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Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION. HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN AUSTRALIA. Those who have taken this medicine are arnazyl at ita wonderful in fluence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis. Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the Cheet it is invaluable, aa it effects a Co- ip’etc Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to exist where “Coughs” have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. A Lady in London. A FSSW EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS. Gratitude and Appreciation. MARTYR TO COLDS AND BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. « I usod yoar Breach ills Cur. tor Hires ot my family,it cured ovcl: of them in from one to three dosfta. —A. HUNDREDS < t, RBD IN THEIR OWN CIRCI.K. CURED BY ONE BOTTLE OP HEARNE'S MULLINS, Cowio’b Creek, Victoria." “The • ScienUSc Australian' OMro, V* y? XTT*T'vc* f’TTßli' <4 TV tf rr 1‘a!», Queoil Street, klO.bltirUO. “ Your Bronchitis Cure relieved son wonderfully qciek. I only gave h’m four doses, and have some of the ,_f a s. ’** art ‘ e -~The silent workers ar« frequently THE DOCTOR SO INTERESTED THAT HE medicine yet; but lam sending for another bottle in case I should rrant it.—D. M‘DONALD, Trbikey, via Qulrlndi, ‘t® *,O x ‘ ’ *• anybody in Victoria rtRRTFD off TRF kmptv BATT’ '• New South Wales.” h.r , Las «-ep«ateUy workCAkKIKV OFJ THE EUPTi Ing lor and singing (he praises of Hearne s Bronviiitie «A xr G «- Cure, it is our Mr. Phillips. Orange, N.a.w. “Your Bronchitis Care is a wonderful medicine.-A. B. SIMMONS, N 0.7, Ranny Street, Paddington, Sy iney.” “Thin gentlemen, some three years ago was re corn- ~ *“• H«a rn «.~ mended to try your Bronchitis Cure by Mr.’ Barham ac•Dear Sir, I enclose for your own pr.vate psrusaJ “My wife is Si yoars old, and I ran 79, and lam glad to inform yon that your Bronchitis Coro has done us both a countaut, Collins Street, end iho effect that it had was portion of a letter rGCCxijsa movoer. Mrs. wonderful deal of good, it having quickly cered us both.—lt. BASSETT, Strath Creek, via Broadford, Victoria.” •'-> marked that he hai ever sinue been continually roof London, r.nglaud, from which you will glean that • * commending it to others. ?O 0 wiS* anv “ I have used eaa bottle of yonr RronehUis Cure with great benefit to myself, as ifcj smothering has completely t “' Ve ar ® * lad "J' 1 oar testimony to the value J .?li7ert7!?msi me.-(Mrs.) JOHaN RAHILLY, Glenm < ,ie. to me ' *" ,008e * yOa Can “I have found your Bronchitis Cure a splendid medicine.—JOHN MADDEN, Skipton, Victoria.” oven ia ojr owu ,fp .*.* of *<*«!u*talan<je. “ I beard of yenr e=cellcr.t ren cdy, and sent it to ’ Relieve us always to be, land. You can neo for what an immense sue- “I have finished the Bronchitis Cure you sent, rn l am amazed at what it has done in the time. The difficulty of ■. .>■,, ~“<• . . v „ cess it was.—Years faith full.-. breathing has all gone.—J. HARRINGTON, Bingogung, Morundah, N.b.W.” r.ULLiI 3, ORMON l»h A CO. Extract from letter alluded to above:— ———— You will be iuicrcuied In hearing that I think the “My cold, bad as it was, disappeared after two dosaa.—C. J. CURRIE, Solicitor, Victoria Chambers, Queen Ou-xAnr’-.-,,4 Bronchitis Cure iwoll. excellent. Twas very bad when Street, ilelbourne.” UJOene.ana lOStlmony. a/.d I immediately flew to it. That was last FROM BRISBANE WHOLESALE CHEMISTS. imcbmlSistsa veiisSsiyTTid curie! , "Ilately aimiaistereS wmo ol jour Bronchitl, Cure to a bo-.i of miaj. with splendid effect The cure was “SI. Queen Street, Brisbane. Queensland, oft the empty boti-U io find out if' he cov.ld got a full one absolutely miraculous.—F. J. PACKER, Quiera, Neutral Bay, .i/dney, N. 3. rV. - Mr W. G. Hearne,— from a chemut who is ia a large wav here.’ 7 . Sir,—Please send ni S 6 dozen Bronchitis Cure The names are withheld from publication, but will bo “Your Bronchitis Cure, as usual, acted splendidly.—C. H. BRADFORD, Casterton, Victoria.” by first boat. Wo enoloea our cheque to cover amount supplied privately when devized. ■> ”.» O w er ’« _ ' “Kindly forward another hottie of your famous Bronchitis Cure without delay, as I fiad it to bo a most valuable . * ; oR * a hear your Drtmchitla Clare sjiokon well of. medicine.—(Mrs.) J. SLATER, AVarragul, Victoria.” ' A gentleman told us to-day that he had given it to a rhild AGONISING COUGH. b) ‘dOTw"'"* 1 ’ 18 1118 tUl, ‘ bCh “ ! ‘ l '“ tB NINE MONTHS' T » ry S?*"*’? 4 w l th X°»J BronoUUU Cure. The rudt woa marvellous. Il eased me right off at onee.-G. “Wa are dithfully yourn, .si.Shj.IQJHS IOSIUB*.. SEVTEII, Bourke, New South Wales." THOMASON, CHATER A CO., KBLIKVE& BY ONE DOSE OF HEARNE'S BRON- " Wholesale Chemists." OHITIS CURE, AND CURED BY TWO BOTTLES. “ Your medicine for asLSma is worth 20/- a bottle.—W. LETTS, Heywood, Victoria.” - ... ~ ‘Dergholm, Victoria. “I i iaTe tried IoU of medicine, but your* is ths best I ever had. lam recommending it to everybody.—S. Cured tn Ton Days. „ P^ r^ lv 2—\ Wiih to »dd ray testimony to the w on- STEELE, Yanko Siding, New South AV ales.” THE EDITOR OF THE OLDEST NEWSPAPER IN Lenul effect of your Bronchitis Cure. I suffered tor victhqii rn tTuvri uino mouths, ana the cough was so distress!ftgly bad at «- . .. . . <• , T . - . , ... T x . VICTORIA KXPRKSbLS GRATEFUI. nights I was obliged to grt up and sit by the fire. I had 1 suffered from chronic asthma and brnncaibE, for which I obtained no relief until I tried your medicine, but 1 APPRECIATION. medical advice, and tried other ‘remedies.’ without Cftn truly nay that I am astonished at my present freedom, as u. direct result of my brief trial.—JOHN C. ... wr avail. I tried youra, and never lad a fit o/ coughing TRELaWNKY, Severn River, via InvcreU, N<S.\V.” „ Hearne, Esq. Dear bir,-Permit me to cxaftcr taking the first dose,, and though 1 have had but v° f h” y al4C . of > our has wa-s^d^rSn’Jnt^^^lin?“Last year I suffered severely from brer.c’utis, sad the doctor, to whom I paid sevan guineas, did not do me any atiaTk oi Brou.-hitU, ir l took vour"niodiulne, wUhThe tiie cfflclcVtf yotx to JnSne I< ooi: I , ho ? rd of V T Bronchitis Cure, anti two boltlee of it made rac quite wed.—H. HOOD, Brouklanda, Avoca result that at the ond of t-n days the complaint had HtniSed* y wonderful remedy to anyone I see § treot> Sou th Yarra, Melbourne.” completely l eB t mo. Wo aro uow never without the ‘ Yours fuitbfullv madicino in the house, and al tho first indication of a “JAMES ASTBURY.” “ Please send ma half-a-dozen of your Bronchitis Cure. This medictnc eured me io tho winter, and has now cold it is taken, with iinni-xliato curative effect. cured a friand of mine of a very bad bronchitis.—A. ALLEN, Oiune House, Lome, Victoria.” 1 * un ’ m Y de * r 5 r «Wa iK. , “Your Bronchitis Cure has done me much good. This is a new experienee, tor all the medi-ine I previously took “Editor Geelong Advertiser. Doarnn’a ° e 2f' ; r iO^v made mo ranch worse. lam satisfied that Ute tw o bottles of Bronchitis Cure 1 got fro?n you have pulled me through r ■ h “ SttOM WUBLOD. Kt.rta," . „„ „„„ which undoubtedly prove its distinct healing power.’ tlie steady and rapid increaso in tha miles of yonr Broiv Signed by the Lev. JOHN fiIhCLAiR, Myers Street, “The bottle of Bronchitis Cure I got from you was magical 1a its effects.—CHAS. WYBROW, Enoch’s Point, chilis Cure.”—ELL IO !”£ BROS., Ltd., Wholesale DrugGeulong, and fifty-nine other leading residents. via Darlingford, Victoria.” gists, Sydney, N.S.W.” Consumption. Three Cases Completely Cured by A Extract from a lettar aiuoe written by the same lady A Flvo Years’Case. „ — ~ . to ner son, Mr. John S. Mortimer, Llenweiiyn, Katunga. TOO ILL TO leave his BED. On® Bottle of Hearne's Brcnefaitls Victoria. s CURED BY ONE SMALL BOTTLE. A COMPLETE CUKE. Cure. HER DAUGHTER HAD BEEN VEP.Y ILL. •'Mr.W.G.lUarne.— “Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Si?,-I amwriiiagtoicU SEVERE COLD,'WITH LOSS OF VOICE, CURED SPITTING UP BLOOD. •• Deer Sir,—Kindly send mo one larw bottle of your you noons .he wonuenclcure ycur medicine ha. 3 effected -p v ttatf a um'’i , rp Bronchitis Care. 1 hiu wore than vlcu.icd with the ro- \ s ’- About three years ago 1 began tc cough. ’ ’ THE DOCTOR SAID NOTHING MORE COULD BE guiis of your wonderful medicine, as u smaH bottle cured At nr-, tho cough was nut severe, but it gradnally tfot A SUPPLY SENT TO A RELATIVE IN ENGLAND DONE. inylittls girl, who had been suffering for live years, and worse; sad I became very weak and troubled with night now tdo not feel safe U.' o -e i U.out >t. aw«a a, palnrnmj “LlonwoUyn, Katunga, VI?. CURED BY HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CUBE. “ I remain, yours iKithtully, On several occasions there was blood in the expectoraied “Mr. Hearne,—- “AGNES F. KENNEDY, matter. I had bean treated by a doctor, who pronounced <• t «... . , , ~, .. Tho extract runs as follows : “As for myself, thank “fiethanja Victoria.*’ iny case to be Consumption, nnd varicus other treat- Af vSfr Ucl } jrith the effect- tbo Lord> j ani leclinff slron - er than I have for y eiirs . I «eta*nga, vic-ono. xr.eiits Lad been triad, but without he-.sCr. It was at 3«nh«4‘wvh!a S A^ U ?’ Las-winter three of my chil had an attack of bronchitis in November, but llearas’s ■ this stAge that I heard of your Bron tidi lj Cure, and sent ss*?},” „ V 2E* and oottle cured the t.irco Bronchitis Cure was again successful. I /cel quite well, to you for a course of iha medicine. When it arrived I th.V s “i* 40 1' a l a 3o ' ere and walk into town, frsling quite strong. a S'Avan Ynars’ Case too ill to leave ray bed, but I »i»en^dUking it a* l h “ JS*\’’>-« «'? »»« Mx'bdu., more of th. * 83V®n Years Gas®, once, and gradually improved. I cm glad to any that «.},?£?? lBe , raconl - neß(i . medicine, ns 1 wish to have a supply in the house. I fxvfctd*}att\v kt non \x n m ittfr the two lots of medicine yousent have effected ft com- X ”« ° T *“*2“ I ?? <h s lne o > taa4 l d ?;V v ffet it made up here. and let my chemist EXPECTOaIAHNG BLOOD AND MATTER, piece cure, for which accept ray verv best thanks. Ji° a , to Rt £J* C ? “ cur to have a bottle io see what he could Ao. He tells me thia -,«*•»>» -v r-r- “ Yours gratefully, to * Y greatly from bron- >y?ek j mk , nothing out of it; he never saw auv- COMPLETELY CURED. “T nt ATB “ T addreS3 «enclosed. 1 Hrn ~ like it before, so there Is only one thiug for mo io .iz.. r-j tc- - T a “ Yours gratefully, do, send for more. I have never kept In bed one day “ Mr. W. G. Iloarne,— WOBtaunster Badge „oau, S.E., London, “JOHN S. MORTIMER." ai J 1 to ‘»ke it- 1 ™«d '« be in bed a fort- .. Daar sir ,_ Y o U r medicine ba» cured me of broneht. n.iniat atim a »l«jy J ,. s >d efterth.t lormnr.tbs I was tie and aethkn, from which 1 Buffered for upwu-<l« nf The relative in England, who is 80 cured ,V ak "M tM>a!d sn4 w ? s "iwaya taknw , oTtn yJara ,i. lr i nx which p-riod I wu. Hcareelv ever Severe Cough. *y Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. cod lirer oil, so you will Bee al onee it is quite worth free from coughs, and froouenUr tho diHuulty of brauthA FIVE YEARS' CASE. “ ba. been RELIEVED AT ONCE AND COMPLETELY CURED A GREAT SUFFERER. n^ r ‘ Sfl B\ HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS CURE. win vnT wit vvn wnn twvt vp vri'c-rixt! told her husband that there was and at tho time I obtained your madicino i was confined a?- t» tr t . HAD NOT WALKED FOR TWELVE MONTHS. noihing more he could do for her. So on the Sunaay I fm«n n rinlnnt .•.iiijh ,r £A •' 4tr€rcJ ft-om severe coldon the chest sent her half a bottle of tlra Bronchitis Cure, and told and matter an? v h<lZi of ?ement ALWAYS WALKS N’OW, AND IS QUITE WELL her to try it, end it she did not use it, not to waste it, but The> mXiio give me woh ome I used your whtJh «v- ™ J ? et, ?v U afa v‘i u , Sho h £ d a V h co“fl d cnee in her doe- reliof ; and r Blcadi iy I:u; . rove d aa 1 < onlinued tho treatl STRONGER WAN SHE HAS DONE FOR 1 »»«?. und* raedlcino; does good at once. YEARS. night’s rest was ver\ good, and cough and bleeding from •• ir and can the licked.’ . thi lunp better. She sent for another half bottle, and <• lUlmain Svdnes ” »ours sincerely, “8, Watson Street. Burton-on Trent, on the following Sunday sent over to say thai she was xximaiu, n ? unr.. “W. TREMELLEN. “Staffordshire, England. quite cured and<lid not require any more medicino. Ho Mudewarre, Victoria.” “Mr. W. G. Hearne, Geelong — J ou heo great good it has done, and she wishes to “ D O.r Sir -Ycnr loiter and Broncblii. Cur. to hand “ y nBX ‘ ' aW, ‘ y " A.thma quite safe. lam sura you will be glad to know that your - «siiuiib. A Child Seven Months Old Bromhltis Caro baa quite cured ins. I was very clad PREVIOUS TBKATMFNT Fin Fl> . when it came, as I was suffeiiac from a severe attack of «» PREVIOUS TREATMENT f AILED. A SUFIERER FROM BIRTH. Bronchitis al the time it arrfred. I had sent for r;y » ®ar® Agony. A SEVENTEEN YEARS’ CASE. CURED BY A BOTTLE OF HEARNE’S B&pNCHITIS FXrtedYuk&Vthe a dai DISTRESSING, SUFFOCATING, DRY COUGH CURED BY THREE BOTTLES CURE. at directed, and was very much eased at once. At th’. ENTIRELY REMOVED BY FIVE DOSES. “Mr w a TrA... nn n®.- *-• t- » end of a week I only took it twice a day. and then only , xrr ,, T Mr. Alex. J. Anderson, of Oak Park, (’hurloHvllle, Rninn lint tin —kindly forward me a every night for a week, ax I felt very muck better, when, NO OTHER TREATMENT COULD EVEN EASE IT Queensland, wrilciiAfter suffering fnau Hstiinis tor «« r n.wnnj al2^ > u r «u* OIIC^lt \ ,, turc as soon H 8 l’ o,Blb J e 2 thanks to the Lord fur adding His blessing, I was quite MO< •, • * , ~ e 17 years, and havbig been nnder a groat many different ?°K5 a w.naper, owing to a cold, i well, and walked into town and back without feeling Sir.-My wife was for twelve years a sufferer from a treatment* without bcnifit. I was induced to try Ilcame’a ill JS!S fo i r when she J* 41 ?* 1 ®- 1 had not done that previously for twelve P io,t Nuffocatinr, dry cough thst could not niedi-ine for asthma. After taking three bottles of this i She ? ad B,l<TBriu Z from months (always went in the omnibus) as walking caused be removed or even eased by any remedy, doctors’ pre- medicine J quite got rid of the asthins, and sines them Sid Af b an, J J‘°y “ b 9 is thr ®« raa auch P ain *ud distress in the chest. I always walk scnvtimis sud patent medicine* having been tried; but I which was in tho beginning of 1888 (15 vears ago), I have modictae fol H Mnce - 1* U • •P’endi‘l ” ow “ d ™ vcr I»m stronger than I have COU ‘ rb ’ r l‘ u , in th " II, SV’ 1V‘ 1 i >“ l th ® •lightest return of it. The medTciAe quite medicine for bronchitis or colds <>i any sort. been for years. I thunk my son for Ms great kindness difficnity of breathiug, etc., were entirely renwved by tho cared ms and I have uruh pleasure in recommending “ I remain, yours truly, in sending the medicine, and am, dear sir, . fifth dose of your Bronchitis Cure. -I remain, Sir, yours it /. F a,u, '- u,g «vii*rn ,r- . . “Mrs. H. RAMAGE. “ Yours very truly, most respectfully, wri TT 4M CBOPKKTT Writing again on tho <th April, »M, he states:-” I Violet Town, Victoria.” reveryiruiy, WILLIAM CROCKETT, am keeping very well now. Never have tho slightoat reMORTIMER. *Baker’s Swamp P. 0., via Dripstone, N.S. Wales.” turn of the Asthma.” Prepared only and Sold Wholesale and Retail by the Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Geelong*, Victoria. N.Z. Branch Office -00FFHE PALACE BUILDINGS, MORAY PLACE, DUNEDIN. SMALL SIZE, 2t, 6d.; LARGE, 4a. 6d. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors FORWARDXD to any address WHIN HOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. Fosta*.: M. for Small; 9d. f®r Lar*® Sica A Brents: SHARLAND & CO.® LTD.® AUCKLAND AND WELLINGTON.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue II, 12 July 1902, Page 117

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Page 117 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue II, 12 July 1902, Page 117

Page 117 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIX, Issue II, 12 July 1902, Page 117