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Ta UCKLAND RACING CLUB SUMMER ** MEETING. FIRST DAY. BOXING DAY. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1902. First Race to Start at 12 doob. TRIAL HANDICAP of 100 sovs: second horse to receive 10 sovs out of the stake. Entrance 1 sov and acceptance 1 sov each, to go to the funds. For 3 year olds and upwards. Seven furlongs. THE GREAT NORTHERN FOAL STAKES of 300 sovs: second horse to receive 50 sovs, and third horse 23 sovs out of the stake. For 2 year olds. Colts 8.10; geldings 8.7: fillies 8.5 each. By subscription of 5 sovs each, payable at the post, unless forfeits are declared as follows:—If struck out by tiie first Friday in December. 1902, 2 forfeit; if left in after this date, liable for the whole 5 sovs. All forfeits to go to make up or increase the stake. Six furlongs. THE Al CKLAND CUP. Handicap. of 1500 sovs; second horse to receive 25 sovs. and third horse 15 sovs out of the stake. The winner of any race or tares ..fter declaration of weights of the collective value of 150sovs, Gib; 250 sovs, 71b extra. Entrance Isov; acceptance 5 sovs; and a final payment of 9 sovs each at the nost, to go to the funds, For 3 year olds and upwards. 2 miles. HANDICAP HURDLE RACE of 200 sovs; second horse to receive 35 sovs. and third horse 15 sovs out of the stake. Entrance 1 sov and acceptance 1 sov each, to go to the funds. Over eight flights of hurdles. Two miles. RAILWAY HANDICAP of 400 sovs. second horse to receive 50 sovs, and third horse 25 sovs out of the stake. Entrance 1 sov and acceptance 3 sovs each, to got to the funds. For 3 year olds and upwards. Winner of any race or races collectively of the value of 75 sovs after the declaration of the weights to carry 31b, of 150 sovs 71b. of 300 sovs 101 b penalty. Six furlongs. NURSERY HANDICAP of liM) sovs: second horse to receive 10 sovs out of the stake. For 2 year olds. Entrance 1 sov, and acceptance 1 .sot each, to go to the funds. Winner of Great Northern Foal Stakes to carry a ptnaltv of IH! . b e _* tra - Five furlongs. FONY < t P HANDICAP of 100 sovs. 2nd horse to receive 10 sovs, and third horse - •’ so»s out of the stake. For horses 14 hands 3 inches and under. For 3 year olds and upwards. Entrance 1 sov and acceptance 1 sov each, to go to ihe funds. Seven furlongs. CHRISTMAS HANDICAP of 150 sovs; second horse to receive 15 sovs. and third horse 10 sovs out of the stake. Entrance 1 sov and acceptance 1 sov each, to go to the funds. For 3 year olds and upwards. Winner of any handicap after publication of the weights to carry s’Jj penalty. One mile. SECOND DAY. \ Monday, December 29, 1902. -> First race to start at 12 noon. ~ ALEXANDRA HANDICAP of ISOsovs; second horse to receive lasovs and third horse lOsovs out of the stake. 1' or three-year-olds axid upwards. Entrance, Isov and acceptance Isov each to go to the funds. Seven furlongs SECOND HANDICAP HFRDLE RACE of lOOsovs; second horse to receive Wsovs out of the stake. Over seven flights of hurdles. Entrance. l«ov and acceptance Isov each, to go to the funds. One mile and three-riuarter* s CRITERION HANDICAP of ISOsovs- sec- ( ond horse to receive lasovs and the third horse lOsovs out of the stake For two-year-olds. Entrance 1 so<\\ and acceptance Isov each, to go to the funds. Six furlongs. BI MMER CLP HANDICAP of SOOsovs; second horse to receive TSsovs and third horse 25sr>vs out of the stake. For three-year-olds and upwards. Entrance Isov. and acceptance 4sovs. to go to the funds. Winner of any handicap after declaration of weights to carry a penalty of 51b. One mile and a quarter. WELTKR HANDICAP of SOteovs; second horse to receive 35sovs and third horse 15sovs out of the stake. Entrance Isov and acceptance Isov each to go to the funds. Lowest weight. «tet. One mile. PONY HANDICAP of lOOsovs; second horsd to receive lOsovs and third horse Bsovs out of the stake. For horses 14 hands 3 Inches and under. For three-year-olds and upwards. Entrance Isov , and acceptance Isov each to go to the funds. Six furlongs.

VISITORS’ PLATE of lOOsovs: second horse to receive lOsovs out of the stake. For two and three year olds that have never won a race of the value of iosovs, or races of the collective value of SOOsovs at the time of nomination. Entrance 2sovs each to go to the funds. Two-year-olds to carry 7.9; three-year-olds, 9.0. Five furlongs. ' , WAITEMATA HANDICAP of LOOsovs; second horse to receive lOsovs out of the stake. For all horses that have never won a race of the value of 75 so vs, or since August 1, 1899, races of the collective value of 200sovs at time of nomination. Entrance Isov and acceptance Isov each to go to the. funds. For three-year-olds and upwards. One mile and a half. " • - - - THIRD DAY. NEW YEARS DAY, THURSDAY, Ist JANUARY, 1903. First race to start at 12 noon. GLASGOW HANDICAP of 150sovs; second horse to receive 15sovs and third horse lOsovs out of the stake. Entrance Isov and acceptance Isov each to go to the funds. For three-year-olds and upwards. Seven furlongs. NEW YEAR’S HANDICAP HURDLE RACE of 150sovs; second horse to receive 15sovs and third horse lOsovs out of the stake. Entrance Isov and acceptance Isov each to go to the funds. Over eight flights of hurdles. Two miles. THE 29th GREAT NORTHERN DERBY of 750sovs; second horse to receive 190 sovs and third horse 50sovs out of the stake. Colts S.l<). geldings 8.7, fillies 8.5. By subscription 7sovs each, payable at the post, unless forfeits are declared as follows:—If struck out by the first Friday in December, 1902, 3sovs forfeit; if left in after this date Tlable for the whole Tso vs. All forfeits go to make up or increase the stake. One mile and a half. MIDSUMMER HANDICAP of SfWsovs; second horse to receive 35sovs and third horse 15sovs o.ut-*£>f the stake. For two-year-olds* Entrance Isov and acceptance Isov each to go to* the funds. Five furlongs. COUNTY HANDICAP of 29Qsovs; second horse to receive 35sovs and third horse 15sovs out of the stake. Entrance Isov and acceptance Isov each, to go to the funds. Fur three-year-olds and upwards. Winner of a race after declaration of weights to carry 51b penalty. Six furlongs. AUCKLAND RACING CLUB HANDICAP of TaOsovs; second horse to receive lOOsovs. and third horse 50sovs out of the stake. For three-year-olds and upwards. Entrance Isov, acceptance 3sovs, and a final payment of 4sovs each at the post, to go to the funds. The winner of any race after declaration of weights to carry s’b penalty. One mile and a-half. PONY HANDICAP of lOOsovs; second horse to receive lOsovs. and third horse ssovs out of the stake. For horses 14 hands 3 inches and under. For three-year-olds and upwards. Entrance Isov, and acceptance Isov each, to go to the funds. Six furlongs. MAIDEN HANDICAP of 15teovs; second horse to receive 15sovg, and third horse lOsovs out of the stake. For three-year-olds and upwards. For horses that have never won a race of the value of 50sovs, or since Ist August, 1899, races of the collective value of 200sovs, at time of nomination. Entrance Isov, and acceptance isov each, to go to the funds. One mile and a quarter. FOURTH DAY. FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1903. First Race to start at 12 noon. ASCOT HANDICAP of lOOsovs; second horse to receive lOsovs out of the stake. For three-year-olds and upwards. Entrance Isov, and acceptance Isov each, to go to the funds. One mile. SYLVIA HANDICAP of 150sovs; second horse to receive ISsovs, and third horse lOsovs out of. the* stake. For two-year-olds. Entrance Isov, and acceptance Isov each, to go to the funds. Six furlongs. GRANDSTAND HANDICAP of lOOsovs; second horse to receive .lOsovs, and third horse 25rovs out of the stake. • For three-year-olds and upwards. Entrance Isov. and acceptance 3s<»vs each, to go to the funds. Winner of any race after declaration of weights to earn* 51b penalty. One mile and a-quarter.

THE EIGHTH ROTAL STAKES of 50t *ovs; the owner of the second horse to receive 10 per cent., and the owner of the third horse 5 per cent, ont of the stake. For two and three year olds. Two year olds, tet 121 b; three year olds, Hst 61b; fillies and geldings allowed 31b. Winners after August 1. 1902, of any race or races collectively of the value of 250sovs, 31b; of eOOsovs, 51b; of 750SOVS. 71b; of lOOteovs, 101 b extra. Maiden three year olds at lime of starting allowed 101 b; two year olds. 71b. By subscriptions of asovs each, unless forfeits are declared as follows:—Upon payment of 2sovs by the first Friday jn December, 1902. All horses remaining in after the first Friday in December. 1902, must pay their total subscription of ssovs by 12 noon the day before the race. Should there be any surplus arising from the subscriotion it will be given to the race. Six furlongs. AUCKLAND STEEPLECHASE HANDISOOsovs; second horse to receive 50sovs, and third horse lOsovs out of the stake. Entrance Isov, and acceptance 2sovs each, to go to the funds. About three miles and a-half. NEWMARKET HANDICAP of 300sovssecond horse to receive 40sovs, and third horse lOsovs out of the stake. For three-year-olds and upwards. Enit'tnce Isov, and acceptance 2sovs each. Winner of any race after publication of weights to carry 51b penalty. Six furlongs. AUCKLAND PLATE of 490sovs; second horse to receive 75sovs, and third horse .'ssovs out of the stake. Entrance isov, and 3sovs each at the post, to go to the funds. Weight-for-age. One mile and a-half PU^" AXD,CAP of IMsovs; second horse k o receive lOsovs, and third horse to receive lOsovs, and third horse thrJl ands 3 .Jnches and under. For three-year-olds and upwards. Entrance Isov, and acceptance Isov each to go to tne funds. Five furlongs. i>ATES OF NOMINATIONS, ACCEPTANCES, Etc. SIMMER MEETING, 1902-1903. With amounts to be transmitted to Secretary A.R.C. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, by 9 pm Acceptances:-Auckland Cup, s=owsHandicap, S ieCha3e ' 2S ° VS: Raflwa * K he S r t n ak^ovT VS: Gre ’ at'Xlsov? 5t r ° rfeit; —Champagne Stakes, 19(8. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, by 9 p m Cb P ris^' s : H CXa? U ?sov andiCaP ’ FRIDAY. DECEMBER 26. at the post. Aue^and^cLp^Sovr" 1 S ‘ akeS ’ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, by 6 p.m 4coo2‘^? Ce s:~ Alexandra Handieap.lsovSecond Handicap Hurdles, Isov; Criterion te^? dlC w’eltlr <? S a““ er Cup Handicap. l-O'S, Melter Handicap, isov; Waitemata Handicap, isov; Pony Handicap 14” TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, by 9 p.m. Acceptances:-Glasgow Handicap, isov ta L S Handicap Hurdles.lsov; “ a ™“ er Handicap. Isov: County Handicap. Isov, Auckland Racing Club's Handicap. 3sovs; Pony’ Handicap, Isov Maiden Handicap, isov. P ’ ■ aaia FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, at the post. Great Northern Derby. 7sovs- Auckland Racing Club's Handicap, fsovs. K “ THURSDAY, JANUARY 1. at the post. Acceptances:—Ascot Handicap, Isov* Svlvia Handicap, Isov; Grandstand Handlin’ Newmar ><et Handicap, 2sovsPony Handicap, Isov. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1. by 10 p.m. Royal Stakes, osovs; Auckland Plate vSOVS. FRIDAY, JANUARY 9. by 9 p.m. Great Northern Foal Stakes (for now foals), 1904-1903, Royal Stakes (for now foals), 1904-19(6. DATES ON WHICH HANDICAPS APPEAR. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, by 12 noon. Auckland Cup, Summer Steeplechase, Railway Handicap. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, by 12 noon. Trial Handicap, Hurdles Handicap,Nursery Handicap, Pony Handicap. Christmas Handicap. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, by 12 noon. Alexandra Handicap, Second Handicap Hurdles, Criterion Handicap. Summer Cup Handicap, Welter Handicap, Waitemata Handicap, Pony Handicap. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, in morning paper. New Year’s Handicap Hurdles, Glasgow Handicap, Midsummer Handicap, County Handicap, Racing Club Handicap, Handicap. Pony Race. Maiden Handicap. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, by 9 ->.m. Ascot Handicap,Sylvia Handicap. Grandstand Handicap. Newmarket Hand'.cao Handicap Pony Race. V?kS»r-’- ’■ - PER?'i'A) a Se: .etary.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue XXV, 20 December 1902, Page 1552

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TURF GOSSIP New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue XXV, 20 December 1902, Page 1552

TURF GOSSIP New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue XXV, 20 December 1902, Page 1552