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Dear Bee, November 8. I will begin my letter this week by telling you about the ‘ AT HOME ’ GIVEN AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE on Wednesday afternoon. It was intended to be a garden party, but unfortunately the weather was not very fine, as during the forenoon fit was very showery. However, many people strolled about the garden, which is looking exceedingly pretty just now, as the roses are at their best. Great interest was taken in a phonograph which was stationed at t he far end of the ballroom. Several speeches made by His Excellency and others were to be heard, also the Salvation band, etc. Delicious tea and cakes were served in the dining-room. The floral decorations were lovely, and ronsisted almost entirely of cream and pink roses. lx>rdand Lady Glasgow received their guests at the entrance of the drawing-room. The Ladies Augusta and Alice Bovle looked very nice in pale grey crepon w'ith shot silk bodices, and deep capes of coffee lace, cream hats trimmed with chiffon and grey and yellow shot ribbon bows. Among those present I noticed Mrs (Dr.) Adams, who wore a dark green cloth costume, ecru lace bonnet with magenta roses and steel wings : Mrs Anson, fawn jacket and skirt, brocaded silk blouse, jet bonnet with lace wings and pink roses ; Miss Brandon, cream serge costume, white hat with tulle rosettes and cornflowers ; Miss 8. Brandon, black skirt, black and white silk binuse. black hat with pink roses and lace : Mrs Butler, pale grey gown trimmed with ecru lace insertion, cream hat trimmed with chiffon and tips; Mrs Baldwin, cream serge with huge sleeves of lovely cream brocade, hat to match trimmed with cream feathers: Mrs Barnett, black cloth jacket and skirt, white waistcoat, black hat with feathers; Mrs Barclay, black silk gown and mantle trimmed with lace, jet bonnet with violets; Mrs Brough, navy blue costume, black sailor hat with ribbon band ; Miss Cooper, black crepon. small black hat with red flowers: Miss I. Cooper, black crepon with white muslin cuffs

and collar edged with lace, large black feather hat; Mrs Caatendyke, fawn costume; Miss Coleridge, dark cloth costume, black hat with white lace wings and pink rotes ; the Misses Chatfield, Miss Duncan, brown jacket and skirt, small violet velvet, bonnet with tufts of pink clover; Lady Douglas, handsome black silk gown trimmed with chiffon, black and white bonnet: Miss Dransfleld, fawn covert coating costume, toque to match with shot ribbon bows : Miss Duthie. electric blue crepon trimmed with silk to match and bead trimming, cream feathered hat; Mrs Edwin, blue crepon, lace cape, black bonnet with pink flowers: Miss Edwin. Gobelin blue trimmed with ecru lace, black hat with pink shot ribbon and flowers; Miss Fancourt, fawn tweed, white sailor hat: Miss Fairchild, grey costume; Miss — Fairchild, fawn gown trimmed with brown silk, black hat with yellow flowers; Mrs Goring, black crepon, the front of the bodice of blue shot silk covered with ecru lace, black hat with tulle rosettes and cornflowers; Miss A. Gore, heliotrope crepon trimmed with ecru lace and pink chiffon, large black velvet hat with feathers; Mrs Grace, black velvet with broad revers of white satin, ecru lace bonnet trimmed with jet’ed tips: Miss Grace, black cloth costume. open lace hat trimmed with high feathers; Miss A. Grace, black satin skirt, pretty cream and pale green striped silk blouse trimmed with cream lace, white straw beefeater hat with black velvet and quills; Mrs Harding, black gown, lace mantle, black honnet trimmed with lilac; Miss Harding, black crepon, shot silk bodice, burnt straw toque with shot ribbon and pink flowers; Mrs Henry, black costume; Mrs Hislop, black silk gown, jetted cape, jet bonnet with white flowers; Miss Hislop, pale blue and white check gown, small black hat with yellow roses; Mrs Brandon, black silk skirt, cream silk blouse, jet bonnet with pink roses; Miss Haise, grey tweed, large black hat with feathers: Miss L. Haise, grey and white striped gown, black toque trimmed with violets; Mrs Heywnod. Miss Heywood, blue crepon, black hat trimmed with cornflowers and chiffon: Miss Hitchings (Napier), black skirt, heliotrope blouse, black hat with violets and tips ; Mrs Izard, black satin, handsome silk and lace mantle, black and gold bonnet: Miss Izard, fawn jacket and skirt, pretty toque trimmed with pink roses; Mrs C. Izard, brown cloth gown with folded bodice of green silk, hat to match ; Mrs C. Johnston, black lustre costume with deep collar of ecru lace, pretty bonnet to match : Miss E. Johnston, white muslin with lace flounces, white hat with chiffon ruches and ribbon bows ; Miss Kebhell, peacock blue cloth costume, burnt straw hat trimmed with lovely pink roses and black chiffon; Mrs Levin, black silk embroidered with jet, black bonnet with white ribbon bows ; Mrs Menzies, black crepon with revers of brocaded silk, jet bonnet with tips; Miss Menzies, grey cloth gown trimmea with electric blue silk and passementerie, black and white straw bat with pink and black roses; Miss Medley, black skirt, check silk blouse, white hat with tulle and wings: Mrs Quick. Miss Quick, black silk skirt, check silk blouse, black hat with ribbon bows and clovers; Mrs Rhodes, black silk trimmed with jet and lace jet bonnet; Mrs E. J. Reid, brown crepon trimmed with ecru lace and beaver, bonnet to match ; Mrs W. Reid, black silk, jet bonnet wi‘h white flowers; the Misses Rose, pretty cream crepon gowns with silk yokes, black hats trimmed with tulle and cornflowers: Mrs (Captain) Rose, mauve crenon trimmed with silk to match, pale blue velvet bonnet; Mrs Seddon, black cloth costume, jet bonnet ttimmed with yellow velvet: Miss Seddon. black costume, black hat with ribbon bows and tips; Mrs Simpson, Miss Simpson, pale grey gown trimmed with silk of a darker shade, large black hat with red and pink roses: Miss Seed, grey gown, small black hat with daffodils; Mrs Tuckey. black silk gown, lace cape, ecru lace bonnet with pink roses; Mrs Higgins, yellow silk gown, black chiffon bodice, lace toque with yellow flowers ; Miss Tuckey, black crepon skirt, grey silk blouse trimmed with cerise velvet, black hat trimmed with feathers: Mrs Travers, black crepon with yoke of ecru lace, small jet bonnet with white osprey: Miss Tripe, pale grey costume trimmed with electric blue silk, hat to match trimmed with white tulle and wings; Mrs Williams, black satin, the front of the bodice very much trimmed with cream lace, cream bonnet with tips : Miss H. Williams, fawn jacket and skirt, brown straw hat with feathers and roses : Miss E. Williams, cream serge costume, black straw hat trimmed with shot ribbon and green grass: Mrs T. Wilford, brown tweed gown, floral toque; Mrs Ward, electric blue gown, check waistcoat, burnt straw bonnet trimmed with pink roses and ecru lace ; Mrs L. Wilson; Miss Wilson, white duck costume, sailor hat: Mrs Newman, grey costume, black velvet hat with tips: Mrs Mason, Miss Mason, navy blue costume; Miss Paterson, grey cloth trimmed with lace, white hat with feathers. Among the gentlemen I noticed Mr Seddon, Sir Walter Buller, Captain Hancock and officers of H.M.S. Lizard. Messrs Butler, Buller, Webster, Anson. Pearce. Gore. Tripp, Hadfield, Barnett, Cooper, Kebbell, Goring, Reid, Baldwin, and many others.

THE BROUGH AND BOUCICAULT COMPANY played ‘The Amazons’ last Friday night to a crowded house. Among the audience I noticed Mr and Mrs Seddon, the latter wearing a black silk gown trimmed with cream lace; Mr and Mrs Ward, the latter in crushed strawberry silk gown; Mrs Johnston, black and red brocade ; Mrs Baldwin, cream satin trimmed with ecru lace; Mrs Grace, black velvet, with fichu of white chiffon : Miss Grace, cream satin trimmed with Jace and Kink rosea : Miss A. Grace, black satin, with sleeves of pink silk; Hrs E. Johnston, white figured silk: Miss S. Johnston, black satin ; Miss Williams, black silk with bertha of cream lace. ‘ The New Woman ’ was staged on Monday night, when a party from Government House, including Lord and Lady Glasgow, Mrs Williams, and Captain Preston, were present. Lady Glasgow’ wore a handsome green and pink brocaded gown, with epaulettes of green silk; Mrs Williams wore black velvet and brocaded cloak. Others present were Mrs Newman, who wore brown satin trimmed with coffee lace ; Mrs Baldwin, pink brocade : Mrs Fox. Mrs Butler, black silk, with pink sleeves ; Miss Daniels, cream silk ; Mrs Menzies, black silk with white lace fichu; the Misses Menzies, black velvets, cream lace capes; Mrs and the Misses Gibson, the Misses Gore. Miss Burns. Miss Pickering, Mrs and the Misses Barron. Mrs and the Misses Fairchild, Mrs Larnach, the Misses Brandon, Mrs Pynsent, Mrs Goring.and others. The Misses MacGregor entertained their GIRL FRIENDS at tea last Friday afternoon. Miss MacGregor w'ore a dark silk skirt and becoming blue silk blouse. Among their guests were the Misses Tnckey, Rose, Stewart, Seed, Gibson (two), Muir, Simpson, Griffiths, and others. THE TIIORNDON TENNIS CLUB opened last Saturday. The weather was only fair, but still there was a very good attendance. I noticed Mr and Mrs Goring, Mr and Mrs Fulton, Mr, Mrs, and the Misses Barron, the Misses Heywood, Hitchings (Napier). Kennedy. Campbell, Fairchild, Brandon. Gore. Nunnerley. and many others. Lord and Lady Glasgow are to be present at the cricket match between Christchurch and Wellington, which is to be played at the Basin Reserve this afternoon. I hope to be able to tell you of this next week. Several people have gone to Christchurch for the Carnival week, including Mr and Miss Pearce, Mr and Mrs Beddard. Miss Buller. Miss and Miss Eila Williams, Miss Johnston, Mias Friend, and Major Elliott.


Dear Bee, November 8. The session is over, and our guests have departed. Mr and Miss Pearce and Miss H. Johnston went to Christchurch on Friday last, and will stay through the gay season there. Mr and Mrs J. P. Max well.Mr and Mrs W. Moorhouse, Mrs Beddard, Miss Buller. Miss Williams, Miss Friend, and a number of others have also gone on the same errand to pursue the round of social excitement, which is over here now, closed with exit of members and the arrival of summer. Mrs W. W. Johnston, with her daughter. Miss Sidney Johnston, have gone to Bulls for a short visit. The Misses Harding intend to visit Dunedin shortly for a few weeks. Mrs Dudley Hewitt (Palmerston North} is staying with Mrs C. J. Johnston. Mrs Freeman Jackson (Wanganui! is also in town. A large number of people gathered on the Polo Grounds last Saturday. Glasgow and her daughters, who have always taken a warm interest in the game, were present, also Mrs Cooper, the Misses Cooper. Mrs Abbott. Mrs Baldwin, Mrs Levin, Mrs Johnston, the Misses Skerrett, Miss Williams, etc. Mrs Baldwin presided over tho tea tables and dispensed most welcome refreshments. I hear that Mr and Mrs Snow have decided to sell their house in town and settle at their country place near Bunnythorpe.

Miss Tuckey goes South on Friday for & prolonged visit to Christchurch. Mrs Frere is staying in town, having come to see her brother. Mr Clere, who has just returned from a visit to the Old Country. Another arrival by the Wakatipu was Mrs Grace’s grandson from India, his mother, Mrs White, following the usual custom of English mothers there and seeding her son away from the hot, fever-stricken atmosphere so cruelly fatal to European babyhood. Mrs Pynsent has gone for a short visit to Brancepeth, near Masterton. and Mrs B. Goring is visiting Mrs Marshall in the Rangitikei district. Mr and Mrs H D. Bell, with their daughters, leave for England shortly, sooner, by some weeks, than they at first intended. His Excellency the Governor and Lady Glasgow will remain in Wellington till the middle of December, when they propose to visit the Southern lakes. At the links at Miramar on Saturday the mixed matches for Mrs Bell’s trophy was won by Miss Iris Bell and Mr Hodson. Each player receives a medal, to hold for ever in remembrance of their victory. Mrs Bell gave tea in the shed, but unfortunately was unable to be present herself owing to a bad sprain of her ankle, which has laid her up for some days. The Brough-Boucicault Company continue to draw crowded houses, and going night after night one sees a perfect kaleidiscopic change of faces during the season. Seen from a side seat the dress circle presents a very pretty appearance, clothed in rain bow tints of silk, satin, or muslin. Several ladies have given ’theatre parties.’usually preceded by dinner—a combined entertainment which is much appreciated by young people. Mrs Duncan varied the amusement by giving a large supper after the performance at ‘Uplands’ on Friday evening. The guests who adjourned there after ‘The Amazons ’ all enjoyed themselves immensely. Among the pretty gowns worn at the theatre I have noticed Mrs Abbott, in a beautiful black brocade with folds of rich pink satin of a delicate salmon shade; Mrs Baldwin, in a very pretty cream silk gown, the bodice being almost entirely covered with fine guipure lace; Miss Barber, in a soft w’hite dress trimmed with thick lace; her sister in pale blue satin edged with narrow lace ; Mrs A. Brandon, black silk skirt, soft white surah bodice trimmed with bands of narrow jet; Miss Brandon, in a black lace dress; Mias Buller, in a very becoming gown of bright pink silk with full chiffon sleeves ; Mrs Butler, in black, the bodice being relieved with full sleeves of shiny pink silk ; Miss Burnes, in black with bodice of pale blue silk; Mrs Caineron wore a very becoming dress of cream figured silk, relieved by a bunch of bright red poppies on the shoulder ; Miss Caselberg (Masterton) wore a pretty cream dress with accordion pleated frills, through which was run rows of tiny yellow be be ribbon; Miss Cooper, in dark blue silk: Miss I. Cooper, black velveteen, and soft white fichu; Miss Daniels, dark skirt with bodice of plain cream silk ; her sister in a pretty white dress; Mrs Fitzherbert. in black silk with white lace on the bodice; her daughter in white with sprays of natural flowers; Mrs Fox. in black silk with white bodice, and long blue opera cloak: Miss Gibson, in a dress of red velveteen trimmed with narrow jet; her sister, a dark skirt, and very pretty blouse of dark shot silk ; Mrs Goring, in pink silk, pink opera cloak; Miss Gore, black satin trimmed with jet; Miss A. Gore, pale pink silk; Miss Grace, in cream brocaded silk ; Miss A. Grace wore a very pretty pink dress, the bodice being composed of a black jettrimmed corsage, with pink tulle sleeves: Miss Grimes, dark skirt, pale pink silk bodice: Miss Harding, dark velveteen trimmed with coffee-coloured lace; Miss Hardy, in a fawncoloured crepon gown; her sister in cream silk; Miss Hislop, dark velveteen, white lace fichu; Mrs Higginson, in black silk with white silk and lace trimmings; Misses Haise, in black lace dresses; Mrs W. Johnston, in a veiy handsome silk dress trimmed with rich crimson velvet; the Misses Johnston, in cream silks; Miss Johnston (Hutt), in white with yellow silk ribbons: her sister, in white and pink ; Mrs Kirkcaldie wore a handsome black silk heavily trimmed with jet: her daughter, in dark skirt, with pretty silk blouse ; Mrs Larnach, in a black lace dress; Miss Mee, in a pretty white silk dress; Mrs Macpherson, in black silk and lace; Mrs Ment.eath, in a very becoming dress of soft silk ; Mrs Morrison, in black lace with sprays of lovely creamy roses; Miss O’Connor in a black silk dress relieved with white lace: Miss Pickering, in a pretty dress of black and pink silk: Miss Pownall. in black velveteen with white lace frill; Mrs Rhind. dark skirt, and pretty pale pink bodice of crinkled silk ; Mrs Riddiford. black trimmed with guipure lace; Miss Rothenberg wore a pretty soft cream dress, the bodice being covered with thick lace ; Miss Seddon, dark skirt with bodice of pale blue silk; Miss Shirley Baker, soft cream figured silk; Miss Simpson, pale blue silk ; Misses Skerret. cream dresses; Mrs Treadwell, black lace; Mrs Tregear, becoming dress of white and green striped silk, full green sleeves ; Mrs Williams, handsome black silk with white lace on the bodice; Miss Wilkes, dark skirt, pale pink silk bodice; etc. The show next week promises to be a great success, and we are all invoking the Goddess of fine weather to smile kindly on us. Mrs J. M. Wilford. assisted by a number of girl friends, is to preside over the afternoon tea department, while Mrs Edward Riddiford is having a private marquee of her own within which she will dispense light refreshments to all her friends. The garden party at Government House on Wednesday, though somewhat marred by the damp and sadly grey weather, was a thoroughly pleasant and enjoyable *At Home.’ The garden is looking lovely, and quite worthy of a party to show it off. The Band was stationed on one side of the lawn, and was a great attraction. as indeed a good band always is. Lady Glasgow wore a very stylish and becoming dress of figured silk, the ground being of a dark shiny green, sprayed with w'hite shimmering flowers ; the bodice was trimmed with real lace and finished with bows of green ; Lady Augusta Boyle looked very sweet in a soft silver grey crepon dress, with swathed bodice of pale pink silk and grey sleeves. Meye.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XV, Issue XX, 16 November 1895, Page 616

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WELLINGTON. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XV, Issue XX, 16 November 1895, Page 616

WELLINGTON. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XV, Issue XX, 16 November 1895, Page 616