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Dear Bee. December 14. On the i aknell lawn Wednesday there a fair attendance Afternoon tea wa* given by the M:**e* XV lit •■* who were suitably gowned in dark skirt*, light blouse* : Mrs White wore a handsome black costume ; Mr* Stevenson looked we.l in a dark skirt, 'Trilby' silk blouse, flowal bonnet: Mrs Pre-‘on Steven*oa. pretty elec*rique blue zephyr: Ml** Thomson, fawn check tailor-made costume. sky blue vest, b'.uey-green straw hat trimmed with flowers : Miss Davj dark skirt pnk b!ou*e. sailor hat: Miss E Davy, lemoncoloured «how er mu*lin: Mtes Crawford ,N’ew Plymouth*. navy tailor-mad® co-’u-ne with braid: Mrs Holme*, dark skirt, white blouse- Mias Holme*, dark skirt heliotrope blouse; Mrs Upfil looked’ girlish in a black and white striped batiste muslin; Mr* A*h!ey Hunter, brown cloth with white lapels and vest; Miss Blanche Peacocke. blue spotted delaine: and her sister looked sweet in pink cambric, white muslin hat with pink ribbon* • Miss Hull, pale blue striped cambric: Miss Ch avion, brown gown with pink : Mrs Rees iGisborne). dark skirt, light blouse: Mrs B air looked remarkably well in a pink and white striped costume, picture hat turned up with pink ro*es; Miss Burch li’ac striped cambric; Mrs Younghusband, dark skirt, biack and white striped *ilk biouse: Miss Towsev. dark skirt, b ack and white striped blou*e : Miss Atkinson, dark skirt, canarv b’ous> and h®r*i*ter. dare skirt, pink blouse: Miss Eva Colebrook I pretty in white. The prizes won at THE FLORAL FETE

were distributed la** Tnur*day to the successful candidates at Mrs Sowerby's Hal’ Lower Symonds-street. Tnere was a large number present, mostly ladies. Canon Nelson opened the affair with a few general remarks, the ladies and all those who had assisted in bringing the to the splendid success it had proved, etc. The prizes were then distributed to the winners by Mrs Nelson, who was gowned in Goodall (the i*cre T arv» grev Among*! the audience I noticed Mrs Williamson. in ’fawn holland: Mrs Petrie, white muslin dress, black toque: Mi** Eva Scherff. white cambrie, white straw hat with ribbon* • Mte*e* Ware and Devereux ft wo? wore dark skirts, light blouses: Mi** Constan re Horne, grey check with white lace: \fiss Wvide Browne, white muslin with fichu cn *wj7c. white hat: Miss Lu’*k. lilac ; Mrs H B Morton, grey gown, white vest; Mrs Templar, grey: Mrs Winston®, fawn cambric; Mr* Bush. etc. The handsome banner presented by Mr Percival to the most popular decorated *rap voted for by the public became the property of the Grafton young ladies in the waggon or van class. A GARDEN FETE AND FANCY FAIR in aid of St, Barnaba*’ Parish Hall took place on Friday and **turday afternoons and evening* in the extensive grounds of • Box ley? Moua’ Ed®n. the residence of Mr and Mr-* Arthur Heather, through whose kindness the Fair was made doubly attractive, for besides wandering from tent to rent inspecting their merchandise, one was allowed to wander azf lib round thrir charming walks, up small pains of hewn stone covered over with bowers of native greenery. One especial attraction ■was the fountain, wherein were large white waterlilies, round which goldfi*h *ported. About a dozen tents and marquees were pitched among the surrounding trees making a very picturesque effect, and more *o when evening came on. as each was brilliantly lighted, while from the trees Chinese lantern* were hung The f fllowing ladie* were in charge of rhe various departments: — Gypsy tea stall. Mrs Oldh im. Misses Neville. Dru-y. and Lynch, all of course, in gvpsy costume. Mr* Williamson undertook the fortune telling tent: in here *he was unrecognisable with skin a* brown as a berry and wearing some fantastic gvp*y co*tume. Lottie stall. Misses M. Chatfield. Richmond, and Ooerlin-Brown. who were frocked in Swiss costumes; flower stall, XfissesEvan* C. Firth. G Hesketh. and E Firth who wore light summery muflin? : childrens tov stall; Mrs Calder. Misses Lusk. Ethel Goodwin, and Norah Brown : most of these ladies were gowned in red striped petticoat.* and white muslin bodice with panierg. rush hats with flowers : refreshments. Mesdames McFarlane and Boak, Misses Petrie, M. Hesketh. and Trevithick: some of »he*e were gowned the same a* in the children * tov stall, and others wore Swiss costumes: French modi* e. Mrs Gore-Mar'in: work stalls. Mesdames Barnard. S. Hesketh. Williams : J. R. Reed. James. Svmonds. Drury. S. Hili. Littlewood, and Miss Kitty B own ; all These wore Swiss costumes. Every hour the Maypo'e was admirably danced on the lawn by children under the supervision of Miss Geitrade Rice (accompanied by the band) who deserves great credit for her excellent training of the children. The following are the names:-Misses Madge and Mab Rice, May and Beatrice Dawson. Irene and True Walker. Ethel and Daisy Udy, Beatrice Heather. May Hesketh. Dorothy and Ruth Colbeck. Each of the dancers were alternately dressed a* soldiers in striped red co*tumes and sailors in blue. Tennis was indulged in in the afternoon and dancing in the evening on the lawn. Aunt Sally wa* erected in an adjacent paddoek. There was also a delightful fishing pond for the young*te*s in a quiet spot among the trees on a steep incline. The phonograph and varion* other side shows were well patron teed. the flower girls doing a 'roaring' trade. Hunter's band provided music both afternoon* and evenings. Amongst -hose present I noticed the following : - Mrs Heather, in navy lustre, bonnet relieved with flowers; Mr* Cowie, b’.ack gown with m an tie tie, black bonnet relieved wrh white: Miss G Cowie grey skirt, white hlous», sailor hat: Mrs A. Heather, dars *kirt. white b!ou*e: Mrs Harold Heather, absinthe green skirt, white blou*e : Mrs J. Alexander looked remarkably well in a black alpaca relieved with lilac, bonnet to match : Mrs •Professor* Thomas, mode grey lustre tailor-made costume, pink vest, sailor hat : Rev. F. Larkins . Miss Larkins, dark skirt, autumn brown silk blouse reiieved with cream lace : Mis* Shipherd. dark skirt, pink blouse : Miss Amy Bar*tow. dark skirt, white blouse; Miss M. Ledingham. grey costume with fawn lace, sii’or hat;

Mtes Udy. navy; Mias Gilfillan. grey check; Miss Gird lev, fawn skirt, white blou***: Rev. W Johnstone; Mrs Johnstone, blueygrey check finished with lace: and her two little daughters were prettily gowned in azur® blue: Mtes Rosa Bull, blue and white striped zephyr : Mi** Minnie Sinclair was much admired in grey alpaca: Mr* Percy Dufaur. n&vv tailor-made costume, orange vest: Mrs Hay white pique: Mr* Holland, black gown, black bonnet with heliotrope: Mis* Holland, pink zephyr, green straw hat with ribbon ends; Mrs Henry Walker, dark skirt, pink blouse: Mrs Richmond, black silk skirt, black and white striped blouse; Mrs Chatfield looked cAi'e in a black and white striped zephyr; Miss Ble&zird Brown, lilac cambric: Mrs Carr <Ep*om>. black and white * tri ped zephyr: Mi*s Carr, fawn skirt, white blouse: Mis* U. Hume, grey cheek with fawn lace: and her sister wore a grey pltid : Mrs Matthew Clark, grey lustre, hat with red poppie* ; Mrs Nelson, navy gown, white vest, black bonnet relieved with blue ribbons: Mrs Ciayforth. very handsome violet costume with lilas silk trimmings, black bonnet with violet trimming: Mrs Daw*on (Mount Eden* stylish black and white striped zephyr: Miss Clara Firth was much admired in white mu*!in. hat re suite : Mis* Era Firth, can ary-coloured muslin hat ch suite ; Miss Mary Gorrie. dark skirt, light blouse ; Mr* Chapman, pretty white shower muslin, becoming toque with pink flowers; Mrs Rigby, brown tus*ore silk with lace; Mis* B'.eazand. dark skirt, striped blouse; Mias Hesketh. white skirt, white b!ou*e spotted with blv-k. black French ha* ot velvet and ostrich feathers : Mrs <CaptJ James, black ; Mrs Rice, dark skirt, light blouse : Mrs Marriner. fawn skirt, light blouse : Miss Gertrude Rice, navy naval costume relieved with white, cap en sui7< ; and her si*ter wore whi*e ; Miss Prideaux. slate gray costume: Mr* Beatty, grey check: Miss Lusk and Miss Goodwin wore red striped ’petticoats, white muslin bodices with paniers (the costume of the ' Gleaners' in Grafton waggon at Floral Fete!; Mi** Thompson <Rocklands», dark skirt, light blouse: Mis* Smith, white muslin : Mrs Udy. dark skirt, striped blouse ; Mrs Bernard, fancy costume: Miss May Harper, blue and white zephyr, hat with green ; and her sister wore a pink and whi e striped zephyr, sailor hat: Misses Grace and Alice Hesketh. white; Mis* Garland, flowered delaine: Mis* Whit-on. dark skirt, strioed blou*e: Mrs Horace Walker. black skirt, cerre blouse: Mrs OoerlinBrown dark skirt, light blouse; Mrs Williams, dark skirt, light blouse: Mrs Ryan, dark skirt, light blouse; Mr* Heather black gown, bonnet with pink flowers; Mis* Kenderdine. dark skirt, light blouse; Miss Claire Smith, cream flowered mu*lin: Mrs Greenway, dark skirt, light blouse; Miss Bush, pink cambric: and her sister, grey skirt, light blouse; Mis* Beatrice Bull, pink cambric immense straw hat; Miss Elsie Lusk, pale blue co*tum2; Miss Vera Alexander, white. Messrs Diwson. Rice. Marriner. William*. Walker ttwo). Heather (three*. Puckey. Garland Fairbum Seccombe. XVhitsoa. B.oomfield. Cowie. eiXL. were amongst the many present. DRESSES WORN AT MADAME TREBBLLI S CONCBRT. Maflame Trebelli wore an elegant Princess gown of brocade, which wa* a harmony of shell pink and pale green, the broad green stripe* forming narrow panel*; between each stripe was a de*ign of flowe’s in exquisite tones of pink. Victoria corsage finished with jewelled pa *sementerie: Miss Harding was attired in a lovely c-eam brocade, deep fringe of pearl* from low bodice : Mr* Alfred Nathan, fawn silk gown with pink silk sleeves veiled with cream lace MrsS. Philin*. pretty evening gn-wu of pale pink and Nil green silk: Mr* T. Motrin, grey and whire striped silk, cream chine bodice: MrsS. Morrin. cru*hed strawberry brocade theatre blouse, dark silk skirt: Mrs G. Bloomfield. Nil green silk blouse, dark skirt: Mis* Griffirh*. cream silk with pink ribbon* : Mr* L Bloomfield black: Mrs J. Hardie, black: Mis* Sheriff, white silk : Mi** Rich was much admired in eream taffeta silk : Mr* Hesketh. black and gold gown: Mi**es Hesketh, blue and pink silk. re*pective’-v: Mrs Whirs-on, bla k pink *ilk bodice veiled with black chiffon. Mi*s Whitson, lemon silk blouse, dark skirt: her *i*ter wore cream silk : Mrs Ching black : Miss Ching, white Liberty silk: Miss L. Edmistox white silk: Miss N. Edm is ston. heliotrope muslin: Mrs Coleman, pink silk veiled with black chiffon: Mrs Dunean Clerk, blue silk blouse, dark skirt: Mr* Douglas black: Mrs ohnson. wallflower silk trimmed with black lace: Mrs Masefield, b'ack; Mrs McArthur, he'iotrop’ theatre blou*e. black skirt; Mrs Oxley, grey evening go «m; Mi*s Kennedy, nink lustre evening gown ; Mis* Rathbone, blue: Mrs Greenwood, grey and whi’-e stripe silk blouse, silk skirt: Miss Greenwood, white; Mrs E. Mahony, shot gown ; Mrs Lewis, black: Mi«s Lewis, amethyst bengaline : Miss — Lewis, cream silk: Mr* Boak. pale blue bengaline blouse, dark skirt: Miss Geidi* black and white striped gown: Mrs XV?rkmau. b’ack: Mis* Beaumont, heliotrope silk blouse trimmed with white iaoe, dark skirt, etc. WEST END ROWING CLUB AQUATIC CARNIVAL. The favourite seaside suburb o' Takapuna was enfetc on Saturday afternoon last when the West End R wing Club he'd their annual aquatic carnival, which was carried out very successfully. The ferry steamer "Eagle.’ which mide three trip*, conveyed a large number of visitors from town to the Lake, and the boat race* were watched with much interest. Mr P. H Harris' crew won ihe race for Indie* gold bracelets, which were presented on the wharf by Mrs M. McLean, when cheer* were given for Mr and Mrs Kirker and Mr and Mrs McLean, the donors of the bracelets. Mr McLean. President of the Club, takes the deepest interest in its success, which the untiring efforts of the committee and secretary have done so much to secure. The Newton band was tn tcidence About six o'clock the visitors returned to town, carrying «uth them the reoollecuon of a very enjoyable outing. Mrs M. McLean wore brown check costum3 trimmed with brown silk, toque with cerise ro*e* and rule: Mrs S Hanna, black, black and white toque; Miss Dunnert, light fawn skirt and coat, white vest, black hat: Mis* Owen, blue and white stripe blouse, black skirt; Mies Ada Owen looked pretty in pink cambric, white sailor hat: Mis* Brett, dark green skirt and coat, soft white blou*e: Mis* Dsvore pink blouse, dark skirt, sailor hat: Mrs Crawshaw. black and white b’ouse. dark skirt: Mrs Geddes, soft white muslin; Mr* Hudson, black skirt, black and white stripe blouse; Mrs C. Morrin looked dainty in white blouse, dark skirt, white beefeater hat with large bow at the side: Mr* (DrJ D iwson. heliotrope pique, with black satin ribbon, sailor hat: Mr* W. Shari and. pretty white muslin blouse, dark skirt, sailor hat; Mrs Gus. Collin*, n’.ack skirt, heliotrope silk b’ouse veiled with black spoiled net, black hat with fl javers; Mrs Jo*. Ansenne, pretty flowered muslin, black velvet shoulder straps, sailor hat; Mr* Windsor, dark skirt, gras? cloth blouse with blue silk, sailor hat: Mrs W. J. Rees, black and white stripod silk, floral bonnet; Mr* Littler, pale blue blou*e, dark skirt: Mrs Clark, b ack and white **rip_*- Miss Keleher. cream silk blouse, dark skirt s&i.or hat: Miss Windsor, pale blue spotted muslin

blouse. black skirt. beefeater hat; Miss Eva Leighton. black skirt and jacket. heliotrope silk blouse. black hat with heliotrope flowers; Mias L Leighton. dark skirt, wine-coloured blouse will passementerie trimming, beefeater hat: Miss F. Hart pale pin crepon : Miss Berry, blue and white striped pongee, red belt and tie. chic hat: Miss A. Berry, pink blouse. black skirt, sailor hat; Miss Braithwaite, pink and white striped b'ousa. dark skirt, sailor hat : Miss Bastard, flowered muslin; Mrs Cm. b’.ack and white stripe blouse, black skirt, white hat: Miss R. El ward*, pink and white, sailor hat: Mrs Hodgson, electric blue costume. Dr. and Mrs Knight gave IHKIR AXXUAL CHRISTMAS TREK in aid of Dr. Barnado’s Homes for Children at * Severn Pon son by. on Friday night. The grounds were prettily illuminated with Chinese lanterns and decorated with many-hued flags. The tree was laden with all sorts of tors, which delighted the beirts of the juvenile population. Miss Knight presided over the refreshment stall, and Mrs B. Baker at the sweets table. A very substantial sum was realised towards the deserving object for which the function was held.

Phyllis Broune.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVII, Issue XXV, 19 December 1896, Page 206

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AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVII, Issue XXV, 19 December 1896, Page 206

AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVII, Issue XXV, 19 December 1896, Page 206