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Dear Bee, July 23. The small DANCE AND COTILLON given by the Countess of Ranfurly last night (Wednesday) was a most delightful one. It is long years since we have had a cotillon here, and we all thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed the little change in the ordinary dancing programme. The decorations were prettily carried out in handsome palms, bamboos, etc., with the rich scarlet flower of the poinsette showing up in bright clusters against the green. The supper table had big variegated grass pot plants in silver bowls arranged down the centre, delicious and tempting dainties were laid out, and the table looked lovely with its burden of pretty things. The first drawingroom was used for dancing, as well as the ballroom adjoining. King’s band was stationed on a raised dais just inside the end drawing-room, and their music was excellent. The cotillon did not take place till the beginning of the second half of the programme. There were a number of figures, some most amusing and others very pretty. The first figure was the prettiest, and consisted of three teams of four ladies and three of gentlemen, the former each driven by a gentleman, and the latter by a lady. Each four-in-hand had its own coloured ribbon reins, and rosettes, jingling with little silver bells, and as they danced through a short figure up and down the ballroom the effect was charming, and all too short. Lady Constance Knox was driving the four aides-de-camp in their handsome blue-faced evening uniforms, and had blue ribbons; the other gentlemen were driven by Mrs. Babington and Mrs. Collins, with orange and rose pink ribbons. The corresponding

ladies had the same colours, and their white gowns showed up the different shades prettily. The gentlemen drivers were Air. A. Boyd (Christchurch), Air. Arthur Cooper and Air. Latham. The figure was so soon over that I had hardly time to see who was dancing in it, but those 1 remember were: The Alisses Seddon, Al. Williams, E. Richmond, Reid, E. Fell, Cooper. O. Gore, Z. Johnston, V. Rawson, and Simpson, and the Alessrs. Tripp, K. Dunean, Cooper, G. AVilliams, C. Gore, Aliln, AV. Higginson and DaL ziell. The other figures w ere joined in by all—the may pole with the coloured ribbons was very pretty. Then little buttonholes of sweet violets were distributed to the ladies, who bestowed them upon the partners of their choice; but it would lie hopeless to try and remember eaeh different figure. They were over and gone before one realised it. I must tell you about the dresses. There were such numbers of beautiful toilettes I hardly know where to begin. The Countess looked extremely well in a most lovely gown of emerald green ehiffon, with overdress of exquisite point laee in the new string colour. Fluffy chiffon flounces showed at the foot of the skirt, and at the elbows beneath the bell-shaped laee sleeve, and the corsage was of the chiffon, sparkling with diamonds, and she also wore a large diamond pendant : Lady Constance Knox had a very pretty and lovely gown of soft white satin, with hip yoke and deep insertion of fine white laee glistening with tiny silver sequins, the corsage ar.d elbow sleeves were of the laee, finished with ehiffon frills, and she wore silver in the hair. Lady Eileen Knox was present all the evening, and wore a white silk and laee frock over pink; Airs. Alexander Boyle, who is a guest at Government House, wore a lovely white ehiffon gown, arranged in deep tucks, and trimmed with soft lace and pink flowers; Aliss Costello, in a white and blue glace gown, trimmed with blue velvet; Airs. Babington’s gown was of rich white satin, with flounces of deep lace; Mrs. Butler had a blaek crepe de chine gown, slashed with green silk and deep berthe of Faris lace; Airs Collins, soft flowing gown of white crepe de chine and laee; Mrs Heaton Rhodes, in pink satin with beautiful silver embroider and fine lace on skirt and bodice; Mrs Arthur Dunean wore white satin with deep t-ueking of ehiffon on the skirt, ehiffon and lace berthe; All's Crawford, in pale champagne-coloured chiffon, embroidered with laee; Mrs George Clifford,black satin,trimmed with jet and ehiffon; Aliss Clifford (a debutante) wore a pretty soft white ehiffon gown, trimmed with laee and flowers;

Mrs S. Cox, in rich white satin, flounced with chiffon; Mrs Newman wore yellow satin, trimmed with white laee and blaek velvet bands; Mrs C. Pearce, in white silk with chiffon and laee on the bodice; Airs Rodd,in blue silk with white lace; Airs G. Pbarazyn (Rangitikei), handsome white merveilleux with ehiffon flounces and laee berthe; Mrs M. Ross, in black satin, trimmed with lace; Airs Arthur Russell wore a rieh cream satin gown, much trimmed with broad string-eoloured guipure; Airs Tripe, in white silk with laee and a touch of blue; Airs Alan Strang's gown was a lovely one of white chiffon, all shirred and flounced, and with hip yoke continuing down the front of handsome stringcolour lace, the same, with flowers, trimming the bodiee; Aliss Ashcroft, blaek satin, trimmed with white chiffon and sequins; Aliss Beetham (Alasterton) had an uncommon green crepe de chine and chiffon gown with shirred skirt; Aliss Williams, white silk, trimmed with spotted net, edged with hands of pale blue velvet, eorsage of velvet and net; Aliss F. Brandon, in a pretty pale blue crepe de chine with hip yoke and bodice of white and blue embroidery; Aliss L. Brandon, in yellow silk, trimmed with white laee; Aliss Duncan, pale grey satin with laee and silver sequins; Aliss Denniston (Dunedin), white merveilleux, trimmed with tulle and satin ribbon; Aliss Seddon, cream satin, the bodice draped with Paris laee; Aliss AL Seddon, also in white satin and laee; Aliss Cooper, pink silk with flounce of eream net; Aliss Richmond, handsome grey brocade with white laee; Miss E. Richmond wore white satin with berthe of laee; the Alisses Fell, in white glace silk, trimmed with laee; Aliss AT. Fell, green silk with berthe of white tulle and lace; Aliss O. Gore, in a pretty cream brocade with fluffy ehiffon bodiee; Aliss O. Fitzgerald. pale green silk with white laee; Aliss K. Fitzgerald, white satin with soft chiffon bolero; Aliss N. Wilson (Bulls), pink tucked crepe de chine gown; Aliss Fitzherbert. black satin with ehiffon frills and flowers; her sister was in a white silk and lace gown; Miss Z. Johnston had a pretty white glaee silk gown with flounees of fine sequined lace; Aliss D. Johnston, in a. dainty pink accordion - pleated chiffon gown with flowers to match; Aliss George (Auckland), white satin with berthe of ehiffon and laee; her sister, in white crepe de chine, trimmed with lace; Aliss Harcourt, in pale champagnecoloured gauze with heavy satin edged frills, and flowers on corsage; Miss G. Harcourt, white silk with laee; Aliss Nelson (Auckland) had a bright red satin gown with berthe of Paris laee; Alias

Riddiford, in a pretty white satin gown with chiffon and laee insertions, and a belt of pale blue silk with flowers to snatch; Miss Simpson had a graceful Blurred gown of white erepe de chine; Miss V. Rawson, a pretty soft white spotted net gown with pink flowers on the corsage; Miss O. Rawson, white glace silk, trimmed with lace; Miss Stowe, cream satin with flowers; Miss Somerville wore a handsome white brocade gown with chiffon fiehu; Miss Skerrett, in white silk with laee; Mias J. Skerrett, yellow velvet, trimmed with white applique embroidery; Miss Richardson, white satin with chiffon; Miss A. Rawson, a pink satin gown, trimmed with white lace; her sister, in pale blue, veiled in white laee; Miss Butt, in white merveilleux and chiffon; Miss Munro (of the Williamson Co.) wore deep pink silk with lace berthe. There were also present General Babington, Captain Campbell. Commander Glossop. and officers of TT.M.s. Lizard, Captain Addington and officers of H.M.s. Phoebe, Captain Hughes. Messrs Coates. Pearce. Pharaeyn. Clifford. Crawford. Kehhell. Tripe Seddon, Jfnreoirrt, Strang. Reid. Stowe, Wilson, Menzies. Cox. etc. Everyone was very sorry that His Excel) "nev was unable to be present owing to indisposition. Lord Northland and Major Alexander, the Hons. Hill - Trevor and H. Butler were untiring in their efforts to see that everyone was looked after, and they were rewarded by the result which was a most brilliant success.

A large and enjoyable afternoon At Home was given by Mrs Arthur Pearce on Friday. It was a Curio Tea, each guest bringing with them some interesting relic of the past or present, and the result was a most interesting and valuable collection of things. They were, spread on tables, and the winner was decided by voting. The object of most interest, and which received the most votes, was an old rapier, said to have been used by Robert Bruce. Miss K. Fitzgerald, who brought it, received for her prize a little trinket of Maundy money. One lady brought with her a living parrot, whose custom of feeding on its own feathers was considered curious enough to give it a place among the other curiosities! A very delicious tea was laid in the dining-room, and the newly-furnished drawing-room looked very handsome and bright, and was greatly admired. Mrs Pearce received in a black satin skirt and pretty white silk blouse inserted with lace; her two daughters were dressed alike in aark skirts and white blouses. Among those present were: Lady Constance Knox, wearing a brown frieze gown with lace collar, and a large fawn felt hat trimmed with brown tulle and lovely shaded wings; Mrs Collins wore a graceful gown of black crepe de chine, much trimmed with wide white laee, and a jetted toreador hat; Mrs O’Connor, in a black coat and skirt, and bonnet trimmed with blue; Mrs Heaton Rhodes, in a dark red gown with applique velvet collar and soft white vest, black toreador hat; Mrs Menzies, black gown and -black and mauve bonnet; Mrs Dennston (Christchurch), in a brown flecked tweed costume, and toque to match; Mrs Brandon, neat black gown and hat trimmed with red; Miss F. Brandon, dark blue coat and skirt, red hat trimmed with flowers to match; Miss L. Brandon, a pale blue voile gown with white laee, black toque; Mrs Fell, black voile gown trimmed with broad ecru lace, and a black hat with feathers; Mrs Richmond, in black; Miss Richmond, brown silk trimmed with ecru laee, and a brown felt hat; Mrs H. Johnston had a piak

frieze gown with white chiffon vest and rutile, white felt bat trimmed with bla.-k velvet fur and flowers; Mrs Riddiford, black skirt and caracul jacket, red velvet toque trimmed with black; Miss Riddiford (Rangitikei), grey coat and skirt, and a white felt hat with silk rosettes; Mrs <£. Hadfield, in grey, and a white hat trimmed with black; Airs Dunean, handsome black costume and bonnet with blue rosette; Mrs Fitzgerald, black coat and skirt, and jetted toque; Alias Fitzgerald, in a blue grey gown and red hat; Airs C. Pearce: blaek tailor-made suit and blade toque; Mrs H. D. Crawford, in black voile, prettily trimmed with vandyked medallions of coloured embroidery, pink chou, and black toreador hat with jet; Miss Coates, blue and white zibeline gown with white lace vest and collar, and a blue hat trimmed with laee; Airs Butler, black Eton gown with eream lace vest, and a felt hat with flowers; Airs Nathan, long cloak of pale fawn cloth, ermine toque and collar; Airs H. Crawford, in a green Eton gown trimmed with bands of coloured embroidery, hat to match; Airs Rees George, long black coat with white embroidered collar, black and white hat; Miss George, in a green gown, and hat to match; Airs Biss, dark coat and skirt, black teque with flowers; Mrs Todd, in a brown costume; Airs Tweed, dark blue frieze gown and pretty black toque with jet and plumes; Mrs Edwin, blue figured foulard gown and black and pink bonnet ; Aliss Edwin, dark green gown, biack hat with tips; Mrs Lees, black coat and skirt, black chiffon hat; Miss Holms, black silk and lace gown, and jetted bonnet; Airs Dan Riddiford (Rangitikei), a soft black gown with broad band of cream laee inserted in the skirt, black and red toque; Mrs D. Bidwill, black gown and hat; Airs Rhind, also in black; Miss Williams, neat light blue gown, white furs and black velvet toque with plume; Miss Harcourt, dark grey zibeline, and white toque trimmed with turquoise blue; Aliss I. Fitzherbert, red flecked frieze gown, and felt hat trimmed with black velvet and flowers; Aliss D. Fitzherbert, in a sage green Russian gown and white toque; Aliss Johnston, grey frieze gown, the bolero edged with laee, and a white felt hat trimmed with blaek; Aliss D. Johnston wore a similar gown of pink frieze, and white felt hat with daisies; Airs Arthur Dunean, a red zibeline gown trimmed with black velvet, and eream guipure, felt hat to match; Miss Cooper, in a dark coat and skirt, and red hat with flowers to match; Aliss Somerville, who presided, at the tea table, wore a dark blue costume with white vest and blaek hat; Mrs H. Gore, in a scarlet cloth gown, and black hat with feathers; Aliss O. Gore, pale blue zibeline coat, with white furs, and a big white hat with blue velvet; the Misses Fell, in dark tailor-made suits and black hats; Aliss Rawson, blaek skirt and caracul jacket, white hat trimmed with blaek tips and violets; Aliss O. Rawson, in a black Eton gown, and white felt hat; Miss O. Fitzgerald, dark grey frieze with white cloth strapping, white velvet toque; Miss Izard, in a black coat and skirt, and red hat; Aliss Nelson (Auckland), dark red gown with white lace eollar and vest, and a pale blue hat with flowers; Aliss Newton, in a blue coat and skirt, and red hat; also the Messrs. Pearce, Cooper, Higginson, Duncan, Gore, Dalziell, Webster, Johnston, Drs. Purdy, Izard, and . others.

Another very pleasant afternoon “At Home” was given by Mrs Seddon, at her residence, Alolesworth-street, on Thursday. The house was very charmingly

deeorated for the occasion with pot plants and early spring flowers; the tea table in the dining-room was artistically arranged with jonquils and violets on a handsome satin and lace centre, and was also laden with the most delicious of teas imaginable. In the drawingroom there was some excellent music to he heard during the afternoon, among the performers being Mrs F. Dyer, Mrs Wilson and the Misses Hennak and Mills. Airs Seddon received in a rich black brocade gown trimmed with chiffon and jet, and handsome cream lace on the bodice; Aliss Seddon wore a pretty white crepe de chine gown softened with lace, and Miss Alay Seddon in a pretty pale green gown with Paris lace; Airs Dyer wore pale grey voile with cream lace applique on the bodiee. Among the many guests were Lady Ward, Lady Steward, Lady Alitler. Mrs Heaton Rhodes, Mrs and the Misses Mills. Mrs Henries, Mrs and Aliss Walker, Airs Trask (Nelson), Miss Coates, Mrs Field, Airs Baillie, Airs Guinness, Airs and the Misses Hennek. Airs and Afi ss Hall-Jones, Airs and Miss Walker, and many more who were strangers to me, chiefly visiting members wives.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue V, 1 August 1903, Page 342

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WELLINGTON. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue V, 1 August 1903, Page 342

WELLINGTON. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXI, Issue V, 1 August 1903, Page 342