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Personal Paragraphs.

Mr Dinwiddie, of Napier, has been paying a visit to Auckland.

Miss Abbott, of Wanganui, is staying in 'Hawke’s Bay.

General Babington has returned to Wellington.

Mrs. Newman is staying with Mrs L. Johnston, Home wood, Karori.

An engagement is announced between Miss Muriel Stowe and Mr. Bryan Lysaght, of Mokoia. Mrs Meek, who has been spending wane months in New Plymouth, has now returned to Wellington. Miss E. Bedford, who has been visiting Tasmania and Australia, has now returned to New Plymouth. Major-General Babington and Captain Campbell, A.D.C., went up to Wellington on Tuesday night. Dr. Valentine, deputy chief medical officer flor the colony, is at present on a visit to Auckland. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Haynaan (Sydney) are in Christchurch staying at Warner’s. Dr., Mrs. and Misses Wilkins, of Auckland, leave for England next week. Sir Robert and Lady' Stout are again in Wellington. The Rev. W. H. Johnston and Mrs Johnston, of Waipawa, have gone to reside at Cheviot. Mr C. Webb-Bowen returned to Wellington from Nelson last week. The Hon. J. T. Peacock, M.L.C., arrived in Auckland on Monday lastMiss Rutherford, of Marlborough, is staying with Mrs Renwick, “Newstead,” Nelson. Mrs dnd Miss Partridge, of Auckland, are visiting New Plymouth. Miss J. Fraser, of New Plymouth, has returned from her trip to Christchurch and Wellington. Dr. H. Gibbs has returned to Nelson from Wellington. Mr D. Gouk, junr., returned to Auckland from Sydney by' the Mararoa on Sunday last. Mrs. David Nathan (Wellington) left by the Monowai for England. She intends to be a#ay for nine months. Mr. Pat. Fitzherbert, of Palmerston North, left on Saturday for South Africa. Miss Balfour, of Napier, lias been staying with her sister, Mrs Ormond, of Woodville. Dr. and Mrs. Grace have returned to Wellington from their trip South. Mrs. Wilford (Wellington) is visiting relations in Dunedin. Dr. Elizabeth Platts, whose marriage to Mr. J. Mills took place in Port Chalmers recently', is back in Wellington, and has resumed practice as Dr. Elizabeth Mills. Miss Marian Quick, of Wellington, was in Blenheim last week, on her way to “Langley Dale,” to stay' with Mr and Mrs W. Adams. Mrs Whitwell (Nelson) was in Blenheim last week, and has now gone up the Wairau Valley to stay with Mrs J. Bell, at “Hillersden.” Mrs Fulton, of “Bohally,” Blenheim, and her sister, Mrs McLachlan, of “Rannoch,” are visiting Wellington. The Misses MacGregor have left Wellington for Dunedin, ’where they will reside during Dr- and Mrs. MacGregor’s absence in the Old Country. Miss Rose (Wellington) is back in town, and staying with Mrs. Ward on the Terrace.

Among the visitors to Wellington last week were Miss Jean Wilson (Rangitikei), Mrs. and Miss Earle (Wanganui), and Miss Fowler (Masterton). Mrs. Devore, of Ponsonby, Auckland, left for Wellington on Monday, on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Manton. Miss Wastncy (Nelson), who has been visiting friends in Christchurch, is now in Blenheim, staying with her •ister, Mrs R, Bell, at "Riverlands.”

Miss Collridge has returned to Wellington from Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilkin, Carlton Road, Christchurch, left for Auckland last week en route to Australia. Dr. and Mrs Pabst., who have been on a visit to Australia, returned, via the South, to Auckland last week. The Right Rev. Bishop_ Lenihan, of Auckland, returned from his visit to the Bay of Plenty on Monday. Mrs. G. L. Reynolds (Dunedin) is staying with Mrs- Richardson in Hillstreet, Wellington. Mrs. and Miss O’Hagan (England) are staying with Miss Coates, “ The Lawn,” 1 Hobsou-street, Wellington. Miss Isabella Coleridge, of Wellington, has retunred from Nelson, where she has been staying for the jubilee festivities. -- Mr T. E. Donne, head of the Tourist Department, who recently suffered a relapse, is able to attend to his duties now. Mrs Jacobs, who has been on a prolonged visit to her relatives in Auckland, returned by the Waikare to her home in Sydney. Captain and Mrs. Hawke and Sir James Fraser-Tytler are leaving Christchurch for England this week, probably to remain. Sir John Hall returned from England via Sydney last Friday, and his old friends in Christchurch regret he is not in the best of health. Miss Flossie Morecroft, of Napier, is at present in Wanganui. She has joined her sister in the management of the tea rooms there. Mr. and Mrs. James Embling (Wellington) were in Christchurch a day or two this week, and then went on to Dunedin. Mr. G. Fenwick (Dunedin) passed through Christchurch last week to attend the “Press” meeting in Auckland. Miss Lilian Preshaw, who has been staying- with her sister, Mrs Worthington, of Invercargill, for the last year, has returned to Nelson. Mr John Mowbray, of Auckland, who has been on a visit to Australia, returned home on Monday much improved in health. Lieutenants J. Kiddle, G. P. BiggWither, and R. L’E. Rede, Sub-Lieu-tenant G. Collinge, and Surgeon Dr. G. G. Borrett, have been appointed to H. Pylades. Mrs Mclntire, who has been spending a week or two with Mrs G. Watts at “Lansdowne,” has returned to Blenheim. Mr. and Mrs. Barclay and Mr. and Mrs. Alister Clark return to Australia this week. Mrs. Heaton Rhodes leaves Christchurch with them en route for England. Mr Sam White, M.L.A., and Secretary of the Seamen's Union, Sydney, is now on a visit to this country- to study the working of the Industrial, Conciliation, and Arbitration Act. It is announced that Mi- F. D. Thomson, 8.A., formerly- of the Education Department, will accompany the Premier to England when the latter leaves shortly. Mr. Wilson Barrett was entertainea at a luncheon given by the members of the Ministry Wellington, at the Empire. Hotel. Messrs. Barrett, Smith and H. Ashton were also of the party.

Mr and Mrs C. F. Bickford left Auckland on Monday for Australia, en route for India, on his two yearly tiip in connection with the various English and American firms he represents in the Southern hemisphere. Mr F. H. Haselden, M.H.R., was knocked down by a horse at Hunterville on Saturday, and had six or seven teeth knocked out by the fall, while he was also cut and bruised about the face.

Mrs J. M. Brigham, of “Marino,” Parnell, accompanied by her daughter (Mrs Jacobs), has been to Okoroire on a visit, and her many friends will be pleased to hear she is much improved in health. Miss Bleazard Brown, of Epsom, Auckland, gives a farewell tea to her girl friends on Friday, prior to her departure for Wellington, where she intends paying a short visit before leaving for England with other members of her family by the Gothic.

On Sunday last, the Most Rev. the Primate (Bishop Cowie), conducted service in New Plymouth in memory of the New Zealanders, who fell at Bothasberg.

Mrs. and Misses Charlewood (2) leave for England by the Ruapehu this week for an unlimited time. Mr. Charlewood will follow soon after the arrival of Mr. George Humphreys iu Christchurch. Among the passengers from Auckland by the Waikare for Sydney- on Monday last was Mr H. Alexander, son of the proprietor of tne “Daily Free Press,” Aberdeen, Scotland. Mr Alexander has been about two months in the colony. The Hon. James McGowan, Minister of Mines, is expected to be in Auckland for the send-off to the Ninth Contingent, and while here will probably visit and address his constituents in the Thames district. Mr Weetman, who has been on a visit to Rotorua and Okoroire, returned to Auckland last Friday. Mr and Mrs Weetman will leave shortly on a visit to England. They are at present staying with Mrs J- M. Brigham at Parnell. Dr. James has resigned his position as Port Health Officer for Wellington. Mr Hunter, of the Thames School of Mines, who recently gained a science scholarship worth £l5O a year for three years, intends going Home next May. Captain Halpin, of the Napier Rifles, who has always taken a great interest in volunteering, and has received a commission in the Ninth Contingent, was, before his departure, presented by the members of his corps with an illuminated address and a handsome gold watch. Mr and Mrs Arthur Brett, of Lake, Auckland, left by the Waikare on Monday, on a visit to Europe. They make their journey Home via the Vancouver line, -and expect to be back some time in December. Mrs Dillingham, of Parnell, Auckland, issued cards for afternoon tea on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, her “At Home” days, to wish her- many friends farewell prioi- to her departure for a three months’ visit to America.

Dr. Bradshaw, deputy-organist at Manchester Cathedral, ana lately organist at Scarborough, who has accepted the position of organist of the Christchurch Cathedral, will arrive in Christchurch about the middle of next month.

The Misses Myers, of Auckland, are giving a farewell afternoon tea to Miss Agnes Donald and her friends, at Iredale’s Tea Rooms, on Friday. The g-uest of honour leaves on Saturday in the mailboat with her parents for Home, and expects to be away about two years. Dr. Thomson, of Wairoa, who has been appointed Surgeon to the Ninth Contingent, and Lieutenant Bax, who is going with the same contingent, were before their departure entertained by the Kurumea Rifles at a smoke concert in the Jubilee Hall. The entertainment was a very enjoyable one, and the songs and speeches were most appropriate. Lieut. Chambers, who has received a commission in the Ninth Contingent, was entertained on Saturday evening by the staff of the Commandant’s office, and presented with a sil-ver-mounted hunting-crop. Songs and recitations were contributed by Major Smith, Captain Hughes, D. 5.0., and others, after which all joined in singing *’ Auld Lang Syne.” The other evening a concert and dance were given at Waipukurau to Mr and Mrs Hodding, who have left after a long residence there. Great regret was felt at their departure, and they will be much missed. During the farewell entertainment a purse of sovereigns from his friends was presented to Mr Hodding.

Miss Nellie Gibbs and her brother. Dr. S. Gibbs have just returned to Nelson, after a delightful bicycle trip. They travelled to Christchurch, via the West Coast, and Otira Gorge, and returned via the Hanmer Springs and Blenheim. The weather and roads were good, and they bicycled considerably- over 400 miles in three weeks.

Mr Curnow, editor of the “Sydney Morning Herald,” and Miss Curnow are on a visit to New Zealand at present, being in the South last week. Mr W. Rolfe, who for some time past has been organist at Holy Trinity Church, Devonport (Auckland), was presented last Wednesday evening with a handsome scarf pin by the choir. Mr F. 11. Templar made the presentation, and both he and the incumbent, the Rev. 8. Hawthorne, spoke in grateful terms of Mr Rolfe’s services.

Mr T. M. Grant, of Wellington, who for some years has been assistant daughtsman and secretary to the Surveyor's Board, has been appointed to the position of chief draughtsman in the Westland Survey Office. Before leaving Wellington, the head office staff presented him with a silver cigarette case and malacca cane, suitably' inscribed. Countess Riaz, an Egyptian lady who is touring New Zealand, and who is well known at Rotorua, where she has made many friends, arrived from the North last week, and in now staying at the “ Royal Oak ” Hotel, Wellington. She leaves for Monte Video, probably by the Gothic, at the end of the month. She is taking back with her a large collection of curios, many of which are presents which have been given her by the Maoris, in return for hospitality shown to them, during her stay in the Hot Lakes district. , The annual picnic of the Women’s Social and Political League was held at the Hutt Belle Vue Gardens yesterday, and was a great success. The Premier and Mrs. Seddon, and the Hon. Mr. Mills, with Mrs. Mills, were present. The gardens are looking lovely at the present time, the flowers being a perfect feast to the eye. Luncheon was served in the house, after which the party adjourned to the lawn, where the Premier made a speech.

The following visitors have been staying at Waiwera Hot Springs Hotel:—Mrs Hutchison and family (Sydney), Mr Crickharilff (Sydnev)Mr Sims, Mr and Mrs Taine, Dr and Mrs Parkes, Mr and Mrs Foley Mrs O’Sullivan, Mr D. S. White. Mr J. R. Smith (Auckland); Mr A. Stacey (Brisbane); Mr E. Anderson, Mr Alfred Walker, Mr 11. Jones. Mr W. McCutcheon (Auckland); Mr F. C. Dawson, Mr Knowles, Mr Junwoodie (Napier); Mrs Whitson, Miss Whitson, Miss M. Whitson, Mr Goodnue, Mr and Mrs A. B. Barter, Mrs W. o’ Walker, Mr Stone, Mr S. Jackson (Auckland); Dr. and Mrs Cairns (Paeroa).

Among a very large nnirlber of visitors at the Star Hotel. Auckland, during the last week, have been the following:—Count Dohna, Messrs 11. Mella-dew, H. S. Jones, C. Russell James, G. C. Rennie, A. Hawthorn, a’Hohler, B. Biddulph, R. B. Turner, D. A. Bell, Edward Davis, G. Osgood, C. Hoghton, Hampden Smith, E. C. Charleton, T. B. Adam and T. Adam, jun., Mrs Hohler, Miss Rogers, Miss Valentine, Miss O’Hagan and party (England), Mr W- Alexander (Aberdeen, Scotland), Mr W. A. Cox (Hamburg), Mr W. Finlay, Mr W. A. and Mrs Scripps, G. C. Chadwick (U.S.A.), Captain N. E- Russell (Brisbane); Messrs T. Nosworthy, C. W. Laing,

A. L. Fish, H. E. Farmer, T. Shiel, 11. Mac Neil, Beaton, Mesdames McNeil, Beaton, Shiel, Missea Macneil, (2), Beaton, Norrie, and the Masters Macneil (2) and governess (Sydney), Messrs J. F. Rutter, J. Bice, Geo. Bell, G. L. Hutchison, W. C. Davies, F. C- Haritridge, (Mrs Rutter, Mrs Davies, Miss Jashua (Melbourne), Messrs Alt. James, S. C. Wow, Mrs and Miss Bathgate, Mrs Crow and Mrs Stilling (Dunedin), Messrs P. Selig, R. Skeoch, Miss E. N. D’Oyly, Mr W. and Mrs Hay (Christchurch), Miss D’Oyly (California), Mr 11. Rasmussen (Fiji), Dr. E. H. Scott (Kumaraj, Mr J. C. Gilchrist, Mrs Gilchrist and Miss Gilchrist (Oamaru), Messrs R. Schayner, W. Morley, H. Vial, A. Bethune and Miss Barnett (Wellington) E. Horton (Auckland), Mr and Mrs C. Ranken (Stewart Island). During the week the following have been among the guests at the Central Hotel, Auckland:—Mr A. M. Stanley (Melbourne), Mir iand( Mrs Sharman (Melbourne), Dr. Roxburgh (Edinburgh), Mr H. R- Wilson (Wellington), Mr Christian (Whangarei), Mr T. C. Williams (Wellington), Mr C. MacMahon (“Our Navy” Co.). Mr Butler (“Our Navy” Co.), Messrs Hume, Downes, Austin, Hurley, Lilley, Miller, Penny and Jacobs (Sydney), Mr Abercrombie (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs Moore (Blenheim), Rev. Dr. Cole and family (9) (England), Misses Craven (2) (Sydney), Dr. Stephens (New South Wales), Dr. Crawford (New South Wales), Mr Gilroy (England), Mr and Mrs Blundell (Wanganui), Mr Briscoe (Queensland), Mr Finlay (Wellington), Messrs Nudds, Scales and Thompson (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs Sutherland Smith (Melbourne), Mr Hollinan (Sydney), Mr Kirk (Wellington), Mr Wallroth (England), Mr Jacobs (England), Messrs Vindon and Cargill (Sydney), Mrs Sanderson (Rotorua), Messrs Staines and Brydges (Sydney), Mr Judson (England), Mr Sinclair (Hoiiolulu), Mr Moore (England), Messrs Lethbridge, McGuire and Buddo, M.HR.’s (Taranaki), Mr Rennie (Canterbury), iMr Hayward IBlenheim),

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVIII, Issue XI, 15 March 1902, Page 513

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Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVIII, Issue XI, 15 March 1902, Page 513

Personal Paragraphs. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXVIII, Issue XI, 15 March 1902, Page 513