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Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION. HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN AUSTRALIA. Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful inflaence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the • Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where "Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. Jio house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. A Lady tn London. A FEW EXTRACTS FROST LETTERS. Gratitude and Auprsetatlon. MTSTTB TO COLDS AND BROXCHIAI. ASTHMA. “IssMycnrCmfcrUuveof my .-ued atlh«a la frax <ne tathra* ks«.-4. HvNDKEDS c CRED IN THEIR OWS CtRCLX. ccrjtn BT OXB BOTTLE OF HHAKXE-S MmXnra,Cow>r*C«ek, Vkscrta.” -ike BRONCHITIS COB. waad.rf.Hy I «Ir Sta tor to«. Me. afth. , TER DOCTOR SO INTERESTED THAT Hl taedi«ie yet; b«* lam sending for another bottle in case i sh-'c’-d want u.—U K'DOXAU), T:ru QvluumU. fS siars *»xs repeaiellv week r iWEb OFF THE EMPTY BOTTLE. SoalM Wafa*.’ fo-'fc7 ana a of Brwaehstia “Orange, N.S.W. “Yocr Brume?-'Jto Cure »a wonderful naans.-!. B. SIMMONS, No.?. Renny Street, Paddington, Sydney.** - I—U gn&Gvcnan. iosU three years ar ws* Teeosn"Mr. Hearne.— mended to try r at Brehehitia C.n> ry Nr. Barhssrr “Deer Sir.—l eeeZawe for yoar own private *- Mr >2 years rM fn ;- ,-4 I era rHd ?•' Isfor-v y.i< that yovj- FrocU ilia Cor* h*» dnt ns s cc-ut^a- ctLc <s*-x it • •-I was portien *<£©>«* re reijed fromay cense- *rs-——, wsmderfEl deal of gevd. it havSar euisihr cartsd na bL-th.—R- BAhS.vLT, S:z*:h Creek, ijro<t.f«rd. Victoria.- marten teat bj hw ever .-ince been cuatmoAily reef Engiasd. frasa whies yes: will £»een iia* ’ * * * eewnxendmg it :o ctoera. “ 1 '=« Noulc fff jranr Bnrarbi-u Care with cruet bsnafii to =yteL:, <i k - naa completely tv ecLls am Srcaeiitl IK£S2. 1 a--> not Wish ;«*• 1 j.'xifV n »ni’y y riL»-«»wi »-» *-«rx- > sx>s«. V»i»*h-e Oroe bins Cnre. v r rr has tiefstff he mentioned, bet yea are cl Mberiy So make ien n *' . g th : »a ' nt tud Maakrous of people esc of any ponies cf ilua yea eSxceee, and yoa can , _ _ , . . ,-, „ xl -- t/vtiv ■w.r»r»«vr <v-«a ia dwa are*« <-■?>.- ec-McaSy refer anynodw to me. 1 rear Broseiutis Cera a tnotene—aOHN ¥a? DE a, Sinplan, \*esorU. . Boliave as to be. “ 1 heard of yo~r axetlM&t rvsedy, end seat ii to Es<- . , . - . . . . . .. a “ naoal faii<t. ir, “ : -T. feai Yen can see for vcarsclf whai an mtrteziae <ac- “ I kava finished the BrescftZiiff Care yen i»3t. n? 4 aaaaaad at it ui» doio tame Ujdo. The dtE rusty of M PHUJ IP> C ; M<?\’!•* i CO." ce&x it was.—Yoers ." breathi^-Las ali 41-20.—J. iIASEiNG i'ON, Nercr.d>h. N.3.W.” Extrafrass ieuer aUafied to shore:— Ten wiil be Interested in hearty that I think taa u Xy e*'?d, bs*i as it was. diaxpeeared after two dcse*.—C. J. CURRIE, <o.uiior r \xcioria Chamuera Q’scea Q’.i'iers’and Testlmcny. Bronchitis Core reaHy exeeßaaa. 1 was vary bad when Skreef, Malbcztxite.'’ ' ’ __ i*. arrs«'A*i. sts d I hnztsdiaseiy flew to it. That was taat FROM BRISBANE WHOLES ALE CIiKAfItTTR. JSt OM ■ ■>- »-*. S ~ „:« 4»m Bw. A«.. .r. The: nastea ara eHfciwU &S» puhiiiatiec, bd wUI be ‘"Towr Rreaeniiis Core, as nsnal, acted splendid*?.—C. H. BRADFORD, Vietoria." bj> V> e ej-.- oae oar to corer axnuo&t SAp/iled priTatalj desarA *Xi»ihr fmrard xnoib-r bot-!e of yoar £i=a«is Breac&lii* Cars wß&oai dexaCt as I 3=l it so ba a most vahxat4e “ ’*- ~-*- n - - Brers. -hi tSsCffre spoken wrl. of. J. SLATER, WxrrajU Vutoria.’ A xa ns be ' ci wna nsoot FetnarxaMe rsaa ~ Lie eaten t*-«ns ,=.*a AGONISING COUGH. cw< i by thrw <= I aej v?rr nleasel risk Cere. Ti»* r*su-.s was it e-xi-s-i nse x-.eht cl *U onee.— G. - - . r .. -*-▼- -r-* NINE MONTHS’ TOBTVRE. SEYTkE, &£?£??£- SmoiiVcTcHATKU A CO, , RELIEVED Bi ONE DOSE OF HEARNKS BE ON- “ CbCMists.” €HTTI3 CUBE, AND CUBED BY TWO BOTTLES. “ Tear xsezHeine for asthma is worth - abotil®.—W. LE TTS, Haywood, Vtrtorta.* -t. . ,--. .. , . , . . T ’- . . . - . . Cured in Ten Days. — » -w . .. ■‘DerghoxSi, Vl_-*-ns. -j trie £ Ic » 3 of meSiine, het yecra is she best I erer had- I iia Bto eraryheey.—S. ~ ~ “Dear air,—l wish to add rajr testii=nr to th-: w.m- STESLxL Task© SLiin”, New Sirath Vale;.*’ T 2--. EDFTGH Or . ;'F. uLDKSi NEWSPAPER IN Cerfai affect af yoer Brcnehiii* Csxe. I for ViCTvHIA E ’.P’-irZSSEs GRATEFUL aixa Bioniba-and the coach was so distreatioriy bad at .... - -x=j- ▼ .z t v. . v- •, ■ -<• < iiixhsa I waa obllae-I u. ret up and sit by use ire. I had J saEisred from ehrauc aaUtrffa asd Rr * 1 . 9 . *; 1 tr-cx. -o- . — —.-»- bat « -■» - --- i-» - - ' Ml tSel otL«r - Jo,'N c ...,. L , .. . io ex*tx£L I tried aad never had ai» cl KL.A»V\».T, River, .-a laverxJ, N-r~ •“». pr- a , t _-.-u-.4-j_. a . :' :* .a' .e *# yar after takis< the first dose, and tic-agfe I have hal bd ),- - - u • , re . . '. <•'. =< r* i -_:Ls a *e>*re two busies I fe-d las a diffcrens ma*, and tha “Last ▼earlsaSered severed fkoat hron.-hitia. aasd vie dt»e:cr, whr-=t I >t v? 3 ,- I-. - "i: r?t .> -r.e =7 c- > _ I < ■-•. .□.. :.- - -er -“ L me. wiir u.«s haa v&niahad. Ygueisj depczxd «Kjd; hi ; T KoavM Csnt. asd two b«Gea of is aaade ma <uiio weL.—H. i.wD, I-» uokL.-KU. a *ca r-v. i; =; Lr _ ■' ■■■ •'.•» '--e rorr \>i the cf yeer wcuderfoi remedy tc anysae I see Vam V. a-- .. -.-•. n. . *-' e rre • ■ . - < -cr w : .=-l.: i;.a£ilCT<d. *" - - 1 t .. . 3 . .. ;. d f rsS j-d: : f a • Years fxivhfally. _ , — — - -- - - • %. eo.i l*-. >. ■. - - i-ic s*en-x:a- -.. -‘JAMES A STB URY.* “ Piesae send ras halfa-lcrea ef yoar This •.=-•? fs.- e» .. e waiter, an., has now , u.' - r>_r.-r -5 tN esrad a £r.ead mL.-e cf a very Nad &roo=hlsis-—A- .-.k, <. -_»-xc=e ixOr.i -. . .-m. ■ - ‘- R. QU.tE r. u-r- .« ». . . . , . “Tour Bronchitis Cars has done me scnch cco-L. Tcxs is x rew exy-e’ Fr.-e. f-vr si; 1. I - t*t-k “ We, the 3E-ie?sigs«, have had oeeasfo® to obieln Kl de xae g ,-.h worse. 1 a=i that ’. • swo uci:.?v e; Er — - r- 1 . - y _ ; Hearas*» Bryn Allis Ctre, and we eeriifv that it was a i eQS iijxess-—HENT.Y WVRLOD. Ahna. r t sr Jixr_. '.mwvry*-, »- 1 .. -. • . -•.-.-. h . - -wi are str - h and sc-ieessfcl pc*f rtrcassstan-eea s y,. ~l ’7 -. .\j ?«*.*•« in tio sales f ><~r I -.jEst.*J^HN’ . “The bniiia cf BreneUus Cure I got frera yoawas in iis cffeca.—CHAS. WYLItCW, EaocL’s Point, . '’ _ ?. ’• * Lt 1-, « 1. . _ s - and fiiiy-siiie other Leadxns ria Darllnrf >ri. "S ivserLi.” j . i z., __-«u.- -, Consomptton. Three Cases Completely Cured by A FIV ® Yeara ’ Cas9 ‘ TOO ILL TO LEAVE HIS BED. One Boltl® of Hearnd’S Brcncinxis CURED FT ONE SjIALL BOTTLE. ▲ COMPLETE CURE. Cure. HER DAUGHTEB HAD BEEN VERT ILL. “Mr. W. G. H a i-i. — “Hr. W. G. Hearse. Dear Str a -I am writing to UH SEVERE COLD, WITH LOES OF VOICE. CUE ED SPITTING UP r.LOuD - . -. ? ' 7/pu abonttha woedertd enre yeer eh aa edited BY HALF A BOTTLE. THE DOCTOR SAID NOiIIiNG l!v. E COULL Di 2 ’ - - -<• - e -s L\2i*ri I- :: e c .rvi to oy <xse. Abont tnrae yearw ago I be«nn tc roryh. * _ . Z.-. *. -• e •-• nd At firs* the eoo<h was not aerere, bat it fradnsZy rot a SUPPLY SEXF IO A EKLATIVE IN ENGLAND L .. L. •-. aad I became very weak an 1 troubsed wish night w=-*i>v—= »rr u w*t.. — ,* * - c *~ V Z,.7.- - r pein Ln rry che»t, and great ansntiiies cf ptism. “L2er.wedyn, Vie. CURED. BY HEARN E\» BRGNe £HTT2> 1 vRE. 1 r.-i , .. ' KENNEDY On e« Tefal 0.-easitms ihara waa Kecd tn the expectorated “ Mr. Hearne. — The extract as'-» n ow» • ‘•ui'rr’wr' t-.-k «->.• v-. - rfca h T • d«tor, who proiwnnoed « Des , sir.—l am vary mnsi pleased with the effect- Lord.‘f^‘:e4.:r.< >.? n i havaY 7. e I x j? C r s ~Tarions 0. er of yo=r Bronrhwis Cara. Last winter three of my chil h= ’an £-.:*ck itr i. ..s in N-?Tc.s>’s - inseto hM tned, pat benefit. Is was a« drer. had verybad eomrhs. and one hottie ecred the inree nchiii.< Cure ■' xz xy .._ 1 i_t«s 1.1. 1 feel _i.« xxelL 1 ytmr Cura, and seal of Tc . also had ?. a severe cold s _- r -. * > c®v»Zl Years’ Case, that abeeaeSraiyhat berv'fee.bwt half a t»t;; ? -1 aBSt y . 2a .-a . - i.e, m-ro c-f the A “° V ' n t>e4 ’ I always kaep it ia t2se house bow. and reacsisiead medfetoe. as I wish »> ?<'l a : in iH- -css I wy-rcr - AND iIATTER. fe to a medicineoflhatMßd. hnva tried tc jet :: naio h. r* t *2 i le. w c : K - - - - . _Ji? I e ’r gaEe . •^. OQ fcga ' * ««»• “I eow wx>» you to Mia agones fonr Ixuixea to Ea?- Star* a to see <’. <1 he . c.z. He ieEs me ihA . ........ T ,. ...• vp 5 , pare, for which me# my very beat thanks. land to my mother, who ia s&fferms greatly &am broa- week Le e-a make ru-tklF..* <-t - ' i-: hQatvcrsaw .= • • C.< ul» LL-l-Lk C«_R - . 1 ears frstatuLy, ehitis. The address is ezteloasd. thm* like it before, so there is €-=’.. one thtssx for m» “J. BLAIR. “Years rrstofolly. do, seal for mere. I ha*e nere? xept in bed one toy “ Mr. W. G. Hearne,— - WuariMto, Brifr. Boxa, SX, IXHrfOB.- .JOHN S. MOKTIMEE.- I=2. t , s " — to 38 x e *" ° i< - 3130 caryl cvj Irrxr oil, io rc-.«.,i y.» »: eae -k i» isu:« »>:.■£ ?.-«. 'r JU- i;.. ' a.-?.y N <<•»:>.- Severe • >y Haaraea vare. whde >endin<for i: axeaa’.e. * iarvMnE r. .«*'.ixN- >rn:y!i:sfn xacex-ofo-1» a ito t _ _ " ■■■ “Somethin*score I zssst teL yon. O.xr’otte has been -. ~ i w*--.* *..<t iLis ack?!'-wfodxsacntfroxs a serialo? A FIVE YEARS’ CASE. very ill ainee I wrote yoo- Her eosxb wa* so bad si • ?.-.»*• <i «u r- •\*e c <r* --ther irealraant bad ’«. <-d. ws-T rwvwn *T nvrz-w awtv /’.-»sror rrrr v- /'f-wvn WAS A GREAT SUFFERER. never hal a nix hi's iwt, and nr very yj ri re»r rra* '..i Ii•- i Veen .eUlnr rerv maeh w ; at ONCE AND COMPLETELY IURKD The do-stor t3d her fecsbard that there was aa !if the Am-i I • seined • ar i wma c j iSb >1 BT HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS CURE. gm NOT WALKED FOR TWELVE MONTHS. n«h more h* c: iid d - for her. bd on Ue Serday I . •-*., t 6 -.<-r a =->vi u =«h. “Dear Si*—l c'*ar«J «t<ms *s* -»■--* •sent nerhaif* beetle of ♦ha Bronrnttis C=re. an I . . ~._j 3 , ; ’ c-.stter. 3 d appareauy belaud hope of rowithrongh. for years, and &rinr that time ALWAYS WALKS NOW. AND IS OUITE WELL J-r rotry it, a= «<♦ us? o A .>7._rr. ‘e " * r rtret from different sources, but derived no ceAi: nxtil 9 aendj• ajt .-*. Sne •xch _?r j Vocally nnxroved <s 1 3 =ei .he FKM.SST3OXOKB THANSHE HAS DONE FOR 1 i *“= e ' “ Years "t. Waiaoa Street. Burton-on Trent. c-a the Sunday aim ov<ir to say ihat *te wa* ' "StaSc rdahire, «s=iie c=re’ ana d_l not re pure any m re ’nedi.-:::e. So „,_ W.TBKMELLKX. -X,. w . 0 . H^e , --=••. z- - . < “Dear Sir,—Yoar letter and Broachitis Cera to hand AS.nma. ' e <nhe safe. lie ears you will be glad to know that year Tl - «. «, - — . Broaehitia Care haa quite eared me. I was very <lad PREVIOUS TREATMENT FAILED. A U&Lid 9«v«n monies Old. it rasa, as I was ssffertn; from a severe atiark cf <2 Years’ Afirony. -... v . »•. • A WTVFKRFB n?n\i Brwnehitfe at th> lime n arrived. I had rent for my *” A SEVEN thEN l ..ARt> CASi-. own doctor, bd had not had cue nifhi's rest for a week. nramwacTwr* Qfwrir-ATr'Cii nsv CfiT’GFf z»«-*x>rr* x>v x*a CrBEDSYABOTTUBOFHEABNESBBONCHmS X Ukfag the thus. to DO-E <” B TH.,l._ . rrp» *• -Lrs.-.ed. and waa very nvtch eased at ensa. At the ENaIP.EL\ REMOVED Bl F’v E Dv=a-S. . . q k Ch-.r’e-riHe, CCKS ’ end of a week I only took it twiee a day. and then oniy NO OTHER TREATMENT COULD EV'- n FASE IT O ?.Utf i f>n ait? .a .v 7 n Hr-W G. Hearse. Dear Sir,-Kindly forward me a toy ni<ht for a week, as.l fell verv beuer. when. NO OTHER TREATME. I COULD E . Ar. . nu <r a «sat man; Lff r t man bottle of yonr Bronchitis Care as soon aa feasible, w Sir,—My wife was for twelve years a «aSorer fr ra a tmen:- -» *• *: r 4 \ I *** ui ed :* try Hearr <> a* 1 «peak above a whisper, owiny to a rohL I 7^^° 4 atost iistre«ia>, s--ff wiisr. dry c that eo .»t I.'t r-Leino for iit . tekiax thrve b.>U.e* •- f ihw had a bottle from yoc before for my little girl when she M T * a<l ??* Al ee * prrrlcnsly for twelve rensOTa ,a or even ea>ed i»v aay remedy, doctors’ pre- fc *a»«|ne 1 ' rid of the .»vhma, and • eo, FA * months old. She had been anffertof from months .a<waya aermtioms and patent medi<in*i havtay been tried; b-,; 1 Wfi -h was ia t-”? te<->.z : -.e of !--? liyears »- . 1 tire bronctiile fron her birth, and cow she ia three years sso such pain an., distress .he chest. I a»vraya wa.k an , happv to sav that the pain in the <hse . end r •,4 ♦*- *li~ •*-» re•■’.ra <-. it- i'-e me»* - ute ©id, and has net had a reiirn ef is since. It ia a splendid BeT * r -Oe- it. and lam s,ron<*r than I have diflEenfty of breathing, etc., were entirely rer.-.. »*d by the f -*d — e and 1 Lav* nterh pleasure in reeotnmen -ng ■tosfonne for or colds of any sort. }*** <** I thank my son for his rrea. kindnees 0f yo ir Cure.-I rsmalu, Si?, yours <•- “I remain, years truly, 13 Mndmg the medieuie, and am, dear sir, most respc<ifally. Wriixag a 7 xia on the 4ih trr.', li», he elates;—’ I yj Tte VS AK “ Yonn very tmly, WILLIAM CROCKETT, keeping very ere;? no a. Never have the ra* ••Violet Town, Victoria." a “M. MORTIMER.* •Baker * Swamp P. 0., via Dripstone, N.S. Wales.” turn of the Asthma.* Prepared only and Sold Wholesale and Retail by the Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Geelong’, Victoria. N.Z. Branch Office—COFFEE PALACE BUILDINGS, MORAY PLACE, DUNEDIN. SHALL SIZE, 28, 6d.; LARGE, 4s 6d. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors rORWARDKD TO AMY ADDRESS WHEN NOT OBTAINABU LOCALLY. Poxta<«: 80. for Small: Off. for LarffS Slza. Agents: SHARLAND & CO.. LTD.. AUCKLAND AND WELLINGTON

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue XVI, 18 October 1902, Page 1013

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Page 1013 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue XVI, 18 October 1902, Page 1013

Page 1013 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue XVI, 18 October 1902, Page 1013