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Annual Meeting of the N.Z.T.N.A.

The seventh mooting of Central Council was hold at the Nurses' Club, Mountain Road. Auckland, on October Ist, 1924, beginning at 10 a.m. Present: Mrs. Todd Smith (president) ; Mesdames Tracy Inglis, Kidd, Oliphant, and Miss Winter (Auckland) ; Misses Stott, McKenny, Kohn, Pongolly (Wellington) ; Miss Bicknell (deputy delegate. Canterbury); Mrs. Praser (Otago) ; Miss Coles, and Miss Inglis, general honorary secretary (Hawke's Bay). The minutes of the last Conference were read and confirmed. President's Address. Fellow Members, — I have much pleasure m welcoming you all to Auckland. We hope that the weather will behave itself while you are here, and that the time of our conference together may bo one of pleasure as well as profit to us all. We regret that more nurses do not avail themselves of the opportunity for meeting together and discussing the various questions we are so much interested m. You will remember that at the meeting of the Central Council last year a post-graduate course for nurses was discussed and decided upon, and wo are glad to be able to state that this has been carried out during the present year. We can now congratulate ourselves that nursing m our Dominion has taken a step forward and the Diploma of Nursing is now an established fact. Wo are pleased, also, that one of our own nurses, Miss Janet Moore, has been selected to take a ton months' course of training at the Bedford College for Women, University of London. When Miss Moore returns she will be accepted as a teacher by the University of Otago, under the syllabus arranged m connection with the recently-instituted Diploma of Nursing. She will the:: instruct the tu-tor-sisters selected from the various public nospitals for post-graduate courses. It is good to have efficiency always, and we are pleased that our nurses are to have these advantages, especially tutor-nurses

or those who take any of the posts open to nurses under the Public Health Department; but we would like to draw attention to the fact that any amount of training* m theory and scholarship will not necessarily make a good nurse. There must be practical knowledge, experience, patience, sympathy, and, above all, attention to del ail. "Who does not know the comfort of a clean, uncreased sheet and a pillow placed just m the right position? And I think avo as members of the N.Z.T.N.A. should endeavour to impress this on our younger nurses. We want nurses m the Dominion to have high ideals, to be loyal to the doctor, matron, and their fellow nurses, also never to forget the milk of human kindness, which is of such assistance m this world of trouble and sickness. We are pleased that "Kai Tiaki" still continues to keep up its standard and is a most interesting and instructive journal for all nurses to subscribe to. We hope that the arrangement with Miss Maclean will prove satisfactory to both parties, and that she will long continue to edit this excellent paper. The Bill for superannuation for nurses has not yet been passed. We fear there may be difficulties m the way, but we have the promise of the Minister for Health that it will be 'brought before the House this session. Wo can only keep on agitating until something is done. In the meantime the Nurses' Memorial Fund has done well. It is good to hear of the many nurses Avho have 'boon assisted through its agency, and anything we can do to augment the amount should be done. If the Bill for the superannuation of nurses does not pass, wo think at least Parliament should grant the subsidy on pensions paid out, which would help considerably . In conclusion I may say that I have boon pleased to hear that a Christian Union has been started among the nurses m the different hospitals, as it has always seemed to me that some help of this

kind was needful for nurses, who are so often brought m direct contact with the great issues of life and death. We would say to them m Whittier's words: The holiest task by Heaven decreed, An errand all divine : The burden of the common need To render less is thine. The paths of pain are thine. Go forth With patience, trust and hope. The suffering's of a sin-sick earth Shall give thee ample scope. Correspondence. Correspondence received and answered was next read. Subjects for Discussion. Management of " Kai Tiaki " keeping lists of subscribers, &c. Means of finding money for payment of purchase-money of " Kai Tiaki." Aggregate charges m private hospitals m connection with statements made by " Nurse," m " Kai Tiaki." Advisability of allowing nurses already registered^to take the Diploma of Nursing as a post-graduatejcourse. Mrs. Tracy Inglis notified the following remits as emergency business: — 1. That the whole question of Nurses' Pees be reconsidered. 2. That a rule be made regarding a standard indoor uniform for nurses, as too much cannot be said about the importance of this matter. 3. That means be discussed whereby a better qualification of nurses for sisters' positions m hospital be arranged for. Remits Considered. The following remits were then considered : — I—That1 — That printed forms be brought into use for Maternity Nurses, to be signed both by the nurse and the prospective patient, and so prevent disputes occurring over broken engagements, waiting fees, &c.

2 — That no effort be spared m urging that the scheme of Superannuation be put into force for the benefit of all trained nurses. 3 — That all nurses m New Zealand be circularised and urged to become members of the N.Z.T.N.A. 4 — That consideration be given to the ruling of the Auditor- General regarding the remission of the fees or concessions to nurses while patients m public institutions controlled by the Hospital Boards. s—That5 — That the work of the New Zealand Nurses' Memorial Fund be brought more publicly to the notice of all nurses, and that some way should be discussed to augment the fund, m order to place the executive m a position to give further assistance. 6 — That for the protection of the public, trained nurses be asked to wear their budges always when on duty at private cases. 7— That the division of all expenses of the Association be m proportion to the membership. B— That the question of the reduction of telephone fees for nurses, from £11 to £7 155., be submitted to the PostmasterGeneral. 9— That all matters affecting the management of " Kai Tiaki " be submitted to the various branches of the Association before taking effect. 10 — That if a General Secretary be appointed, there should be a receiver m each centre, who would receive subscriptions and lists of new members which could be forwarded to the General Secretary quarterly, m time for publica- [_ tion of the journal. Remit 3 was first dealt with. It was proposed by Airs. Kidd, and seconded by Miss McKenny: "That committees be set up m each centre to deal with the matter of increasing the membership of the N.Z.T.N.A. and the circulation of "Kai Tiaki," the president of each province to be the convener/' — Carried.

Remit No. 1 was proposed by Miss Bickncll and seconded (pro forma) by Mrs. Tracy Inglis. It was proposed by Miss Stott, as an amendment, "That the nurse should write to her prospective patient, requesting her to write definite dates of engagement, explaining the need of this information for fitting m cases." Seconded by Miss Kohn. Miss Inglis proposed that this amendment be referred back to the branches for confirmation. Seconded by Miss Stott and carried. Remit No. 5. — It was proposed by Mrs. Fraser, seconded by Miss Pengelly : "That the same committee that deals with the resolution arising from Remit 3 should endeavour to augment the Nurses' Memorial Fund m accordance with Remit 5, and should ask all trained nurses to give half-a-crown annually. ' ' — Carried. Remit No. 4. — It was proposed by Mrs. Fraser and seconded by Miss McKenny that this remit be withdrawn. — Carried. Remit No. 2. — Miss Pengelly moved and Miss McKenny seconded : ' * That this Council address a letter to the Registrar of Nurses, requesting him to represent to the Minister of Health the urgency of the matter of superannuation for all nurses, and the Minister to do all he can to get the Bill passed this session." — Carried unanimously. It was proposed by Miss McKenny, seconded by Miss Stott, that an honorary sub-editor of "Kai Tiaki" be appointed. — Carried unanimously. Miss Kohn proposed and Mrs. Oliphant seconded : ' ' That Miss Brandon be appointed, subject to her consent, to the position of sub-editor of 'Kai Tiaki'." — Carried unanimously. Remit No. 9 was proposed by Miss Bicknell and seconded by Miss Coles. Miss Pengelly proposed as an amendment, "That an executive for "Kai Tiaki" be formed, consisting of the editor, sub-edi-tor, general secretary, and the president of the branch where the Journal is edited, to deal with all matters affecting the management of 'Kai Tiaki/ " — Seconded by Mrs. Kidd and carried. The original motion lapsed.

Remit 10. — Miss Bicknell proposed that a receiver be appointed m each centre. Seconded by Miss Coles. Miss, Pengelly moved as an amendment: "That a 'Kai Tiaki' secretary be appointed to receive all subscriptions and deal with the lists of members." Seconded by Mrs. Tracy Inglis and earned. The original motion lapsed. It was proposed by Miss Coles and seconded by Miss McKenny, "That Miss Todd's appointment as 'Kai Tiaki' secretary be confirmed." — Carried. Mrs. Fraser proposed and Miss Pengelly seconded, "That the amount due for purchase-money of 'Kai Tiaki' be paid by each branch on a membership basis." — Carried unanimously. Mrs. Oliphant proposed and Miss Stott seconded: "That the purchase-money for 'Kai Tiaki' be paid within six months from date." — Carried. Miss Pengelly proposed "That the Central Council empower the 'Kai Tiaki' executive to grant an honorarium to the secretary, on their recommendation. Seconded by Mrs. Tracy Inglis. — Carried unanimously. It was proposed by Mrs. Kidd and seconded by Miss McKenny, and carried unanimously : ' ' That a bonus of ten guineas be given to Miss Inglis (general secretary), together with a letter of thanks and appreciation for her services." Remit No. 6, proposed by Mrs. Fraser and seconded by Mrs. Oliphant, was carried unanimously. Remit No. 7, moved by Miss Coles and seconded by Miss McKenny, was carried without dissent. Remit No. 8. — Miss Coles proposed and Miss McKenny seconded: "That the question of the extra charge for telephones for nurses be referred to the Director, Division of Nursing, to deal with." — Carried unanimously. Miss McKenny proposed and Miss "Winter seconded the following resolution : — "That this Council emphatically condemns the practice of some nurses m wearing civilian and unsuitable dresses, such as silk or wool, while on duty, and recommends that cotton or linen overalls

be a standard uniform for nursing members of the N.Z.T.N.A. " — Carried unanimously. Miss Stott proposed and Miss Kohn seconded: "That the general secretary be empowered to act as treasurer. "• — Carried unanimously. It was proposed by Miss Kohn and seconded by Mrs. Oliphant: "That 'Object/ No. 6, Central Council Rules, be deleted and replaced by the words 'To make new rules or alter existing ones, as agreed to by Central Council.' " — Carried. Miss Pengelly proposed and Miss Coles seconded: "That a letter be sent to the Hospital Boards sitting m conference m Wellington next week, asking them to make some concession m charges to trained nurses while ill m their hospitals." — Carried. Miss Pengelly proposed that Mrs. Tracy Inglis, Miss Winter and Miss Inglis be appointed a sub-committee to deal with railway concessions to delegates attending the Central Council meetings. Seconded by Miss Coles and carried. Miss Pengelly moved and Mrs. Oliphant seconded: "That the Objects and Rules of the Central Council be revised, with the assistance of an honorary solicitor, and if possible a meeting of representatives from the branches be held next February to ratify the amended rules." — Carried. Miss McKenny moved and Mrs. Tracy Inglis seconded; "That 'the fee for first day only' appearing on the fee-card be left to the branches to decide for themselves. J ' — Carried. Miss Kohn proposed and Miss Coles seconded: "That the items '£3 13s. 6a.," where two nurses were engaged on a case. be ruled out." (Auckland fee-card.) — Carried unanimously. Proposed by Miss Stott and seconded by Mrs. Oliphant: "That the next meeting of Central Council be held m Christchurch. — Carried unanimously. The following accounts were passed for payment: Hon. secretary's expenses, £6 18s. Bd. ; annual fee. International Council of Nurses, £2; petty cash, £2; bonus to hon. secretary, £10 10s.; total, £21 18s. Bd.

A ruling was asked on the matter of transfers. It was proposed by Miss Stott and seconded by Mrs. Oliphant, "That a letter be sent by the hon. secretary of her own branch to the hon. secretary of the branch to which a nurse wishes to transfer temporarily (instead of the transfer form)."- — Carried. Miss McKenny proposed a very hearty vote of thanks to the president of the Central Council. Seconded by Miss Kohn and carried unanimously. Miss Stott proposed a very cordial vote of thanks to all those who had extended hospitality to the delegates. Seconded by Mrs. Fraser and carried. This concluded the business of the Central Council. 1924. Membership of N.Z.T.N.A. Auckland branch, 330 members; Wellington, 333 ; Canterbury, 240 ; Otago, 176; Eawke's Bay, 75; total, 1154. Social Events. The members of the Central Council were royally entertained m Auckland, and m every way their visit to the northern city was made as enjoyable and as pleasant as possible. On Wednesday afternoon, October Ist, Mrs. Todd Smith (president of the Central Council) and Mrs. Tracy Inglis (president of the Auckland Branch, N.Z.T.N.A.) were "At home' 3 at the Nurses' Club, Mountain Road, Epsom. They received their guests m the lounge, which was beautifully decorated with bcwls of stocks and primulas. The tea-table m the dining-room was artistically arranged with anemones of all shades. During the afternoon an enjoyable musical programme was contributed by a stringed orchestra. Among those who came to meet the delegates were Miss Ewart (late of 1 1 i vercargill ) , M iss Taylor ( Matron, Auckland Hospital), Miss Bird, Miss Stewart, Miss Houchen, Miss Higginson (Whangarei), and Dr. Gladys Montgomery, Dr. Maguire, Dr. Coldicutt (medical members of the branch), also Drs. Hilda Northcroft, Tracy Inglis, Parkes, and Griffin.

A reception for the delegates to the Trained Nurses' Association, and friends, was given m the evening by the members of the Lyceum Club. The lounge w T as tastefully decorated for the occasion and was well filled with guests. Miss Janet Murray (vice-president), m black satin and silk lace, welcomed the delegates to Auckland and expressed the pleasure that it gave the members of the Lyceum to entertain them while here. During the evening a small play was given, "The Marriage Will Not Take Place," m which characters were sustained by Misses Philcox and Morris and Messrs. Hayes and J. Gordon. Songs were sung by Mrs. Whitley, "When Thou Art Far" and "Homing;" "Maid of Cadiz," Mrs. A. Kinder; and "Salaam and Harlequin," by Miss Laura Stone; Miss Connie Knox recited "The Civil Service;" Mrs. Hesketh gava a violin solo, "Majur," and "Heyre Kati." Miss Gummer acted as accompanist. Afterwards supper was handed round. On Thursday afternoon delegates were taken for a most delightful drive through Cornwall Park and the Racecourse at Ellerslie, where the beautiful hot-houses were thrown open for our benefit. Then on to St. Helier's Bay, where Mrs. Reynolds was waiting to entertain the party at tea. The drive home was through Kohimarama and Remuera, and all most thoroughly enjoyed the outing. In the evening a lecture on "Insulin" was given by Dr. Johnson. Notes taken at the lecture will be found m another column. On Friday morning the meetings of the present session of Central Council terminated. In the afternoon the delegates were the guests of Miss Taylor (Matron of the Auckland Hospital). Several visiting matrons from country hospitals were also present, and the various wards, X-Ray department, and other interesting places were thrown open for inspection. A dainty tea was served m the Nurses' Home. That evening papers were read at the Nurses' CM), and then thrown open for discussion. On Saturday afternoon the delegates were the guests of Mrs. Alfred Kidd, who

had arranged to hold a garden party, but owing to the heavy rain this was quite impossible, and Mrs. Kidd was hostess at an "At home" held m the pavilion of the Carlton bowling green. A stringed orchestra contributed an enjoyable musical programme, and time passed pleasantly with tea and chatter. The following papers were read to members of the Association on Friday evening : — ■' ' A Post-Graduate Course for Nurses," by Miss Bicknell; "Suggested Diploma for Midwives," by Mrs. Gordon; "The Spirit of Nursing Service/ by Miss McKenny. Miss Bicknell's statement that it will be possible m the near future for nurses already registered to take the Diploma of Nursing as a post-graduate course will be welcomed by many. An interesting discussion took place, although nurses are lamentably slow m voicing their opinions — m public. Mrs. Gordon's paper was received without comment. Nurses did not seem to be m favour of a Diploma Course for Midwives, and as the whole siibject of midwifery training is now under consideration by the Health Department, it was felt unnecessary to take any steps at present. Miss McKenny 's paper touched the hearts of many and will, we hope, reach the hearts of many more. The papers by Miss Bicknell and Miss McKenny are reprinted elsewhere m this issue.

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Bibliographic details

Kai Tiaki : the journal of the nurses of New Zealand, Volume XVII, Issue 4, 1 October 1924, Page 145

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Annual Meeting of the N.Z.T.N.A. Kai Tiaki : the journal of the nurses of New Zealand, Volume XVII, Issue 4, 1 October 1924, Page 145

Annual Meeting of the N.Z.T.N.A. Kai Tiaki : the journal of the nurses of New Zealand, Volume XVII, Issue 4, 1 October 1924, Page 145