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Mr Charles Wilson, M.H.R.. is on a pleasure trip to Sydney. 'l'he Hon. W. C. Walker has arrived in Christchurch from Wellington. Mr A. P. Burns, Nelson, has gone to Dunedin for a holiday. Mr and Mrs Baker, of Newton. Auckland, an* staying in Cambridge. Mrs W. Atkinson has returned to her home. Fiji, after paying a short visit to relations in Nelson. Miss Moore. Nelson, has gone to stay in Blenheim. Miss Jo Pitt has returned to Nelson from a visit to Christchurch and Wellington. Nirs Hodson (Blenheim) is at present the guest of Mrs Pitt, Muritai. Nelson. Mr and Mrs Richardson, who have been staying in Auckland, have returned to Nelson.Mrs Sommerville. Sydney, who has been staying in Nelson, left, last week t’oi Blenheim en route for Sydney. Amongst the visitors to Cambridge lately 1 have noticed Mr and Mrs 11 lull and Miss Phi Ison, of Auckland. Mr and Mrs Hill, of Tuakau. Mr E. Mirams, Blenheim, was in Wellington last week in order to be present at the marriage of his brother. Mr H. Mirams, of Nelson. Mrs Hodson, of ‘Thurston.' Blenheim. has gone to spend a month in Nelson with Mrs Blackett and other friends. Miss Monro, of ‘Valleyfield.' Blenheim. left last week to visit friends in the North Island. Mrs 11. Sharp. Tauranga. has returned to Blenheim, after spending 1 a few weeks in the country with Mrs G. Watts, at ‘Lansdowne.’ and is now the guest of Mrs Howard. Miss V. Johnston, of Wellington, is making a visit to her sister. Nirs A. Mowat. in Blenheim. Miss Gertrude Fisher. Wei ling-ton. is spending the Easter holidays in Blenheim, and is the guest of Mrs Carey. Mrs Croker and her children left Blenheim last week to join Mr Croker in Dunedin, which will be their future home. Mrs (’? de V. Teschemaker. ‘Avondale.’ left Blenheim last week on a trip to the South. Nir Ashcroft. Wellington, paid an official visit to Blenheim last week. Mrs NV. Sinclair and her three* dan ghters left Blenheim last week for Wellington, where they intend to reside. A large number of friends assembled to see them oil*. Nirs Barron ami Nir Winston Barron. Wellington. are the guests of Nir and Mrs Louis I harazyn. at Feat herston. Nirs Tasker. Wellington, has been re-elected President of the Women's Democratic Union, and Nirs Lennox Secretary. Nirs Arthur Simpson, who has been visiting her mother, Nirs Turner, at Ravenscliit’e, Queen Charlotte's Sound, returned to Blenheim last week. Mr and Mrs Arthur Russell. Palmerston North, have returned to ‘Te Nlatai' ' from Christchurch. They stayed a few days with Nirs Russell's parents in Wellington on the wax home. Miss Sidney Johnston. Rangitikei. stayed with Nirs Elgar, in the Wairarapa, for the Tauherinikau races. Amongst the visitors who are being entertained at ‘Langley Dale* by Nir and Nirs W. Adams are the Misses Johnston and Nir Mirams, of Blenheim. Nir John Hursthouse. Nelson, has received promotion in the Union Steamship Company as assistant pur ser on tin* s.s. Iloroto. He left this week to join the steamer at Auckland. Mr Hursthouse will be succeeded in th<* Nelson office* by Nir L. R. Bonar. A public meeting, at which addresses on prohibition were given b\ Messrs A. R. Atkinson, of NVellington. and Mr G. Grant, of Palmerston North, was held in the Theatre. Nelson. on Sunday evening. The same gentlemen also addressed an open air meeting in Trafalgar-street on Saturday evening. The Rev. R. S. Gray and Nirs Gray have returned to Nelson from a visit to Auckland. The former is very much improved in health, though, it is to be regretted, he is still unablv to resume his pastoral duties; and hr has been granted a further leave of nl scare for six months.

Miss Gray, from England, is visiting her brother in New Plymouth. Mr and Mrs Ferguson, Wellington, are paying a short visit to Wanganui. Miss Isabel Seymour, Tyntesfield, Renwick Town, is visiting Mrs Scott in Picton.

The Chief Justice, Sir James Prendergast, spent Easter vacation at Palmerston North. Mr and Mrs W. Webster left last Friday morning by the Takapuna for Wellington, en route to England. The Rev. W. Baumber and his family leave Wellington for Christchurch on Thursday by the Waikare. Mr A. E. A. Clarke returned to New Plymouth-last week, after spending his Easter holidays in Auckland. Mr and Mrs Waldegrave, Wellington, have been spending the Easter holidays in Otago. Mrs Anderson, of Wellington, is on a visit to her dnugher, Mrs W. Shaw, of New Plymouth.

Lieutenant-Colonel Hume, Inspector of Prisons, returned to Wellington this week from a visit to Christchurch.

Miss Williams, Wellington, is paying a visit to her sister, Mrs Arthur Russell, at Te Matai, Palmerston North.

Mr and Mrs W. Turnbull, Wellington, are among the many Welliugtonians who spent the Easter holidays in the Wairarapa. Mr Kibblewhite, of Petone, Wellington, was bitten by a katipo spider in the leg a few days ago, and has been seriously ill ever since. The venomous little spider was found to have bitten its victim in no less than four places before its capture. A shark no less than twelve feet i'll length attacked a fishing boat in Nelson last week. When captured it was found to be of a species unknown in New Zealand waters, having a verylarge flat tail and unusually large fins.

Air A. A. Duncan, Deputy' Public Trustee, is to control the affairs of the Department in Wellington during the absence of Mr Martin, the Public Trustee, in Europe on a holiday trip. Mr C. E. Horneman, private secretary- to the Hon. Hall-Jones, has been appointed a shorthand writer in the Public Works Department, Wellington.

Mr and Mrs Charles Pharazyn passed through Wellington this week, on their return from their honeymoon trip to the Southern Lakes, and after staying in Wellington a few days left for ‘Longwood,’ Featherston, their future residence. The Rev. A. M. Johnston, who is leaving Wellington to go to the Wairarapa. was this week presented with a very- handsome American roller top oak secretaire by the members of St. Peter's Club, as a slight mark of appreciation of the many services and valuable assistance which he has always rendered to the Club.

New Zealanders have again been among the lucky winners of one of Tattersall’s sweeps, Mr Henry Haybittle having with four other Wellingtonians drawn the first prize of £4.000. Mr Haybittie and his friends only invested in a single ticket, so that their luck is all the more surprising.

Lieut.-Colonel Hume left Wellington on Saturday last, in the Mokoia, for Sydney, on a visit of inspection to the principal gaols in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania and intends being away from New Zealand about two months. During the absence of Colonel Hume in Australia the Prisons’ Department will be under the charge of the Under-Secre-tary for Justice. Captain Ward has been the guest of Mr and Mrs W. Barton, Fareham, Featherston, and has been deer shooting in the Wairarapa Ranges with his host. Mr Harold Johnston. Wellington, also formed one of the house party during the Easter holidays. The Rev. W. Baumber, who for the last five years has been minister of the Wesley- Church in Wellington, has been transferred -to the Durhamstreet Church, Christchurch, and his ministry during these years has been so keenly appreciated that general regret prevails at his departure. A farewell meeting to the Rev. gentleman took place in the Wesley Church at Wellington on Wednesday night, and during the evening Mr J. Kershaw, senior circuit steward, on behalf of the friends of Wesley Church, presented Mr Baumber with a Itees-ton-llumber bicycle as a murk of their respect and esteem.

Miss Flowers, Kaikoura, is on a visit to Mrs Robertshaw, Picton. Mrs Henry Harris, Pelorus Sound, is In Picton for a few weeks staying with her mother, Mrs Philpotts. Mr and Mrs E. B. Brown, Wellington, are visiting Mr and Mrs Baillie at Para, Picton. Mr F. Mueller, solicitor, of Paeroa, is visiting a number of his old Gisborne friends. Mrs Harper is demanding £5OO compensation from the Sydenham Council for an accident to her son. Mrs Simpson, Blenheim, is visiting her mother, Mrs Turner. RavenscliiTe, Queen Charlotte Sound. Mr ami Mrs J. B. Stoney. Blenheim, were in Picton for the Easter holidays. staying at Allport’s boardinghouse. Miss Sealy, Nelson, is spending a short holiday with Mrs Haslett and Mrs Dunean in Picton. Mr and Mrs H. Howard, Blenheim, spent the Easter holidays with Miami Mrs Rutherford in Picton. Mr E. Tregear has received a complimentary letter from-Professor Max Mueller with reference co his book on •Comparative Mythology.’ Messrs W. S. Wilson and A. G. Horton, of the Auckland ‘Herald,’ have been ‘round the mines’ at Waihi and Karangahake. Mr E. B. Wethey, late accountant of the 8.N.Z.. Christchurch, has arrived at Tapanui, Otago, where he will be manager. The Rev. J. Blight, who left Gisborne to take up his new work at Waimate last week, was the recipient of many beautiful presents prior to his departure.

Miss Laura Beauchamp. Anikiwa. has left Pieton for England, where she intends to stay for a year. Miss Helen Beauchamp accompanied her sister as far as Sydney.

Miss Ethel Seymour, Tyntesfield. who has been visiting Mrs N. Reid in Wellington, returned to Picton last week, after spending a most enjoyable holiday in the Empire City. Mrs Westmacott, New Plymouth, is in Picton visiting her many old friends in the district. She is to pay a week’s visit to Mrs Chaytor. at Marshlands, and then visits Mrs John Duncan at The Grove.

Mr Woon, sometime Collector of Customs at Greymouth, has been visiting Wellington. He is about to become travelling representative of the Marton ‘Advocate.’

Major Collins, who met with a painful accident at the Johnsonville volunteer encampment through his horse •refusing’ at a barb wire fence, is progressing favourably. Miss Collett and Mr Mudgway. of Wellington, deserve great credit for the manner in which they worked up the garden party in aid of St. Augustine’s (Petone) organ fund. Miss E. Pine, of North East Harbour, -was last week presented by the settlers of the district with a handsome marble clock as an appreciation of her services amongst their children as school teacher

The Bishop of Wellington (graduates' representative), the Very Rev. Dr. Watters (Legislative representative), the Rev. W. A. Evans (school teachers’ representative), and Mr A. P. Seymour (Education Board’s representative) have been re-elected as members of the Victorian University College Council. The Rev. A. M. Johnson, who was instituted at Featherston last week, was, prior to his departure from Wellington, presenteil with a purse of sovereigns. Sir James Prendergast, who is the owner of several large holdings at Fitzherbert and Bunnythorpe (Manawatu), intends cutting his properties up into small areas suitable for dairy fa rms.

During the function at Kaiapohia Mrs Taiaroa appeared dressed in a handsome Maori mat ami feathered hood, said to be some four hundred years old.

Mrs and Miss Holt, who are leaving Oamaru to live in Dunedin, were last week tendered a farewell social. Songs and recitations and complimentary speeches tilled a pleasant evening The Bev. D. J. Murray, late of Lyttelton, who takes up the Wesleyan Church at the Thames, concluded his ministry at Lyttelton last week. The trustees made the occasion one for a special appeal for contributions to assist in extinguishing an old- standing debt. The satisfactory sum of £26 15/ was raised, the special gifts amounting to £2l 3/, and the ordinary collections to £5 12/.

The Rev. A. J. Beck arrived in Wellington from Auckland last week. Mr G. A. V. Tapper is the new accountant at 8.N.Z., Christchurch. The new Moderator of the Presbytery of Auckland is the Rev. T. A. Norrie, of Coromandel. Major - General Hogge arrived in Auckland from Wellington during the latter end of last week. Captain Wellesley, A.D.C. to the Governor, went on a sporting expedition in the Danevirke district last week. At the Coolgardie Exhibition the New Zealand Commissioner will be Mr John Wilkie, of Wanganui. The champion draughts player of the world—Mr R. Jordon—arrived in Dunedin last week. Mr W. Henderson, of Dunedin, manager of the National Mortgage Company, has returned to his Southern home after a visit to Auckland, etc.. etc. Mr and Mrs Cattanach left by the Waihora on Monday for England, via Sydney. The survey made by the chief draughtsman in Wellington Survey Department—Mr T. W. Flanagan to wit —will, it is said, be the finest work of the sort ever completed in the colony. A very old identity, Mrs Craig, widow of the late Andrew Craig, of Hobson - street, Auckland, died last week. She arrived in the colony some 57 years since, and was a well-known Presbyterian, being a member of St. Andrew’s Church, Auckland. The sometime friends and acquaintances of Major L. E. Du Moulin, son of Mr J. P. Du Moulin, of Auckland, will lie glad to hear that that gentleman has earned promotion and will be known henceforward as Lieut.-Colonel Du Moulin, Ist Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment. The Hon. James Carroll, who has been in Auckland for some time as Minister in attendance on His Excellency the Governor, left for Wellington by the Mararoa on Tuesday. At the Easter camp at Christchurch a pleasing ceremony took place, Lieut. Bishop, of the Christchurch City Guards, was presented with a medal for 16 consecutive years of efficient service. The presentation was made by Mrs Gordon.

The sale of a piece of land at Kaikokopu, being Mr M. Wilkins’ share of Wilkins Bros.’ farm, has been made by Messrs D. London and Co., of Auckland, the purchaser being Mr P. Wright, who will settle there with his family. The area is 426 acres, and the price satisfactory.

That genial City Councillor of Auckland—Mr Adam Cairns—goes to England next Monday on a flying visit. Mr Cairns, who has the reputation of being the best-dressed man in Auckland, was ‘mine host’ of the Star Hotel in those palmy days when Sala gave it so much kudos. Mr Cairns has an autograph presentation from the late famous G.A.S., and naturally values it highly. Of late years Mr Cairns has suffered in health, ami his trip is the result of doctors’ orders. Bon voyage. Mr Vincent Marshall, who was married in Auckland on Tuesday to Miss Cowie, was presented last week at Ohaupo with a handsome marble clock, being a wedding gift from several of his Ohaupo friends, as a token of esteem and good will. Mr Prince, who made the presentation on behalf of those interested, wished Mr Marshall and his bride all happiness and prosperity. Mr Marshall was completely taken by surprise, but he suitably responded, and thanked the givers for their handsome present. He said he would always remember their many expressions of goodwill and fellowship with feelings of pleasure.

A congratulatory social was last week tendered the Very Rev. Dean Kirk, at Wanganui, on the occasion of his being created a Dean.

One our oldest Southland settlers. Mr John McGregor, of Moorfield, Makarewa, sustained a great misfortune on the night of Wednesday last, when his stable, barn, cowshed, and stockyard, with all his harness and implements, were destroyed by fire. Everything was safe when the family went to bed, and there is no clue as to how the conflagration originated. The property was insured in the Norwich Union Office for a low sum. which will nowhere like cover half the loss Mr McGregor has sustained, the buildings having been of a substantial character and such as should have lasted for many years to come.

Mr and Mrs Jago, of the Dunedin ‘Star,’ passed through Auckland on Monday after a brief visit to Sydney. They returned home by the Mararoa.

Mr Adam Cairns, of Auckland, who left for England yesterday, was presented with an illuminated address prior to his departure. His numerous friends met at Kidd’s Hotel, and the popular councillor’s health was drunk in bumpers of champagne.

The Rev. G. V. Roby, Presbyterian minister of Whangarei, who has accepted a call to Orepuki, Southland, will be much missed in the Northern township, where he has proved very popular. The ‘gist’ of the long address presented to the Hon. ‘Jock’ McKenzie. Minister of La mis. was neatly summarised in the last paragraph, which runs:—‘Your tenure of office will ever be held in grateful remembrance by the people of New Zealand as years in which the chief department of the State, the lands, was ruled by a man strong and resolute in action, clearbrained and wise; and ever actuated by the highest sense of honour, and a single-minded devotion to the best interests of the State of which he was so eminent a servant. We respectfully invite your acceptance of the gift accompanying this address, and trust that Mrs McKenzie and you yourself will enjoy your holiday, return to the colony with restored health, and be spared for many years of happiness with your family.’ The value of the testimonial is not stated.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXII, Issue XV, 15 April 1899, Page 487

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PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXII, Issue XV, 15 April 1899, Page 487

PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXII, Issue XV, 15 April 1899, Page 487