Moritzen, very pretty white silk blouse inserted with ecru lace, and black silk voile skirt trimmed with numerous frills edged with satin ribbon; Miss Staunton, white tucked silk blouse softened with accordion chiffon, and pale grey voile skirt; Miss Casey, white silk, prettily shirred and decorated with Paris lace; her sister wore blue: Miss Gordon, pale blue satin: Miss Myers wore a very dainty blush rose pink silk prettily tucked and trimmed with lace: Mrs H. Baker, yellow silk relieved with white chiffon: Miss Wallnutt, bright cerise silk with loose bolero and elbow sleeves of cream net. black skirt; Mrs Munro Wilson, graceful black mousseline de soie. with sequinned bolero and elbow sleeves: Mrs W. Boak was in white silk and accordion-pleated chiffon; Mrs A. B. Reynolds, black silk skirt and velvet bodiee embroidered with silver; Mrs Phillips, white lucked silk chiffon blouse and black silk skirt; Miss Dyson, handsome rose pink silk and Paris lace pelerine: her sister wore white with angel sleeves and touches of pink; Miss Geddis. black satin evening gown with elbow sleeves and trimmings of black chiffon; Mrs (Captain) Johnston, hydrangea blue brocaded blouse and black skirt; Mrs Nev ell wore a becoming black silk evening dress with yellow chou with stole ends; Mrs Cossar, white silk blouse and darker skirt. Among the gentlemen I noticed Drs. King and Bedford, and Messrs W. J. Napier, Tibbs, Coleman, C. J. Parr. Moritzen, Ziman, H. M. Wilson, H. Baker, Chas. Smith. N. Shayle-George, Dr. Egan, Cossar, Hickson, Captain Johnston, etc. AN ENJOYABLE DANCE. A dance in a private house must always be infinitely more enjoyable, not merely than the very smartest of semipublic halls, but also than any dance given by a host in a public building. The charming little dance given by Mrs E. R. Bloomfield at her residence, **Wonona,” St. Stephen’s Road. Parnell, was no exception to the rule. It was beautifully arranged, and all present had one of the most pleasurable evenings of the rather eventful dancing season saw drawing to a close.

The verandahs, with which the house is surrounded, were covered in with canvas, thus making eharming sitting-out rooms, luxuriantly furnished with lounges, huge chairs, and comfortable cushions, and beautified with palms and ferns, the lighting being by “Standard” lamps. As you will imagine, the effect of these, artistically arranged, was very pretty. Light refreshments, ices, claret eup, tea and coffee, etc., were served in the hall upstairs. A sumptuous supper was laid in the dining-room, the tables being very tastefully and delicately decorate! with white azaleas anil pink ribbons. Mrs Bloomfield proved an ideal host, and Mr ’ Bloomfield was absolutely indefatigable in seeing that everyone enjoyed him or herself to the utmost. The music was by Burke's band, and therefore excellent.

Our hostess, Mrs Ernest Bloomfield, looked eharming in a lovelv white Oriental satin frock, veiled in white net, embroidered in silver, large turquoise blue ehou on corsage; Mrs Bloomfield, sen., very handsome black and white brocaded ■lk gown, black opera coat; Mrs J. R. Bloomfield, pretty tucked white silk, with insertions and medallions of black Chantilly lace, sprays of pink roses on eorsage and in hair; Mrs Ruck, rich black mcrveilleux silk, with white collar, over-

laid with black applique; Miss Reay, black silk gown, with transparent black guipure yoke and sleeves; Miss Want, white mousseline de soie, inserted with lace, over turquoise blue silk, blue chou on corsage; Miss Gorrie, very pretty black crepe de chine froek, black velvet bow in coiffure; Miss Norah Gorrie, dainty white silk, shirred and inserted with Paris lace; Miss G. Gorrie, white silk frock, elaborately trimmed with black wavy insertion, and velvet bows; Miss Ching, white embroidered net, laced with satin ribbon over pale blue, blue ribbon on corsage; Miss Thompson, pale blue crepe de chine, tucked and finished with lace and black velvet ribbon, wreath and corsage spray of black and white flowers; Miss Ida Thompson wore a dainty white net, with pale green, white ribbons, wreath of green berries in her hair; Miss J. Ireland, black Oriental satin, elaobrately shirred, eream lace bolero, with motifs of shaded green ribbon, large green chou and black bird in her hair; Miss Lusk, black chiffon over satin, berthe of Spanish lace, blue chou on corsage and in coiffure; Miss White, pale pink satin, veiled in sea-foam green embroidered net, pale gre*-' ribbon sash; Miss George, lovely black crepe de chine froek, the decolletage outlined with silver spangled tulle, fringed stole ends of the same; Miss Ivy Buddle, pretty white Oriental satin, finished with silver galloon and white chiffon, deep accordeonpleated chiffan frill on skirt; Miss Lily Kissling. pretty pale blue crepe de chine, the skirt shirred and prettily laced with blue ribbon; Miss Eileen Lewis wore black beribboned net over blaek silk, ceinture, and hair adornment of pale blue; Miss Eva Firth, white silk, veiled in net, large green pompon on front of corsage; Miss Gillies, white Oriental satin. French stitehed and finished with chiffon and pale blue ribbon; Miss Isaacs, very striking gown of pink brocade, with berthe and frills of accordeon-pleated chiffon; Miss Dagmar Gilfillan wore her pretty white satin debutante froek, with chiffon frills headed with white rosebuds; Miss Zoe George wore a lovely frock of white glace silk, with an overdress of twine coloured Brussels net, inserted with Paris lace, black velvet bow in coiffure; Miss Hesketh, black satin gown, with transparent yoke and pelerine of yellow tueked ehiffon; Miss Stevenson, pretty pale blue silk, finished W’ith twine coloured insertion and lace; Mrs Steggall, blaek crepe de chine, elaborately gauged, tiny square yoke of white net, threaded with bebe ribbon. Amongst the gentlemen present were Messrs J. R. Bloomfield, Steggall, Isaacs, Nathan 12). Saunders “(2)’ George, Williams, Gordon, Moffatt. Pickering, Thompson. Norton. Rutherford Bindley, Hay. Gillies (2), Earl, Kissling Purchas, Clark, Buddle. A vert successful euehre pa.-tv was held at Mt. Eden last Friday for the purpose of raising funds for' the Veterans’ Home A most excellent supper (provided by the ladies’ committee' was served on the stage, and the prizes, which were very handsome, were presented to the lucky winners bv Mrs Boseawen. Mrs Stevenson won the first prize for tire ladies, a silver hair-pin box; Miss N. Williams, 2nd prize, silver shoehorn; and Mr Earl. Ist prize, gentleman’s companion. I could not see who won the second prize for the gentlemen. Amongst those present I noticed: Mrs H. C. Fenton (secretary) wore a black accordion-pleated skirt, blue brocade blouse, profusely trimmed with lace; Mrs Boseawen, white Liberty silk blouse, blaek skirt, black bow in coiffure; Mrs Stevenson, nasturtium silk blouse, trimmed with ecru insertion, blaek skirt; Mrs Barnard, black silk gown, handsomely trimmed with jet; Mrs C. Otway, pretty tucked silk blouse with insertion, black skirt; Miss Clapeott, black and white striped silk blouse, lace collar and skirt, trimmed with sal in ribbon; Miss Gilfillan. soft white silk blouse, lace collar and blaek silk skirt; Mrs Mair, white silk dress, prettily trimmed with laef and insertion; Miss Blades, vieux rose silk blouse, black satin skirt; Miss V Alexander, white blouse, striped with , blue. lace, collar and black skirt; MrW. Kcnderdine, pale blue silk blouse point laee collar and blaek silk skirt Mrs Bedlington, very handsome blael siik gown; Mrs Hill, white Biousselim de soie blouse and black skirt; Miss Me Williams, white silk frock, trimmed witl insertion, blue chou on bodice; Mis: Mair, pretty white silk dress, trimmsc with lace; Mrs Ashtou, blaek velve gown, berthe of laee on bodice; Mr Boak. azure tucked silk blouse, blacl skirt; Mrs Plunkett, blue brocaded sill

blouse, deep lace collar, black satin skirt; Mrs S. Cooper, blue silk blouse, trimmed with chiffon and laee, black skirt; Miss M. Price, veiy becoming white silk; Mrs Culpan, black silk dress, blue choux on body; Miss Connolly, white silk blouse, ecru lace collar and blaek skirt; Mrs (Dr.) Grant, vieux rose silk blouse, transparent laee collar, black satin skirt, covered with Paris net; Mrs Hosking, black silk; Mrs Rankin, white silk shirrea bodice, blaek silk skirt; Miss Fenton, pale green Oriental satin blouse, blaek satin skirt; Miss Simes, blue blouse with black ribbon trimmings, black skirt; Miss Wilson, pink silk blouse, trimmed with ecru insertion, and black skirt; Mrs Crowe, elegant black silk dress, trimmed with jet; Mrs (Dr.) Lawrie, white satin blouse with black laee bolero, and handsome black silk skirt; Mrs B. Heather, black silk blouse, trimmed with white, blaek silk skirt; Mrs Moginie, black satin dress with transparent jetted laee yoke; Miss L. Harper, white tucked silk blouse, black skirt; Mrs Oldham, black silk with scarlet geraniums on corsage; Miss Coates, white silk; Mrs Seagar, black silk dress with angel sleeves of net; Mrs Hitchcock, scarlet tucked silk blouse, black satin skirt; Mrs H. Dacre, pink si'k blouse, trimmed with lace, black skirt; Mrs Wilson Smith, pale blue silk dress with lovely lace collar; Mrs McFarlane, grey and black silk blouse, black skirt; Mrs C. Baker, black silk dress with blue chon on corsage; Miss Jourdain, white tucked silk blouse and blaek skirt; her sister wore the same; Misses Udy were dressed alike in dainty white silk frocks. Amongst the gentlemen I noticed Messrs Mair, Alexander, Andrews, Thomson, Wilson-Smith, Jourdain, Baker, Skipworth, Williams, Simpson, Hooper, Rankin. Earl, Dr. Grant.

Writing on September 19, "Elsie,” my Cambridge correspondent, says:-—The Children’s Plain and Fancy Dress Ball came off on Friday night, and was a brilliant success, which must have been very gratifying to the promoters, the principal of whom was Mrs James Taylor, of Bardowie. It was indeed a pretty sight to see so many little ones in such a variety of costumes so thoroughly enjoying themselves, and it seemed a very generally expressed wish that it should be an annual affair. The little ones went through the grand march in a much more finished style than their elders had done a week or two previously, and their dancing reflected great credit on their teacher, Mrs Isberwood, who must have taken infinite trouble with them to have got them to the state of perfection they have aroved at. The adults were very good in dancing with the little ones and adding to their enjoyment until ten o’clock, when they were supposed to retire and theii elders take possession of the floor. The supper, laid in a marquee kindly lent for the occasion, consisted of all sorts of dainty dishes to gladden the hearts of the little ones, trifles, fruit, salads, jellies and cakes galore, which were provided by the mothers. Amongst the dresses I noticed were Miss P. Ferguson, a very handsome Highland Lassie; Miss 0. Rowe, as Folly, was very well carried out; Miss D. Arnold represented the Press very well; Miss L. Gane, Fairy; Mias N. Gane made a sweet little Japanese Lady; Miss L. Saunders, Sailor; Miss I. Rowe was very well got up as Pierette; Miss R. Ring, a striking dress of Stars and Stripes; Miss H. Ring, as a Wasp, was much admired; Miss K. Willis, an Israelite; one of the prettiest was Miss H. Payze. as Music: Miss C. Hicks, Phillis; Miss M. Onions made a eharming little Fairy; Mias H. Saunders made a good Gipsy; Miss E. Onions, a Gipsy; Miss M. Dore, a dear little Rod Riding Hood, carrying her basket of eggs; Miss N. Stowe, Shepherdess; Miss H. Hicks, Shepherdess; Miss Vosper. Beeky Sharpe: Miss D. Runciman, Little Mother; Miss —- — Runeiman, Nancy Lee; Masters F. MeCullogh. Little. Lord Fauntleroy; K, Run ciman. Page; Runeiman, Matador; F. Willis, French Courtier; Munro, Sailor. Amongst the adinls in fancy dress were Miss Willis, Cap and Gown; Miss Clarke, Esmeralda; Miss Peterson, “Waikato Argus”; Miss Stone, Brittannia; Miss Kingsford, Milkmaid; Miss Hewitt. Marguerite; Miss Herbert, Nancy Lee. Amongst those in plain dress were Miss Molly Taylor white silk; Miss B. Taylor, white silk; Miss M. Taylori white silk; Miss D. Main, pale pink; Miss P. Pilcher, white silk; Miss A. Hally, white muslin, tucked and insertion; Misses K. and A. Hally, white

muslins; Miss E. Brown, white muslin, with pink ribbons; Miss M. Hunter, white silk; Misses G. and M. Roberts, white muslins; Miss Evans, tussore silk with pale blue ribbons; Mies E. Chitty, white muslin; Miss E. Chapman, white embroidered muslin; Misses D. and M. Pilcher, white muslins: Mies E. Dickenson, white muslin; Miss E. Fisher, white muslin trimmed with silk; Miss E. Souter, white muslin; Miss - Major, while silk. The Presbyterians held their sale of work in the Alexandra Hall in Wednesday last in the afternoon and evening, and realised the handsome sum of £ GO. The work stall was in charge of Airs Erwin, Mrs Matherson, Mrs J. Ferguson, Mrs M. Roberts, and Miss Scott; the produce stall, Mrs R. J. Roberts, Miss C. Fisher and Miss W. Scott. The refreshment stall was laden with all sorts of dainty cakes to tempt the appetite, and did a large business. The ladies in charge were Mrs John Hally, Mrs Taylor, Mrs R. Fisher and Miss M. Fisher. The lollie stall looked exceedingly pretty and tempting, and I believe made over £5. It was in charge of Mra Langmuir, Miss Langmuir, Miss Dean and Miss Howard. The toy tree was taken charge of by Misses P. Ferguson, E. Wallace and E. Fisher. The fish pond, which was a source of attraction to the little ones, was in charge of Misses E. Sharp, E. McFarlane and M. Wallis. The energetic secretary and treasurer, Miss Ferguson, worked very hard to ensure the sale being a success, which it certainly proved to be. The Cambridge orchestra played several items during the evening, which added greatly to the pleasure of those present. Mr C. Hunter kindly auctioned some of the things that were left over at the end of the evening.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XIII, 26 September 1903, Page 913

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AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XIII, 26 September 1903, Page 913

AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue XIII, 26 September 1903, Page 913