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Dear Bee. October 12. The weather has again become spring-like, and we are hoping that the cold days we had were only a solitary mistake—a backward glance at winter. Now for my list of gaieties. Last Tuesday evening a COSTUME BALL was given in aid of St. Mark’s Guild at the Remuera Hall, the following being the committee Mesdames J. Russell. J. M. Dargaville. T. Morrin. R. A. Carr. R. Rose. A. Bruce, E. W. Payton. Misses Cotter. MacFarlane, Messrs H. Johnston. A. Clark, C. Ranson, F. Finlayson. E. W. Gamble, and M. Herrold. The dresses worn were varied in style, including powder and patches, fancy, and evening dress, the last-mentioned predominating. During the evening special sets of costume Lancers were gone through. The Japanese and Phantom sets were exceptionally good. Of.those who took part in the Japanese set I recognised Mrs Duncan Clerk. Mrs Lucky. Misses Goldabro and Flora McDonald, Messrs Twist, C. Kissling. Goldsbro. Second, the Graduate or University set—Mrs Ashton Bruce, Misses MacFarlane, F. Thorpe, Cotter, Messrs Sykes. Bruce, etc. Third, the Phantom set, who were literally wound up in white sheets, and nothing was visible by which to recognise them, but I heard the following took part:—Mrs Hanson. Mrs Nelson Gamble, Mrs Bodie, Miss Allie Buddle, Messrs Herrold, Bodie, etc. Fourth, Early English — Misses Scherff (two), Griffiths, Thompson. Messrs Caidwell. Cuff, Stegall, and Professor Seagar. Fifth, Watteau set—Misses Stevenson (two). Bleazard-Brown. Cotter, etc. The decorations of the hall were pretty, the stage being draped in pale pink with large vases of arumsand greenery. The supper was good, but not up to the usual form of prior Remuera dance. The table was simply decorated with vases of azaleas, daisies, and pink ivy geraniums. The floor and music were everything that could be desired. The ladies predominated by half-a-dozen. The hall was very full with visitors, numbering in all about one hundred and seventy. The night was exceptionally cold, but nevertheless the verandah was the favourite resort for the dancers during the intervals of the whirl of Terpischore. Mrs Pritt wore rich black velvet; Mrs James Russell, very handsome pink silk trimmed profusely with cream lace, powder and patches: Mrs Carr, buttercup brocade with muslin flchu, powder and patches ; Miss Carr, fancy costume of Britany Girl; Mrs R. Rose looked remarkably well in her white bridal satin ; Mrs Ashton Bruce, terre evening gown, but the first part of the evening she was a Girl Graduate; Miss Millie Cotter. Girl Graduate; Miss Cotter, Watteau; Miss Winnie Cotter, dark skirt, light blouse; Miss McFarlane, white satin with pink roses, powder and patches; and her sister was a Girl Graduate with pink evening gown ; Mr M. Herrold, a phantom; Mrs T. Cotter, very stylish costume of black profusely trimmed with moonlight sequins: Miss Churton, black velvet skirt, lilac bodice; Miss Mabel Churton, black gown finished with cardinal stripes, powder and patches; Miss M. Hay, blue satin very handsomely trimmed with moonlight sequin net: Mrs Neil, Grecian Lady, in white flowing robes with gold bands; Miss Emily Brett looked smart in a beautiful Japanese costume, finished with canary silk ; Mrs R. A. Bodie, charming black silk with orange trimmings, powder and patches : Mrs Nelson Gamble, white bridal satin en traine, powder and patches; Mrs Thorne George, black silk, the bodice being a pretty combination of white and black chiffon; Miss Flora McDonald, Katisha from ‘ Mikado ’; Miss Otway was a Little Girl in Blue; Miss Ettie Ireland looked superb as a Village Coquette, wearing a short white silk evening gown, large black Gainsborough hat profusely trimmed with black ostrich feathers; Mrs Fred Ireland, black silk ; Professor and Mrs Seager, the lady looking very beautiful in her white bridal satin, pink merveilleux cape; Major Morrow, Staff Officer; Mrs Morrow, very stylish pink flowered taffeta silk finished with black lace and ribbons; Miss Morrow, New Zealand Volunteer; Miss Dargaville. white silk with orange sleeves, powder and patches: and her sister, Nil-green silk, powder and patches; Miss Beatrice Bull, a Japanese costume; Mrs Archie Clark, black gown with pink chiffon sleeves; Miss Griffiths, Early English, with black picture hat with feathers; Mrs Henry Johnstone, black gown relieved with blue; Miss Allie Buddle, black gown with yellow sleeves ; Miss Bush, a very short gown, a Romp I believe: Mrs George Bloomfield, Italic brocade, powder and patches; Miss Stevenson and Miss D. Stevenson were both Watteaux: Miss Devereux looked exceedingly pretty as a Spanish Lady : she wore a black lace mantilla on her bead and roses at her neck; Miss Miriam Devereux, Fishwife, carrying a basket, but it was empty (the fish had been sold); Mrs F. B. Winstone made an excellent Persian Lady; Mrs Hamner, black silk; Mrs Donald, black silk with pink flower in hair; Miss Donald wore pink with powder and patches; Mrs J. Bleazard-Brown, black silk; Miss Bleazard Brown, Watteau, wearing a red quilled satin skirt, pompadour panniers and Watteau back ; Miss Herrold, pretty heliotrope silk, her sister, black relieved with blue; Miss Perrival, pink creponette; Miss Ryan, coquelicot-red cashmere, powder and patches: Miss Minitt was very much admired in a pale pink flowered taffeta silk with green ribbons; Mrs Duncan Clerk was well got up as a Japanese; Miss Florence Thorpe looked very lovely in a becoming costume of Sweet Girl Graduate; Miss Dolly Davis wore a handsome costume of Night, black net over black silk, which was silver starstrewn, round the d6colete, was a deep frill of chiffon spangled with silver, and in the hair a crescent moon with flowing silver starred net veil: Mrs Lucky and her sister both looked well as Japanese ; Miss Thompson, Early English, wearing white Empire gown, black picture hat with ostrich feathers, powder and patches ; Misses Eva and Dolly Scherff. Early English, wearing silk frocks secured under the arms by old-fashioned sashes, large white hats profusely trimmed with white ostrich feathers, powder and patches ; Mrs Charles Ranson, lilac gown trimmed with velvet and point lace : Mrs Gamble, black silk finished with lace; Mrs Walker, buttercup silk ; Mrs Burness, dark skirt, canary blouse; Miss Ivy Buddle, dark skirt, grey silk blouse: Mr Fairburn, evening suit faced with red. an Mr Gordon, a Yokel in smock frock, etc.; Miss Davy looked very smart in a white short gown, white vest and red coat with epaulettes, I think she represented a Lady Colonel: Mrs A. P. Wilson, black with blue bodice ; Mr J. L. Pritt. New Zealand University B A. ; Mrs Finlayson, black silk with terre sleeves and trimmings; Mrs Dowell, black silk; Miss Dowell, Sweet Girl Graduate, and her sister was a Romp, and another sister a Fishwife ; Miss Firth, blue silk, white fichu, black velvet hat, powder and patches; Mr Walker. Jockey; Mr Dargaville. Night; Miss Ware, white silk with pink roses, powder and patches; Mrs Robert Browning, a combination of black and white, powder and patches; Mr Twist, Nanki poo (Mikado*); Messrs F. Winstone, McDonald, Johnston. Conolly, Brigham, Churton, A. Clark, Riding, Whewe 1, Bain. Carr. T. Cotter and son, and many others whose names I cannot recall. A combined PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE PARTY AND DANCE was given by Mrs Atkinson, of The Avenue, Parnell, on Thursday last, at which some ninety guests were present. The euchre party was perhaps the largest that has been held in Auckland this winter, there being some eighty players, and it was certainly one of the most successful. The game was kept up in the most lively fashion till close on midnight, when handsome presents were allotted to the chief winners and losers among the ladies and gentlemen. After supper the guests danced till an early hour in the morning. The pleasure of the evening was very greatly enhanced by the indefatigable manner In which the

hostess and her daughters exerted themselves for the amuse* ment of all. The prizes, which were a mother-of-pearl card case and inkstand, were won by Miss E. Preece and Mr Brodie, the boobies by Mrs Beale and Mr Watkis. Our hostess. Mrs Atkinson, was richly gowned in black silk relieved with white: Miss Atkinson was well suited in a cream dress with chitton trimmings: Miss M. Atkinson wore a charming pink; Mrs Mueller, black silk ; Miss Muellen pretty pink : Mrs Archer Burton, wine colour; Mrs Friend looked particularly nice in white silk relieved with blue; Mrs Smith, black; Mrs Thornton, black; Mrs J. Kenderdine, black with red trimmings: Miss Cuff, gold relieved with black ; Miss Eliott, in yellow, and her sister was much admired in yellow profusely trimmed with white chiffon ; Mrs Keogh, black ; Misses Bush, in cream and lilac, and black and heliotrope; Miss Rich, white brocade; Miss Bellairs, white trimmed with red poppies: Mrs J. Beale, blue brocaded silk ; Miss Leece looked well in pink ; Mrs Cranston, grey silk and pink ; Miss Davy wore striped blue crepon ; Miss Eva Davy, white: Miss Holmes, canarycoloured gown ; Miss Donald, pink with white: Miss Von Sturmer, white; MissC. Von Sturmer, pink; Miss Willi tm*. white; Mrs Lyons, white and lavender; Miss Thomas looked well in white trimmed with yellow: Miss Laird, white with spangles; Miss Preece, cream; Miss E. Preece, crushed strawberry: Mrs Mahony, white silk with red : Mrs Harrop, striped silk ; Miss E. Atkinson, blue crepon. Among the gentlemen were Messrs Lyons, Friend. Outhwaite. Smith, Burton, Kenderdine, Watkis, Brodie, Thomas. Kissllng. Beale. George. Jourdain. Andrews, Peacock, Hewitt, Williams, Cuff, Paterson, Bis* (two). Baker, Mahony. Hay. Dawson (two). McCabe, Fenruson, Williamson, McHardy, Fox. Simpson. McNeill, Thornton, Gould, Basley, etc. A DELIGHTFUL DANCE. The charming grounds of ‘Afton,’ Home Bay. Ponsonby. resounded to echoes of merry chatter and laughter on Wednesday evening last, when Mrs T. W. Leys uave a young people’s dance. The paths of the garden to the house and cliffs were beautifully illuminated with Chinese lanterns suspended from the shrubs, native trees and tree ferns, which had a very lovely effect. The verandah was enclosed with canvas, bowers and sequestered nooks being divided off with many hued flags, also lighted with the same bright lights, and affording many charming sitting-out spots in the intervals between the dances. The drawing and sitting-rooms were reserved for dancing, where one could waltz across the hall from room to room. The young people danced with great spirit, and appeared to enjoy themselves extremely. The music, provided by Mr Burke, was also of the best, extras being played by Miss Winnie Leys and Mr H. Gittos. The supper-table looked lovely with centre piece filled with China roses and other spring flowers and grasses, also specimen glasses with blooms which blended with the shaded pink fairy lights and the silk that was ruched round all the dainties—fruit, trifles, jellies, oysters, etc. Mr Cecil Leys made an excellent M.C. Mrs Leys wore a nut-brown bengaline silk gown en traine. sleeves and plastron of chin 6 silk with touches of heliotrope through it; Miss Oxley, blue figured Madras silk evening blouse finished at the neck with soft chiffon of the same colour, dark skirt; Mias Leys, pretty blue lustre trimmed with silver passementerie; Miss Winnie Leys, cream transparent canvas over gold, bodice finished with chiffon; Mrs Oxley, grey and white; Miss Nelson, cream lustre frock finished with cream lace, moir6 sash ; Miss Mueller, chic Nil-green crepon and white lace; Miss May Whitelaw,cream and gold, with cream lace falling from low bodice; Miss Muriel George, pink veiling trimmed with lace; Miss Florrie Hart, yellow crepon with clusters of red poppies: Miss Syme, pretty forget-me-not blue crepon frock with butterfly sleeves ; Miss Mabel Douglas, white lustre, white silk sleevesand sash ; Miss M. Hudson, blue Liberty silk and white lace; Miss F. Hudson, pink Liberty silk ; Miss M. Brigham, spotted chiffon over cream silk ; Miss May Rees looked well in blue crepon, cream sleeves and full belt: Miss Auriol Gittos, white finished with satin bows; Miss Ivy Crawford, Nil-green crepon ; Miss Rainey, crimson silk bodice, black Liberty silk skirt; Miss Western, pale green crepon, white silk sash: Miss Connolly, cream crepon. gold satin sleeves. Amongst the gentlemen were Messrs Ferguson, Brigham, Upton, H. Vaile, J. Whitelaw, Russell, Syme, Stevenson (2), J. Caldwell, W. Rees, Nelson, Rylance, Hould, Western. Connolly, Carrick, J. Peacock, H. Gittos, etc. There was a sound of revelry in the Ponsonby Hall on Thursday evening, when Mrs Osmond gave her pupils their FINAL DANCE of the season. The hall presented quite a gay appearance with flags and quantities of palms and arum lilies arranged on the stage and windows, and Chinese lanterns from the gasaliers. On the first part of the programme every alternate dance was a fancy one by the pupils, and these were faultlessly gone through, and reflect great credit on the pupils and their teacher. The ball opened with the usual march, admirably led off by little Miss Nelson, as a Flower Girl, and when finished all formed gracefully into their places for the first set of Lancers. Then there were the cachuca, minuet, and gavotte. The Grecian dance, which is very graceful, was followed by the Highland schottische. danced with tartan ribbons, and was given with picturesque effect. It was indeed a pretty sight, the varied costumes of dainty little fairies in their ethereal frocks and the much bejewelled Mari tanas, and spangled Gipsy Queen, not to speak of the Follys and the tinkle of their bells, all dancing with much spirit. Miss Odium. Gipsy Queen ; Miss L. Nelson, Flower Girl; Miss T. Ponsford, Tambourine Girl; Miss Connolly. Folly ; Miss F. Hudson, Skirt Dancer; Misses S. Campbell and C. Bach. Twins : Miss J. Brown, Fairy : Miss V. Francis, Forget-me-not; Miss K. Stephenson, Milkmaid; Miss M. Stephenson, Girl; Miss J. Wilson, Jessamine; Miss B. Sands. Ivy Geranium ; Miss D. Metcalfe. Fairy Queen ; Miss Mundy, Pink Rose; Miss Stuart, School Girl; Miss Merritt. Jenny Lind ; Mis« F. Buck. Normandy Peasant; Misses L. Merritt and L. Carder, Flowers; Miss Nelson, Hospital Nurse; Miss L. Carlyon, Snow: gMiss H. Snowdon, Fairy; Miss M. Hardy, Lily of the Valley; Miss Simpson. Marguerite; etc. Among the evening dresses were Misses C. Haven and E Crawford, pretty pink dresses; D. Metcalfe, cream ; Kirkwood, black: N. Wollams, blue; Gregory, white; Court, pink; R. Stitchbury. cream; M. Ponsford, cream : Ponsford, old gold and scarlet; Thompson, cream: G. Thompson, blue; Mrs Osmond, pale green evening blouse trimmed with black chiffon, b ack skirt; Miss Osmond. Grecian Lady ; Mrs Douglas, black silk; Mrs Hudson, heliotrope silk with velvet of a darker shade; Mrs Stodard, black lace and cream silk ; Mrs Crawford, shot silk gown; Mrs Campbell, black silk ; Mrs Conelly, black satin with jet ornaments; Mrs Rainey, grey satin; Mrs Bell, black silk; Mesdames Hardie, Gore, Ballantyne, Ralph. Burns, Reid, Wilson. Odium, Carder, etc. Miss N. Douglas, Swiss Peasant; Miss A. Gillett, Dolly Varden ; Miss B. Hazard, Fairy ; Miss Brigham, picture after Sir J. Reynolds; Miss Hudson, Romp; Miss M. Hudson, Summer; Miss R. Goie, Flower Girl; Miss R. Ring, Kate Greenaway: Miss K. Rainey, Tambourine Girl; Miss L. Connolly, Spanish Dancer; Miss I. Crawford. Skirt dancer ; Miss Ralph, Romp ; Miss B. Bell, Girl Graduate; Miss I. Bowring, French Peasant; Miss G. Short, Ivy; Miss R. Reid, Flower Girl: Miss A. Reid. Japanese Lady; Miss Sands, Patience ; Miss Buck, Imp ; Miss K Carder. Pompon ; Misses L. Bell. Francis and Anderson, Little Sweethearts; Mi*s Bennett. Buttercup; Miss Stodart, Maritana: Miss M. Stodart. Spanish Dancer; Miss Eva Stodart. Red Riding-Hood ; Miss A. Buck, French Dancer; Miss A. Gregory. Powder and Patches; Misses N. and T. Rainey, black velvet: Miss Smith, cream; Miss M. Dacre. blue silk; Miss M. Leighton, cream and pink velvet; Miss Hardy; Miss Merritt, cream ; Miss Metcalf, cream : Miss Morton, pale blue, etc. Gentlemen : Messrs B. Hardy, Page; F. Bach. Nancy Lee’s Jack; G. Ralph. * Lord Fauntletoy ;’ Hardie. Court Gentleman; B. Osmond. Figaro: T. Osmond, Cricketer; W. Macindoe Jockey; Ballance. Roman Courlier ; A. Foster. Tennis ; Carlyon, Court Page ; — Carylon. Prince Charming; C. Connolly, Dutch Peasant; Sands. Sailor; Connolly. Bunthorne; Crawford, Cricketer. Evening dress : Messrs Foster, G. Oswald. Caldwell, Stevenson (two). Wilson. Brigham. Nelson. Leighton, sands, Shortt. Adams (two). Rylance, Mackenzie. Langsford. B. Gittos, H. Johnson. Millar, Woollams. P. Harris, Butters. Bach. Osmond, C. Owen, Ralph. Bnllantyne, Ross, Upton, Masefield, etc., etc. Gowns worn at the OPENING OF THE AUCKLAND BOWLING GREEN. Mrs Kingswell, navy serge tailor-made gown, bonnet relieved with yellow flower; Mrs Clifton, black silk, black laco hat with gink flowers; Miss Binney. black lustre; Miss Ettie Ireland, lack crepon skirt, black silk blouse, fur boa. black hat with purple velvet trimmings ; Mrs Ehrenfried. dark dress, black cape stamped out with white: Miss Thomson, black with lilac vest and collarette, black hat with lilac band; and her sister wore a Bluma fancy c’oth, black cape and hat to correspond; Mrs unroe.blark silk: Mrsj Munroe (jun.). fawn tailor made gown; Mrs Holland, black gown, black silk cape with jet vandykes.

bonnet with rosettes of sere green velvet; Mrs Beale, green striped blouse, green skirt, fur boa. floral bonnet of yellow roses; Mrs E. C. Beale, dark skirt, lilac blouse, toque with lilac flowers; Mrs A. Burton, very striking lilac flowered muslin, hat and parasol en suite-, Mrs E. W. Burton, dark skirt, chic white satin blouse striped with black; Miss Spiers, black gown with white pique blouse; Miss Paton, mode grey lustre; Miss Lewis, navy serge with lappelles of gold braid, large hat with pink flowers ; Mrs Jones, black silk with cerise vandyked yoke, bonnet to correspond ; Miss Bessie Jones, grey tailor-made gown ; Miss Jessie Savage, navy serge, black hat with white ostrich feather: Miss Brodie, black gown, black hat with red bows; Mrs Coleman, blue broche. Parisian cape of shot fawn, toque to harmonise: Miss Myers, beige Igown with vest of gold embroidery, black hat with flowers: and her sister, a brown velveteen with white point lace: Miss — Ireland, brown velvet, hat to match ; Miss Anna Lewis, slate-grey : Miss — Lewis, black tailor-made gown ; Mrs Thompson black silk with bead trimming; Mrs Whitson, stylish brown gown black lace cape, flower bonnet; Mrs Cheeseman. black ; Miss Cheeseman. bronze-green cashmere ; Mrs Oldham, navy tailor-made gown, black hat; Mrs Keesing, lizard-green tailor-made gown, black boa, black hat with magenta ribbons; Mrs James, grey lustre, black cape, bonnet with green ; Miss Violet James, pretty white serge, white felt hat with ostrich feathers, brown cape; Miss Wilks, chic black alpaca; Mrs Kilgour. black silk, bonnet with vivid magenta pompons; Miss Kilgour. slate-grey gown, white vest: Miss Hooper, black lustre, white vest and cuffs, white sailor hat with tulle veil; and her sister, a dark green ; Miss Ledingham. black lustre; Miss M. Ledingham. black skirt, pink Liberty blouse ; Mrs Bodie, black gown, toque relieved with pink; Miss Rita Tole. navy-blue skirt, cream blouse; Miss Taylor, mourning costume, Mrs Donald, reacockblue fancy cloth: Mrs Devore, very handsome combination of black velvet, silk fancy creponette and lace; Miss Bertha Devore, new blue cloth with black fur. black picture hat; Mis* Holland, black gown, oriental vest, stylish bat with chin£ ribbon bows; Mrs Porter, stylish peacock blue speckled gown trimmed with velvet of the rame colour, brown velvet hat with shaded roses ; Mrs Cooper, black, sleeves and V yoke of a vivid shade of cerise velvet, black toque; Mrs Crawshaw, black, black and white striped satin bodice, pretty green velvet bonnet ; Miss Ada Owen looked dainty in fawn tweed, soft white full vest, white gem hat; Mrs Wingfield, brown silk repp gown shot with electric, a yoke of electric figured silk, bonnet ensuite ; Miss Peacock, pale pink and black stripe silk blouse finished with black chiffon, dark skirt; Miss M. Peacock, electric blue; Mrs E. T. Hart. French grey costume, cape trimmed with steel sequins, shaded straw hat and pink rosss; Mrs Ross, green tweed, black velvet cape, black bonnet; Mrs Fairburn, black crepon. black bonnet with touches of yellow ; Mrs Tibbs, grey tweed and black velvet, black and gold bonnet: Mrs Nelson, black serge; Mrs J. Reid, black silk crepon gown, black bonnet with pink flowers; Mrs Gorrie, black gown; Miss McLachlan, violet trimmed with black velvet; Mrs Robertson, black : .Mrs B. Baker, shot silk, hat with flowers: Miss Lena Owen, electric blue trimmed with fur, brown velvet hat: Mrs Runciman, black silk, black bonnet; Miss Nellie Graham, blue stripe blouse, dark skirt, gem hat; Miss Kerr, black lustre; Mrs Spreckley, heliotrope silk blouse, dark skirt; Mrs Buttle, black, bodice trimmed with cream guipure lace, floral hat; Miss Atkinson, green tweed, white hat; Mrs Atkinson. black silk, black cape; Mrs Mennie. black ; Miss Mennie. fawn cloth: Mrs Macdonald, grey tweed ; Miss Fraser, fawn cloth trimmed with peacock velvet; Mrs Steedman, blue boucle cloth ; Mrs McCallum, electric blue costume: etc. On Tuesday last the Mayoress, Mrs J. J. Holland, gave a MOST ENJOYABLE DANCE at their residence. City Road. About forty ladies and gentlemen were present, and dancing was kept up till close on two o’clock. A covered way was erected between the house and the dancing room, a small hall in the grounds, and the verandah and some of the apartments were utilised as retiring and supper rooms. The arrangements were most perfectly carried out by Mrs and the Misses Holland. Mrs Holland wore prune silk gown ; Mrs Lusher, combination of black and white: Miss Holland, white satin profusely trimmed with net; Miss Essie Holland, pink crepon finished with white lace; Miss Donald, white satin; Miss Biss, white silk; Miss Vaile, soft cream crepon ; Miss B. Vaile, white ; Miss L Pickmere, white; Miss J. Lusker, pink crepon; Miss A. Walker, white; Miss J. Cardno, white; Miss Hewin. black and white; Miss Jagger, pink ; Miss Choyce, white trimmed with blue satin; Miss Goldie, pink, white fichu ; Miss Bell, pink silk. Among the gentlemen were Messrs Vaile (two . Biss (two). Donald, Rennell, Ferguson. McPhail. Thomson. Earle, James, Walker, Cardno, Willis. etc, Phyllis Broun r.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVII, Issue XVI, 17 October 1896, Page 496

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AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVII, Issue XVI, 17 October 1896, Page 496

AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVII, Issue XVI, 17 October 1896, Page 496