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THE SI« K In casets of infection* di*ea.*e. no mat ter how slight, pm everything that eonee* from the *iek r*'ocu into a **:4nEi*xi of •"Art*4ie or any drsinfeeiaiit yoiar nse*lival man rec*«miEM»es*i.* • if y*«ci ase rarbolie. *tn*iy the • tireecioo.-* carefnllv- or yoa may ■ hanee to &nd yoa have Eaa*le it so *w>.*ng that the disinfecting a?4nti-osfe* ne*?essary before going- amongst the rest of the hi Be-iL-.4>i are ah bat literally a <’«*th of are " To insiitre Mis-anfevti-sct- linen of ail kin*ls *l"*-<xk.i he hotbed, bent the r ’*>iling most he ctxnpdete- for at any -iegree shan boiling point the germ* of iref'ectbxi pveigfveiy Any linen. f«e*£--L**6he*. ete— that Are to go near x patient ma*t P>e tS-?«»?agfeiy aired. • »f -*t?a.r*e. yea say indignantly- ‘ Do yon think I woaM let any chm r ■•£%nip go near anyone ■*' N-x if vkhx knew it. I dare sav : bm may I ask. £io y;,-.<i to the m’ifvT. i. airing of each artieLe that fr*xn the Eana-iresi* *elf : and evest if yea did- a* yon probably even in sic-knes* try to adhere to she oM ■: rderiy rale «n asing year Linen Ln rotation. h>->w de yea knew that it may n*.x become —.L&ntp I wilt Ebot say. bat chilled in the Linen efoset '* a&-i even that ■‘-hili, which. I gram y<-.»n a person in heal'tb we©M never aright eaase a relapse to she invalid- The Linen need not —indec*L in zase* sheobi not.—be hoc ; do *e all know how gratefal in sickness is the c*>.4 fre*bnes* of dean *heets- etc.. Wt it mast n*>€ be 'eo&d. so a* to *trike a Thec. in giving rnedieine remenkier we ta*te m*:et «|oiekLy with the hpc : **> when any ompte.ksanfi fraught na* to - e given. keep it fr.-m the tip»* as mmdi a* p*_>s*Li''te. and wipe them at ©oie wish a 'try. *<-fc ln ease* where the Lspt* .are dry and r.-arehe*.L lightly moD*ten them with any permiseilee before a«imini*lering the d©»se. or in that dry scale they will A-’-*-*?rh the nhoc*mre. and coa*e*pneatly the taste »>f the me*ii*dne to a mo*c nnpfieasant degreeAm.xher thing very few womew *rid-den-’y :ia£ied on. to attend the *iek. really an*i that is- p*.Hiisr-es. The*e retieally. everyb»>fy know- how these are ma*ie. bat peacei«tally- if yoc watch the average wvcxaze who has perhaps in the dead of night to prwdn<?e one. yoa will soon discover how fir ’he j.>«rßey i- fr> ax theory so pr’At-siee. A oesk*f pxrlure ttH.tss pe»r.l—eta retake after a -»et. thoogti rery <tea th-A: a pretty pcfcppy rties—. Bat lia>ee*l pfXilctees' At the risk ef — -tiie « my permit me to give the meCL..*£ or Uxh. whiea: i Bearat. aLas " in the hauniest -eh»>H—t .At «rf experieaee. When ~a>Mealy called take aty t>£ace at a stek bed. I featu: my •e»incatts.xi' «ii>i a>x ineimie even the A HC. .« the fc»o'W"ie»lxre oeeeessry "*> a wemam vh*> is a wife and a a» -cher. Foe a iitte*e»£ pxtlsiee. -ee that the water is restliy Wiling: if poesibte. have it :-■■>• bes»ie y- «n wfeiiL~t y«® are xectinz the matersals reaxfy. -»•-.«-♦! »xtt the howl in which yo« are l» make it that it saay ie really bo«. then pat is r»x»e lirt-ee i meal. an«i a>i»l the water sraxfoally. -timni it .teaxiily ene way ali the time. m- re meal as it » repaired, to _-et it to the right eonsi*«e»-y. wisieix *4>wtM Nr jn-t Ei-rtshi eaoogh to -treaxi : a>i>i the meal little 'y little, -prir.k’rnjt it in with iianrf an>i -ctrrinx with tae ether. Have ready yoor elotb. speea>i the Eiaeee»i «jnieWy jttseh thick with a w.»ien or .fiver *p».K>a. if yea have BeX a rpotnla: .t-cinale it-’htiy a few •trope, ef oci over the -arfaee t«> prevent its -tsestina, roil the eiges of the carefnlir np in a item, ami apply it al once a pwaltiee «NxiM he pat on at otre-e. a- it •£• e> noC Near rewarmia#; aurain well: if jraaa have to keep it hot. wet it in a -»xip. plate, with aaeeber over it. over a «arK-epan ■•f iMclirus water I. Lay over tt a pteee of waterpo.-f ■« vpoesi.>piline. atei in this way y.ja ran keep a larre jewtltire in an»«i '<«ehuoa wut-wat ••> mneh ehan^mx—no

dighi advinugt wktea mecssaat peomrine ma*c he kejx «p. Needfess to *Ay. a sman jMMdtice will d*h keep so lung- If tfc* ponltfoe t* for a wonml. yen mw*l sot pat ihe an wuht.«ac tbe durturs leive. &s it is Apt to draw it. In general, when nt-£*card Lt» to be mixed with the limeed. it t> better to mix it dry with the ti3;*e»?d. and then xllwigelhcr with the w Ater, x* thi* avoi»is the partial *pplicaii».*Q which «*vi!ir* very *.<ten when it t* *prittkled at the lx*” »a the *arfore of the poaltiee : bat retnetui-er that, ii the effect i* to he Ba*we than a *'ighn iiwrai* of to the linseed, the m-xstard mn*l he sprinkled at the last, a* hot water take* away **ene cf the *cr*®glh of it. A welfent h.!*’Ea*ee*i ponltF-e *hoaM never *ciek. ?i*>r retire a mnditi letween it and "the *kin_ A mostard poahfoe. on the contrary. except in very rare -x*es. shoaki have a layer of rirnsHn. etc.. >«weea it and the *kxn_ Mr*t* the maw>n of the Lotion H*x4tai whose vafoatde ■ Levtones -*n Nnrdng ’ *h*w!M be as aseftil to every wootkan as they most have been to the to wh»m they were addressed'- reoxumeni-i* that a RLascarvi l«-attire should be spread on tissue paper. foP-fed co a sufficient consistency one layer •:«f the paper over it* sarfaee. a> it lees fess of the mnsfiard throagii shan_ the ti-Eix*?E3t- She a r **> vises- when mixing niißsCard with LLrt*ee-E for a jwxiltiee- <o mix the TeocEired quantity quite smoothly with the boiEng water, before in the Kasscnd nteaL Everyone who <-an do so sbcaM read these an*t study the valuable advice they contain, for very few wi. cart esent** having at some time or other to undertake the wiuties of a *iek nurse. az®*t a great number may haxe_ to f:»M-e these duties at a ■ tfecance pcofe*sional x*sisEan> e_ when until the «iort»>r sHges they Ei±ay have only their own know-Fe-ige an<i *eiß>e to idy on_ A medacal career is a |*.w?sibfifitir to comparatively very few. sick 3ursing will, at '.w peri*>L »>r other of her Life, fail to the *hare *.x nearly every w<>wael. But wiuere aniiiEeur* fail chiefly is in tittle matters. They *razmoc apparently realise * bow on crimes alt depeu-ls ’ in this Life. They are in such a terrible harry they foil utterly in the meth<->tieal. -iare of * skilrul traine»i nurse a '.rare I have *een exasperate rhe amatenr inconceivably- by the way _ They x*k yaa what you want—a huge in the eye* ex’ an invals»i generally : they are *o mxieas to be '.juic-k that they *?.<• the peultiee as they pxxt it oa. leaving % dirty, wet mark on the bed and. night •I* neither of which may very Kkeiy be fezasged. They being up the beef tea aol forget the salt, and run to fetch it. the *t*ram and *nieH to rise in the patient's n<>t*tril*. till by the time they return he' loathes the fo>i s> necessary to him. They let the patieut up whilst hi* bed is befog made, and then -liseover suddenly the is n»x quite airesi. and off for as&->th«eT. leaving the door v<en. and ‘■•oasequentiy a •iraught- till their resura. But why multiply fostames-: it i* ungrateful. I know : hat if you have been v< xiredf ill. >»k back and think of the aggravating little modest.* you have vt. noticed, when M-ene devoted but n».X very experienced friend has v<rfonteeter? to take for a little while the place *x the arteadant. * ri course, al? these stup-b-iitie* are *imply want of *ense in a way. Ijat on til. in swat fashhxi. you have undergone a tick-room training, yxz do uot reahse either bow important or how '.s:»mmr>n these foHie* are- The foec L*. there w*xifet n»x he a quarter the *iekness there i* bcsE for this same stupidity- —” La ' teiile.' Ln • The Queen-'

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Graphic, Volume XIX, Issue XIX, 30 October 1897, Page 606

Word Count

AS SEEN THROUGH WOMAN'S EYES. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XIX, Issue XIX, 30 October 1897, Page 606

AS SEEN THROUGH WOMAN'S EYES. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XIX, Issue XIX, 30 October 1897, Page 606