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Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION. HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN AUSTRALIA. Those who have taken tins medicine are amazed at Its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is most, comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where “Coughs” have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should bo without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. A Lady in London. A FEW EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS. Orntltuda and Appreciation. MARTYR TO COLDS AND BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. “ I uao d your Bronchitis Care ior three of my family, and it cured each of them In from one to three dosee.-A. • HUNDREDS CURED IN THEIR OWN CIRCLE. CURED BY ONE BOTTLE OF HEARNE’S MULLINS, Cowie’s Creek, Victoria.” - “The ■ Soientijo AuetralHm BRONCHITIS CURB. “ Your Bronchitie Cure relieved my eon wonderfully quick. I only pare him four deaol, and hare some of the th “ >» Uribrtfr 'n'i"virtor!l THE DOCTOR SO INTERESTED THAT HE medicine ret; but lam eenaiag for another bottle in taee I should wantit.-D. M’DONALD, Trtakey, via Qiurmdi, who has CARRIED OFF THE EMPTY BOTTLE. I ' ew Soalh Wales. ; n ~ < or j,.,,™., iho'pralses ot Hearne's Bronchitis Cute, it is our Mr. Phillips. “Orange, N.B.W. “Your Bronchitis Cure is a wonderful medicine.—A. B. SIMMONS, N 0.7, Renny Street, Puddington,Sydney.’’ “This gentleman, io:ae three years ago, was recoin* “Mr. mended to try vowr Bronchitis Cure by Mr. Barham, au- “ P®* r encl ® Bfi 7 our own private perasal « Mv wife ig 81 year 9 old, an d j nm 7a an j j RTO a iod to inform you that your Bronchitis Cure has done us both a countant, Colllnu Street, and the ©tert that it had was portion of a lott«r received from my mother. Mrs. ———. wonderful deal of rood, it having Quickly cured us both.—ll. BASSETT, Strath Creek, via Broadford, Victoria.” so marked that he haa ever sineo been continually re* of London, England, from which you will glean that a » * * ' couuusn4<a jit to others. names to be mentioned. but yon ar. at liberty io make l.ftm«.-(Mrs.) JOHN RAHILLY, Oleum.< ,-le, Victoria. ea. 0.1 the außnrings of hundreds and htmdreds ot people nse of any portion of this letter you choose, and you oen iIT . , . . ... „ mnv MLnnpu ” even in our own idreio of acquaintance. confidently refer anybody to me. 1 ««»* Bronchitis Cere a splendid medicine.—JOHN MADDEN, Skipton, Victoxia. M Believo usahraya to be, “1 heard of your excellent remedy, and sent it to Eng- A , . ... , . . .. ~ -- —“ Yours most faithfully, land. You can see for yourself what an immense sue- “ I have finished the Bronchitis Cure you sent, rnd am nmaxed at what it has done in the time. The difflcn.ty of PHILLIPS, ORMONDE A CO.” cess it was.—Yours faithfully, .’’ breathing has all gotfb.— J. HARBIN GTOh, Bingegong, Morundah, N.b.W.” Extract from letter alluded to above. « You will ba interested in hearing that I think the “My cold, bad as it was, disappeared after two doses.—C. J. CURRIE, Solicitor, Victoria Chambers, Queen Queeaa’smd Tostlmocy, Bronchitis Cure really excellent. Iwas very bad when Street, Melbourne.” .. it arrived, and I immediately new to it. That was last , FROM BRISBANE WHOLESALE CHEMISTS. S " d •*“ Th ' ou " w " ;; w . o Driibauei Que “ BUnd - k.„ »««r SHr.-PtaM. ..nd U. 88 Bronehiti. from publiwUon, but will b. ' “Xuur Bronchitis Cure, u usual, acted splendidly.-C. H. BRADFORD, C.sterton, Victoria.” bj. W« .nclow our oheqn. to cover .mount .applied privately when droirod, .. f#rw „ a botU e of y4m r famous Bronchitis Cur. without delay, as I dud it to ba a most valuable “ ’?»»«“> , h J‘! r J <~ u r *«!?'.Li’u mMleinc-lMrs.) J. SLATER, Victor!..” of AGONISING COUGH. cured by Arae doses. “lam very pleased with your Bronchitis Cure. The result wae marvellous. It eased me right off at onoe.-G. i« Wb are faithfully years, NINE MONTHS’ TORTURK. SETTER, Bourke, New South Wales.” “ THOMASON, CRATER & CO., * RELIEVED BY ONE DOSS OF HEARNE’S BRON- "Wholesale Chemists.’* CHITIS CURS, AND CURED BY TWO BOTTLES. “ Yoar medicine for as th ma is worth 20/- a bottle.—W. LETTS, Heywood, Victoria." ‘ Dorghehß. Victoria. «I h aTe i o|e o f medicine, but yours is the best I ever had. lam recommending it to everybody.—S. Cured In Ten Days. “Dear Sir. —I wish to add my testimony Io the won- STEELE. Yanko Siding, New South Wales.” IHE EDITOR OF THE OLDEST NEWSPAPER IN (lerful effect of your Bronchitis Cure. I suffered for VICTORIA EXPRESSES GRATEFUL “ I suffered from chronic asthma and bronchitis, for which I obtained no relief until I tried yom- mediataeL but; 1 APPRECIATION. nlfdiexU advice, Sxd tS?d without *&* 1 freedom, as a direct resulTof my bno? C. „ w Q EaQ D<?ar Sirt _ PaPmlt roe to ea . avail. I tried yours, and aeve? had a fit of coughing TRELAWNEY, Severn River, via Inverell, N.B.W - my cratoAil appreciation of the value of your after taking the first deiw. Mid though I have had but Bronchitis Cure. I had. soma mosithe ago, a severe two bottles I feel I aifetreni man, and the cough “Last year I suffered severely from bronchitis, and the doctor, to whom I paid seven rnineos.difl not do me any attack ot Bronchitis, and teek your medicine, with the has vanished. You may depend upon n>y making known good; but I heard of yew Bronchitis Cure, and two bottles of it made me quite well.—H. HOOD, Brooklauds, Avoca result that at tne end of ten days the complaint had the efficacy of your wonderful remedy to anyone I see Street, South Yarra. Melbourne." completely lost me. Wo are now never without the afflicted. meiuciite in the bouse, and at the first indication of a ' e „‘ aad “Your Bron«blti. Cor. h*a done wie much rood. Thi. U a n.w .zp«-i«noe, for .11 tb« modirlno 1 took Editor Geelong Advertiser. *’ We, th. rmd«ni&wd, hsv. bad oecMion t. obioln mad. xae waroe. I«n aatUaed that the two bottles of Brenohiti. Cure I api from you have pulled me through —— ' ” Hunte's Bronobilia Cur., aad w. certify that it was , loß g >nd dolorous Hlneas.-HENRY WUBLOD, Alma, near Maryborough, Tlotoria.” a v lookln. through our books w» aro struck with perfectly and rapidly suoeasalol under ciroarast-aaaoca ’ j th. ateady and ripld inejeaae ia th. solos ot yoqr BrouStSJd^ o^, ‘ "*/LUR,*M i yJ'r e I> SU«t, " Th. botU. .f Bronchitis Cura I got from you was waging In its oßoets.-CHAS. WYBROW, Enoch’. Point, ohitls Curo.”-dIXIoW Ltd., Wholessf. Drug Geelong, aad flfty-nin. other leading raddenis. via Darllngford, Victoria.” gist., Sydney, N.B.W. Those CmaaH Cnmnlotslv cured by Bstraet from a letter since written by the same lady A Five Year.'Caae. COngUßiptlon. rnpe. UMea coinpioimyvuivu v, to h.rMr. John 8. Mortimer, LlcmweUyn, Kaiunga, TOO TT.T. TO LEAVE HIS BED. Ou® Bottle Of HOMPBO ■ BrOHOmitlS Vidorla. CURED BV ONE SMALL BOTTLE. A COMPLETE CURE. Cttro. HER DAUGHTER HAD BEEN VERT ILL. .. Mr , w . o . H ea.-ne,-“Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dur Sir,-I am writing to Ml SEVERE COLD, WITH LOSS OF VOICE, CURED SPITTING UP BLOOD. „ “ D sS, Sl sf—“"J* 3 ' *“ 4 l SJ?.i? l 2sth‘lhl O ro emtS B¥ HMJ? A BOTTI - E ’ THE DOCTOR SAID NOTHING MORE COULD TIE w.’nd.rh?tiidMw" ftaMllrnttl. At Drat the cough was but it’SJUuallygol A SUPPLY SENT TO A RELATIVE IN ENGLAND DONE. my HW» girl, who hadbsea » 1°» **’» y««, aad wona and I bacasna v«rv waak nud troaUad with nioht now I do not fsal safe to ’ • wiMioav 18. “LlenweUy*, Katanga, Vic. CURED BY HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS CURE. “! remain, y??™ On several occasions thorawas blood in the expectorated "Mr. Hwjbb,- The extract runs aa follows • “As for mvsalf thank AGNKH t. ho his matter. I had been treated by a doctor, who pronounced « Dear Sir, —X am vary much pleased with the effect- the Lord, lam feeling stronger than I have for yean. I expectorating blood and matter. CM “' COMPLETELY CURED. Years grateiuliy, ohitis. Tne address is enclosed. thing Mke it before, so there is onlv one thing for mo to “J. BLAIR, “Yours gratefully send for more. I have never kept in bed ouo day “ Mr. W. G. Hearae,— - WertmitoM bouton.” .. JOHM 8 . MORTIMER." I !*“.« Sr’ Th. rolatir. in England, who is 80 y««rs old, also cured Si.’iKj.ff.i l ™ ft* li’TSl !? Te “ l eard ’ d«rin< whi»b P«l»'t t »•• »’•' W by Hs.rn.’s Brsnohln. Cure. cod llvsr oil, so ran will roe at once it is quite worth fr,. from ooughs, and tVaqn.fitly th. difficulty of brsath. Seven. Cough. •/ s nr.,.™,.™ cure. wnUe sending for it eueh a lone dietsnoe. lmrwMSn<UstrMiingll«atfßrnlghUiueuc«esionl hadto A FIVE YEARS- CASB. v^T^.'i m^.«‘’Se7'^‘w r i5 l W.“ REHEAT ONdE AND COMPLETELY CUBED A « RSAT SUFFERER. B’iMKEAR.NE’S BRONCHITIS CURE. HAD NOT WALKED FOR TWELVE MONTHS. nothing more be could do for her. So on the Sunday I to be < B Jr er i n . f from a most violent cough, expectorat- “ Dear I suffered from severe oold on the chest ? en M!£ fin < blood a " d matter, and apparently beyond hope of rswxthcougK for five years, aad during that time got treat- ALWAYS WALKS NOW, AND IS QUITE WELL hel . t VfY l b *4? 2 ot ®V 3m™ oovery. The first dose of the niedi cine gave me weleoma ment from different source., but derfred no benefit until I Bton’ily Improved as I continued the treatI used your Bronchitis Onro, wM«h gave me relief at FEELS STRONGER THAN SHE HAS DONE FOR YL’lt"iSrfir th« ment until I beoamo, as lam now, quite well, once, and completely cured me. lam delighted with it. vwkwc day I sent over again and bho nas much better, tho “ Yours sincerely. It i» really a wondirfel mtoicta.; does good at one.. YEARS. night . restit. very good, »u<l rough and bleodmglrom “H. WALKER, ami‘can't be licked.’ . the lunj. better. Bh. sent for anoili.r hall bottle, and •• Bslm.ln, Sydoey." “ Yours aincerelv "8, Wataen Street. Burton-on Trent, ou tho following Sunday sent over to say that she was uw’TDiruvr r w • “Staffordshire, England. quite cured and did not require any more medicino. So , v- * • „ • J -K* ,M *LLnN. w.mrnA rUftlnnw — you see what great good it has done, and she wishes to “Modewarre, Victoria.” Mr. W. G. Hearne, Geelong,- f iaTe gomo of n » Kt anpply » “Dear Sir,—Your letter and Bronchitis Cure to hand Asthma., quite safe. lam sure you will be glad to know that your “ A Child Month. Olrt Bronchitis Cor. has quite cured me. I was very glsd PREVIOUS TREATMENT FAILED. A irnxia Eleven montlis Ola. when it came, as I was suffering from a severe attack of <o Vaana* Amnv A RTT’B’FRUi?R VRAM HTWTW Bronchitis at the time it arrived. I bad sent for my a SEVENTEEN YEARS’ CASK. -K it jtKun. MTH. own doctor, but had not had one night’s rest for a week. nißTmeßarwa arTR-irnr ittnu nnv ennen « , CURED BY A BOTTLE OF HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS I started taking the Bronchitis Cure three times a day DISTRESSING, SUFFOCATING, DRY COUGH CURED BY THREE BOTTLES. rTTR1 > as directed, and was very much eased at once. At the ENTIRELY REMOVED BY FIVE DOSES. A , p,.,--. CURE. -nd of A wAAk T nnlv took it twice a. dftv and than only Mr. Alox. J. Anderson, of Oak Park, Cbarlesville, “Mr. W. G. Hearn.. Sir.-Kindly forward m. a Xy nigMa a. I f.U very et “r?wSen’ NO OTHER TREATMENT COULD EVEN EASE IT ? , write. .offering frou■ «‘hin» <or I remain, your, truly, >« sending th. m.dicine, and am, .lr, Wl „ t rMpoctfaU , Writing again on the 4th April, ISW, h. .tale. I „ , "Mr.. H. RAMAGE. " T »nr« very truly, WILLIAM CROCKETT, am k.epAg very well now. N.V.r have the .lightest rn- “ Violet Town, Victoria." “M. MORTIMER." “Baker’. Swamp P. 0., via Dripstone, N. 3. Wale..” turn otlh. Asthm.." Prepared only and Sold Wholesale and Retail by the Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Geelong, Victoria. N.Z. Branch Offioe-COFFBB PALACE BUILDINGS, MORAY PLAOB, DUNEDIN SMALL SIZE, 2a, 6d.; LARGE, 4a. 6d. Sold by Chemists and Medioine Vendors FORWARDWD TO ANY ADDRIM WHIN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. Poatac*: 6d. far Small; Od. for Larffa Slao. Aerents: SHARLAND St CO.. LTD.. AUCKLAND AND WELLINGTON.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue VIII, 23 August 1902, Page 501

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Page 501 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue VIII, 23 August 1902, Page 501

Page 501 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue VIII, 23 August 1902, Page 501