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Professor and Mrs Thomas gave A LARGE GARDEN PARTY last Saturday at their beautiful resilience, ‘Trewithiel,’ Mt. Eden. On account ot tne early dusk that descends upon us, as winter is fast coming with its short days, our hostess issued her invitations for halt-past two until hair-past tive. Despite the weather being showery during the past week, we had a brief interlude on Saturday afternoon last of summer-like weather, which brought forth a good proportion of the ladies' pretty summer toilettes, which harmonised well with the perfect surroundings. Professor and jits Thomas received their guests at the entrance of their residence. Our hostess was gowned in a handsome black moire with bertha of ecru guipure lace, black picture hat turned up in front, with pink ribbons and black ostrich feathers; and her little daughter looked charming in white; Airs R. A. Carr, white skirt, terre ’ silk blouse; Miss Nora Carr, white skirt, pink flowered French muslin blouse, hat trimmed with canary. The house is situated in a centre of scoria land, which Professor Thomas has formed into a semblance of fairy land, by gullies, terraces, water-lily ponds, gay chrysanthemum beds, and paths innumerable, which lead through wooded walks of native shrubs and ferns. The musicians were present and took up their position on a stony knoll picuresquely covered with flax bushes, so that they were unseen, whence they enlivened the proceedings with ‘concourse of sweet sounds,’ notably- selections of the newest and most popular operas. The large chrysanthemums, for which Professor Thomas is noted, all in full bloom, were rhapsodised over by the guests, while the totara lizards, of which our host has now about thirtyin number, including baby ones of two years of age, attracted a great deal of attention. Professor Thomas gave a description of them to many who were interested, which was thoroughly- enjoyed. The afternoon refreshment table was deeorated with great taste, having a drapery of gold threaded doth shaded with orange and relieved with vases of yellow and white chrysanthemums, and literally weighed down with tasty- cakes, etc., and the largest anil most delicious of grapes. Small tables were placed in ail sorts of corners in the garden, where cakes and fruit were laid out temptingly- for the refreshment of the guests. AMONGST THOSE PRESENT.

Mr H. Brett: Mrs H. Brett, blacksilk. stylishly finished with white vest and revers of white satin veiled in black Spanish lace, black sequin bonnet with wreath of pink unmounted roses; Miss Brett, violet cloth, handsomely braided in black, yellow chiffon tie. black hat with yellow roses; Professor Segar; Mrs Segar. black skirt, shot brown silk blouse, green tie, green hat with ostrich feathers; Professor Talbot Tubbs: Mrs Talbot Tubbs, slate greycoat and skirt, white tie. black hat;

Mrs (Prof.) Egerton, black costume, violet velvet toque; Air Baume; Mrs Baume, dark pine green silk coat and skirt; Mrs Myers, grey striped grenadine; Mr Myers; All- W. Coleman; Airs VV. Coleman, grey coat and skirt, black hat; Miss Al. Devereux, white pique; Airs Makgill, white spotted with black tailor made costume; Miss Colbeck, grey tailor made coat and skirt; Miss Allie Buddle, white skirt, heliotrope silk blouse, black feather boa, white sailor hat; Mrs Roberton, blaek silk; Miss Wilkins, white; and her sister a dove coloured cashmere; Air Ponsonby Peacoeke; Miss (Ponsonby) Peacoeke, cream costume with heliotrope floral design; Air Fitzroy Peacoeke; Afiss (Fitzroy) Peacoeke, grey cashmere, white hat; Mrs Holgate, brown cloth, with canary silk vest, floral toque; Miss Sage, chocolate brown costume. handsomelytrimmed with braid; Airs Lennox, black silk; Miss Lennox, dark skirt, green blouse; Mr Hardie: Mrs Hardie. black silk; Airs Clayton (Sydney), royal blue; Mrs Bunt, electrique grey costume with cream ruched silk chemisette, black hat with pink flower; Airs Ranson, grey- cashmere trimmed with bands of green silk; Air Logan Campbell; Airs Logan Campbell, black silk, the bodice was fluted, tucked, and finished with jet trimmings, black bonnet relieved with white: Aliss Stevenson (Glenholm), dark grey trimmed with blue: and her sister wore a sage green frock; Air Leys: Airs Leys, rich blaek silk gown, picture hat; Mr C. Leys; Airs E. W. Paton, fawn coat and skirt; Air Seth-Smith; Airs SethSmith. very striking and stylish navy costume, handsomely braided with white, white vest, hat with black and white ostrich feathers: Miss Gorrie, black silk, relieved with white, bonnet en suite; Airs Gorrie. black silk, white vest, black bonnet: Alisses Hesketh (2), black mourning costumes; Aliss Nellie Russell, pinkflowered French muslin, black velvet toque; Airs Aieken Carrick, black silkskirt. grey check silk bodice, black hat with feathers; Airs Aloss Davis, black silk costume, with handsome bolero, with cape sleeves of the new colour of elephant’s breath chiffon, floral toque; Aliss Aloss Davis, mode greyskirt and Russian blouse, toque of black and cerise ribbon loops; Mrs Richmond, navy; Aliss Richmond, pink silk, with white rucked bebe ribbon; .Mrs Reade (Kohimarama), black silk, relieved with beads; Aliss Reade, navy blue coat and skirt; Airs Devereux. black silk, cream vest, handsomely trimmed with passementerie; Airs Upton, black silk, with gold braid: Mr Upton; Mr J. A. Tole; Airs J. A. Tole, black silk, with black hat, with ostrich feathers: Airs (Dr.) Baldwin, navy coat and skirt, cream vest, sailor hat; Airs Holland, black and white striped silk, black bonnet, relieved with yellow; Aliss Holland, electrique grey, trimmed with black velvet bands; Air H. Noakes; Airs H. Noakes, fawn coat ami skirt, violet velvet hat; Ml- Cochrane; Airs Cochrane, black silk; Afiss Cochrane, white skirt, blue blouse; Air O'Halloran; Mrs BleazardBrown, black; Afiss Bleazard-Brown, white muslin, cerise velvet hat; Airs Horton, navy blue tailor-made gown; Mr Tibbs; Airs Tibbs, black moire, en traine, with gold trimming, black bonnet; Mr Runciman; Airs Runciman, navy ; Aliss Runeiman, white, with chocolate brown ribbons; Aliss Horne, stylish combination of black and mauve silk, hat to correspond; Dr. Purchas; Airs Purchas, black; Miss Purchas, white, with green; Dr. Maurice Purchas; Airs Alaurice Purchas. dark skirt, bright blue silk bodice, with black velvet bands; Air Claud Purchas; Air ami Airs Edward Alorton; Mr and Mrs H. B. Alorton; Airs Browning. black; Airs Robert Browning, black mourning costume; Airs Thomas Morrin, pale grey silk; Aliss Alorrin. white muslin, with cerise waistband and collarette; Airs Alfred Buckland black; .Miss Phoebie Buckland, blaek relieved with white; Airs and Miss Kerr Taylor; Rev. Mr Beatty; .Mr Scegner; Airs Seegner. dark green, finished with bands of gold braid: Miss Alexander, grey: Mrs Hugh ('ampbell, ■Jack: Miss Barstow, slate grey costume. blaek bonnet; .Miss A. Barstow, black coat and skirt, canary vest; Miss .Mi hired Purchas. grey cheek, with black braid; Mr Bertie Burns; Miss Burns, black costume, green ribbon tie. black hat, with green; Air TeWsley : Mrs Tewsley. blaek moire, with green velvet collarette, becoming

chapeau, with black plumes ami green velvet; Alisses Gillies, French muslins, over pink silks, picture hats, composed of pink tulle and white feathers; Airs Gillies, black silk, heavily embroidered .. with iridescent sequins; Mrs Hhniphrey Haines, pale grey fancy Irish poplin silk, relieved with violet velvet at waist, sleeves and neck, toque composed of violets; Airs Charles Haines, grey costume, trimmed with gold braid in military style: Miss Edith Isaacs, navy costume, with gold braid, hat with Prussian blue loops of ribbon; Airs Reed, black: Airs Furby, blue and black striped costume, black bonnet; Air Furby; Airs Archie Clark, navy; Airs Peacock, blaek and gold striped moire; Aliss Peacock, dark costume; Airs Firth, black: Aliss Firth, brown eoat and skirt, bat with red’ poppies; Mrs Gutheridge, black; Air Gutheridge; Airs Puekie, black; Mrs Williams, fawn coat ami skirt, red hat; Air Heather; Aliss Heather, fawn; -Mr A. Heather; Airs A. Heather, cornflower blue frock, trimmed with velvet of a darker shade, white hat, with blaek ostrich feathers; Dr. Roberton; Airs Roberton. gobelin blue, trimmed with silk; Airs Brassy, old gold cambric. brown hat; Alisses Bleazard (2); Airs (Dr.) Coates; Miss AlcCrae. fawn; Airs Nolan, grey check, trimmed with navy ami pink; Airs Willie Bloomfield, white mirror silk, black velvet picture hat, with blaek ostrich feathers; Air Edward Russell; Airs Edward Russell, white embroidery muslin, black hat. with ostrich feathers; Airs Walker (England), green and white striped costume, with black velvet trimmings black French toque, turned up, with flowers; Airs Dignan, grey coat ami skirt, cream lace vest; Airs Kilgour, black delaine, with white spots; Airs Cheeseman, blaek riding habit; Miss B. Bull, white; Airs Ware, navy costume; Aliss Ware, pale grey, trimmed with white bebe ribbons; Airs Duncan Clerk, green silk, veiled in white French muslin; Airs Ashton Bruce, dark skirt, electrique grey blouse; Airs Robert Rose; Airs McDonald (Ponsonby), blaek; Alessrs Roberton, Reade (Kohimarama , Alakgill, Tobias, etc. Airs John Colbeck and Airs A. Kenderdine gave a very pleasant little afternoon tea the other day in honour of Airs Harold Fenton, whose marriage to Air H. Fenton was celebrated recently. Those invited were driven out lo the residence of Airs John Colbeck, at Alount Ellen, and spent an enjoyable time. Airs Colbeck and Mrs Kenderdine received their guests in the drawing-room, and later an adjournment was made to the diningroom, where tea and cakes were dispensed. Airs Colbeck wore a handsome black gown and fichu of lovely old lace; Airs Kenderdine, blaek jacket anil skirt, pink vest, and black hat. The guest of the day was tastefully gowned in a white silk blouse trimmed with accordion pleated ehiffon. white pique skirt, and black hat; Airs H. Lusk, black; Airs Knight, green costume. green hat trimmed with ostrich feathers; Airs Alartelli, green silk blouse, green cloth skirt, black hat; Mrs Pollen, black silk skirt, pink silk blouse, pretty toque; Mrs Rathbone, flowered chine silk costume, large white hat; Airs Young,black and white half mourning toilette; Airs Percy Butler, pretty flowered silk costume, white hat. Amongst others present were Airs Neil. Miss Kenderdine. Misses Fenton, Afiss Power, Airs and .Miss Alexander.

Aly Cambridge correspondent writes: Last Friday evening Mr R. C. Dyer gave a very jolly euchre partv at his residence. Amongst the guests present were Air and Airs Buckland. Miami Mrs Richardson, Airs Jno. Hally Mrs Jas Halley, Airs Wells. Airs Alurdoek. Airs Hill (Tuakau), Airs Cooke Alisses Gwynneth, O’Halloran. Ring (Auckland), Willis. C. Willis. E. Willis Empson. Buckland, Wells. Ward. Souter. Brookes, Messrs Chambers Empson. Vim Sturmer (Hamilton/ Jolly (Hamilton). AVard, Boulton Lusk. Clark. C. Buckland. The first prizes were won by Mrs Cooke ami Air Clark, and the second by Afiss Gwynneth ami Mr Buckland. sen. WATER PARTY. Favoured as we are in this city with a bright sky and a lovely harbour, studded with numerous beautiful islands and picturesque bays, an excursion by water is a most pleasant form of entertainment, and one greatly appreciated by visitors. To the hostess, however, an anticipated treat of this kind must be a cause for considerable anxiety, particularly at this season of

the year, when the weather is somewhat uncertain. Should the day dawn with bright sunshine all is well. Dr. and: Mrs Knight were fortunate in their choice of last Thursday for their excursion round the harbour, given in honour of the Southern delegates to the Women’s National Council of New Zealand. A little after two o’clock the ferry steamer Alexandra left the North Shore Ferry Tee with about fifty or sixty guests, who responded to Dr. and Mrs Knight’s hospitable invitation. We steamed slowly up the harbour to Brown’s Island, and then turned back, keeping close to the Southern shore so that the visitors had a splendid view of the city, spread over the encircling hills. The genial atmosphere put everyone in the best of spirits for enjoying themselves. Delicious afternoon tea and coffee, with cakes, sandwiches and sweets, catered by Miss Churton and Co., of Iredale’s tea rooms, were handed round by deft assistants. When Chelsea was reached the steamer was once more turned towards the wharf, which was reached about half-past five o’clock. Before landing Mrs Sheppard, President of the Women’s National Council, in a few felicitous words, returned thanks to Dr. and Mrs Knight for their pleasant entertainment. Mrs Williamson also spoke of the kind hospitality which the Southern delegates had enjoyed during their stay in Auckland. Mrs Daldy thanked Dr. and Mrs Knight on behalf of the Auckland guests. SOME OF THE DRESSES. Airs Knight, navy serge gown, velvet revers on Russian blouse, edged with navy and gold braid, white sailor hat, with black band; Mrs HughesJones, navy blue serge Russian gown, white hat, with white wings in front: Aiiss Knight, black figured lustre, jet yoke, outlined with a frill, black straw Alpine hat; Mrs Sheppard, smart fawn coat and skirt, pink shot glace blouse, black straw hat, pink chiffon butterfly bow m front; Airs Williamson, navy skirt and jacket, royal blue and white foulard blouse, dove grey felt Amazon hat,with grey wings; Airs Daldy, black gown, Ottoman silk cape, black bonnet, with touches of Neapolitan bine;

Mrs T. W. Deys, black gown, black velvet cape, black picture hat, with accord ion-pleated chiffon; Airs Deo. Myers, navy serge, with black braid down seams of skirt, black caracule jacket, piped with red, black hat. wreathed with red roses and blaek and white wings in front; Mrs Coleman, blue French plaid gown, with pink and blue silk running through, and trimmed with black gathered ribbon, fawn sac jacket, with coquelicot red velvet collar and pipings, white hat. with black and cream chiffon pleated round crown; Mrs Clark, navy gown, brown tweed eape. black bonnet, with cream feathers; Mrs I ibbs, green and gold blouse, black skirt, green and gold bonnet; Mrs Williams, bright navy gown, white sailor hat; Aiiss Garstin. black cloth skirt and sac jacket, white sailor hat: Airs May, stylish fawn cloth gown, with an applique of cream doth on one side of bodice and skirt, sealskin cape, black hat. with white wings; Aiiss Muriel Knight, white muslin blouse, velvet skirt, white hat; Aiiss Dorothy Knight, red and black boucle cloth frock, trimmed with fox fur, brown felt hat: Mrs Whitelaw. black gown, black cloth eape, black and white bonnet; Aiiss Whitelaw' (Scotland), black, velvet cape, pretty black bonnet, with burnt orange roses; Mrs Sievwright, blaek gown: Miss Sievwright, electric blue beige, white sailor hat; Airs Oxley, black; Airs Fletcher, blaek figured cloth gown, with silver grey silk full vest, black hat; Aiiss Fletcher, vieux rose blouse, blaek skirt, white sailor hat, Aiiss Towsey. red and black shot doth bodice, black skirt; Airs Tasker, black silk, epaulettes and bodice trimmed with gathered mauve silk, black bonnet: .Mrs J. J. Craig, blaek, fawn jacket, black toque, with erect bows of pink silk; Airs Fraser, black; Airs Scott West, black gown, pale yellow' silk full vest, blaek and buttercup bonnet; Mrs Northcroft, navy skirt and jacket, black bonnet ; Mrs Alueller blaek gown, blaek bonnet, with pink roses; Aiiss Alueller, black and white check blouse, black skirt; Airs Alain, green gown, black and green bonnet; Airs Thomas Jackson, electric blue

skirt and coat, white hat; Mrs J. Mitchell, green and gold figured gown, fawn cape, bonnet with wreath of white flowers and shot, ribbon; Mrs Thorne, Havanna brown gown, fawn eajie, black bonnet, with pink roses. Among the gentlemen were Messrs llaliwell. T. W. Leys. Coleman. Alain. Mitchell, Pastor Clark. Captain Daldy. CON V ERSAZ ION E. A conversazione in honour of the .Southern visitors to the Women’s National Council was held in the Municipal Chambers, under the auspices of the members of the Auckland Leagues. The .Mayor presided, and an attractive musical programme ha 1 been prepared in which Mesdames Kilgour and Boult. Misses Boult and Kirkby, Alessrs Wright and Walton took part. Recitations were given by Miss Sievewright and Air Jordoii. Among the ladies I noticed were: — Airs Daldy. black gown, white vest, with a trellis of black bebe ribbon; Airs Sheppard, handsome cardinal satin bodice trimmed with black chiffon. black brocade silk trained skirt; Mrs May wore a pretty opal shot glace silk gown, blaek velvet belt and long ends; Mrs Williamson, crushed strawberry and blue plaid silk blouse, white satin vest and revers, black skirt; Airs Kilgour, heliotrope striped silk bodice draped in front with black sequined net, blaek silk skirt; Mrs Boult wore a stylish trained evening gown of nil green silk veiled with black lace, green sash; Miss Boult, coquelicot red evening gown trimmed with black lace; Miss — Boult looked pretty in a chine frock trimmed with pink and blue ribbon; Airs Shera. black satin, cream lace jabot; Mrs Schnackenberg, black silk: Mrs Sievewright, black silk with broad satin striped gown, white lace cape: Miss Sievewright, cream, sage green sash; Miss Garstin, black Watteau gown; Miss Fletcher, chine gown, blue silk belt; Aiiss Towsey, pretty blue floral French muslin; Airs Osborne Knight, myrtle green gown trimmed with velvet; Mrs Hughes Jones looked exceedingly well in a black and blue figured satin bodice, bine square yoke with trellis of black bebe ribbon, caseale

of ecru lace on one side, black skirt: Miss Oxley, blaek and white striped satin bodice, white square yoke veiled with blaek lace, black skirt; Mrs K. Al. Watt, grey and blaek striped silk blouse, dark skirt; Airs Tasker, yellow silk blouse, black skirt; Mrs Garland. electric blue silk blouse, black silk skirt; Mrs Main, black; Mrs Mitchell, black trained gown, cream lace yoke: Mrs Draflin, silver grev silk gown: Airs Whitelaw. black; Miss Atkinson. pink chine blouse, brown skirt; Mrs J. J. Craig, pretty vieux rose silk blouse, dark skirt; Mrs Kirkby, blaek evening gown, cream silk full vest: Miss Kirkbv, white; etc. LADIES’ BOWLING DAY AT DEVOix PORT. At the Devonport Ladies' Bowling Championship Tournament I noticed the following ladies: — Mrs Tanton, very stylish black costume: Mrs Vaile, pretty green shot silk, hat to match: Mrs Rev. Ferguson, handsome fawn dress, white gem: Mrs W. Frater, black skirt, white blouse; Airs Larner, nice blaek brocade costume; Airs Captain Synis, pretty tartan blouse, black skirt; Mrs Lazer, fawn skirt, white blouse; Mrs R. Eagleton, handsome figured black costume; Mrs T. Taylor, stylish black dress; Airs G. Glenister, tailor-made black costume, white gem; Airs M. Niccol. fawn dress, handsomely trimmed hat to match: Mrs 11. Niccol. blaek costume lined with gold, hat to match; Mrs Alalcoltn. blaek crepon skirt and white blouse, white gem; Airs Creagiuile. white dress, hat with club colours; Miss M. Tobias, lavender tailor-made costume, very neat; Aiiss B. Tobias, blaek eostume, white vest: Airs J. W. Harrison, handsome blaek costume; Miss Malcolm, pale blue sailor dress; Miss 11. Eagleton. black dress, white gem: Miss Al. Brookes, nice black skirt, pink blouse trimmed with black: Miss Stewart, pale blue dress, white gem hat: Miss E. Brookes, pretty grey dress, white gem; Miss A’. Creagiuile. pale blue sailor dress, gem with club colours; Aiiss E. Miller, white dress, white trimmed hat: Mrs Twentyman, blaek skirt. white blouse, black hat; Mrs Hurndall,

prettv fawn costume, bonnet to match: Mrs J. C. Webster, eream erepon. white gem; Mrs K. Mitehell, black costume.white vest (neat): Miss Smith, pretty walking costume; Mrs A. Grattan, stylish black costume; Miss M. Harvey', dark navy blue skirt and white blouse.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXII, Issue XVII, 29 April 1899, Page 574

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AUCKLAND New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXII, Issue XVII, 29 April 1899, Page 574

AUCKLAND New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXII, Issue XVII, 29 April 1899, Page 574