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Great interest is being taken in the Tennis Championship, and there has been some fine play. So far the surprise of the tournament was the defeat of Cox, of Christchurch, the present champion, by Peaeock, the young Auckland player. The latter showed brilliant form. In the Championship Doubles to-day there was a splendid set between Gore Bros., and Cox and Collins, the present holders of the championship. Gore Bros, on two occasions only wanted one point to win the match, but they failed to get it, and game was called two sets all. The final set was won by Cox and Collins, who are likely to again win the event. Hooper had a pretty hard game with Marshal], but managed to beat him. Hooper, however, is very far from fit, indeed he seems to have influenza coming on, and had to go home to bed. In consequence of his indisposition he has scratched for the Combined Championship, in which Miss Gorrie is his partner, and in which they had a g-ood chance of winning. The match of the tournament so far was that between Peacock (Auckland) and Fisher (Christchurch). It was most stubbornly contested from start to finish. Each won two sets, and the final went on till both players were absolutely baked. Eventually Peacock won amid rousing cheers by ten games to eight. It was only the Aucklanders dogged persistency that pulled him through, for Fisher has the finer physique of the two men. It was a splendid exhibition of endurance and British pluck, though the play at times was anything but faultless. If Hooper is well enough to-morrow Peacock will meet him in the final round of the championship. If both players are at their best it should be a fine contest, but if Hooper is not fit the championship may g-o to Peacock; but for Hooper’s indisposition Auckland would have an excellent show of winning the banner.

The following- were the results at thee onclusion of Saturday's play: — Men's Handicap Doubles.—Bunting and Crump beat Haggitt and Keeling: 6—2, 2 —6, B—6.8 —6. Smythe and Laishley beat Kennedy and Adams: 6—2, 3—6, 6—4. Griffiths and Thompson beat Fenwicke and Dinwiddie: 5 —6, 6—2, 6—o.

Ladies' Handicap Singles.—Mrs Biss beat Miss Powdell: 6 —4, 6 —5; Miss T. Ramsay beat Miss A. Guy: 6—3, 6—3.

Men's Handicap Singles.—Wallace beat Thompson: 6—2, 6—o. Newcnham beat Keeling: 5—6, 6 —3, 6 —3. Wyburre beat Adams: 6—3, 6 —3. Fenwicke beat C. Ross: 6—2, 6—4. Griffiths beat McKinnon: 6 —2, 6—5. Sale mon beat I’. Cox: 6—3, 6—3. Bunting beat Vnn Asch: 6—5, 6—3. Upton beat Brabant: 6 —5, 6—2.

Combined Champion Doubles: H. M. Gore nnd Miss Gore l»ent Miss Marchant and A. Young: 6—4. 6--0. Misses Nunnelly and Fisher beat Mrs Abraham and the Rev. J. M. Marshall: 6—4, 6—4. Miss Gorrie and Hooper l>ent Miss N. Marchant and C. Gore: 6—3, 6—4. Miss M. Simpson and C. C. Cox

beat Miss Bartron and W. Barron: 6 1, 6—3. Ladies’ Champion Singles.—Miss Simpson beat Miss Powdrell: 6—4, 6—o. Mrs Abraham bent Miss E. M. Rutherford: 6—3, 6—2. Mrs Payne beat Miss Gorrie: 6—l, 6—2. Miss Van Asch beat Miss M. Ramsay: 6—4, 6—3. Men's Champion Singles.—Peaeoek beat C. C. Cox (champion): 7—5, I—6, B —6—2. Peacock beat Weston: 6—l, 6— 1, 6—l. Collins beat P. Cox: 6—3, B —6, I—6, 6—2. Weston beat Dickie: I—6. I®— B . 6—4. I—6, 6—3. A. Young beat Wilson: 6—4, 6—4, 4—6 2 6 7—

Men's Champion Doubles. —Gore Bros, beat Smythe and Yonng: 6—o, 6—o, 6—o. Hooper and Peacock beat Ross and Fisher: 6—3, 6—4, 6—l. Ladies’ Champion Doubles.—Mrs Abraham and Miss E. M. Rutherford beat Miss M. Rutherford and Miss Gore: 10—8, 6—3. Mrs Payne and Miss Powdrell beat Misses Marchant- 6—4, 6—2. Miss Nunnelly and Miss Harman beat Miss M. Simpson and Miss Van Asch: 3—6, 6—3, 6—3 . Ladies’ Handicap Doubles.—Misses Harman and Ramsay beat Misses Bell and Oliver: 6—l, 6 —3. PALMERSTON NORTH, Monday. There was splendid weather again to-day for the tennis tournament, and a large attendance of the public. The following are the results of the play: —

Championship Singles.—Fisher beat Smythe: 46,6 —3. 6—4, 6—4. Hooper beat Collins: 6—l, 6—4, 6 —o. Fisher beat Young: 6—4, 6—l, 6—3. Marshall beat C. Gore: 6—4. 6—3, 6—3. Hooper beat Marshall: 6—4, 4—6, 6—2, 6—2. Peaeoek beat Fisher: 3—6, 10—8, B—6, 4—6. 10—8.

Championship Doubles. —Laishley and Adams beat Salmond and P. Cox: 6—4, 6—4, 2 —6, 6—2. Hooper and Peacock beat Laishley nnd Adams: 4—6, 6—2, 6—3, 6—l. Collins and C. Cox beat Gore Brothers: s—”, 6 —4, 2—6, B—6. 6—4.

Ladies’ Championship Singles.—Miss Simpson beat Miss C. Gore: 7—5, 6—l. Mrs Abraham beat Mrs Payne: 5—7, 6—2, 6—3. Miss Simpson beat Miss K. Van Asch: 6—3, 6 —4.

Ladies’ Championship Doubles.— Mrs Jacob and Miss Powderell beat Mrs Abraham and Miss Rutherford: 6—o, 7 —5. Misses Nunnelly and Harman beat Mrs Biss and Miss Barron: 6—l, 6—o.

Men’s Handicap Singles: F. Laishley beat Dyer: 6 —5, 6 —4. Smythe beat A. Wilson: 6—4, 6—o. A. D. Keeling beat S. Kennedy: 6—5, 5—6, 6 —4. Wybourne beat Rev. H. M. B. Marshall: 6 —l, 6 —3. Wallace beat Salmond: 6—3, 6—5. Bunting beat Fenwick: 6 —o, 6—5. F. O. B. Loughlin beat Newnham: 6—5, 6—5. Crump beat Kealing: 6—5, 6—4. Laishley beat Griffiths: 6—o, 6—4.

Men's Handicap Doubles.—Dr. Bode and H. Keeling beat Steedman and Peak: 6 —5. 3 —6, 6—4. Barron and Ross beat Young and Wilson: 6—3,

6—5. Newnham and Paul beat Weston and Vincent: 6—l. 6—3. Dr. Bode and Keeling beat Bunting and Crump: 6—2, 6—3. Barron and Ross beat Salmond and P. Cox: 6—4, 6—5. Newham and Paul beat Griffiths and Thomson: 5—6, 6—4, 6—o. Barron and Ross beat Dr. Bode and Keeling: 6—5, 5—6 (retired).

Ladies’ Handicap Singles.—Mist. Newcombe beat Miss M. Rutherford: 6—o, 6—l. Miss Nunnelly beat Miss E. Rutherford: 6—o, 6—l. Miss Simpson beat Miss Guy: 6—2, 6—3. Miss M. K. Simpson beat Mrs Abrahams: 6—5, 6—3 . Ladies’ Handicap Doubles.—Misses Nunnelly and O. Gore beat Misses Marchant: 6—4, 6—4. Mrs Payne and Miss Powdrell beat Mrs Biss and Miss Barron: 6—4. 6 —3. Misses Zorrie and Simpson beat Misses Fry: 6—l, 6—l. Misses Mac Lean and C. Ramsay beat Misses Nunnelly and O. Gore: 6—5,

Combined Handicap Doubles.—Miss Van Asch and Wallace beat Miss Griffiths and John Wilson: 6—o, 6—l. Misses Ramsay and Ross beat Miss Newcombe and A. Crumps 6—2, 6—2. Mrs Payne and Wybourne beat Miss Marchant and Smythe: 6—4, 6—l. Miss F. Marchant and Young beat Mrs Biss and Devenish: 6—5, 2—-6, 10—8.

The semi-final for the champion singles between Peacock and Fisher was a great tussle, no less than 69 games being played. Hooper, with whom Pencock played off, is suffering from influenza, which reduces his chances of winning the championship. The following players remain in the final for the championship events: — Men's Champion Singles: Hooper plays Peacock. Men’s Doubles: Hooper and Peaeock play Collins and C. Cox (the present champion). Ladies’ Singles: Miss Simpson (Christchurch) plays Mrs Abraham, nnd the winner plays Miss Nunnelly (present champion). Ladies’ Doubles: Mrs Payne and Miss Powderell play Miss Nuunell.vl and Miss Harman. Combined Championship: Miss Nunnelly and Fisher play Miss Simpson and C. Cox.


The Lawn Tennis Tournament concluded to-day in fine weather. The finest play was shown in the Men's Champion Doubles, in which the present champions, Cox and Collins, outclassed, after a hard struggle, Hooper and Peacock. Miss Nunnelly had a fairly easy win in both the Ladies’ Singles, and with Fisher played splendidly in the doubles.

The visitors are being entertained at a ball to-night, and most of them go on to Waipawa to-morrow, to attend a tournament there.

The players are generally loud in praise of the way in which the tournament has been conducted, and of the local courts.

The following are the results of the day’s play: — Men's Championship SinglesS Hooper beat Peacock: 10—8, 6 3, 7 —5 (tinal round). Ladies’ Championship Singles!) Miss Simpison beat Mrs Abraham:! Ladies’ Championship Doubles: Misses Nunnelly and Harman beat Mts Payne and Mrs Powdrell: 6—2, 6—o (final round). Ladies' Handicap Singles: Miss Cave beat Miss Simpson: 6—3, 6—2. Miss Ramsay beat Miss Newcombe: 6—3, 4—6, 6—2. Miss Cave beat Miss Ramsay: 6—2, 6—2. Miss Nunnelly beat Miss Cave: 6—4, 6—3 (final round).

Men’s Handicap Singles: Dickie beat Young: 3—6, 6—3, 6—4. Smyth beat Upton: 5—6, 6—3, 6—4. Wallace heal Bunting: 6—o, 6—2. Dickie beat Weybourne: 6—3, 6—5. Loughnan beat Laishley: 6—o, 6—5. Dickey beat Wallace: 5—3, 3 —'6, 6 —3. Dickie beat Smyth: 6—5, 6—5 (final round).

Meii'4 Handicap Doubles: Crump and Upton beat Laishley and Smyth: 6—l, 6—5. Crump and Upton beat Ross and Seay: 6—3, 6—3. Crump and Upton beat Barron and Ross: 6—3, 6—3 (final round). Champion Combined Doubles: Miss Nunnelly and Fisher beat Miss Simpson and C. Cox: 6 —3, 6—B, 6 —o (final round). Men’s Champion Doubles: Cox and Collins beat Hooper and Peacock: 6—4. 6—4, 6—2 (final round). Ladies' Handicap Doubles: Mrs Payne and Miss Powdrell beat Misses Gorrie and Simpson. Misses Harman and Ramsay beat Mrs Payne and Miss Powdrell: 4—6, 6—4, 6 —3 (final round).

Ladies' Champion Singles: Miss Simpson beat Mrs Abraham: 6—J, 6—l. Miss Nunnelly beat Miss Simpson: 6—2. 6—l (final round). Combined Handicap Doubles: Mrs Payne and Weybourn beat Miss M. K. Simpson and McKellar: 6—2, 5—6, 6—4. Miss Ramsay and Ross beat Miss Van Asch and Wallace: 6—4, 6—4. Miss Ramsay and Ross beat Mrs Payne and Weybourn: 6—2, 6 —3 (final round). The colours, presented by Mrs H. M. Gore, go to the Canterbury Association, the points scored being: Auckland 6, Canterbury 15.

PALMERSTON NORTH, Wednesday. The visiting players at the Lawn Tennis Championship Meeting were entertained at a. dance last evening, ■when the prizes were presented by Mrs Simpson, wife of Mr R. M. Simpson, of Wellington, president of the Association. Mr H. M. Gore, on behalf of the visitors, proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the loeal club for the successful manner in which the tournament was carried out. The interprovincial banner presented by Mrs H. M. Gore was won by Canterbury with 15 points, Auckland being second with 6 points.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIV, Issue I, 6 January 1900, Page 17

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LAWN TENNIS. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIV, Issue I, 6 January 1900, Page 17

LAWN TENNIS. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXIV, Issue I, 6 January 1900, Page 17