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Dear Bee, Junk 29 We have managed to be tolerably gay this past week, despite the fogs in the early mornings Bat on the whole the weather is lovely, and we are getting through the winter splendidly. Mrs Peacock entertained a number of friends AT LUNCHEON at • Fairview.' Ponsonby. on Friday last. The lunch was given for Miss Wilkie, of Taranaki, who has been on a visit to her Auckland friends. Among the guests were Mesdames Tait, Masefield. Campbell, T. W. Leys. Anderson, Edger, Stewart, Whitelaw. and Miss Wilkie. A PARNELL PRIVATE SUBSCRIPTION DANCE took place on Thursday evening last in the Bonavertura Hall, and was in every way successful. The night was a brilliant moonlight one. and just cold enough to make dancing thoroughly enjoyable. The ladies and gentlemen were about equal in number. The decorations were very pretty, consisting of flags, arum lilies, camellias, yellow acacia, and greenery. Miss Thomas and Miss Mowbray having decorated the hall themselves, deserve great praise for their artistic talent. The supper, which was a tasty one, consisting of oysters, trifles, jellies, etc., looked very beautiful among the decorations of yellow crinkley paper in fan shapes, and vases of yellow acacia : it was lighted with candles. Among those present I noticed Mrs Reid Bloomfield in a handsome black lace ; Mrs Ireland. Diack silk ; Mrs Lucas Bloomfield stylish black lace, terre sleeves veiled in black lace: Miss Grierson, black lace ; Miss Bessie Jones, white sarah with bouton d or empire sash : Miss May Sellers, very pretty white silk with pink flowers on the decolletage-. Miss Kempthorne. white chine silk: Miss Ettie Ire.and, regal-looking royal blue velvet finished at the corsage with pink roses; Mrs Upfil. handsome combination of pink and blue: Miss Holmes, canary Liberty silk ; Miss Davy, very effective costume of cream ana sky blue striped silk ; and her sister, a white surah : Miss Thomas, white creponette with maize spots trimmed with maize silk ; Miss Beatrice Bull, canary brocaded silk: Mrs Beale, handsome Nil green brocade : Mrs Younghusband. black lace with electrique slate silk sleeves; Miss Mowbray, lovely cream fancy silk; Miss Kerr-Taylor, black creponette with white finishings; Miss M. Kerr-Taylor, black creponette with buttercup net finishings: Miss Allie Buddle, black lace with red plaid sleeves: Miss Gertrude Budale, azure blue crepon finished with chiffon, satin shoes and aigrette in hair tn suite: Miss Kissling, new shade of pink silk, and her sister wore a Nil green surah: Mrs Smith, buttercup silk with white lace and buttercup ribbons; Miss Atkinson, pale Italie crinkley; Miss Amphlet, black with maize-coloured sleeves : Miss Lusk looked pretty in white: Mrs Preston-Stevenson, lovely white brocaded satin ; Mrs Nichol, handsome blue silk; Mrs Goodwin, black silk relieved with canary ; Miss Goodwin, buttercup creponette finished with tulle; Miss W. Goodwin, white debutante silk trimmed with lilies of the valley : Miss Percival looked pretty in pale pink creponette : Miss Brodie, white silk with orange bebe sleeves: Mrs J. Mowbray, black silk with old gold trimmings finished with brooches of diamonds: Mrs Ward. Sultan red silk; Miss White, cardinal Liberty silk : Miss Boyd, white with yellow trimmings ; Miss Kilgour, blue silk with chiffon of a deeper shade: Miss Churton. black velvet, and her sister wore a lemon-coloured brocaded silk ; etc. Messrs Cuff. Bloomfield, Ansell, Philips, Watkis. Lecky. Holmes, Mowbray, Fairburn. Harrison. Burton, Smith, Dennison, Anderson. Beale. Younghusband. Nichol, Upfil. Forte, PrestonStevenson. etc., etc. Mrs John Owen gave a delightful PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE PARTY. combined with a musical evening, at her charming residence, Hepburc-street. Ponsonby. on Saturday evening. Vocal and instrumental items were contributed by Mrs Reynolds. Miss Essie Holland. Miss Owen, Miss Ada Owen, and Dr. Owen. Mrs Owen wore a black silk gown ; Miss Owen, buttercup blouse, collar and cuffs of black velvet: Miss Ada • »wen. rose pink blouse strapped wi*h pink ribbon, dark skirt; Mrs Reynolds, pink velvet blouse with crystal trimmings, dark skirt; Mrs C. Campbell. Egypt red velvet blouse relieved with jet passementerie, dark skirt; Mrs Wingfield, black silk, deep fringe of jet and gold beads from yoke of bodice; Mrs R. M. Watt, gobelin blue gown trimmed with white silk and chiffon: Mrs Oxley, pale grey and white silk : Miss Leighton, grey check trimmed with silk, pink net fichu : Miss Vaile, grey tweed trimmed with steel passementerie; Miss — Vaile, pale pink silk blouse, dark skirt ; Miss Essie Holland, rose pink silk blouse, crepon skirt; Miss Upton, brown ; Miss Bastard, black crepon ; Miss — Bastard also wore black. Mr- Ware gave a large AFTERNOON TEA last Wednesday at her pretty residence, ‘ Stadacona,’ Remuera, receiving the guests in the drawing-room. Many passed on to the verandah, where the sun was shining brightly, while others returned to the large entrance hall, where seats were arranged. The decorations mainly consisted of yellow acacia flowers. The teatable looked very pretty lighted with candles and draped with Tuscan crinkley paper, and finished with vases of yellow acacia and marigolds of two shades of yellow, which blended harmoniously. This uneatable part was surrounded with trifles, jellies, cakes, meringues, sweets, etc. Half a-dozen of our girl friends dressed in Japanese frocks waited on the guests. Amongst these I noticed Misses Ware. Russell (two). Peacock. McDonald, McMillan, etc. The feature of the afternoon was a recitation by Miss Peacock, dressed in Japanese costume, and surrounded by the other young ladies whom I have just mentioned similarly gowned, each sipping a cup of tea. Mrs Tait sang very beautifully, and also a lady friend of Mrs McMillan. Our hostess wore a beige gown trimmed with fawn lace and white silk vest; Mrs Browning, black; Mrs R Browning, black silk, black bonnet with violet rosettes ; Miss Alexander, navy serge Miss B. Bull, handsome mignonette green striped gown, toque to match : Mrs Arnold, black skirt, electrique blue blouse; Mrs Ashton Bruce, black; Mrs Hugh Campbell, handsome black silk with twine-coloured lace insertion; Mrs Duncan Clerk, dark green; Mrs M. Clark, electrique slate; Mrs Dignan. brown tweed; Mrs Millie Bloomfield, hand Mome bla< k gown with picture velvet hat; Mrs Goodhue. bronze green. black velvet bonnet with bows; Mrs (Major. George, handsome black gown, cape stylishly trimmed with embroidery ; Mrs Coibeck (Kaipara). chartreuse

green silk trimmed with velvet en suite : Mrs Munroe, black creponette. black velvet hat with Tam-o'-Shanter crown finished with feather tips ; Mias Griffiths, navy serge ; Mrs Devereux, black ; Miss Devereux, brown ; Miss M. Devereux, navy: Miss Fenwick, navy ; Mrs Peel, handsome brown costume; Mrs Gordon, black : Miss Horne, black silk finished with grey check: and her sister wore black creponette with sleeves and vest of celery green silk, toque en suite ; Mrs Heywood, black lustre: Mrs Hamner, black relieved with white: Mrs Jackson, navy serge; Mrs Barton Ireland, black silk . Mrs Isaacs, navy; Mrs Haines, mode grey lustre, becoming bonnet with pink flowers; Mrs Lucas Bloomfield, slate grey tweed ; Miss Fraser, black creponnette with spuice vest and hat: Miss Kissling. electrique grey gown: Mrs 8. Kissling. navy silk; Mrs and Miss Moss-Davis; Mrs McMillan, very handsome black silk with a white stripe: and the lady friend (who is staying with her, and comes from the South) wore a cardinal spotted silk with velvet trimmings, toque to correspond ; Miss McMillan, grey with silver passementerie: and her sister, fawn ; Mrs Nolan, fawn; Mrs James Russell, royal blue; Mrs Edward Russell, navy serge, navy velvet toque with violets: Mrs Pritt and Mrs Williams wore black; Mrs Gamble, black; Mrs Gamble (junior), a combination of black and yellow; Mrs Arthur Nathan, black; Mrs Alfred Nathan, silver grey brocade, black velvet hat with orange band ; Misses Kerr-Taylor, navy and white ; Mrs Goring, black gown relieved with mauve; Mrs Hamlin, black ; Mrs Bull, black silk; Mrs Noakes, navy serge, with floral toque; Mrs Cotter, stylish black creponette trimmed with silk; Miss Dargaville. black creponette skirt with green velvet blouse and green velvet Tam-o’-Shanter; Mrs J. M. Dargaville, black Ewn finished with old gold; Mrs Dargaville, widow’s weeds; rs Shera, navy; Miss Grierson, black ; Miss Grace Hesketb, black gown, shot green silk blouse, large black velvet hat with upstanding green velvet bows; Mrs Greenway, dark green bicycling costume; Mrs Leathern, brown: Mrs Seegner, Mrs Nichol, navy serge: Mrs Hope-Lewis ; Mrs E. W. Payton. brown tweed ; Miss Shuttleworth, black skirt, dark green velvet blouse; and many others whose names I cannot recall at this present moment. Mrs (Judge) Smith entertained quite a large number of guests on Friday evening last at her residence. Upper Grafton Road. The evening was passed in PROGRESSIVE WHIST. This was a departure from the usual euchre, and proved most successful. The spacious dining-room lent itself readily to ten tables, while in the drawing-room were four or five more. To name all the guests present would be well-nigh impossible, but among them were Mesdames Von-der-Hyde, Hunt, Kenderdine, Hay. Baldwin. Williamson, W. Sharland. Watson. A. Kenderdine. C. C. Baker. H. Ashton. Hudson, Dacre. Dawson, Snell. Kallender, Hunter. Neil. Lindsay, and others, also .Misses Wylde-Browne, Peacocke, Blades, Dacre, and others whom I cannot remember. Messrs Dacre. McCormick. Kallender, Oathwaite, Ilbert. Ashton, C. C. Baker. Allright, Kenderdine. A. Kenderdine, W. Sharland, PercivaL Neil, Hudson, Ferguson, Dre. Dawson. Lindsay, Baldwin. Watson, etc. Mrs Edmund Mahoney gave

TWO MOST ENJOYABLE EUCHRF PARTIES at her residence, ‘ Raro Maunga,’ Epsom, on Friday and Saturday. It was her intention to issue invitations for one, but her circle of friends is so large she decided to have two evenings. The urounds were prettily lighted up with coloured fairy lamps, peeping from every nook and cranny, and looking in the distance like glow worms. The effect was charming, and suggested fairyland to one’s mind. Mr and Mrs Mahoney received their guests in the hall, and the latter looked exceedingly well in a black velvet gown, made with a ruffle basque, Medici collar lined with white satin, gathered white lisse to form a square on low corsage. There were nine tables each evening, six in the drawing-room, and the booby and two others in the study. Play was kept up with spirit until nearly twelve o’clock, when each gentleman led his partner to the dining-room, where a sumptuous supper was laid. The table was prettily decorated with yellow wattle and yellow crinkley paper cut into ribbonsand festooned on the gasalier and brought over to each corner of the table. Someof the dresses I noted were:—Mrs T. Mahoney, rich white satin, low corsage trimmed with lace : Mrs (Dr.) Bedford, black silk gown veiled with black net with yellow chenille spots : Mrs S. Hesketh. Sultan red satin, puff sleeves of red velvet; Mrs Bush, black crepon; Mrs Langguth. black satin, brocaded with large rings, emerald green velvet on bodice ; Mrs Beale, black brocade, deep frill of cream lace falling from the low bodice : Mrs Ernest Burton, pale yellow silk trimmed with pretty cream lace dotted with gold sequins ; Mrs Keogh, black lace skirt, black brocaded satin bodice and sleeves trimmtd with folded sequined net; Mrs Oldham, pale cream 5 eiling: Mrs Scherff, black silk; Mrs Oxley, pink veiling, with white lisse fichu : Mrs Griffiths, heliotrope silk corsage with full ruche round the low bodice, dark skirt; Mrs Eastham. black silk skirt, pink blouse. Spanish lace fichu; Miss Rich, pretty pale yellow glace silk, low bodice trimmed with cream silk Maltese lace; Miss Noakes, ivory silk crepon. deep frill of lace; Miss Bush, pearl white surah silk, square cut corsage relieved with violets, dark skirt: Miss — Bush, new shade of cornflower blue accordion pleated chiffon bodice, dark skirt; Miss

Petrie, buttercup silk frock: Miss Rita Tale, pale blue crepon and lece: Mise Peacock, bine veiling: Miao - Peacock, cream frock ; Miss Kennedy, pink veiling, white satin sleeves, white lisse fichu : -Mise C. WalnutL pretty white satin trimmed with chiffon ; Mise Spiers, cream crepon. yellow silk bodice; Miss Atkinson, salmon pink emboeaed crepon bodice relieved with black lace, dark -kin; Miss — Atkineoa. pink brocaded silk gown, black silk bodice veiled with black net dotted with pink daisies; Miss Colley, pretty cream crepon: Miss Keogh, yellow silk frock, alternate rows of yellow silk and cream lace insertion to top of skirt: Miss Savage, pearl white silk with poppies: Miss Pit tar. black silk grenadine. Messrs T. Mahoney, Hesketh. Burton. Beale. Shera. Gilbert. Howard. Jourdain. Noakes. Langguth. Scherff, James. Payne. Owen. Haven. Francis. Griffiths. Keogh. Skully. Eastham. Pittar. Dr. Bedford, etc., etc. Mrs Ernest Burton gave a pleasant • AFTERNOON TEA at her residence. Epsom, on Friday afternoon. The table looked very pretty with a mirror down the centre and yellow silk and flowers. The room was very cosy with the gas lighted. Mesdames Kinder. Windsor. Cattanacb, E. T. Hart, Hay. C. Burton, Oldham, Aitkin. Newall. Hill, and Miss Spiers were present.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVII, Issue I, 4 July 1896, Page 22

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AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVII, Issue I, 4 July 1896, Page 22

AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XVII, Issue I, 4 July 1896, Page 22