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His Exc'ellency the Governor and the Countess of Ranfurly have consented to be present at a dramatic performance by Hutt and local amateurs in the Theatre Royal at Wellington in aid of the Society for the Protection of Women and Children and the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The performance is to take place early in November next.

Mrs Gibson, who is leaving Wellington, has been presented with a beautiful clock in recognition of her valuable services in connection with the Wellington Women’s Christian Temperance Union.

The R.M.S. Miowera brought Wellington on Sunday quite a number of distinguished visitors: Lord Brassey, Governor of Victoria, Lady Brassey, and Lady Ellen Brassey, the Hon. Spencer Lyttelton, Colonel the Hon. Sackville West, and Lieutenant-Colonel Gorton.

Lieutenant Wilson, R.N.R.. late second officer of the Union Company’s steamer Mararoa, is taking a year’s training on board H.M.S. Mildura at Sydney.

Mr R. B. Cranwell, of Auckland, has been successful in passing his dental examination at Dunedin. Mr Cranwell has just finished his three years’ service with Mr A. W. Chatfield, Queen street, Auckland.

The Rev. R. Ferguson, Devonport Presbyterian Church, Auckland, has just declined a call to be a candidate for the Presbyterian Church at Mornington, Dunedin. Mr Ferguson also declined quite recently a call to St. Paul’s, Napier. Evidently Mr Ferguson has a staunch affection for his Devonport congregation.

Mr James Muir, the well known member of the Auckland Board of Education, has consented to stand for the Manukau electorate at the next general election.

Mr Charles Curteis, of Auckland, is visiting Christchurch at present. He is now travelling through the colony in the interests of the Auckland Institute for the Blind.

The Christchurch representatives of the fire insurance companies gave a present to Mr A. Baddeley (late of the Palatine Insurance Company, Christchurch), on the occasion of his leaving the southern citv for Auckland.

Mr A. W. Gellatly, the resident partner in New Zealand of Messrs Briscoe, McNeil and Co., left Auckland for Sydney by the Westralia on Monday, en route for England.

Mr and Mrs Holdship, formerly of Auckland, but now resident in Sydney have been on a visit to Auckland. and returned by the ’Westralia" last Monday.

Miss Nellie Owen, of Ponsonby, Auckland, left this week by the ‘Elin,amite’ for Napier.

Mr and Mrs Morrin. of Auckland, have been staying in Napier, at the Masonic Hotel.

Mrs Arthur Sidey, of Dunedin, is paying a visit to Mrs Davidson, of the Bluff Hill. Napier.

Mr and Mrs Jago, of Napier, have gone for a trip to Melbourne and Sydney.

Captain Russell, M.H.R., came up from Wellington to be present at the Hastings races and the show.

Mr and Mis Stead, of Christchurch, have been visiting Napier.

Mr T.E. Taylor, M.H.R., was presented with a testimonial in the Opera House, Wellington, on Saturday night in recognition of the public services rendered by him to the colony in connection with the Police Commission. There was a large number of people present, and Sir Robert Stout, who was in the chair, and others spoke eulogistic-ally of Mr Taylor’s services. Mr Taylor was presented with a cheque for £2lO, to be followed by a handsome secretaire, and Mrs Taylor received a valuable gold brooch.

The Rev. W. A. Sinclair, Superintendent of the Helping Hand Mission, Auckland, has been the recipient of two calls to other spheres of labour. The first call invites him to be the successor of the Rev. S. J. Serpell, in the Thames Wesleyan Church next year, and the second, coming from the Durham-street circuit, Christchurch, invites him to take charge of the St. Asaph-st. Mission in the City of the Plains. He has accepted the first invitation.

Mr F. Le Cren, manager of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company at Timaru, passed through Auckland last week with his wife and son on his way to Rotorua.

Mr Rotherham, Locomotive Superintendent New Zealand Railways, arrived in Auckland last Wednesday and proceeded next morning by train to the Hot Lakes district.

Mr J. M. Hickson, Clerk of the Court at Te Aroha, has received promotion, and is leaving Te Aroha for Masterton. Mr Hickson’s departure will Im: reg-retted by the many friends whom he has made at Te Aroha.

The Wellington Rowing Club holds its annual Club picnic at Day’s Bay on the 29th inst.

Mr McKay. Government Geologist, intends soon going to Rotorua for a course of baths for the rheumatism from which he suffers. In the meantime he is in Auckland busily preparing and classifying the Government's geological exhibits for the Exhibition.

Lord and Lady Ranfurly gave a dinner party at Government House, Wellington, on Saturday last, the following guests being present: -The Bishop of Wellington and Mrs Wallis. Colonel Williams, M.P., Mrs Williams and Miss Williams (England), the Hon. W. C. Walker and Mrs Walker. Sir Robert Stout and Lady Stout, the Hon. 11. C. Butter ami Airs Butter. Hon. W. Oliver and Mrs Oliver. Captain Barclay and Mrs Barclay, the Hon. A. Cadman. Lady Berkeley, Miss Buller, Mrs Rhodes, the Rev. ,1. Patterson and Mrs Patterson, and the Hon. W. Bolt and Mrs Bolt.

Miss Williams (Dunedin) is tin guest of Mrs Ferguson at ’Linda,' Wellington.

Miss Lizzie Aynesley (Christchurch) is staying a few days with Mrs Adams in Wellington, en route to Eketahiina, to visit her brother, Dr. Aynesley, who is practising there.

Mrs W. Turnbull, of Wellington, has gone to Dunedin to represent the Wellington Golf Club at the Golf Tournament which is taking place there this week.

Major Maddocks, of the Defence Department, and Captain Ward, of the Government House staff, left Wellington for Sydney yesterday by the R.M.s. Miowera.

Mrs Aynesley, of Eketahuna, is staying in Wellington with Mrs Adams on the Terrace.

Some of the dresses to be worn at the coining fancy dress ball at Government House are of the most elaborate description, and most of the leading dressmakers in Wellington are kept busy for the event.

Mr Thomas McGruer. mine manager of the New Zealand Crown mines at Karangahake, is at present oh a visit to Auckland, and is staying at Devon port.

Mr .1. L. Kelly, the new editor of the 'New Zealad Times,’ received a very warm welcome in the Library at the ‘New Zealand Times' office, Wellington, when assuming the editorship of that journal on Saturday last, a very large gathering having assembled there for the purpose. Mr Martin Kennedy proposed the health of Mr Kelly in very flattering terms, stating that the directors felt very great confidence that, from what they had heard of Mr Kelly as edihe would be the right man in the right place, and get on well both with the staff and also with the proprietors of the paper. In replying, Mr Kelly said he was deeply grateful for the kindly welcome that had been extended to him in Wellington, and in the course of his speech said he saw no reason why the

‘'rimes’ should not have a career of the most brilliant success and be the leading paper in New Zealand. He said he was pleased to hear that the policy of the paper was to be one of thorough independence, and concluded by hoping that his warm welcome would be the beginning of a long term of the most cordial relationship between himself and the directors and the staff. Mr John Young (of the ‘Times’ Company Directorate), Mr C. Eearle (‘Evening Post’), and Mr A. Burns (of the United Press Association) also tendered their congratulations to Mr Kelly, and wished him a long and very successful career in his new position.

Captain Torlesse, of H.M.s. Royalist, now in Auckland, is probably the first native born colonist of New Zealand to have a command in the Royal Navy. He was born in Canterbury.

Mrs R. 11. Rhodes has been occupying Elmwood, Christchurch, during the encampment.

Mrs Arthur Pearce, Mrs Turnbull, and Mrs Purdy (Wellington) have gone to Dunedin to play in the Golf Championship matches.

Mr 11. Crombie, a son of the late Mr C. M. Crombie, Commissioner of Taxes in New Zealand, who left Wellington for Calcutta some years ago, now holds the post of manager of the Sun Eire Insurance office at Shanghai.

Mrs Ashcroft, who has been staying with her mother, Mrs Carthew, New Plymouth, left last week for Vancouver, where she is to join her husband. Miss Holdsworth, of New Plymouth, is going with her, much to the loss of her many friends, as she was such a favourite in this town.

Mr James Park, consulting engineer for the Anglo-Continental Gold Syndicate (Limited) has been appointed general mine manager to the Moanataiari Company’ in place of Mr G. S. Clark, who is retiring from that post which he has filled for 10 years.

Miss Bathgate, who has been in Christ church on a visit to Mrs Denniston and other friends, returned to Dunedin last week.

Mrs Nancarrow, of Dunedin, has arrived in Picton, and is the guest of Mrs Western, at ‘The Lindens.’ She is shortly expected in Blenheim, and will visit friends in the country.

Mrs J. 11. Bond arrived in Blenheim from the Pelorus Sound at the end of last week, and is just now the guest of Mrs Lucas.

Before leaving Christchurch the other day to return to his duties as Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court in Auckland, Mr R. G. Thomas received a presentation from the staff of the Supreme Court in Christchurch where he has been recently filling the post of Registrar.

Miss Rosalie Williams, Picton, has been appointed teacher at the Marlborough Town School, in place of Mrs Hiley, who is about to be married. Miss Williams is a talented young teacher, and Marlborough Town residents are very’ lucky’ to obtain her services.

Mrs Elworthy’ (Timaru) was in Christchurch last week.

His Excellency the Governor has intimated that he intends visiting New Plymouth from Saturday, December 3, to Tuesday, December 6th.

Mrs Nancarrow, Dunedin, is visiting Mrs Western at ‘The Lindens,’ Picton.

Mr and Mrs Hillman, of Blenheim, are visiting Wellington in the hope that the change will benefit Mr Hillman’s health.

Lieutenant J. Hume, of the Permanent Artillery, has taken over the command of the station at Lytlelion. whither he has been transferred from Auckland.

Lord and Lady Ranfurly entertained the following guests at dinner on Tuesday’ last at Government House: — The Hon. Dr. Grace and Mrs Grace, Count and Countess de Courte, Mr T. C. Williams, Mrs Williams, and Miss Williams, Rev. C. Harper and Mrs Harper, Mrs Medley and Miss Medley, Miss Turnbull, Mr and Mrs Amelins Smith.

Mr and Mrs A. E. G. Rhode.-, went South from Christchurch for a few days last week.

Dr. and Mrs Greenwood have left Christchurch for a short visit to Dimedin on business.

Mr H. Fitzroy Clark is again in Blenheim, and is staying at ‘Cowley’ with his sister, Miss Clark.

The committee and congregation of the Congregational Church at Raglan presented Miss Moen, who has lately been acting as organist in the church, and who is leaving for Taranaki, with an address aid a purse of sovereigns.

Dr. Walker, of New Plymouth, was, on October 6th, presented with an aneroid barometer, and Dr. Leatham with a silver-mounted Russian leather cigar ease by the men’s classes of the St. John’s Ambulance Association, in recognition of the valuable services rendered by those gentlemen in instructing the classes during the winter months.

With commendable enterprise Canterbury’ cricketers have secured the services of Mr J. Phillips, the international cricket umpire, as coach to the Canterbury Cricket Association. Mr Phillips arrived in Wellington on Saturday from Sydney, by the Talune, leaving by the same steamer for Lyttelton on Monday afternoon.

Mr E. C. Farr, who has for some years been connected with the Resident Engineers' Office in Wellington, was presented by the staff with a very handsome silver-mounted walk-ing-stick and set of pipes, as a mark of esteem upon the occasion of his severing his collection with the office, on Saturday last, in order to start business on his own account. The prsentation was made by Mr Rushbrook. Chief Clerk, who referred in very warm terms of praise to the professional abilities and many good qualities possessed by Mr Farr. Mr Young. Chief Storekeeper, also testified to Mr Farr’s unfailing courtesy, and to the willingness with which he

had always assisted any of the officers of the Department, and Mr Gapes paid a flattering tribute to the amicable relations that had always existed between employer, contractor, and architect, on works under Mr Farr’s supervision. Mr Farr returned thanks to the donors in a graceful little speech, expressing great pleasure at the evident good feeling shown towards him in the expressions of good wishes he had received from all the officers. The firm of Farr and Coleridge was then toasted in bumpers at the Royal Hotel, and the pleasant little gathering dispersed.

Mr and Mrs H. F. Thompson, of Blenheim, having given up their house, and sold their furniture, are staying for the present at the Criterion Hotel.

The Rev. W. C. Waters, Vicar of St. Peter’s, Wellington, is at present laid up in Wellington with a severe attack of measles, which are still very prevalent there.

The Rev. John Dart, Westport, is visiting his relations in Picton, and taking the duties of the parish for a fortnight, during the absence of the Vicar in Blenheim.

H.M.s. Torch left Wellington for Auckland on Wednesday morning, and is to be replaced by the Tauranga about the end of next week.

The Rev. A. H. Sedgwick, a. d Mrs Sedgwick, Picton, are gone to Blenheim to relieve the Archdeacon ,the Rev. T. Grace, for a month. The Rev. — Cowx, West Coast, is expected to take duty in Picton for a fortnight after Mr Dart.

Mr and Mrs George Newmau from Sydney are staying with Mrs W. Newman, of New Plymouth.

The Misses Julius (2) leave fir Wellington this week to be present at Government House fancy dress ball at the end of the month.

Mrs and Miss Winstanley re aimed to Blenheim last week, after making a short stay in Wellington.

Mr E. G. Wright, M.H.R. for Ashburton, was in Auckland last week en route for the Hot Lakes District.

Visitors to Hamner Springs continue to come and go. Mr and Miss Connal, Christchurch, returned to the City of the Plains last week. Mrs (Dr.) Jennings, Mrs and Miss Kinsey, and Mrs W. B. Common are now there.

Mr W. J. Bailie, teller of the Bank of New Zealand at Waitara, committed suicide on October 13 by shooting himself. The deceased’s parents live at Picton.

Mr Pollen, who has been taking Mr E. Clarke’s place in the Survey Office, New Plymouth, on account of the latter being on sick leave, returned to Auckland last week, as the last-men-tioned gentleman is much better, so can take up his work again.

Mr T. Harper Wing, M.A. (Cambridge), who at present holds the post of classical master in Geelong College, Victoria, has been chosen by the Nelson College governors as successor to Mr Littlejohn, second master in the Boys’ College, who has been promoted to the position of principal.

Mr J. H. Witheford has announced, by cablegram, his intention of returning to New Zealand, via Australia, by the P. and O. Company’s R.M.S. India.

The Christchurch lady golfists went to Dunedin on Wednesday—Mesdames Denniston, Pyne, Boyle, Wilder, Misses Bowen, Hill, Ainger, and Sanders.

Dr. McCleland, of New Plymouth, was presented on October 6th with a handsome liqueur stand by the ladies belonging to the Women’s Nursing Class of the St. John’s Ambulance Association, as a memento of their appreciation of his services.

Miss George (Auckland) is s aying with Mrs Hislop in Wellington

Mr W. Ewart (Blenheim) is enjoying n few weeks' lenvc of nbsci, e, mid his position is filled, for the - ne. by Mr Fullerton, of Wellington

Miss Ella Garrard (Blenheim) is visiting Mrs J. Bell at Hillersden.

Miss Studholm (Christchurch) is staying with Mrs Rhodes in Wellington.

Mrs and Miss Carthew, of New Plymouth, have gone for a trip to Wellington.

Among the passengers by the Westralia from Auckland to Sydney on Monday last were Mr and Mrs Geo. Holdship, Mr J. E. Gilfillan, Mr E. R. Davis, of Messrs Hancock and Co., Mr Ross, manager of Kawau Island, Mr and Mrs J. A. Subritzki, of Awanui, and Mr George Gow, of the Northern S.S. Company.

Miss Williams (England) is visiting her sister, Mrs Wallis, in Wellington.

Mrs G. Buckley (Laghmor) is staying at Sumner.

Mrs and Miss Rose, of Wellington, have gone to Springfield to the sanatorium there, for the benefit of their health.

The Victoria Esplanade, New Plymouth, was opened by the Mayor (Mr Dockrill) on the afternoon of October 13th. There was a large number of persons present, and after the ceremony a number of ladies provided tea for the visitors.

Mr E. Clarke, chief draughtsman in the Survey Department at New Plymouth, who has been on sick leave to the Hot Springs, has returned to New Plymouth and resumed his duties.

Mrs Hiley and Miss —. Chaytor, of ‘Marshlands,’ Blenheim, are making a short visit to Wellington.

The Rev. J, B. Smellie, Wyndham, Southland, has decided to accept a call to a pulpit in Australia which came to him quite unsolicited. Mr Smellie’s acceptance of the call is largely due to the fact that there has been friction lately between him and a portion of his congregation, and he thinks it better in his own interests and the interests of the Church that he should leave.

The Wellington Camera Club opens on Thursday, 13th, and the President (Mr Alfred Brandon) is to perform the opening ceremony.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXI, Issue XVII, 22 October 1898, Page 535

Word Count

PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXI, Issue XVII, 22 October 1898, Page 535

PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXI, Issue XVII, 22 October 1898, Page 535