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Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION. HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN AUSTRALIA. Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difiiculty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in ths Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the thront and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has neier t>een known to exist where “Coughs” have been properly treated with, this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose is generally suflicient, and a Complete Cure is certain. A Lady in Undon. A FEW EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS. w Gratitude and Appreciation. MARTYR TO COLDS AND BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. r> I n.,M yon-Rronohlil, C*tro tor thr.e of ray fkaMly, .nd It cured **el> of them in frtou one to thr.4 dose,.—A. HUNDREDS CURED IN IHEIIt OWN CIRCI.K. ■CURED BY ONE BOTTLE OF HEARNE'S MULLINS, Cowiofs Crank, Victoria.” “The ‘Seiwiiijc AaetraJian ’ Mice, ■ —■ aflr, Que'.a Street, Melbourne. BRONCHITIS CURE. “Your Dro,*chitda Care rsHevei my son wonderfully qnu*. I only rave him tear dean, have eoxrs ef the Mr7i T^i S ~ n \r o L ke i^^! W i? a ! nt l T THE DOCTOR SO INTERESTED THAT HE medicine yet;; but lam sending for another bottle in case ( should want it.-D. M’DDNALD, Trtokey, vi* sfairindi, who aa ‘ r inr : iha hSt few year! ha«! b«en rXea'edly work CARRIED OFF THE EMPTY BOTTLE. Ncw bouth ’ lag fur and aingtog the pndoe* of Hoarn’a Bronchitis Cure. it Is our Mr. Phillips. “Orange,*N.S.W. “Your Bronchitis Cura Li a wonderful modici?;a.—A. B. SIMMONS, No. 7, Kenny Street, Paddington, Sydney.” “This geatleKmu, sows three yean afro, was rccom- .. Ji; 7, ll £? rDe £~ i » . . i lueutad io try vour Bronchitis Cure by Mr. Barham, rcDcar Sir,—l enclose for your own private perusal ‘‘My wife is 8) rears old, and lam 79. and lam glad to inform you that your Bronchitis Cura baa dona u.< both a caunteat, CuiUus Street, and the effect that it had was portion o t a latter rccohrod from my mother. Mrs. —— - , wonderful deal of gbc-i, it bavin? quickly cured us lx.ih.-R. BASSETT, Strath Creek, via Broad fur J, Victor,*.’’ marked that ho hau ever since been continually roof i.ondop, England, freia whieh you will glean that M 1 ■ commanding it to others. wiX*2ri " I bnve a.«l cn« bottle of your BrooeWHs Cure with CTe.i benedt to myself, '.hi smothering hue completely ‘ ‘,'f’• r ’ K !f d 1° *i* 4 f.' l ’u° ur to to cohia ana in on oh. al nli-aa. Ido ne» wish any left me —fisr*. > JOf+N RAHII.TY Glanm «ia Victoria” ! Hearne a xnost valuable Bronchitis (.’lire, which has names to bo moafioaod. but you are at liberty to maka 1611 d ,rrr * »auu*li, uianm ( ,ie, victor.a. etts io.i Ulii nuff<rin of hundreds aud hundreds of people use of any portion, of this letter you choose, and you can MT . . , .... , ... .. . rnuvuinnirv vs-.—<-•» oven in our own circle of acHiaaliitance. conAdantly refer anybody to me. “ I have found your Bronchitis Cure a splendid meaioina.—JOHN MADDEN, Skipton, Victoria. “ Ifotiovo ns alwsvs te ba ” I heard of your excellent rsmedr, and sent it to Eag- r , „ . . ... „ . , . * . * . *v *, -r, .* _« “Yours most land. You enn see for yourself went an immense sue- I have flaiahed the Bronobilia vure you sent, rud am amazed at i. dm done in the time. Ihe di rae-uily or ' 4 Pfitf r.ip-i oit w i ♦ (%>• cess it was.—Tours Ldthl’sHv. .” breathing has all gone.—J. HARRINGTON, Blngegimg. Moruudah, N.b.W. ' * Extract from letter alluded te above:— — You will ho Interested in hearing that I think the “My cold, bad as it was, disappeared after two doses.—C. J. CURRIE, Solicitor, Victoria Chambers, Queen QuaentJland Testimony Brouchitia Cure really excellent. I was very bad when Street, Melbourne.” w • itjirrived, and I ianrihUly flew te it. That was last FROM BRISBANE WHOLESALE CHEMISTS. “I lately mtauniatero-1 some ot year Bronchitis Cure to s son of Kiino, with splendid effect Th« oare WM “«s, Queen Street, Brisbane, Qaeonsland. .bsolutely.nlraoato.ra.-y. J. PACkR Quiera. Neutral Bay. Sydney, N.S.W.” “gr W a Hearne, f yi-pul ~7vf*o in ie 9 1 b-v.—a v*m\* herA ** —— lAoar Mr, * lease send ls uoxen i>roncaiitis i-’iire The"nature; are wit-hhald freni pumicytion, hut will bo “Your Bronchitis Gore, a« nsaal, noted splendidly.—o. H. BRADFORD, Cnstorton, Victoria.” o^orier^ o**’ 0 **’ '^' a et,e^°*e oar c^u< l ue to cover amount Supplied privately i.han desired. “Kindly forward another bottle of your famous Bronchitis Cure without delay, as I find it to ba a most valuable . We otton hoar your Bronchitia Cure spoken well of, —— medicine.—(Mrs.) J. SLATER, Wnrrarul, Victoria.” A gentle man told ua to-day that he had given it to a Mi Id » a > of hii wiui most rsinarkabia result, the child being quite AGONISING COUGH. cured by throe doaes. ,-Tvm •. “I am very ploMod with yoMT Bronchitis Cure. The result was marvellous. It eaaed me right off at once.—G. •• y/ e faithfully yours, NINE MONTHb TORTURE. SEYTER, Bourke; New South Walss.” “ THOMASON, CHATER ± CO., BELIEVED BY ONE BOSE OF HEARNE’S BRON- t “Wholesale Chamiate.” CHITIS CURE, AND CURED BY TWO BOTTLES. “ Your medicine for asthma is worth 20/- a hottie.—AV. LETTS, Heywood, Victoria.” Dorsheim, Victoria. “I have tried lots of medicine, bet yours is the best I ever had. I aiu recommending It to everybody.—S. CuiHXi In Ten Days. “Dear Sir.—l wish to add ray testimony to the won- STEELE, Yaalui Siding, New South Wales.” THE EDITOR OF THE OLDEST NEWSPAPER IN U'srfui effect of your Bronchitis Cure. I suffered for VICTORIA EXPRESSES GRATEFUL Me up A and 'sit'bTr had .“ 1 suffered from chronic asthma and bronchitis, for which I obtained ne relief unlit I tried your medicine, but 1 APPRECIATION. medical adyiee, and tried ether ‘remedies,’ without freedom, as a direct result of my brief triaL-JOflN 0 ~w G HeanW| E I><tar sir,-Permit me to e«STftil* I tried yours, and never had a fit of coughing IREL AWN MY, Severn Elver, via In voreH, N.b.W. press "my grateful appreciation of th a value of your d ® a «’.* ud though 1 have had but Bronchitis Curo. I had, sone months aro, a severe two bottles I reel I am a ailrdreut man, and the tough “Last vear I suffered severely from bronchitis, and the fleeter, to whom I pail seven guineas, did not do me any attack ot Bronchitis, and took your medie&ie. with the bas vanished. You may depend, upon my mr.king known good; but 1 bnar«t of your Bronchitis Cure, and two bottles of It made me quite well.—H. HOOD, Brookland*, Avoua result that at ths end of ten days the complaint had the efficacy of your wonderful remedy to anyone I see Street, South Farm, Melbourne.” cenip'.etcly lest me. We ore now never without the afflicted. medicine In the house, and at tin) first indication of a OUr? ‘ JAMES ASTBURY.” “Please send mo half-a-dezeu of your Bronchitis Cure- This medictoe cured rue to the winter, and has now eold lt ia U “i^ l my dea? cured a friend of miua of a very bad bronchitis.—A. ALLEN, Ozone Housa, Lome, Victoria. ’ • “n. QUARRILL, , “Your Bronchitis Cure lias dons me much good. This is a new experienoe, for ail the medioine I previously took halter Geelong Advertiser. We, the undersigned, nave had occasion to obtain made mo much worse. lam satisfied that the two bottles of Bronchitis Cure I got frem you have pulled mo through ’ • ioug “ d <tan -” ro,u fH *'“- HSi ’ RY wunL<>6 ’ A, "±^ r - yp ? „ tooktog‘/.em Biffed X d VheS^ 7 r. P “The bottle of Bronchitis Cure I got from you was magical la its effects.-CHAS. WYBROW, Enoch’s Point, ohltls cJe.”-EIIIOTT BROS.. Ltd., Wholesale Dru*Gecloag, and fifiy-ntoe other leading residents. via Darlingford, Victoria.” ffwts, Sydney, N.b.YS. Consumption. Thro® Oaoes Completely Cured by A Flv “ Ye « ra ' Cas ’- too ill to leave his bed. On* Bottls of Hearne’s Broncultls Vi«torl». CUBED by one small bottle. A COMPLETE CUBE. Cure. HER DAUGHTER HAD BEEN VERY ILL. “Mr.W.G.tloAme,Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir,— l am writing to teU SEVERE COLD, WITH LOSS OF VOICE, CURED SPITTING UP BLOOD. “ Dear Sir,— Kindly «ond me one larso bottle of yoer BY HM - F A BOTTI - E - DOCTOR SAID NOTHING MORE COULD BE ”X'i«j.i‘”raU At first the cough wan not severe, but it gradually got A SUPPLY SENT TO A RELATIVE IN ENGLAND DONE. my little girl, who had been sufionngfor uve years, and worse, and I became very weak and troubled with night »ow Ido not Aval sale to a .vitiiout it. ■wsats, pain in iny chest, and great quant idea of phlegm. “Lienwellyn, Katanga, Vie. CURED DY HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS CURE. * rcula u ’ On several occasions there was blood iu ths expectorated “Mr. Hearne, — T . . « 4 „ r.._ .. a • >• AGNES r. hIiNNEDi. m W Con'/Xtt/u «°d t£af r“ * V”" £l C ?“ d ., W “ h “//tronjer th.n I h»r“7or’veare I W nrJ5-St *2°# h&d V S-V b ? d ■ and one bottle cured the tnree Bronehida Cure was a-sin sueceeehil. I feel quite well, tula stage that I heard of joarßrenchm# Care, and of them. The housemaid also had such a severe cold and walk into town, iaclinc quite str-m"-. A Raven Cana E&toJ illtoTa” e my t\£to-7 J V” 1 ‘!r‘ e r” 1 ™ 1 / bu ‘ h * M “J* 0 " 1 ’ “”5 “I “it ~k"u’ .b &tI M morn of the A EaV,U Yesrfi C.«*. m?™ Xa'urlU Loom vid I ftSkSv that ??? 1 alw:l 7 s “<>? •» the houso now,and recommend raedtoino. ha I wish to hsro a supply in the house. I EXPECTORATING BLOOD AND MATTER, mite, aua improvea. 1 am gi-Q to say it to anyono requiring a medicine of that kind. have tried to got it mado up here, and let mv chemist axtatiUKAU-iu Bhwu AHiinu. o^eto^ur« t "or^h'A*?MbtmJ’? ! e t -?l,lsf < the C nks “ C ° m ' i“J “ ow want X 3a *°’O’ l ! l fo" b '?; d '“ hava tt botils (5 s«s what he eould do. He telle mo this cnwpr FTFLV CUI'FD p.elo curb, tor which accept ray ve.y l.Mt thanks. lam, to mother, who is suffenns greatly from hron- week he oan make nothing out of it; he never saw any- COMI LET ELY CURED. rears gratonu./, ohltia. The address is enclosed. thing like It before, eo there is only one thin" tor me to “J. BLAIR, “Yours gratefully, do, send for more. I have never kept in bed one dav “ Mr. W. G. Hoarna,— ** Westminster Bridge Road, S.E., London.” “JOHN R MORTIMER ” 1 commenced to take it. I used to be in bed a fort- u p ear —Your medicine has cured me of bronobiJOiirM b. MUKIIMIS.K. w ht at a lime always, and after that for months I was tla unrt asthma, from which I suffered for upwards of The relative in England, who is 30 years old, also cured aB i W n .as I could be. and was alwaya taaing seven year*, during which period I was ucareuly ever Savfim Couah by Hearne’s Bronchitia Curo. cot. livcx oil, so you will see at once it is quite worth from coughs, and frequently i the difficulty of breathBOVere uougn. * while amiding for it such a long distance. in gwaa so distresstogthat for nights in succession I had to A HVF, YVIRQ' pa«p “ Something more i must ted you. Charlotte has oeen git"w. I write you this acknowledgment from a sense of a rive. XJSAKb CASE. very ill stoee I wrote you. Her cough was so bed she dat / Min my CBao every other Treatment had faded. RELIEVED AT ONCE AND COMPLETELY CURED WAS A GaßAr SUFFERER. never hau a ni«h. u rest and was svitang up blood very For a y oßr previous 1 bad been getting very much worse, vr-r.. nv’rjic. w much. The doctor told her hn3Dand that there was and st the time I obtained your medicine 1 was confined z BY HEARNE S BRONCHITIS CURE. HAD NOT WALKED FOR TWELVE MONTHS. nothing more ho could do for her. So on tlio Sunday I ““bed .Scoring from a most violent cough, expectorat“Dear Sir, —I itiffered. from severe cold on the cheat sent her half a bottle of the Bronchitis Cure, a«d told i n g blood and matter, and apparently beyond hope of rewith cough, for five years, raid during thnitime got treat- ALWAYS WALKS NOW, AND IS QUITE WELL her to try it, and it she did not uaa It, not to WMto it, but covery. Th, tlr.t dole of the medicine gave me weloom. ment from different sources, but derived no benefit until ? en r, Avf,* she had such confluence tn her doc- relief, and I Hleadily improved ns I continued the treatI used your Bronchitis Cure, which gave mo relief at FEELS STRONGER THAN SHE HAS DONE FOR tor that I thought she would not try it. On tlio XV ednes- meat until I became, as 1 am now, quite well. once, und completely cured me. I am delighted with it. w*oa day I sent over again and she wan much better, the ** Yours sincerely,” It 13 really a wonderful medicine; does good at once. YI.AKS. night s rest was very good, and cough and bleeding from “H. WALKER, and ‘ can’t be licked.’ the lungs better. She sent for another hau bottle, and “Balmain Sydney.” “Tours sincerely “8, Watson Street. Burton-on Trent, on the foliowtog Sunday sent over to say that she was ’ “w TpruFr rpm “Staffordshire, England. quite cured and did not require any more medicine. So , •'Modowarre, Victoria." TREMELLEN. llMr Q Gdoßg- Kvo’lXTf K'lfztXply” d 0“ e ' '‘ ndWl ’ h< ” — “Dear Sir,—Your letter and Bronchitis Cure to hand J Asthma. A Suite safe. lam sure you will be glad to know that your 1 bronchitis Cure has quite cured me. I was very glad ' -- PMFVTOTTS TREATMENT FAILED, uunu aev.u moutns uia. when it came, as I was suffering from a severe attach of 12 Vaspr l «» rftn « fkliiuu» uibaimi.m A SUFFERER FROM BIRTH. Bronchitis at the time it arrived. I had sent ter my a aRV ENTEEN YEARS’ CASE. CURED BY A BOTTLE OF HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS Started°toking t?m 'Jttoy DISTRESSING, SUFFOCATING, DRY COUGH CURED BY THREE BOTTLES. CURE as directed, and was very much cased at once. At the ENTIRELY REMOVED BY FIVE DOSES. . . n . " Mr. W. G. Hoarae. Dear Sir,-Kindly fern.rd m. . “felVrory whem NO OTHF.R TREATMENT COULD EVEN EASE IT Queensland .nfftring* friui l.Umra lo*r had a bottle from you before for my little girl when she ar, y fatigue. I had not done that previously for twelve £l Jemovld oi fvan“eised miv nSv dodom’BM. medicine for •"thma. ml th£J? uvi > .. "Mra. H. RAMAGE. “ Yoar, very truly, WILLIAM CROCKETT, .m keeping very well now. Never here the elighlMl r»Violet Town, Victori*.” .. M , MORTIMER." “Beker’s Swamp P. 0., via Dripstone, N.S. W01e,." turn of the Aethm.”

Prepared only and Sold Wholesale and Retail by the Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Geelong 1 , Victoria. N.Z. Branch Office—COFFEE PALACE BUILDINGS, MORAY PLACE, DUNEDIN. SMALL SIZE, 2s, 6d.; LARQE, 4s. 6d. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors FORWAROBD TO ANY ADDRESS WHEN MOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. Post***: Od. for Smallt Od. for Lar*o Sis*. Agents: SHARLAND & CO.. LTD.. AUCKLAND AND WELLINGTON.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue IX, 30 August 1902, Page 565

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Page 565 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue IX, 30 August 1902, Page 565

Page 565 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue IX, 30 August 1902, Page 565