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Missing Friends.

Anxious Enquire is made f whereabouts of’wul'Lm'Hen o '' w ,] >resent years, about sft 9““ Walker, 26 whiskers, if anv , medlum build, fair about three years St °° P ’ ast heard of John Rochfort, on th* t Mr ‘ toLSricfasTe 7^^ 6 g °“ t 0 th Celling, ing there with Mr KochfW been work ' Information to be t„ th T'. of Police, ChAtchurch ‘ he

iNTELLmENCE is sought concerning the present whereabouts of John Hiokli„g?EmS 33 years sft. loin., medium build, fair com-’ p exion, light sandy hair, small sandy whiskers and moustrche, smart appearance, has been a warder at the Sunnyside Lunatic Asylum, which he left on the 30th November last, saying he would go to Westland. D I S, da , r!i r eI oth coat > tweed trousers, and hard black felt hat.: He is reported to have been seen at Ashburton on the Ist December last in the train going south by Mr. Jeager s son, who was well acquainted with Hickling. Information to be sent to the Commissioner of Police, Christchurch.

Andrew Spears, store-keeper, late of Ashley Bank, who entered into partnership with William Wilson, on the 19th ultimo- went out of the house on Friday evening last, the 22nd instant, and was last seen about 10 p.m. standing on the Ashley Bridge. Description : about 27 years, sft. 7iu., stout build, brown hair, blue eyes, slight brown whiskers and moustache, respectable appearance, dressed in grey tweed suit and light felt hat. The missing friend stayed for the past six months at the Zetland Arms Hotel, Cashel street, Christchurch, and : has a relation, named Andrew McLoughlan, residing at Southbridge.

Lauratz Neilson, a Dane, sft. 9lin., stout build, brown hair, dark brown whiskers and moustache, long straight nose, large brown eyes, large mouth thick lips, broad shoulders, active appearance, large honey hands, slight foreign accent, carpenter by trade, dressed in dark brown sac coat, greyish trousers, lace-up watertight boots, left his house in Tuam street, Christchurch, about I a.m. on the : 12th ultimo, without any intimation,and has not since been heard of. For some time past he has been in very low spirits. He at one time kept the bote! at Porter’s Pass. Information to be sent to the Commissioner of Police, Christchurch.

Appointments &c. since last Gazette, • appointments. Joseph Armishaw, to be Third-Class Constable. DISMISSED. Tuird-Class Constable Matthew Ryan.


. Name. Offence. By Whom'Arrested. How Disposed of. James Noonan Drunk, using obscene language, and Drunk, using obscene language, and resisting the police in the execution Const. Watson, Christchurch Police Fined 40s, of their duty ; .. ' Const. Watson, Fined 40s, James Noonan Christchurch Police Dect. Neill Committed to Industrial School James Homill of their duty Committing an indecent assault on a Dect. Neill Committed to Industrial School for 12 months girl under nine years of age Const. Johnston. Adjourned to the 1st December, James Kelly girl under nine years of age Vagrancy Const. Johnston, Christchurch Police for 12 months Adjourned to the 1st December, to give accused a chance to leave the city Discharged Neil McPhee Wife desertion ... Dect. Kirby Discharged James Jones Breaking into a building with intent Dect. Bettington 4 months’ H.L. James Kelly to steal Forgery and uttering Const. Johnston, Christchurch Police Withdrawn James Weller Breach of the Negiected and Criminal Children’s Act James Kelly,' Vagrancy Sergt. Pratt, Christchurch Police Committed to Industrial School for 4 years James Kelly, Const. Johnston, Withdrawn, deceased not having Christchurch Police been seen in the city George Constant Attempting to commit suicide Const. Cartmill, Christchurch Police Discharged Charles Brown Wife desortion ... Dect. Kirby Breaking into a building with intent to steal Forgery and uttering ... Breach of the Negiected and Criminal Dect. Bcttington Const. Johnston, Christchurch Police Sergt. Pratt, Christchurch Police Const. Johnston, Christchurch Police Const. Cartmill, Christchurch Police Const. McDevitt, Fined 20s. and ordered to pay of a constable, assaulting the Christchurch Police 4 months’ H.L. Withdrawn . Committed to Industrial School Children’s Act Vagrancy Attempting to commit suicide Drunk, committing an assault in view of a constable, assaulting the Withdrawn, deceased not having been seen in the city Discharged Fined 20s. and ordered to pay 20s. damages police in the execution of tneir Christchurch Police 20s. damages duty, and wilful destruction of GoEllen Long vern g ent property Being a neglected child ... M. Con. Cunningham, Christchurch Police Dismissed James Remall police in the execution of tneir duty, and wilful destruction of Govern g ent property Being a neglected child ... Drunk, assaulting the police in the Const. Lowe. Fined 20s, and ordered to pay execution of their duty, and wilful destruction of Government proM. Con. Cunningham, Christchurch Police Const. Lowe. Christchurch Police Dismissed Fined 20s, and ordered to pay 39s. damages Patrick Garvin perty Drunk and indecent exposure Const. McKay, 24 hours’ imprisonment Christchurch Police James Mitchell Const. Connell, Disobeying an order of the R.M. Const. Connell, 1 month H.L. Court, Christchurch, to support Christchurch Police 24 hours’ imprisonment James Mitchell Disobeying an order: of the R.M. Court, Christchurch, to .support his wife and family Christchurch Police Lunacy from drink . ... 24 hours’ imprisonment Henry Blythe Lunacy from drink Const. Fullbrook, Christchurch Police John Mitchell Breach of the Neglected and Criminal 1 month H.L. Henry Blythe John Mitchell Breach of the Neglected and Criminal Const. Fullbrook, Christchurch Police Const. Connell, 24 hours’ imprisonment Handed over to the CharitableChildren’s Act Christchurch Police aid Department William Mitchell Children’s Act Breach of the Neglected and Criminal Christchurch Police Const. Connell, aid Department Discharged Children s Act Christchurch Police Thomas Wm. Robson Drunk and disorderly and using obSergt. Hughes, Christchurch Police 1 week’s imprisonment scene and threaten language Hugh M‘Pherson Children’s Act Drunk and disorderly and using obscene and threaten language - Forging a money order Christchurch Police Sergt. Hughes, Christchurch Police Dect. Kirby, 1 week’s imprisonment . • . \ Committed for trial James Dooley Drunk and indecent exposure Const. F. Bashford, Fined 10s. Christchurch Police Isabella Leckie Warrant of committment in default Const. Briggs, 24 hours' imprisonment of sufficient distress Christchurch Police Alfred Moir (on warLarceny of a dog Const. Reeve, Remanded to Oamaru rant issued at Oamuru Waimate Police Mary Murphy Warrant of committment in default of sufficient distress Larceny of a dog Breaking into a dwelling and stealing Dect. Neill Cautioned and discharged therefrom . Rebecca Finlay Not attending for medical examinaNot attending for medical examinaSergt. Hughes, Withdrawn tion under the “Contagious Disease Act Christchurch Police James Fitzgerald Burgiary Christchurch Police Const. Briggs, Christchurch Police Const. Reeve, Waimate Police Dect. Neill 24 hours' imprisonment Remanded to Oamaru Cautioned and discharged Rebecca Finlay James Fitzgerald Burgiary Sergt. Hughes, Christchurch Police Const. Walker Withdrawn 6 months’ H.L. James Fitzgerald ... Burglary Const. Walker 12 month’s H.L., to begin at exJohn Brooks Burglary Embezzlement ... Const. Walker Dect. Neill 12 month’s H.L., to begin at expiration of first term 2 months’ H.L. Chas. Wilson Drunk and using obscene language in Sergt. Beck, Fined 10s. Mary Ann Mason -Drunk and using obscene language in a public street Sergt. Beck, Christchurch Police Fined 10s. Lunacy Sergt. Pratt, Committed to Lunatic Asylum William Woodruffe ... Drunk and disorderly and using abuChristchurch Police Const. Watson, 42 hours’ imprisonment sive language in a public place David Campbell Lunacy from drink ... sive language in a public place Lunacy from drink Christchurch Police Const. Davis, Remanded to Lyttelton for Bridget Ferrick Drunk and disorderly and using obDrunk and disorderly and using obLeeston Police Sergt. Hughes, medical treatment Fined 20s., or 48 hours’ imprisonGeorge Trimble scene ianguage in a public place scene ianguage in a public place Larceny Christchurch Police Const. Watson, ■ Christchurch Police Const. Davis, Leeston Police Sergt. Hughes, ' Christchurch Police Dect. Kirby 42 hours’ imprisonment Remanded to Lyttelton for medical treatment Fined 20s., or 48 hours’ imprisonment 1 month’s H.L. David Campbell Bridget Ferrick George Trimble Patrick Gallagher Keeping a disorderly house Sergt. Wilson, • 2 months’ H.L. William Millen \Y ilfully and obscenely exposing his Christchurch Police Const, McCullagli, 7 days’ H.L. Albert Chadband Diuuk and disorderly, and resisting the police in the execution of Chas. Trounce their duty Drunk and disorderly, and using’ obChristchurch Police Const. McCullagh, 48 hours’ imprisonment Chas. Trounce Christchurch Police Const. Fullbrook, Fined 20s. Fredk. Halliwell ... Keeping a disorderly house Wilfully and obscenely exposing his person , ° Drunk and disorderly, and resisting the police in the execution of their duty Drunk and disorderly, and using obscene language in a public place Drunk and disorderly , . Sergt. Wilson, • Christchurch Police Const. McCullagh, Christchurch Police Const. McCullagh, 1 Christchurch Police Const. Fullbrook, Christchurch Police Const. Fullbrook, Remanded to Lyttelton for William Woodruffe Christchurch Police Diunk and disorderly, and assaultin'’’ .Const. Hamill, the police in the execution of their Chiistchurch Police 2 months’ H.L. \ 7 days’ H.L. 48 hours’ imprisonment Fined 20s. Remanded to Lyttelton for medical treatment 48 hours’ imprisonment William Woodruffe ... James Falkner ciuty, and using obsene language Drunk and disorderly and assaulting dut/° llCe ln tllG execu,ion of their James Cunningham .. “ Vagrancy Drunk and disorderly, and assaulting Christchurch Police medical treatment the police in the execution of their James Falkner duty, and using obsene language .Const. Ha-mill, Christchurch Police Drunk and disorderly and assaulting Const. Daly, dut/° llCe m the execution of their Chiistchurch Police 48 hours’ imprisonment Fined 10s. James Cunningham Vagrancy Sergt. AVallace, 7 days’ H.L. lhomas Graham Drunk and disorderly and usin" obDrunk and disorderly and uahm obscene language in a public place Const. Daly, Christchurch Police Fined 10s. Thomas Graham Lincoln Police Const. McCullagh, Christchurch Police 24 hours’ imprisonment Margaret Clarke Fighting in the public street Const. Cooper, Fined 10s. and Is. cab hire Mary Maule Fighting in the public street Christchurch Police Const. Cooper, Dismissed Richard S carle Wife desertion ... Christchurch Police Const. Creighton Ordered to pay 10s. per week toDavid Campbell wards the support of hlfl wne Lunacy from drink Const. Davis, and family Cautioned and liberated Gertrude Burgess Sergt. Wallace, Lincoln Police Const. McCullagh, Chiistchurch Police 1 days’ H.L. 24 hours’ imprisonment Fighting in the public street Const. Cooper, Fined 10s. and Is. cab hire Fighting in the public street Wife desertion ... Lunacy from drink Christchurch Police Const. Cooper, Christchurch Police Const. Creighton Const. Davis, Dismissed Ordered to pay 10s. per week towards the support of his wiio and family Cautioned and liberated Larceny Lees an Police Const. Brooks, Dismissed. bent to Female Christchurch Police Dismissed. Sent to Female House of Refuge


Name. Offence. Bf Whom ‘Arrested. How Disposed of. Gertrude Burgess Bridget Ferrick Flora Martin Vagrancy Drunk and disorderly and usin» obin a Public place aot attending for medical examinaease Act 1 ” 1 the " Conta Sious DisConst. Brooks, Christchurch Police Lonst. Lonerg-an Christchurch Police Const. Lowe, Christchurch Police Dis £ cd '. Sent to Female House of Refuge 24 hours’ imprisonment 7 days’ H.L. Minnie Bench, alias Thompson Edwards Not attending for medical examination under the “Contagious DisConst. Lowe, Christchurch Police 7 days’ H.L. Margaret Guerin Not attending for medical examination under the “ Contagious Diseases Act ” Const. Wallace, Christchurch Police 14 days’ imprisonment Ellen Jordan James McGill Vagrancy Drunk and disorderly and usino- obNn^ e + n^A gUa / e in a Public place JNot attending for medical examinaea°se Act d * e ’ r the “ Conta g iou8 Dis-' Not attending for medical examination under the “Contagious'Diseases Act” Not attending for medical examination under the “ Contagious Diseases Act ” Contempt of Court j Violent assault, occasioning p-rievona Const. Brooks, Christchurch Police Const. Lonergan, Christchurch Police Const.' Lowe, Christchurch Police Const. Lowe, Christchurch Police : Const. Wallace, Christchurch Police Sergt. Pratt, Christchurch Police' Dismissed. Sent to Female House of Refuge 24 hours’ imprisonment 7 days’ H.L. x 1. i ' 7 days’ ILL, 14 days’ imprisonment 21 hours’ imprisonment Henry Russell, alias Buchanan, alias bodily harm Vagrancy Christchurch Police Dect. Neill 3 months H.L. Dismissed imprisonment with Stewart Chas. Wilson Contempt of Court Violent assault, occasioning grievous bodily harm Vagrancy Sergt. Pratt. Christchurch Police Sergt. Beck, Christchurch Police Dect. Neill 24 hours’ imprisonment 3 months’ imprisonment with H.L. Dismissed Drunk and disorderly, and resisting the police in the execution of their Const. Firman; Christchurch Police Fined 20s. duty at the Railway Station hours’, i Const. Firman, and Is. cab hire, or 48 Christchurch Police Fined 20s. and Is. cab hire, or 48 hours’ imprisonment Archibald Blue Creating a disturbance in a licensed house, and resisting the police in Fined 20s. Const. Lowe, Christchurch Police Fined 20s. Walster Baker house, and resisting the police in execution of their duty Creating a disturbance in a licensed house Const. Wallace, Christchurch Police Fined 20s. ' Duncan Smith Drunk and disorderly and using obDrunk and disorderly and using obscene language, and insulting fe- . . ■ ' Const. Daly, Christchurch Police 21 hours’ imprisonment males in the street Christchurch Police Const. Wallace, Duncan Smith Christchurch Police Const. Daly, Christchurch Police 2J hours’ imprisonment Walter Baker Drunk and using obscene language ... Const. Cooper, Fined 10s. William Wilson Christchurch Police . Fined 10s. -./i. d. v':' William Wilson Drunk and disorderly and resisting Drunk and disorderly and resisting the police in the execution of their Const McKay, Christchurch Police 24 hours’ imprisonment duty Mary Holmes Drunk and disorderly and using obChristchurch Police Const McKay, 24 hours’ imprisonment Christchurch Police duty Mary Holmes Drunk and disorderly and using obConst. Lowe, Fined 6s. scene language in a public place Thomas Mitchell Fighting in view of a constable and scene language in a public place Christchurch Police Fighting in view of a constable and Const. Connell, Fined 10s. assaulting the police in the execu- • Const. Lowe, Fined 6s. " IP'S t\ Thomas Mitchell Christchurch Police Const. Connell. • Fined 10s. Christchurch Police tion of their duty Christchurch Police Martha Edmonds . • tion of their duty Vagrancy Sergt. Hughes, 1 month’s imprisonment Eugene O’Sullivan ... Vagrancy Sergt. Hughes, Christchurch Police 1 month’s imprisonment Lunacy from drink Const. C. Bashford. Remanded to Lyttelton for Colin McKay Lunacy from drink Christchurch Police Const. C. Bashford, Christchurch Police Remanded to Lyttelton for • medical treatment • Drunk and illegally on premises Const. Stanley, 48 hours’ imprisonment Patrick Butler church Police Drunk and using obscene language Sergt. Hughes, 25 hours’ imprisonment and committing a breach of the Christchuieh Police 25 hours’ imprisonment and committing a breach of the peace in view of a constable Christohuicli Police Edward Spray peace in view of a constable Disobeying an order of the R.M. Const. Cartmill, Dismissed Court, Dunedin, to support his Christchurch Police wife and family Christchurch Police John Vickery Violent assault on his wife Const. F. Bashford, Withdrawn by consent of the Christchurch Police Bench George Tibbs wife and family Violent assault on his wife ... Drunk and disorderly and resisting Const. Sutherland. Fined 5s. the police in the exection of their Const. F. Bashford,. . Christchurch Police Const. Sutherland. Withdrawn by consent of the Bench Fined 5s. " Christchurch Police duty David Hughes Drunk and disorderly and assaulting Christchurch Police duty David Hughes Drunk and disorderly and assaulting Const. McCulIsgli. Fined 10s. the police in the execution of their Const. McCullagli. Christchurch Police Fined 10s. ... William Miller duty Vagrancy Const. Cartmill, 3 months’ H.L. Chiistchurch Police Lunacy ... ... Sergt. Coleman. Discharged Jacob Cox Lunacy Christchurch Police Drunk and disorderly and using ob- Fined 10s. John Miller Drunk and disorderly and using obConst. McKay, scene language, and resisting the police in the execution of their . Const. Cartmill, 3 months’ ILL. Jacob Cox John Miller Chi istchurch Police Sergt. Coleman. Christchurch Police Const. McKay; Christchurch Police Discharged Fined 10s. Peter Cook - duty Illegally on premises Const. Daly, 3 months’ imprisonment with Christchurch Police H.L. •3 months H.L. imprisonment with James Connor Illegally on premises Const. Daly, Remanded to Lyttelton for Christchurch Police medical treatment lyPITlH Iiueu IU LLCALC/ia medical treatment 2 mouths’ imprisonment with Mary Holmes H.L. 48 hours’ imprisonment Mary Holmes Robert Henry Illegally on premises Illegally on premises Const Daly, Christchurch Police Const. Briggs, 2 mouths’ imprisonment with H.L. 48 hours’ imprisonment Daniel Herlihy Illegally on premises Illegally on premises '... Disobeying an order of the R.M. Court, Oxford, to support his Const. Cartmill, Ashburton Police Remanded to Kaiapoi children Const. Wallace, Remanded to Lyttelton for Thomas Barber Lunacy Const. Duly, Christchuieh Police Const. Briggs, Christchurch Police Const. Cartmill, Ashburton Police i Remanded to Kaiapoi Thomas Barber Lunacy Const. Wallace, Christchurch Police medical treatment Schroder, Remanded to Lyttelton for medical treatment 3 months’ imprisonment W. L. Langston Obtaining money by false pretences... Schroder, 3 months’ imprisonment ■ l month’s Robt. Edwd. Mellisli... pay 4s i imprisonment, and to Drunk and committing an act of in- cab : hire and .7s;. 6d. Robt. Edwd.Mellisli... Drunk and committing an act of indecency in public view, and wilful destruction of Government proConst. Brookes, Christchurch Police 1 month’s imprisonment, and to pay 4s. cab hire and 7s. 6d. damage to const.’s uniform pert,v T and resisting the police in Const. Brookes, Christchurch Police v- ■ damage to const, b uuuviiu the execution of their duty Mary Kennedy Drunk and committing an act of indecency in public view Benjamin Clarke Lunacy from drink Drunk and committing an act of in- Const. Brookes, Christchurch Police decency in public view Const. Creighton, Lunacy from drink Christchurch Police Const. Brookes, 1 month’s H.L. Mary Kennedy Christchurch Police Const. Creighton, Benjamin Clarke Christchurch Police 1 month’s H.L. Remanded to Lyttelton for * days for medical treatment !.i : ' "■ ,J ' ' Const. Watson, William Forbes Christchurch Police Drunk and using profane language ... Const. Watson, Christchurch Police Fined 10s. Fined 20s. Const. Lonergan, Cliristchnrch Police •• .£ Fined 10s. ' : - • . ' : . William Forbes Drunk and using profane language ... Drunk and disorderly and using ob- : scene language, and assaultingthe police iu the execution of their 1 month’s H.L. Assaulting master of ship “Wai1 week’s ILL. Daniel Hamer, alias Jones Henry Blohm language in the hearPatrick J, Burk ing of a constable Fined 20s. • Daniel Hamer, alias Drunk and disorderly and using obscene language, and assaulting the Jones. . V ., . •"... • :-H fltio* police in the execution of their 1 month’s H.L. Assaulting master of ship “WaiHenry Blohm language in the hearPatrick J, Burk Lyttelton Police Ser. -Major O’Grady, Lyttelton Police 1 week’s H.L. ■ . ing of a constable Const. Divine, Larceny Lyttelton Police Const. Lonergan, Christclmrch Police Const. Bullen, Lyttelton Police Ser.-Major O’Grady, Lyttelton Police Case withdrawn at request of Henry Rdzencke prosecutor and sanctioned by Const. Divine, Lyttelton Police Case withdrawn at request or prosecutor and sanctioned by R.M., Lyttelton Henry Rdzencke Larceny


Name. Offence. By Whom Arrested. How Disposed of. Fredk. C. Lenty Attempting to do grtevous bodily harm Absent from ship without leave Const. Divine, Lyttelton Police Discharged with a caution Feedk. C. Lenty (V..; Dect. Smith Case withdrawn by order of the court Chas, Blacklie Dect. Smith Case withdrawn by order of the court Breach of “ Neglected Criminal Cliil- Committed to Industrial School Const. Divine, Lyttelton Police for 3 years Breach of “Neglected Criminal Chil- Committed to Industrial School Const. Divine, Lyttelton Police for 3 years Robert Clemments ... Larceny from a till, and larceny under Const. Divine, 20s. Lyttelton Police Const. Divine, 4 months’ H.L. Lyttelton Police 4 months’ H.L. 1 days’ H.L. William Rodger son ... Deserting from ship “ I.angstone’ ... Const. Divine, Lyttelton Police 1 days’ H.L. John Lewis Const. Divine, John Lewis Obscene language Fined 20s. William Matthews ... Obscene language Attempting to rescue a prisoner from Const. Divine, Lyttelton Police Const. Divine, Fined 20s. Discharged with a caution legal custody Lyttelton Police William Wakefield ... legal custody Breach of the “Prison’s Act” Lyttelton Police Dect. Smith Discharged with a caution Donald McDonald ... Drunk and committing a breach of Const. Spooner, Fined 25s. the peace in view of a constable, Const. Spooner_ Fined 25p. and resisting the police in the exTimaru Police ecution of their duty Remanded Robert Hendry Lunacy from drink Const. Spooner, Timaru Police Robert Martin Perjury Timaru Police Const. Spooner, Remanded Timaru Police Thomas Branman 14 days’ H.L. Thomas Branman Indecent exposure Timaru Police Indecent exposure Sergt. Rutledge. Sergt. Rutledge, 14 days’ H.L. • Timaru Police Remanded Edward Hart Obtaining goods by false pretences ... Dect. Walker William McNair Const. Beaumont, William McNair .:. Exposing his person in a public street Exposing his person in a public street Const. Beaumont, Fined 40s. Timaru Police Dismissed Ellen Goodman Larceny ... ... ■- Dect. Walker Eli Tins ... Indecent exposure ... ... Const. Spooner, Fined 20s. Timaru Police Discharged Robert Hendry (on reLunacy'from drink ... Const. Spooner, Timaru Police maud) Edward Haj't (on reObtaining goods by false pretences ... Dect. Walker, Dismissed Dect. Walker, Dismissed mand) Robert Martin (on rePerjury Const. Spooner, Committed for trial mand) Timaru Police Thomas Hower Obscene language Const. Beaumont, Fined 40s. W. H. Anderson Temuka Police Obtaining money by false pretences Temuka Police Sergt. O’Connor, 3 months’ H.L. Alexr. Spence W aim ate Police Fighting in a public street Sergt. Rutledge, Fined 20s. James Howley Timaru Police Fighting in a public street Timaru Police Const. Spooner, Fined 20s. Robert Brassell Timaru Police' Riotous conduct in a licensed house Const. Baillie, Fined 10s. Rebecca Brassel Timaru Police Violent assault ... ;.. ... Const." Baillie, Fined 20s. Eli Jones... Timaru Police Malicious injury to property Const. Thoreau, 6 cuts on hand * . Chas. Jones Malicious injury to property Timaru Police Const. Thoreau, 6 cuts on hand Henry Rittson Lunacy Timaru Police J. Burgess, special Committed to Lunatic Asylum Charles Goslin Drunk while in charge of a horse ... constable, Timaru Const. Sullivan, Fined £5 John Patrick Davis ... Larceny from the person ... Timaru Police Dect. Walker Dismissed Mary Ann Graves ... Larceny from the person ... Dect. Walker Dismissed Davies Woolff Illegally attempting to reecue a horse Const. Wheatley, Timaru Police Dismissed which was lawfully seized for the Henry Nelson . purpose of being impounded Indecent exposure Const. Thoreau, 7 days’ H.L. Peter Dahlgren, alias Sorenson Forging and uttering .... ... Timaru Police Dect. Walker Committed for trial Robt. Miller .... Drunk and wilful destruction of priConst. Spooner, 10 days’ H.L. W illiam Rossiter Timaru Police vate property Drunk and using obscene language ... Const. Beaumont, 10 days’ H.L. William Rossiter Timaru Police vate property Drunk and using obscene language ... Const. Beaumont, Fined 25 s. Frank Yan son Temuka Police Using obscene language ... Const. Gilchrist, Frank Yanson Temuka Police Using obscene language ... Const. Gilchrist, Fined 10s. Charles Clark Drunk and resisting the police in the execution of their duty Waimate Police Const. Reeve, Waimate Police Fined 10s. Alexander Falkner ... Drunk and using obscene language ... Const. Reeve, Fined 10s. Thomas Hagan ... Drunk and using obscene language and resisting the police in the execution of their duty Waimate Police Const. Reeve, Waimate Police Fined £2 Elizabeth Oliver Using obscene language in a public Sergt. O’Connor, Fimed 20s. Gustave Caset Waimate Police Indecent exposure Waimate Police Const. Reeve, Fimed 20s. Dismissed with a caution GuRtave Caset place Indecent exposure William Wand , Indecent exposure Waimate Police Const. Reeve, Fined 20s. Joseph Ireland Indecent exposure Waimate Police Const. Reeve, 7 days’ H.L. Stephen Hamilton ... Drunk and using obscene language m a public place & h Waimate Police Const. Reeve. Waimate Police Fined 20s. William Derrick Being an unmanageable child Sergt. O'Connor, Committed to Industrial School John Hamilton Havisg concealed in his house and on his premises a quantity of spirits on which duty had not been paid Waimate Police Inspector Pender, Timaru Police for 7 years 12 months' H.L. John Hamilton Having an illicit still on his premises Inspector Prender, Withdrawn with consent of the John Bull ... Having an illicit still on his premises Inspector Prender, Unlawfully rescuing a horse duly seized by the bailiff of the R.M Court Timaru Police Act.-Sergt. O’Malley, Geraldine Police Bench £5 fine or 1 months’ imprisonment


' Mame. Offence. By Whom Arrested. r.:y. How Disposed of. Henry Goater Provoking a breech of the peace Henry Goater Henry Goater Provoking a breech of the peace Using obscene language ... Committing a breach of the'peace in ( Act. -Sergt. O’Malley, ( Geraldine Police ' '■ ‘ ** \ J ' Fined 5s. or 24 hours’ imprisonment ■ Thomas Caldwell Drunk and using obscene and abusive language — Peter CopelandLunacy from drink ... view of a constable 1 Drunk and using obscene and abusiveConst. Cartmill, languageAshburton Police Fined 20s. Peter CopelandLunacy from drink Const. Cartmill, Ashburton Police Const Cartmill, —r: Fined 20s. Dismissed with a caution John Tyson. Ashburton Police Dismissed with a caution John Tyson Drunk and creating a disturbance in Const. Cartmill, Fined 10s. or 24 hours’ imprisonJohn Moore Drunk and creating a disturbance in a licensed house Drunk. Dehaving in a manner calculted to provoke a breach of the peace, and assaulting and resisting the police in the execution of their Ashburton Police Const. Cunningham, Ashburton Police ment . Fined £2 and 30s. costs . duty Mary OliverVagrancy Ashburton Police Const. Cartmill, Ashburton Police Const. Cunningham, Ashburton Police Fined 10s. or 24 hours’ imprisonment Fined £2 and 30s. costs duty Mary OliverVagrancy Const. Cartmill, 7 days’ H.L. Ashburton Police William Pinching ...Const. Haldane, Being a neglected child ... Ashburton Police Const. Haldane, Committed to the Industrial • Kaiapoi Police 7 days’ H.L. William Pinching ... James Fisher (on reLunacy from drink Kaiapoi Police School for 5 years Dismissed with a caution mand) Robert Ferguson \ ... Being a neglected child ... Lunacy from drink Committed to the Industrial fe £3 School for 5 years [■ ■ Dismissed with a caution t. Vagrancy—being an habitual drunkConst. Haldane, 3 months’ H.L. James Norrie ard Kaiapoi Police Drunk and illegally on premises Const. Haldane, Fined 10s. Elijah Springall, alias ard Drunk and illegally on premises Kaiapoi Police Larceny from a dwelling ... Kaiapoi Police ConBt. Haldane, Kaiapoi Police Const. Haldane, Fined 10s. Dismissed Thos. Jones Kaiapoi Police Joseph Bishop, alias Being a convicted felon residing in Const. Haddrell, Sentence deferred. Bail enlarged Wm. Joseph Bishop, alias Joseph Wm. New Zealand Rangiora Police to appear when called on Bishop John Connor Being a convicted felon residing in New Zealand Kaiapoi Police Const. Haddrell, Rangiora Police Sentence deferred. Bail enlarged to appear when called on ■ Being a neglected child ... Const. Haldane, Committed to the Industrial Kaiapoi Police Committed to the ; Industrial School for 5 years John Hall... Larceny cf a whip, value 7s. 6d. Sergt. Morice, Rangiora Police 14 days’ H.L. Wm. Scott...Dismissed with a caution Wm. Scott... Contempt of Court Sergt. Willis, Leithfield Police W. H. Simpson Larceny cf a whip, value 7s. 6d. - ... Contempt of Court ... ... Creating a disturbance in a licensed Sergt. Morice, Rangiora Police 14 days’ ii.JLi. . Dismissed with a caution Const. Weatherley,• Fined 6s. Leithfield Police Const. Weatherley,Fined 5s. house ' .Oxford Police Oxford Police Forwarded to Kumara in charge of a Westland constable Benjamin Thatcher ... Disobeying a summons of R.M. Court, Const. Burrows, Kumara, Westland. Const. Burrows, Bealey Police Frank Burns Drunk and Assault . Frank Burns Assault ... f Sergt. Barlow, 3 months’ imprisonment / Southbridge Police 3 months’ imprisonment • Frank Burns Assault \ Thomas Risky Assault Lunacy Const. Davis, . Leeston Police Committed to Lunatic Asylum] Ankrew McGuinness... Drunk and disorderly ... 1 Sergt. Barlow, 1 week H.L. Andrew McGuinness...j Southbridge Police Larceny i" Southbridge Police Sergt. Barlow,Remanded to Lyttelton for 8 Southbridge Policedays for medical treatment Andrew McGuinness... David Campbell ... Larceny ... Lunacy from drink ... ■••• Sergt Barlow,Remanded to Lyttelton . for 8 Southbridge Police days for medical treatment .


Name. trie When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Previous Convictions. McPherson Hugh R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Nov. 1876 7, Altering Trial Scotland Labourer 1846 it. in. 5 9| Stout Fresh Black Light grey Regular Small' Full Discharged on bail, December 13. 1876 intentmoney to Co. Down, Ireland Trial Scotland Labourer 1846 ft. in. 5 94 Stout Fresh Black Light grey Regular Small Full Discharged on bail, December 13. 1876 Joseph R.M.C., | Kaiapoi 14, Vagrancy j Dealer 1839 5 5 Slight Sallow Light Dark Long thin Broad pointed Ordinary Small Impediment in speech, squint or Co. Down, Ireland Dealer 1839 5 6 Slight Sallow Light Dark Long thin Broad pointed Ordinary Small Impediment in speech, squint or Henry blue Light blue R.M.C., Lyttelton 13, creating board 1 month H.L. Chicago, Seaman 1848 5 6 Medium Fair do. Small do. turn in both eyes '• U.S. ship 1 month H.L. Chicago, U.S. Seaman 1848 5 6 Medium Fair do. Light blue Small do. turn in both eyes James ditto Dec. 11, disorderly hours’ Louth, ditto 1849 5 7 Stout Fresh Dark brown Fair Grey Small do. do. Crucifix on right arm Ireland ditto 1849 5 7 Stout Fresh Dark Grey Small do. do. Crucifix on right arm Co. Kerry, Ireland Co. Down, Owen Sullivan R.M.C., Malvern Oct. 24, 187C Violent assault 2 months’ H.L. Co. Kerry, Labourer 1852 6 O’ Medium ditto Fair Light Regular Large Regular Mark of burn scar on back of left R.M.C., Leeston Oct. 24, 1876 Violent assault 2 months’ H.L. Labourer • 1852 6 Oi Medium ditto Light grey Grey Large Regular Regular Promin’t David Campbell Dec. 13,1876 Lunacy from drink On remand till 21st Farmer 1841 5 6* ditto ditto Light brown do. Large leg Dec., 1876 Geo. alias Wentworth R.M.C., Leeston R.M.C. Lyttelton | Dec. 13,1876 Sept. 25, 1876 Lunacy from drink Illegally on premises On remand till 21st Dec., 1876 3 months’ H.L. Co. Down, Ireland Ireland Farmer Labourer 1841 1836 5 6i 5 9 1 ditto ditto ditto ditto Light brown do. grey Grey do. Large Round Regular do. Promin’t Regular leg Four teeth out in front James Morris* R.M.C.ditto Dec. 22, 1876 Drunkenness 48 hours’ H.L. Louth, Seaman 1849 5 7 Stout ditto Dark do. pointed Small Small Small Crucifix on right arm Lyttelton Sept. 25, 1876 Illegally on premises 3 months’ H.L. Ireland Labourer 1836 5 9, ditto ditto do. Round pointed Small do. Regular Four teeth out in front ditto Dec. 22, 1876 Drunkenness 43 hours’ H.L. Louth, Seaman 1849 5 7 Stout ditto Dark brown Light do. Small Small Crucifix on right arm Murray ditto Dec. 1876 21, Drunk hours’ Scotland ditto 1836 6 ditto ditto Light Regular do. Full Thumb off right hand, flesh scars Light Light Regular do. Full Thumb off right hand, flesh scars brown grey and dancing-girl on right arm, representation of David and / brown grey and dancing-girl on right arm, representation of David and John Byrne ditto Angels, man and woman, on 1 r , Angels, man and woman, on Dec. 1876 14, Embezzling stores On remand Liverpool ditto 1854 5 4£ ditto Sallow Black Hazel Large Large Full left arm, crucifixion on brea3t Crucifix, with I.N.R.I., on left ditto On remand Liverpool ditto 1854 5 4£ ditto Sallow Black Hazel Large Large Full left arm, crucifixion on brea3t Crucifix, with I.N.R.I., on left arm, bracelet on left wrist E.L. in wreath on right arm, John Roach I ditto ditto , America ditto 1852 5 5 ditto Tawny Black, short, and Dark brown Broad do. square Narrow bracelet on wrist of do , heart! cross, bracelet, and star on left , ditto ditto America ditto 1852 5 5 ditto Tawny Black, Dark Broad do. square Narrow arm, bracelet on left wrist E.L. in wreath on right arm, short, brown bracelet on wrist of do , heart, and cross, bracelet, and star on left Walter ditto ditto Drunk, &c. hours of Wio-hr. ditto 1849 8 ditto Sallow woolly Light Hazel Large Small Large halfcaste India race Anchor of right William Stanley Thomas Wm. Andrew R.M.C., Ch.Ch. ditto R.M.C., Leeston R.M.C.. Ch.Ch. ditto Dec. 31, 1876 Dec. 6, 1876 Dec. 7, 1876 Drunk and disorderly ditto ' brown pointed ■> round W. HOLMAN on right arm. 24 hours’ H.L. 1 week H.L. Jevon shire England London Farm labourer Seaman & 1838 1837 5 2± 5 9 Slight Stout Swarthy Sallow Black do. Slate Dark Thin Ordinary do. Ordinary Bearded do. ring on middle finger left hand Cut scar on left side of forehead, teeth very much decayed Mole on left side of neck Ditto and larceny ditto 4 months’ H.L. 24 hours’ H.L. Liverpool, England Zo. Carlow, Ireland >o. Lim’ck, Ireland Seaman Groom labourer & Seaman • 1844 1843 1838 • ditto Slight Medium . Fresh Pale Fresh Brown Dark Dark. William Cody Richard ... Aug. 14, 1876 I Dec. 13, 1876 varceny from a dwelling Drunk and disorderly 5 7i 5 4 5 6J Grey Pale blue Large Small thin Large Small Large Small Scar over right eyebrow, first finger left hand disfigured Cut scar between eyebrows, burn scar on right elbow R.M.C., Ch.Ch. ditto R.M.C., Leeston R.M.C.. Ch.Ch. ditto Dec. 11, 1876 Dec. 6, 1876 Dec. 7, 1876 sw cirtliy brown pointed round W. HOLMAN on right arm. Drunk and disorderly ditto Ditto and larceny 24 hours’ H.L. 1 week H.L. ditto Devonshire England London Liverpool, England Do. Carlow, Ireland Do. Lim’ck, Farm labourer Seaman & sailmaker Seaman 1838 1837 1844 5 21 5 9 5 74 Slight Stout ditto Swarthy Sallow Fresh Black do. Brown Slate Dark Grey Thin Ordinary Large do. Ordinary Large Bearded do. Large ring on middle finger left hand Cut scar on left side of forehead, teeth very much decayed Mole on left side of neck Scar over right eyebrow, first Aug. 14, 1876 Dec. 13, 1876 arccny from a dwelling Drunk and disorderly 4 mouths’ H.L. 24 hours’ H.L. Groom labourer & 1843 1838 5 4 5 6f Slight Medium Pale Fresh Dark Dark. Pale blue Blue Small thin Ordinary Small Ordinary Small Ordinary linger left hand disfigured Cut scar between eyebrows, burn scar on right elbow Anchor on left hand, ring on William ... Preston ditto ditto ditto 1876 8, Blue Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary Anchor on left hand, ring on third finger left hand, cut scar in left eyebrow Cut scar on centre of forehead brown ditto ditto London Painter 1847 5 5 Stout ditto brown do. do. do. do. do. third finger left hand, cut scar in left eyebrow Cut scar on centre of forehead ditto ditto days’ ILL. London England PainterLabourer 18471820 5 55 6 StoutMedium dittoPale do.Grey do.Grey do.Large do.Medium Lost middle finger right hand, bald formerly 65th regiment 7 days’ H.L. England Labourer 1826 . 5 6 Medium Pale Grey bald Grey do. Large Lost middle finger right band, formerly 65th regiment ■' '


Offence.--'™: Native of Trade. Born. Height Make. Complexion. Name. Sentence. Hair. EyesNose. Remarks and Previous Convictions. ? here tried! When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Make. Complexion. Hair. EyesNose. Mouth Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Daniel R.M.C., Dec. 8, 1876 Drunk and disorderly 7 days’ H.L. Switzerl'nd Labourer 1830 ft. in. 5 4 Medium Pale Blue Ordinary Ordinarj Beardec Ch.Ch. brown do. Mole below right temple, upper front teeth all gone Dec. 8, 1876 Drunk and disorderly 7 days’ H.L. Switzerl'nd Labourer 1830 5 4 Medium Pale Dark Blue Ordinar Y Ordinar. Y Beardec Mole below right temple, upper Oliver, Mary Elizabeth Morrison R.M.C. A.shburton ditto Vagrancy ditto Scotland General 1841 5 5 Very Sallow do. Large Large servant 1841 5 5 Very Sallow do. Brown do. Large Large front teeth all gone Isabella R.M.C., Dec, 13, 1876 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours’ H.L. ■ Manchester ditto 1853 ' 4 101 Slight Sandy & Sandy Grey do. Coarse Ordinary Ch.Ch, Dec, 13, 1876 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours’ H.L. Manchester England ditto 1853 4 101 Slight Sandy & Sandy Grey do. Coarse Ordinary Cut scar left side of upper lip William Miller Ch.Ch, Dec. 1876 14, England Cut scar left side of upper lip ditto 24 hours’ H.L, Co. Clare, Ireland Miner 1841 5 7 Stout Swarthy Iron do. do. Medium Bearded Scar from bullet wound on right ditto ditto 24 hours’ H.L. Co. Clare, Miner 1841 5 7 Stout Swarthy Iron grey Grey do. do. Medium Bearded Scar from bullet wound on right arm, cut scar in right eyebrow Bridget Ireland ditto ditto ditto 48 hours’ Ireland Prostitute 1841 4 Slight Sallow Brown Smal grey Grey Brown Smal 1 features | arm, cut scar in right eyebrow Hall R.M.C., Rangiora Dec. » 1876 5, Larceny 14 Rangiora, Groom; 1861 4 Ilf, Fresh Dark slate Ordinary Ordinary Canterbury, N.Z. Ireland Groom 1861 4 Ilf Medium Fresh Black Dark slate Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary Cut scar in left eyebrow - Canterbury, Ordinary Cut scar in left eyebrow N.Z. Ireland ClarkeMargaret R.M.C., Ch.Ch. July 7,1876 ditto 6 months’ H.L. Prostitute 1837 5 2 ditto ditto Grey Grey Medium Large Broad ditto . July 7,1876 ditto 6 months’ H.L. Prostitute 1837 5 2 ditto ditto Grey Grey Medium Large Ordinary Rrna(1 Sore eyes. Discharged by pardon Mole on right cheek Albert Chatband Dec. 18, 1876 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours’ H.L. London Itinerant 1845 5 6 Stout Sallow Brown Large flat Ordinary Ordinary ditto Dec. 18, 1876 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours’ H.L. London Itinerant 1845 5 6 Stout Sallow Brown Hazel Large Ordinary Ordinary Mole on right cheek William ... ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto dealer 1847 ditto, Fresh Dark brown Brown Blue Frank Welstead ditto ditto Deo. 19, 1876 ditto do. do. Cut scar on centre of forehead ditto England Labourer 1823 5 8 ditto Pale do. Large Ordinary -r» ’ r 1 f ditto ditto Deo. 19, 1876 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto England Painter Labourer 1847 1823 5 5 5 8 ditto ditto Fresh Pale Dark brown Brown Blue do. flat Ordinary do. do. Large do. Bearded Cut scar on centre of forehead Broad full face Michael Ryan ditto ditto ditto ditto Dublin ditto 1832 5 Medium Sallow Dark Large do. Formerly belonged to Canadian . Rifles. Frost-bite scars on Dark Large Ordinary do. Formerly belonged to Canadian Charles Marsh ditto Dec. 20, 1876 curly grey Rifles. Frost-bite scars on nose, chin, and fingers; scar from bite right calf ditto 24 hours’ H.L. Akaroa, N 7 ditto 1841 5 7-i ditto Pale Dark Grey Small do. Ordinary Thomas Graham ditto ditto ditto ditto Sydney, N.S.W. ftivetter 1852 5 5 Slight ditto brown Black Dark Ordinary do. Small Cut scar in left eyebrow Gertrude Burgess ditto ditto Larceny On remand Worcstersh, England Housemaid 1856 5 li Stout Fair Fair Blue do. do. Round Three small moles right side of William Miller ditto Dec. 15, 1876 Vagrancy 7 days’ H.L. Co. Clare, Miner 1841 5 7 ditto Swarthy Iron Grey do. Ordinary Bearded face, several do. on both arms, small scar centre of forehead Scar from bullet wound on right arm, cut scar in right eyebrow Left hip dislocated, very lame William Gallagher ... ditto Sept, 22,1876 ditto 3 months’ H.L. Donegall, Ireland Labourer 1837 5 8 ditto Fresh grey Brown very do. Large features Ellen Jordan Bridget Ferrick ditto ditto Dec, 22, 1876 ditto Contempt of court Drunk and disorderly 24 hours’ imprisonment 48 hours’ H.L. C. Limerick Ireland Ireland Prostitute ditto 1845 1841 5 4 4 9 ditto Slight Swarthy Sallow thin Black Grey do. Brown Medium Small Medium eatures Medium Pockpitted Mary Ann Cook, alias Mary Milton Mary Edwards R.M.C., Ashburtoi R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Aug. 24, 1876 Dec. 23, 1876 Vagrancy Drunk and disorderly 4 months’ H.L. 24 hours’ H. L London England General servant Cook 1839 1824 4 lOf 5 4 Medium Slight Fresh Sallow do. Dark Grey Dark Ordinary do. Ordinary Ordinary ibscess scar on right side of ne t John Cunningham .. ditto Dec. 18, 1876 V agrancy 7 days H.L. Co. Down, Ireland Labourer 1840 5 7* Stout Dark Black Grey Large Large learded t lut scar on back of right hand * brown curly grey nose, chin, and fingers; scar from bite right calf ' Marsh Dec. 20, 1876 ditto 24 hours’ H.L. Akaroa, ditto 1841 5 7\ ditto Pale Dark Grey do. Ordinary N 7 Small ditto Thomas Gertrude Burgess dittoditto dittoditto % ditto Rivetter -1852 5 5 Slight ditto brown Black Dark Ordinary do. Small Cut scar in left eyebrow dittoLarceny Worcstersh, England Housemaid 1856 5 li Stout Fair Fair Blue do. do. Round Three small moles right side of On remand ditto Dec. 15, 1876 Vagrancy 7 days’ H.L. Miner 1841 ditto Swarthy Iron grey Brown very thin Black Grey do. Ordinary face,' several ! do. 1 on both arms, small scar centre of forehead' - William William ... Gallagher Bearded Scar from bullet; wound on right arm,' cut scar in right eyebrow Left hip dislocated, very lame Sept. 22, 1876 ditto 3 months’ H.L. Donegall, Ireland Labourer 1837 5 8 ditto Fresh do. Large eatures ditto 1 ditto Dec, 22, 1876 . Contempt of court 24 hours’ imprisonC. Limerick Prostitute 1845 5 4 ditto Swarthy Jordan Bridget ditto Drunk and disorderly 48 hours’ H.L. Ireland Ireland ditto 1841 4 9 Slight • Medium Grey do.' Brown Grey P ockpitled ditto R..M.C., Aug. 24,1876 Vagrancy 4 months’ H.L. London General 1839 4 lOf Fresh Ordinary Ordinary C )rdinarj U Mary l Mary Dec. 23, 1876 Drunk and disorderly servant Abscess scar on right side of lcc’: o 24 hours’. H. L England. Cook 1824 5 4 Slight Sallow Dark - Dark - do. 1 do. Ch.Ch. ditto Dec. 18, 1876 Vagrancy 7 days H.L. Labourer 1840 Stout Dark Black, Grey Large i. •: ' Ireland Large I Bearded C ’ut sear on back of right hand 1 BE 1 ‘ ' John Cunningham ..


Name. Where When. /Sentence.--•Y ... . . . of Trade. . Born. Height. Make. ;• Com-,: plexion. -' •{Hair. tEyes. i Nose. Mouth. .'.'Chin.. Remarks and Previous . Convictions. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Flaherty Court Dec. 11,1876 Stealing from a dwelling .j ;Bill ignored-• Co.Ros’cmn Labourer Y>1830 ft. " 5 in. : •Slender : tPaie . ' Dark • Grey Ordinary Medium Ordinary Timaru E.M.C., Dec. 11, 1876 Stealing from a dwelling Bill ignored Co.Ros’cmn Ireland Labourer 1836 ft, 5 in. 4 Slender Pale Dark Grey Ordinary Medium Ordinary Henry Dec. 6, 1876 Exposing his person 7 days’ H.L. Bristol, England ditto 1828. 5 5 Medium Fresh Grey Blue Flat Ordinary Bearded Timaru R.M.C., Dec. 6, 1876 , Exposing his person 7 days’ H.L. Bristol, <'i ditto 1828 ; 5 5 / Medium Fresh. Grey Blue . Flat Ordinary Bearded Timaru l" *t . England 1847 t-.j - 10 Stout ,, ditto'. Brown Hazel Ordinary Medium do. Joseph R.M.C., Dec. 7, 1876 ■ ( ditto ;■ ■ - • , .••• ditto • . • /Loudon,; ditto,-. 5 iattooed right arm, crown, sir Waimate Dec. 7, 1876 ditto ditto London, ditto 1847 5 10 Stout ditto Brown Hazel Ordinary Medium do. Tattooed right arm, crown, six flags round American Eagle, wreath round ; left breast, D.; ditto Dark arm, star and feather, J.I., crown, man, anchor, cross flags; bracelet round wrist; rose, shamrock, and thistle on back of hand; full-rigged ship on calf of leg. ' flags round American Eagle, wreath round; left breast, D.; 3 n • in” . YY;j:-.. v. - ? r *••; • ; ■ 7: V- ; -1 , r l r.: ; , - . arm, star and feather, J.I., ” ' v ' - crown, man, anchor,cross flags; - , , ■> . ; ;,4 </■’ ' * •' us. ir; • O'r ' *J} . t, JlO'.t bracelet round wrist; rose, shamrock, and thistle bn back of hand; full-rigged ship - on . » tVCi t - •' i> ; T ‘ Slender ditto . . calf of leg. • • 1 Martin Sup. Dec. Ferjury , Not guilty Co. Carpenter .1839 5 6 Dark . Blue do. do. do.' Slender Blue do. do. do. Timaru Ireland Servant ditto * \ ...V, ' «Ireland ' ’ ■ > ' « ' . - - . * . . «** ) nlnu i ' - ,V . «** ’ • - . j . Fitzgerald Margaret ... ditto ditto Manslaughter ditto Co. 1849 5 3 Medium do. Grey do. do. Round ' r IrelandServant 1849 ., .... . 5 3, Medium ditto ? ’ V 1 •. do. f Grey. do. do. Round ' A ' Smith R.M.C., 14, Dec. disorderly Drunk Fined 6s., England Labourer 1838 5 9 Slender Pale Dark, do. do. Ordinary Bearded Face pockmarked Timaru fault turning H.L. grey Miller ditto 1876Dec. to damage Fined Ayrshire, Baker; 1829 5 8 Stout; ditto do. Blue do. Medium do.' property fault Scotland H.L. Scotland ■; - Thomson K.M.C., Dec. 11, 1876 Resisting the police Fined 29s. • 4d.; in Denmark Blacksmith 1834 5 5J Medium . Fresh •Dark do. Aquiline Ordinary do. Marks of scald on back of neck. Geraldine default 1 week ' ' ' t* \'i v : '-lrz\n4 ■ f| on back of right hand Dec. 11, 1876 Resisting the police Fined 29s. 4d., in Denmark Blacksmith 1834 5 H Medium Fresh Dark do. Aquiline Ordinary do. Marks of scald on back of neck, default 1 week f) on back of right hand John Waugh R.M.C., Dec. 16, drink On remand Stirlingshr, Carpenter 1838 5 7f Stout Fresh do. do. Ordinary Medium do. Timaru * rs - * ■ • “ A ‘ ” *' ' Scotland ’ * . Stewart Timaru ditto, Scotland Tattooed ring round middle Dec. 19, 1876 Using obscene language 3 days’H.L. . Hull,Labourer - 1841 5 61 Medium Dark do. Brown Aquiline Ordinary . do. finger of left hand ditto Dec. 19, 1876 Using obscene language 3 days’ H.L. Hull, England Labourer 1841 5 6* Medium Dark do. Brown Aquiline Ordinary do. finger of left hand Isaac Kells England ditto 1876 25, Larceny 3 H.L. Co. ditto 1855 5 8 Stout Fresh Brown Blue Ordinary Medium Round Ireland t ■ •


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Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XV, Issue 1, 1 January 1877, Page 3

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Missing Friends. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XV, Issue 1, 1 January 1877, Page 3

Missing Friends. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XV, Issue 1, 1 January 1877, Page 3