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[All Rights Reserved.] The Chase of the Ruby.



Author of “The Beetle: A Mystery,” “In Full Cry,” “Frivolities,” Etc.

. NORSIS of INSTALMENTS I. to VII.— Ou returning heme from South Africa,where he had had a vision of his uncle beaten by * stranger on a flight of steps, Guy Holland finds a letter awaiting him from his uncle’s solicitor requesting an interview. The uncle has died and left a singular will behind, making Guy his heir on condition that he regains a ruby ring £hlch his relative had parted with to iss May Bewicke, an actress. Falling this the estate goes to his other nephew, Horace Burton. In Regent'* Park, Guy meets his sweetheart, Miss Letty Broad, who flies Into a passion of Jealousy against Miss Bewicke, to whom Gny had formerly been engaged, and counsels him to go and demand the ring. He goes to Miss Bewicke’s flat for this purpose. Over supper, Guy makes bis request and is met with a refusal. Coming away be encounters first his cousin Horace Burton, and then Miss Bewicke’s maid, Casata, who has a deep personal spite against bls cousin. She Is eager to avenge herself by aiding Guy. The plan unfolded by Casata to enable Guy to possess himself of the ring, Is nothing short of burglary. He recoils from the Idea, but Miss Broad again commands and he thjyefore pays a midnight visit to the actress’ rooms. He has Just discovered the ring In the drawer indicated by the maid, when Miss Bewicke unexpectedly appears, her plans being changed. She Insists on his keeping his booty and he leaves, carrying the ring with him. In the street he is knocked down from behind with a blow which appears to cause fatal rcanlt, and the mysterious assailant rifles bis pockets. The Flyman annexes the ring and carries it to Horace Burton and his confederate, Mr Cox, a gentleman of Hebrew origin, but it Is discovered that this is not the ring sought for. Miss Broad Is distracted at not meeting her lover at the appointed place, and. following the advice conveyed by a mysterious note, seeks out Miss Bewicke at Brighton. CHAPTER XII. THE TENDER MERCIES OF TWO LADIES. By way of commencement Miss Broad was conscious of two things—that Miss Bewicke was looking her best; that she herself was looking her worst; at least, she was nearly certain she was looking her worst, she felt so hideous. Miss Bewicke had a knack of walking —it came by nature, though there were those who called it a trick—which gave her a curious, and, indeed, humorous, air of importance altogether beyond anything her stature seemed to warrant. This enabled her to overwhelm men, and even women who iwere much taller than herself, with a grace which was positively charming. She moved across that spacious hall, looking straight at Miss Broad, as if there was nothing there; and was walking past with an apparent unconsciousness of there being anyone within a mile, though she brushed against the other’s skirts as she passed, which was a little more than Miss Broad could endure. She was not going all the way to Brighton to be treated by that woman as if she were a nonentity. “Miss Bewicke!” The lady, who passed, turned. “1 beg your pardon?” “Can I speak to you?” “Speak to me?” She regarded the other with a smile which, if pretty, was impertinent. “I’m afraid I haven't the pleasure.” “I am Miss Broad.” “Broad?—Broad? I don’t seem to remember.” “Perhaps you remember Mr Holland.” “Mr Holland?—Guy Holland? Oh, yes, I have good cause for remembering him.” "Mr Holland has spoken of me to you?” “Oh, you arc that Miss Broad! I have pleasure in wishing you good morning.” Miso Bewicke walked off as if, so far as she was concerned, the matter was at an end; but so abrupt a termination to the interview the other would not permit. “I am sorry to detain you, Miss Be-

wicke, but, as I have said, I wish to speak to you.”

“Yes. What do you wish to say?” “Can I not speak to you in private?" "By all means.” Miss Bewicke led the way into a sitting-room. As soon as they were in, and the door closed, before the other had a chance to open her lips, she herself began the ball. "Miss Broad, before you speak, there is something which I wish to say to you. You incited Mr Guy Holland to commit, last night, a burglary upon my premises.” If she expected the other to show signs of confusion, or to attempt denial, she was mistaken. Miss Broad did not flinch. “I did.” "You admit it?” "I do.” “Are you aware that in so doing you were guilty of a criminal action?” “As to that I know nothing and care less.” "I have only to send for a policeman to have you sentenced to a term of imprisonment.” "I understand how it is you have been so successful on the stage. You really are an excellent actress. You bear yourself as if you were the injured party, while all the time you know very well that it was precisely because you had robbed him that I advised him to despoil you of your booty.” “You are perfectly aware that that is false.” “On the contrary, I am perfectly aware that it is true. Where is Mr Holland? Is he here with you?” "Miss Broad!” “Or did you dare to make his doing, what you know he was perfectly justified in doing, an affair of the police?” "I came upon Guy Holland, at dead of night, engaged in robbing me, and I sent him from me with my blessing.” “Then where is he?” “I know no more than this chair.” "Miss Bewicke, I called at your rooms this morning. I saw his walking-stick upon your table. When I asked how it came there, the woman who had opened the door said, in effect, that he had left it behind in his hurry to go away with you.” “The woman! What woman?” “She said she was your companion.” “Casata? Louise Casata never said anything so monstrous.” “Not in so many words; but that was what she intended me to understand.” “You believed it? What a high opinion you appear to have of us! Guy must be worse even than I imagined, or you, his promised wife, would not judge him with such hard judgment.” “I did not believe it; but I did believe that you called in the police last night.” “I didn’t; I called in no one. I simply told him to go, and he went.” “You are laughing. You know where he is, I can see it in your face.” “Then you are indeed a seer.” “This morning, when he did not come as he promised he would, and always has done, someone gave me this. What am I to think?” Miss Broad handed Miss Bewicke the two typewritten lines, which that lady, carefully regarded. “Someone. Who was someone?” "A little boy. I thought it was a message from Guy. By the time I found ft wasn’t, he was gone. I don’t know who he was, nor from whom he came, if it wasn’t from you.” “It certainly did not come from me. Miss Broad, I begin to find you amusing. I also begin to understand what it is Guy Holland perceives in you to like. You are more of a woman than I am; that is, there is in you more of the

natural savage, which, to a man of his temperament, goes to make a woman.” “I want none of your praises.” “I’m not going to give you any, or compliments either. I doubt if you’re in a frame of mind to properly appreciate any sort of sleight-of-hand. Let me finish. I had an engagement for bin, cheon; as you have made me late for it, perhaps you will do me the honour of lunching with me here.” “No, thank you.” “Pardon ffil, you will.” “Excuse me, I won’t.” "We shall see.’ Miss Bewicke touched the bell button. Miss Broad eyed her with flaming cheeks. “It’s no use your ordering anything to eat for me, because I shan’t touch. Lou treat me as if I were a child. I’m not a child.” “My dear Miss Broad, we are both of us women—both of us; and there are senses in which women and children are synonymous. Mr Holland was once in love with me—he was, I assure you. He is now in love with you, which fact creates between us a bond of sympathy.” “I don’t see it” “No? I do. You will. He appears to have got hiniself into, we will put it, a rather equivocal position. It is our bounden duty, as joint sympathisers, to get him out of it. We will discuss our bounden duty; but I never can discuss anything when I’m starving, which I am.” To the waiter who appeared Miss Bewicke gave orders for an immediate lunch for two. Miss Broad kept silence. The truth was she was not finding Miss Bewicke altogether the sort of person she expected. That little lady went on: “I am free to confess, my dear Miss Broad; by the way, may I call you Letty?” “No, you may not.” “Thank you; you are so sweet. As I was about to remark, my dear —Letty” —the other winced, but was still—“l’m free to confess that I think it not improbable that something has happened to Mr Holland.” “You know that something has happened ?” “I don’t know —I surmise. I put two and two together thus: To begin with,

I don’t think that you were the only person who egged him on to felony.” Miss Broad again was speechless. She remembered Mr Holland’s tale of his encounter with Miss Casata.

“There was a preciseness about his proceedings which set me thinking at the time and has kept me thinking ever since. I’m pretty shrewd, you know. Now I happen to be aware that a certain person .of my acquaintance has been on too good terms with Mr Horace Burton. You have heard of Mr Horace Burton ? I thought so. Such a nice young man! Now, however, this certain person is on the worst terms with Mr Horace Burton. For sufficient reasons, I assure you. She has been evolving fantastic schemes of vengeance on the deceitful wretch; she’s just a little cracked, you know. To ruin Mr Horace Burton by assisting Guy Holland to deprive him of his fortune would be just the kind of notion which would commend itself to her. I fancy that that’s exactly what she did do. Didn’t she, my dear?” Miss Broad was breathing a little hard. The other’s keen intuition startled her.

“It was I who told him to take what was his own.”

“Yes, I know, but the first suggestion did not come from you. However, so long as we understand each other that’s the point. To proceed—Mr Horace Burton would be cautious that this certain person’s sweetness had turned to gall and also that she was wishful to pay him out in his own coin. He might even have a notion of the form that payment was to take, having learned it from the certain person’s own lips. If so, you may be quite sure that he or his friends saw Guy Holland enter my premises, if nobody else did. They saw him come out. They were to the fall as anxious to obtain possession of that ruby as ever he could be. So they took it from him.” “Took it from him —with violence?” “Do you think they could take it from him without violence —that he would hand it over practically upon request? That’s not like Guy; not the Guy I knew. He’d fight for it tooth' and nail himself against a regiment.” “Do you think, then, they hurt him?” “It looks as if they did something to him. He never went home. There must have been some reason why he didn’t. There is at least a possibility that it was because he couldn’t.” “Do you think they—killed him?” “Ah, now you ask too much. I should say certainly not. It would be unintentionally if they did. That would be too big a price even for Mr Horace Burton to pay. If they attacked him in fair fight, I should say that he killed someone before they did him, and that when they did it was because they had to. But the possibility is that they never let him have a chance; that they stole on him unawares and had him at their mercy before he knew that danger threatened.” “Miss Bewicke, you are so clever — so much cleverer than I—” “My dear.”

“Come up to town with me and help me look lor him, and go with me to the police, and —* Set all London by the rars? I know. We'll do it; but here cornea lunch. Yon sit down to lunch with me, and we’ll talk things over while we lunch. You see how far talking things over has already brought ue; and after lunch well go to town, as you suggest, and find out what’s happened to Guy Holland, and where he is, or we’ll know the reason why. But if you won’t lunch with me, then nothing remains but to wish you good day, and so far as I am concerned, there’ll be an end to the matter. I’ll have nothing to do with a person that won’t eat my bread and salt.” So the ladies lunched together. Although Miss Broad declared that she could not swallow a morsel, Miss Bewicke induced her to dispose of several. Indeed, she handled her with so much skill that by the time the meal was through — it was not *a long one—one would have thought that they really were ou decent terms with one another, though Miss Broad was a trifle scratchy. But then her nerves were out of order, and when a lady’s nerves are out of order, she is apt, occasionally, to stray from those welldefined paths which euquette and good breeding require her to tread; in short, she does not know what she is doing, or what anybody else is doing either, which Miss Bewicke quite understood, so that her guest’s eccentricities, apparently, simply amused her. And the two young ladies went up together in the same compartment to London to look for Mr Holland, and to call down, if necessary, vengeance on his enemies and those who had despitefully used him. CHAPTER XIH. VISITORS FOR MISS CASATA. Miss Casata had a razor in her hand—an open razor. She examined its edge. "It is very sharp. Oh, yes, how sharp! One cut; it will all be over. Will it be jover with one cut—that is it—or shall I have to hack, and hack, and hack? That would not be agreeable.” She stood in front of a looking-glass, regarding her own reflection. “I am not bad-looking; no, I am not. I have a certain attractiveness, which is my own. To use the razor would be to make a mess. I should be a horrible sight . Would he care? He would not see me. If he did, he would laugh, I know'. He has what he calls a taste for the horrible. It would amuse him to behold me all covered with blood.” She turned her attention to some articles which were on the table. ‘‘Here is a revolver. The six barrels are all loaded. It would not need them all to blow out my brains, that is, if I have any to blow. Here is a bottle of hydrocyanic acid. What lies I had to tell to get it; what tricks I had to play 1 There is enough in this little bottle to kill the whole street. I have therefore, the keys of death close to my hand—painless, instant death. Three roads to eternal sleep, and I stand so much in need of rest. Yet I hesitate to use them. It is very funny. Is it because I am going mad—l did not use to be infirm of purpose—I wonder?”

She handled, one after another, the three objects—the razor, the revolver, the little bottle —as if endeavouring to make a selection.

“I am too optimistic. There is my fault —I always hope. It is an error. I have always had in my life such evil fortune that, when happiness came, I should have known that it would not endure—that the night would be blacker because the sun shone once; that for me, henceforward, it would be always night. I was a fool; so happy I forgot, so I pay for it. Well, I will take my fate into my own hands and make an ending when I choose.” She had Miss Bewicke’s dainty draw-ing-room to herself. An incongruous object she seemed in it, she and her gruesome playthings. A sound appeared to have caught her ear. She put her right hand behind her back; in it, the three assistants of death. Moving to a door which was on the opposite side Of the room, turning the handle softly, the passed half-way through it, then stood and listened. “Quite still yet. The noise did not come from there. There was a noise. Ah!” The interjection was in response to a rat-tat-tat on the knocker. The room

was illuminated by a dozen electric lights. Disconnecting one after the other, she allowed but a single one to remain alight. Comparatively, the apartment was in darkness. “That’s not Ellen’s knock, nor Jane’s; she is not already back again. Besides, she also does not knock like that. Who is it?” The knocking came again—slightly, more insistently than before. “If it is some bothering visitors, they will have a short answer, I promise them. When I do not open, why do they not take a hint and go? I am not to be disturbed when I am making arrangements to remain undisturbed for ever.” The knocking was repeated for a third time. “So they persist! Well, I will show them. They shall see.” Cramming her trio of treasures into the pocket of her dress, where one would hare supposed them to be uncomfortable, not to say in dangerous juxtaposition, sho strode to the door, intent on scarifying the presumptuous caller. When, however, she perceived who stood without, surprise for the moment made her irresolute. The visitor was Mr Horace Burton, at whom Miss Casata stared, as if he were the very last person she had expected to see —which, probably, as a matter of fact, ke was. Mr Burton, on Uia other hand, bestowed on her his blandest smile. He sauntered past her as if he had not the slightest doubt in the world that he would be regarded as a welcome guest. "Hollo, Lou, come to pay you a visit.” His tone was light and airy, in striking contrast to her 'demeanour, which was about as tragic as it could be. “Go! Do you hear me, go, before you are sorry, and I am sorry too.” Her manner seemed to leave him quite unmoved. "Now, my dear girl, don’t look at me like that; it isn’t nice of you. I’m here as a friend —a friend, you understand—and something more than a friend.” “You are no friend of mine; no, you never ean be. T tell you again to go at once, or you will be sorry. I have warned you.” "That’s all right; you’ll change your tone when you hear what I have to say. I’ve eorae here to bring sunshine into your life, to ask for your forgiveness, to undo the past. Be sensible, there’s a good girl.” “Sensible? Oh. yes. I will be sensible. There’s someone else here.” “Yes. that’s Cox; he’s a friend of mine. He’s come in to see fair play, and witness my repentance. Come in, Cox.” Mr Thomas Cox entered, looking, if the thing were possible, less like a Thomas Cox than ever. “Cox. let me present you to Miss Casata, the only woman I ever loved. There have been times when I have been forced to dissemble my love. Hang it, Cox! you know how I’ve been pressed. When a man’s in such a hole as I’ve been in, he crushes down the love which he feels for a woman; .he has to, if there’s any manhood in him. He doesn’t want to drag her down into the ditch in which he lies. But. Cox, you know how I have loved her all the time.”

Mr Burton turned away his head—whether to hide a tear or a smile was uncertain. He spoke with a degree of volubility "which, under the circumstances, was remarkable. As Miss Casata appeared to think, her tone remained inflexible.

“There still is someone else.” "Ah, that’s the Flyman; he’s nothing and nobody; he doesn’t count. Let him have a chair, and he can wait in the hall, Lou, till you and I come to an understanding.” Mr Burton’s suggestion was carried out. A chair was taken Into the little hall, on which the Flyman placed himself. How long he remained on it, when their backs were turned, was another matter. The outer door was closed, as also, Miss Casata having entered, was the door into the drawing-room. But that was of no consequence; the Flyman’s ears were keen.

There was a curious glitter in the lady’s eyes when she confronted her quondam lover. Now and then she touched her lips with the tip of her tongue, as if they were dry. Her hands continually opened and shut, apparently of their own volition. Occasionally, One of them found its way into her pocket, feeling if her treasure, still were there.

“WeU, what is that you want? what new lie have you to teU?” “I want to marry you; a>d, Lou, that’s no lie-”

She was silent. One could see her bosson heaving up and down. Then becoming conscious of the two men’s scrutiny, she drew herself up straighter, as if resolute to keep herself in hand. “You are insolent!”

“Insolent! Now, Lou, that’s not nice of you- A man’s not insolent who wants to marry the woman whom he loves, and loves him.” “I love you? I?” She tapped her chest with her forefinger. "I love you so much that I would like to tear you to pieces! That is the sort of love 1 have for you. You —thing!” "Lou, you’re letting your temper get the better of you. I know I treated you badly.” She laughed—a mirthless little laugh “I know you’ve a right to feel annoyed with me—” “Annoyed with you? Oh, no, not that!” “But I was forced to do what I did; I couldn’t help myself.” “No doubt!” “But now it’s different altogether. I see things in a new light. I know what a mistake I’ve made. I’ve found out that I love you even more than I thought I did, and I’ve come to ask you to give me another chance —to forgive meYou’re a woman, Lou, the best of women, and you’ve a forgiving heart; I know yon have. Let me be your husband- I’il treat you better in the future; really now!” "What does all this mean?” “It means what I say. Doesn’t your own heart tell you so?” "Oh, yes, it tells me. It tells me all sorts of things. It is a fool and a liar. It is of you I ask what does it all mean? It is you I want to tell me. Never mind what my heart says; we will leave my heart alone. I think we’d better.” “Well, look here, I’ll be candid. You’re clear-sighted, whatever else you are, and

level-headed; a cleverer woman I never met. I’ve told you so scores of times. With a woman of your type, candour 1 * the best policy, as you say. So here’* the matter in a nutshell. I’m in a hole; you’re in a hole. You help me out of the hole I’m in; I’ll help you out of the hole you’re in. That’s what I’ve come to say to you to-night. You appreciate frankness; there you have it ”

“What is the hole you are in?” “My dear Lou, you know quite well. I’ve never kept it secret from you; I’ve always made you my confidant. What I want is my uncle’s ruby. You tell mo where it is, and help me to lay my hand upon it, and I’ll marry you in the morning. And there’s the proof that I mean what I say.” He handed her an official-looking document, which purported to be an announcement of the fact that notice had been given to a certain registrar requiring him to perform the ceremony of marriage, by special license, between Horae* Burton and Louise Casata. The lady, however, scarcely glanced at it- She kept her eyes fixed on the gentleman. “Your uncle’s ruby!” "That’s it. As you know, if I can get it in my possession, it means fortune; if I can’t it may mean misfortune of a bad type. As I’m not taking any chances, if you help me to lay my hand on it. I’ll marry you in the morning.” (To be Continued.)

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXX, Issue XII, 21 March 1903, Page 778

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[All Rights Reserved.] The Chase of the Ruby. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXX, Issue XII, 21 March 1903, Page 778

[All Rights Reserved.] The Chase of the Ruby. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXX, Issue XII, 21 March 1903, Page 778