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THERE has been so much interest ♦aken in the Graphology Column, that it has been decided to start a ‘Chiromancy’ Column, under the able guidance of Madame Yero. This lady has devoted a great deal of time and thought to this veryinteresting subject, and has thoroughly- studied it in all its branches. Her ‘readings’ have been extraordinarily successful, and ‘The Graphic’ is fortunate in securing her services. A sketch of a hand with all its lines is given, as a guide to those wishing their hands to be read. No one has all the lines indicated on the specimen hand, but some few of them will be found on each hand. The following suggestions will help in drawing the

Lay your hand, palm downwards, ou a piece of clean white paper, the fin-

gers as far apart as they will comfortably go. Then with a pencil trace all round it. Next hold it up against the window, and reverse it so that it will appear with the palm uppermost, as in the sketch. Then ink it carefully all round, taking pains to have the fingers the exact length. In the first sketch indicate the joints as you come to them by dots; this makes it much easier to get the correct distances when filling in the lines. Draw all the lines you see, as far as possible at correct distances from each other. Put no names in. Then send your hand with 24 penny stamps, to ‘MADAME VERO, Care of the Lady Editor, “New Zealand Graphic,” Auckland.’ BEATRICE.—You only sent half the requisite number of stamps ; kindly forward the remainder. —Lady Ed. RESTLESS. —Mars and Luna appear decidedly to be in combination in your hand, and their united development gives courage, calmness in danger, love of the sea and navigation. The fingers denote great mental activity, some impulsiveness, but reason is strong (the second phalanges are the longest) and will hold the impulse in check. Your opinions are independent, but you do not render yourself conspicuous by eccentricity in action. The thumb is powerful and displays determination logic and good judgment. It is turned back sufficiently for generosity without extravagance. You are fond of movement and travelling. and perhaps also have some love of harmless teasing. The life line in both hands is eminently satisfactory. It indicates good health until an advanced age, and a long life, but your nerves are acutely sensitive and you have not anything like enough confidence in yourself. The heart line shows an abundance of steady and durable affection, without jealousy. There are two attachments marked. The first a very juvenile affair, which I do not think comes to an engagement, as I see no sign of a broken one. The second, which evidently ends in a happy union, commences apparently between 22 and 25. I am unable to give the date of marriage, but I do not think it is before twenty-five. The head line denotes that you possess excellent business capacities, perseverance, and much intelligence. The triangle, angles and quadrangle more than confirm all this, the latter also indicates kindness of heart, liberality of mind, and moral rectitude. The fate line indicates some conventional restrictions in early youth; you were hemmed in either by parental or scholastic authority: but this passes and the line is fairly fortunate, although you earn your own success. There is an important change in position at 30. and the cross on the lower portion of the triangle also indicates a great change, the result of a struggle. I cannot tell the date, but I have verified the truth of this sign. Two voyages are marked and some danger from water, not exactly connected with either of the voyages, but squares always signify escapes from danger, and you have two in your hand, one on the mount of Jupiter, the other on the plain of Mars. The first betokens escapes from physical injury; the second, according to my reading, a successful struggle in the battle of life. The line extending in a semi-circle from the Mount of Luna to the Mount of Mercury, is the line of intuition and is very rare. It gives keen intuitive power, as its name suggests, and generally success in deep and imaginative studies. You have to fear some internal weakness, but I think quite late in life, and you lose a parent when you are between 35 and 40 vears of age. VERO.

THE ODD CHICKEN.—I am almost afraid to pronounce definitely on the predominant mount in your hand. I think you are a subject of Venus ; but the mount of Luna appears to be fully developed. Venusians are always loving, gay, cheerful, and fond of music, dancing, colour, and beauty. With Luna, in combination, they become capable of romantic and enthusiastic regard, but it is so difficult to speak with certainty of the mounts from a drawing that this description may not be accurate. Your fingers show quick impression, ability, intuition. and intelligence. The wide spaces between them denote that you are also independent in opinion and

action, and the unusual length of the little finger tells me that you possess the power of influencing others in no small degree. Yet the thumb does not display strength of will. My inference is that you reason well, are quick and clever, and you rule by force of fascination. The life line is distinctly double ; this is always considered to be a good sign of success and to indicate riches and prosperity. But I see you have either had a verysevere illness of long duration between the ages of 10 and 18, or else there was mystery and trouble in your childhood. The indication for both is the same, viz., an island at the commencement of the life line. Another illness, of less severity, is marked about two years later, after which your health appears to continue good until quite 50, when the falling branches show either loss of health or a temporary cessation of prosperity, and a law-suit is threatened between 40 and 45 ; but your latter years should be prosperous as well as strong and vigorous. The heart line is very good. It rises well, with an even fork, which indicates that you are true and constant as well as loving ; but I am sorry to say that some severe disappointments are signified. These are caused by friends whom you love, but are not necessarily love affairs. They may not even refer to the opposite sex, although there is undoubtedly a broken engagement. for which, 1 think, ‘money’ is responsible. There are two attachments lines and a wellformed cross on the mount of Jupiter, the token of a happy marriage. Therefore. 1 may safely prediet that all will end well. Marriage appears to Ire marked on the life line about 26 ; but of this 1 cannot be certain. It may be earlier, or nearer 30. There are two important changes in the position and residence of your family before your own marriage, while more changes await you personally after 30. The head line, by its length and straightness. confirms my impression of your ability and constancy ; it also strengthens the decision of your character. The fate line is satisfactory. but it indicates that you must ‘act.’ and not trust to chance. Success will be the result of merit. The hepatica shows two illnesses, but ‘gaps’ in the line are said to indicate that they are over. You have two enemies—not seriously bitter in their enmity.—two or three long voyages, and. at. least, four short oneft. There is some danger connected with one of the former. There is no line of Apollo in your hand, but the long third finger, in some eases, gives wealth and sometimes a love of speculation in order to gain it. VERO. VIOLET. —1 find that it will infringe on too much space if I follow my usual method of reading the hands sent to me and also reply to your 15 questions. 1 will therefore merely say that the spaces in your diagram appear to denote harmony in the faculties, as the mounts are equally proportioned. The fingers indicate love of work, travelling, movement, some impulsiveness, much activity, and a strict regard for truth. The thumb shows resolution, good sense, and ability, as it is set low down in the hand, and the cross lines on it are said to indicate legacies. Now to proceed to question No. 1: The horizontal lines on the Mount of Mercury are attachment lines. The second and strongest relates to marriage. With reference to the perpendicular line on the mount. I will quote from ‘Chiaro’: —‘When a sharp, straight line approaches the marriage line, but does not break it. it indicates lawsuits connected with the marriage; but no danger unless it break the line of marriage.’ Question No. 2: Ed. Allen considers ‘that a line crossing the hand from the thumb to the third finger or Mount of Apollo betokens a quarrel or quarrels with relations.’ In your case, as it does not cross the. line of Apollo. I think benefits may arise from the quarrel, but as Apollo's line

is absent 1 cannot be certain of the result. Question No. 3: The line running’ from the Mount of Venus to between the first and second fingers is the line of Saturn or fate. Rising from the Mount of Venus indicates that your disposition is loving anti passionate. Bearing towards the Mount anti Finger of Jupiter is a good sign of success anti gratified ambition, but the break in the right hantl shows some difficulties and obstacles between 15 and 30. Question No. 4: According to my reading the girdle of Venus is not in either of your hands. The line which some might take for it signifies internal weakness. Question 5: The small lines between the lines of the head and heart indicate two strong influences in your life: the one which touches the heart line is lifelong. The crosses on the fate line indicate changes of residence and position at 35 and 42. or thereabouts, respectively. The line from the Mount of Venus to the head line (question 6) betokens some worry or trouble, so severe as to cause an illness. I think about the age of 25. Question 7: The line from Luna’s Mount to the Mount of Venus indicates •misfortune caused by a woman.' Question 8: The line shooting up from the life line is a legacy or accession of wealth at 40 or a little later. Question 9: The cross on Jupiter indicates a happy marriage; the ray. some interference or obstacle. 10: Three long voyages are marked in right hand, and several short ones or trips. 11: Important changes are indicated between 32 and 45. 12: Undoubtedly the lines can and do change and alter; of this I have positive proof. 13: As 1 have said, there are two strong influences in your life; the strongest commences about 30. 14: A square is almost always a sign of preservation. In your hand 1 think it means a happy ending to a quarrel. 15:The total absence of the line of Saturn denotes an insignificant life, without either much trouble or joy: but men who use their hands in lal>orious work, boating, cricket, or gardening, often erase the lines, ami then, of course, the signification is different. We must in that case judge of success from other parts of the hand. Your life line is long and satisfactory. I see a change is shortly awaiting you. but 1 am unable to tell anything of your future occupations and surroundings. VERO.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XIX, Issue XXI, 13 November 1897, Page 657

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CHIROMANCY Or the SCIENCE OF READING HANDS. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XIX, Issue XXI, 13 November 1897, Page 657

CHIROMANCY Or the SCIENCE OF READING HANDS. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XIX, Issue XXI, 13 November 1897, Page 657