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Hearne’s Bronchitis Cure. THE FAMOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION, HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN AUSTRALIA. Those who liare taken this medicine arc amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those who are subject to Colds on the •Chest it Is invaluable, as it effects a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving- strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma to become chronic, nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been .known to exist where "'Coughs” have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken nt the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. ‘ A Lady In London. A F!3'.V EXTRACTS FROM LEITKKS. Gratitude and Appreciation. MARTYR TO COLDS AND BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. “ I need vour Bronchitis Cure lor three of my fainu7~aidtt cured cash of U>.m in from one to three d-.-SM.-A. F. HUNDREDS CURED IN THEIR OWN CIRCLE. CUBED BY ONE BOTTLE OF HEARNE’S MULLINS, Cowie's Creek, Victoria." , •’Th. • Sci.mMo Au.frriijm’ BRONCHITIS CURB. Wv .... .. . . - •■> r »r - . th« “ Dear Mr. I'e^rne.-The alteutworkera afofrequently \;>ur Bronchitis Caro raheved ’.ay non wonderfully quick. I enty »ara him font doses. an< have some or the . ’f ti ara Is luivbodv In Vi.-torll THE DOCTOR SO INTERRSTBD THAT HE inoilcpe vet; but lam eendlug ior another bottle in case I should waat it.- D. M’DONALD, Trinkey. via Qturindi, who du?Ln“r ♦ho last few years' hasl bemi rapeatocUy CARRIED OFF THE EMPTY BOTTLE. Now boxrJl Wales.” in.r for a tl;e praises of Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, it is our Hr. Phillips. “Oruaga, N.S.W. “Tour Bronchitis Cure is a wonderful meoieino.—A. B. SIMMONS, N 0.7, Reany Street, Paddluston, Sydney.” “ Tni.» gentleman, some three yearn ago, was recom“Mr. Vx-'- mendod to try your Broachttis Cure by Mr. Barham, uo*’sl'l* efeclcae for your own private perusal “My ■wife is Si year* old, end Inm 79, and lam gfcad to h'.?enn von that vonr Bronchitis Cure has done ns both a co .mt a ut, Collins Street, and the effect that it bad was 2uy molhor, wenderftil deal ofguel, it harfttg quickly cured m both.—R. BASSETT, SiraUi Creek, via Broadford, Victoria.” so marked that he over since been continually reOf BogWd, frora which ySa will jAega t%at • -» & coaMneudwg it to others. ranrais i ef( bK “*‘ to **»■** w ’ ~“* “»’ 4bwto * h ~o’-* l '*'”' ot “?£- name, to i.S’tatoifcncd, bui'yon arWitt'llKrtyfc liaki “ n - ,OHN RAHILLY, G.enmasgie, Vlrtorm. __ ewoJ , be BUffei . bnf . of hun , !r4 j ß , ud hundrwi. of poopl. “’*•*’ yo« <*« h... teand youT Brosohitis Cur. a apl.ndid medicia..-JOHN MADDEN, Sldpton, Victoria." ' vou ta <TOr OWn .. bo, ““ taThedi “ eu, ‘ 5 ’ ’ f ■■ you \vtli b* UletiMtad in hearing'’that I.think the “Mr eeM, bad mit was, disappeared after two doaos.—C. J. CURRIE, Solicitor, Victoria Chambers, Queen Queensland Testimony. Siree.., eWearne. FROM BRISBANE WHOLESALE CHEMISTS. / “ I lately administered come of rear Breuchltin Cure to a pea of with splendid effeot. The cure was “69, Qneen Street Brisbane, Queensland. W1 -• e * absolutely Kdraeulous. —F. J. PACKER, Qoiera, Neutral Bay, Sydney, N.S.w.” “Mr W. G. Hearue,— fr aA* g* -j t - 9* * 1131 oae ” Dear Sir, -Please send um M dnz.m Bronchitis Cure but will be "Yew Bronchitis Cure, as nenal, acted splendidly.—C. H. BRADFORD, Casterton, Victoria.” cfor^'r^ 1 ' W * cheque to cover amount supplied pirvateig. dtaferad. “Kindly forward aneihMl bettla of your famous Brouchitbi Gore without delay, oa I find it to be a most valuable "'Wo often hear yonr Bron Aills Cure epoken well of. A. SLATER, AGONISING COUGH. . . - . „ cured by throe dose*. “I am very pleased with veur Bronchitis Cure. The result was marvellous. It eased me right off at onoe.—G. “ We are faithfully yours, NINE MONTHS’ TORTURE. BETTER, Bourkc, New South Wales.” “ THOMASO*. CH ATER A CO., BBLIBVEB BY OSS DOSE OF HEARNP.’S BRON. ~ • Cbetul»U.“ CHITIB CURB, AMD BY TWO ROTTLKfi. “ To " forastiiaia la worth 30/- * bottle.—W. LETTS, Heywood, VtoterU." I — Cup ad in Ton Days. “Dfcr«h»im, Victoria. “I have tried lots of mciUcine, but yours is the beet I ever had. I am rocennnonding it te everybody.—9. "Dear Bir.-I wish to add my tSTwen- STEELE, Yanko Siding, Rew§ouih Wales.” THE EDITOR OF THE OLDEST NEWSPAPER IN d3Tfu£ efW. of yyur Bronchus (ftjr*!. I r»d for VICTORIA EY.PPESSES GRATEFUL “ I suffered from chronic osU>j»r and brcneldtis. for which I obtained no relief until I tried your medicine, but I APPRECIATION. of ” 7 bri ’ f c - after tsldhjf rase cotoj and ttAguT'hdve had bus Brouchl«s Cere. I na l, some mouths ago, u severe two VbWes 1 faal lAm A oiff’erem num, anil tW co*gh “Last re^j- 1 Herod severely from bronchitis, and the deetor, to when: I paid seven guineas, did not do mo any at: iklk ot Bronchitis, amt took your medicine, with the has vanished. You may defend upbu my xnxkir-p known good; bet I luwu’d of your iSroneiatiM Cure, and two bot Has of it made ma quite well.—H. HUUi), Brooklands, Avotia remit that at tho end of ten days the eomeltiint had thn efocßcy Of your wondel7ul remedy to anyone I see Stoeet, South Terra, Melbourne.” coftjpletoly Jest me. Wo arc now never without the afiicted. medicine iji the house, end at the first indication of a Yoal “ »’ “ Please sesd um half-a-dozen of your Bronchitis Cure. This roftdieine cured ino in the winter, and has now c ° ll ‘ Stsiur Sir JAiIEb AbTEURY. C)jred * of rohje . ;f * y<)r? b&d b J e>ehit i 3 ._.A. ALLr.N, Or«me House, Lome, Victoria.” 1 my ueftr S ‘ r ’ •' <• i;. ARifiLT., “We, the imdarsisned. had occasion to obtain “Your Bronahilis Cure has done me mneh good. This is a new experionce. for all the medicine I previously took KdJor Athartiser. Hearne’s Brouchfes’Cure, and we that it was mode me much worse. I aai satiaftedl that i-be two bett-os of Bronchitia Cure I got from you have pulled me through perfectly.,. (Mid stmcessSiil a long ana dangerous ilineas.—HKNßY WUKLUD, Alma, near Maryborough, Victoria.” “Upon looking through our books we are struck with which undoubtedly prove' Its disMzot haling uoww.” Htea«ly and rapid increase in the eulos of your BronSigned by tha Rev. yOHN'gfNCLAta, Myess* Street, “The bottle of Bronchitis Cure I got from you was magical in its effects.—CHAS. WYBRCW, Enoch’s Point, ohitri Can.” --ELLIOTT BROS., Ltd., Wholesale DrugGeelong, and fifty-nifie other leading reswtents. via Darlingford, Victoria.” Sydney, N.H. W.” Consumption. Thpse Cases Completely Cured by Rslraot from a lotter .inoc written by th. lad, A Flvo Years' Caso. to her sen, Mr. John S. Mortimer, Ldenwellyu, Katanga, • TOO ILL TO LEAVE HI3 BED. Ona Bottl® of Hearne S Victoria. CURED by one small bottle. A OOMPLSTE CURE. CUP®. HER DAUGHTER HAD BEEN VERY ILL. MMr w Q H3arua _ “Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear SirTl am writing to tell SEVERE COLD, WITH LOSS OF VOICE, CURED SPITTING UP BLOOD. “ Dear Sir,-Kindly send me one Urge bottle of yonr voa about the wonderful dure ymu-medicine has effected BY jjaLF A BOTTLE. v , Tir nnPTnn cA jn path dRF BroucMlis Cure. Imb more than pleased with the rein my cAse. About th«e years ag-y I began to cough. Till l . DOCTOR bAtD NOtSING MORL COULD Bh ««Us of your wonderful medicine, as a small beltie cured At first the was nbt severe, bat It gradually got A SUPPLY SENT TO A RELATIVE IN ENGLAND. DONE. my little girl, who had been suffering for five years, and worse, and 1 »e«tm« v«py weak and treaßLeJ with night now I do not feel safe to be without it. eweate, paic. in niy cliftst,and quanfiii*'?of “Llenweliyn, halunga, Vic. CURED BY HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS CURE. “I remain, yoni’s faithfully On several ooca&ona Shbre was bleed in the exporter Afed “ Mr. Hearne,— , lr v “ AGNES F. KENNEDY, matter. I had bxsan seated by a .’doctor, who primounced « D gir r mueh Dlea3e>i wIUI the effects ,J h r a e^ r r aet r r ttn f- * S f , oUowa As T £ or “V’ 3811 ’ “Bei-hanga, Victoria.” my case to ba Cvasumption, end various other treat- t r-n-n or mv ch’ 1 - tho L « r l > l am feeling stronger than I hare for jear*. ( had been Jri ’.i But beseAt. It was at of yoai Bronohitas Cure. Last winter ] «_f my cn ha ian attack of hr in November, but lluame’s Sis that I heard of your Brcnchitla Cure, and sent B [] a severe cold Brcnehiils Cure v.«, ag-Jn I reel quite well. ‘^.“7°" f “■? A Sovcn Yeaifc ’ Cttso - U E » 5 - KXFECTOBATIXa BLOOD AND MATI’EB. COMPLFTKLYCUBND. •“'■■‘All*. “Yours gratefully, do, seud for more. 1 have never kepi in bed one day “ Mr. W. G. Hearne “ Westminster Bridge Read, London.” «< thtin s MORTIMER" since I commenced to take it. I used to be ia bed'a fort- ’ji t , , . , ~ - s JOHN s. MOKXIMAK. night ,t s time alwsys.W after tli.t for month. I 'v«s “ Dear Str,- Your medicine bus enred mo of bronchi- " The relative in England, who is 80 years old, also cured as weak as I could possibly be, and was always taking and asthma, from 1 suffered for upwards of by Hoa-ne’e Bronchitis Cure. cod liver oil, so you will sec st ouoo it is quite worth .even yosr.-i, during wdnch period I was scarcely over Severe Cough. ' ’ while sundingforlt such aloaa <U»t»nca. free from coughs, and frequently the .iltKunlt, of breatht , "Soaleihing more I must tali you. Charlotte has boon ingwaßspdistrea.iaKtbatfornmbtelnsueoose.onlb.dto A FIVE YEARS’ CASB. er/ m sine. I wrote vou. Her cough w.-. s so bad si a "!>■ I write you this ackr.owl. d ment from . sense of BELIEVED AT ONCE AND COMPLETELY CURED WAS A GREAT SUFFERER. u.„r had n rert^ud -im Hood very *Jb. •»*. W*. freutment frUed. BY HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS CURE H AD NOT WALKED FOR TWELVE MONTHS. "o’“d X’Stt a ALWAYS WALKS NOW, AND IS QUITE WELL. FEELS STRONGER THAN SHF. HAS DONE FOR ‘^Vl'senf’ meM™tU I fi? iSteine - doM £od a7once YEARS. night’s rest was very e ood, and ceurti xna bleeding Irom v ou ” Kv teine, does good at once. thS lunga better. She sent for another half bottlo, and un . . U 1 „ “H. WALKER, and can tDe uc ea. <<Y . . “g, Wateon Street. Burton-on Trent, on the following Sunday sent over to aay that she wan Balmaw, Sydney. v r.“ Stxfiordiihire, Englund. quite cured and did not require any moro medicine. So . „ W ‘ TREME kLEN. Upornn Gnelontr — ’ vrU see whet great good it has done, and *he wishes to “Modewarre, Victoria.” “ Mr. W. G. Hearne, Geelong, have some of my next supply.” ‘•Dear Sir,—Your letter and Bronchitis Cure to hand ABt-niYlft. 111 ‘ quite safe. I Jim sure you will ba glad to know that your • ' ■ Bronchitis Cure hoa Quito cured me. I was-very glad PREVIOUS TREATMENT FAILED. A child Seven Months Old. when it cum., a. I »«.uiTcrihsfrom » »wer. hU«ek Of 12 Years’ Agony. ,- iKF . aTTC.r. icw»u CIOTU BronoMtls «t the time it arrived. I bad sent for my A SEVENTEEN VBARS’ CAbE. A SUFKKKISK IKOS own doctor, but hud not hud on. night’s rest for a week. DISTRESSING, SUFFOCATING, DRY COUCSH CURED BY THREE BOTTLES CURED BY A BOTTLE OF HEARNE’S BRONCHITIS I ~tm’ C-Jhre. „ KMOVED Ry D()BBa GUK *“ end of a werfc I only took i? twice a»nd then only N 0 OTHER TREATMENT COULD EVEN EASE IT* Queensland, writes: -“ After suffering from Asthma for , w n RA&rnp Tut Sir.—Kindlv forward ma a every night for a week, as I felt yerv much better, whan, va - rM .> l( i having bean under a srretft many different Bmad as seen as possible. thanks to the Lord for adding His blessing. I was quite « Sir,—My wife was for twelve years a sufferer from a treatments withouAensfit, I was induced to try Hearne’s B?I o«not »pS: aborS awS*»«r, owlog to if cold, f wril. and wallrtd into town and back wUhout fooling moB , jl.lrc.ainc, suffocating, dry cough that could not medlcino for aathnia. Aitor taking three bottl.. of thi. had a bottle from you beforo Sa-HtUe girl when ehe » n Y '‘“f® 0 - 1 hld ??l °T« wl'lltaj S»d b ’ removed or oven eased by any remedy, doctor.’ pre- ulo dici ß <> I quite «l rid oft ho asthma, and olmw then. W> aevdn months old. She bad boon suffering from month.Jalways west in Hie omulbuu) a. walktag oanoed .oriptione and V»t»nt medicine, hav ng boon trl.d; but I xM ,. h tn tIM Uginning of IBS# (M rear. «,o)7l havo brone&ls from her birth, and now oho 1. three years me ouch pain and dlatrsao in tho chert. I mwsye walk anihappy to .ay that th. cough, pain in the ol>o.t, and n „ t had the alighto.t return of It. The medicine quit, old aadhaa not had a returaof 11 start. It t. a splendid now and never fool it, and lam stronger than I have dldioulty of breathing, etc, were entirely removed by the cored mo and I have much pleasure In recommending roodhd?efMbron?hltVoro“lA.t Snrsort. boon for years. I ttalik my sou tor his great kindness flfth dose of your BronchitU Oure.-I remain, Sir, your. «««• man p K medtolnefor oreOM»M«£.eri. !n aondmg th. modmtno, uni am, dear sir, moot rospreftully, ™„nw»,wo. Writing again on th. 4th April, 16.9, be state. I “Mrs H RAMAGE “ Yours very truly, WILLIAM CROCKETT, am koapiug very well now. Mevar have the slightest re“Violet Town, Victoria.” ’ * * “M. MORTIMER.* “Baker’s Swamp P. 0., via Dripstone, N. 3. Wales.” turn of tho Asthma.” Prepared only and Sold Wholesale and Retail by the Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Geelong, Victoria. N.Z. Branch Office—COFFEE PALACE BUILDINGS, MORAY PLACE, DUNEDIN. SMALL SIZE, 2s, 6d.; LARGE, 4s 6d. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors FORJVAnDEP TO ANY ADDRESS WHSIN NOT OBTAINABLE LOCALLY. Fost*<e: od. far Small; Od. for Large Siam. Agents: SHARLAND & CO., LTD., AUCKLAND AND WELLINGTON

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVIII, Issue XXI, 24 May 1902, Page 1045

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Page 1045 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVIII, Issue XXI, 24 May 1902, Page 1045

Page 1045 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVIII, Issue XXI, 24 May 1902, Page 1045