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An inquest was held on the 15th May, 1875, at Christchurch, before J. W. S. Coward, Esq., J.P., Coroner, upon the body of Austin Eussell, aged 84 years, a chemist, who at about 3.20 p.m. on the 10th of May, went into the storeroom at the back of his shop in Colombo street, Christchurch, and was shortly afterwards found lying insensible upon the floor. He remained in this state until his death, which occurred at noon on the 14th. Medical testimony proved that death resulted from injuries to the head by a fall from a ladder on to an ashphalt floor. Verdict —“Accidental death.”

On the 15th May last, an inquest was held at Christchurch Hospital, before J. W. S. Coward, Esq., J.P., Coronor, upon the body of Joseph Thompson, aged 45, a labourer. The evidence shewed that deceased who had been employed at the Dunsandel Railway Station, was on the 13th struck on the head with an iron bark log, which fell from a crane, the chain of which had broken. Verdict—“ Accidental death.”

On the 17th May, 1875, an inquest was held at Christchurch, before J. W. S. Coward, Esq., J.P., Coronor, upon the body of Joseph Betts, aged 44, a plasterer, who was found drowned at 3.30 p.m. on the 15th in the river “Avon” between Colombo and Victoria Bridges. There were no marks of violence on the body, and the evidence shewed that deceased had been at one time

an inmate of an inebriate asylum. The jury returned a verdict of— Pound drowned.”

On the 17th May, an inquest was held at Southbridge, before Charles J. Bridge, Esq., Coroner, upon the body of Annie Spring, aged 27 years, matron. The medical testimony proved that deceased had died from inflammation and congestion of the bowels and bursting of a blood vessel in the stomach’ brought on by excessive drinking. Verdict—- “ Died from excessive drinking.”

On the 20th May, 1875, an inquest was held at Lyttelton, before J. W. S. Coward, Esq., J.P., upon the body of John Black, aged 24 years, a seaman. The medical testimony proved that deceased (who had fallen down on the footpath and died immediately) suffered from heart disease which caused his death. Verdict causes.”

On the 24th May, 1875, an inquest was held before B. Woolcombe, Esq., Coroner, upon the body of John Sullivan, "aged 34, a farmer, who on the 22nd had been thrown from his horse and received a fracture of the skull, and died on the ‘ 23rd. Verdict “ Accidental death by a fall from his horse.”

On the 27th May, 1875, an inquest was held at the Christchurch Hospital, before J. W. S. Coward, Esq., J.P., upon the body of William Williams, aged 34, a seaman. The evidence showed that deceased 1 had been seized with apoplexy on the 25th, on board the Alhambra at Lyttelton, and ordered to the Christchurch Hospital by Dr. McDonald of that place, : while travelling by train in care of acting Sergeant Maguire, he suddenly expired. Medical testimony showed that death .was caused by apoplexy. • Verdict accordingly. * v

An inquest was held 28th May, 1875, at Christchurch, before J. W. S. Coward, Esq., J.P., upon the body of Charles Wedge, aged 60, a labourer. The - evidence showed that deceased was subject to epileptic fits, and was last seen alive at 8.20 p.m. on the 26th ; at 8 a.m. on the 27th he was found dead in a creek in Salisbury street east. Verdict “ Pound drowned.”

An inquest was held on the 29th May, 1875, at Timaru, before B. Woolcombe, Esq., Coroner, upon the body of Arthur Gascoigne, aged 36, a carter. The evidence showed that deceased was thrown from his dray (the wheel of which passed over and broke his leg) while under the influence of drink, on the 25th. He died in the hospital on the 28th. Verdict—“ Accidentally falling from his dray while in a state of drink, and the dray wheel passing over his leg and breaking it.”

Os the 31st ultimo, an inquest was held at Timaru, before B. Woolcombe, Esq., J.P., upon the body of Harry Thorpe, aged 25, a wool sorter. The evidence showed that deceased was travelling from the South, on the night

of the 28th, on horseback/and under the influence of drink. When at “Pig Hunting Creek,” he missed the ford, got into deep water and was drowned. "Verdict“ Accidental drowning.”

On the 2nd June an inquest was held at Christchurch, before J. W. S. Coward, Esq-, J.P, Coroner, upon the body of William Bennett, aged 28, ja labourer. The medical testimony showed that deceased had the left leg fractured and a lacerated wound upon it, caused by the falling upon him of some iron bark logs, at theDunsandel Railway Station, through the breaking of the chain of a steam crane, the injuries to his leg resulted in death. A verdict of—“ Accidental death” was returned.

An inquest was held on the 4th day of June, 1875, at Christchurch, before J.W.S. Coward, Esq., Coroner, upon the body of Napier Gordon Glassford, aged 42, accountant. The evidence showed that deceased was driving a buggy along Oxford Terrace, when the horses shied and bolted, throwing him out with great force upon the road, and fracturing his skull, which resulted in death. Verdict— Accidental death.”

On , the 7th instant an inquest was held at Leeston, before Charles J. Bridge, Esq., Coroner, upon the body of Charles Dobbin, aged 40, a farmer. The medical evidence showed that deceased died from contusion of the brain caused by a fall from his horse. A verdict of“ Accidental death” was returned.

,On the 7th instant, an inquest was held at Timaru, before B. Woolcombe, Esq., Coroner, upon the body of Robert Ward, aged 44, a farmer. The evidence showed that deceased was . returning from Timaru to Mount Horrible, and when about a mile from that place a gate which stands across the public road, and which he had just opened, swung back and so struck the dray in which he was sitting as to > capsize . it upon him and produce almost instant death from suffocation. A verdict of —“ Death from suffocation was returned, with a rider that the Coroner be requeated to take steps to have the gate removed, and to call the attention of the authorities to the danger of such obstructions.”

An inquest was held at on the Bth June, at Ashburton, before C. Percy Cox, Esq., upon the body of Joseph Armstrong, aged 40, a gardener. The evidence led to the supposition that deceased, who was returning to his home from Mount Somers on the night of the sth, lost the track and wandered to a swamp where he was found dead on the 6th instant! Verdict Accidental death from exposure.”

An inquest was held on the 9th instant, at Eyttelton, before J. W. S. Coward, Esq., -tV upon the body of Robert Edis

Protheroe, aged 35, a seaman. The medical evidence showed that death resulted from heart disease, and a verdict was returned of —“ Death from natural causes.”

An inquest was held on the 12th instant, at Ashburton, before H. J. Winter, Esq., J.P., upon the bodies of three men whose names are unknown, but who are herein described. Prom the evidence, it was found that on the evening of June 10th, a man named Choat was walking along the beach, about two miles south of the mouth, of the Ashburton river, when he saw the wreck of a small vessel, above water mark, and close by her the .body of a white man. Further search discovered the bodies of two maoris, and near the vessel were found lying two sacks of wheat. The wreck is 'supposed to be a schooner named “The Success,” of Auckland, of about fifty tons, some upper works of a small vessel and two life-buoys with “ Success, Auckland,” marked on the latter, having been found at the mouth of the Waimakariri river, and' she is believed to have been wrecked during the heavy gale on' the sth instant. The jury returned a verdict of Found drowned.” Description of the bodies —A white man, about 24 years of age, about 6 or 6ft. lin. high, well made, about 13 or 13| stone in weight, brown curly hair, very slight moustache, no other hair on face, tattoo mark on right fore arm of an eagle with a woman riding it with American flag in her hand, in blue and red, “ Young America ” underneath ; the only clothing on was a pair of grey woollen drawers, one grey worsted sock, and one unbleached cotton one, a pair of good dark striped tweed trowsers, a pair of oilskin trowsers, a pair of sailors’ sea boots (like Wellingtons), and a belt round waist, no marks on any of them The second man, apparently a Kanaka, or Maori, judged about thirty years of age, but all flesh having been eaten away from the face, this estimate cannot be of much value, about sft. 9 or lOin. high, stout build, black hair, good teeth, tattoo mark in blue on each groin and upper part of thigh, also in blue on right arm O W e h. n, and band in blue, half way round the right wrist something like no clothing except part of the waistband of a pair of grey 'tweed trowsers. The third man, a Kanaka, or Maori, about thirty years of age, sft. 9 or lOin. high, well-made, stout build, about 12 stone, tattooed in blue ink similar to the rough sketch, a woman on right fore arm, name on right arm, three schooners on chest, six stars on left shoulder, name on left arm, and a name extending from centre of chest to top of left shoulder, three rings with consecutive circles on left thigh; the only clothing was a portion of a sleeve of a striped cotton shirt on left wrist, a pair of tweed trowsers, a pair of woollen drawers, and a pair of oilskin trowsers, and one ucher boot, one worsted sock, some tobacco m right hand trowsers pocket.

Police. C.

Name. Where. Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native Trade. Born. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks Previous Convictions. Thomas John R.M.C., Nov. convictions larceny months 18 U.S.Boston, Seaman 1808 ft. in. -| 6 Square Pale Grey Grey Cut scar on left side," also on muscle of right arm; very in. H Square Pale Grey Grey Cut scar on left side, also on Ch.Ch. America muscle of right arm; very much ruptured. - ‘ much ruptured. Leech George R.M.C., 11, Indecency months 12 Berkshire, Smith 1851 5 Medium Fresh Light Grey Medium Medium Medium Right collar bone has been broken 7± Medium Fresh Light Grey Medium Medium Medium Right collar bone has been broken Ch.Ch. England brown 6 months H.L. England brown David. R.M.C. Jan. 6, of of a Larceny CambridgeButcher 1836 5 5 Stout Swarthy Black Hazel Medium Large Bearded 6 months H.L. CambridgeButcher 1836 5 5 Stout Swarthy Black Hazel Medium Large Bearded Lyttelton brandy shire, England !■- : ■' Wheeler LytteltonR.M.C., brandy shire, England March 31,1875 Continuing to combine 8 weeks H.L. BirmingSeaman 1850 5 6f Stout Fair Fair Blue Large Medium Medium Anchor and blue spot on left Lyttelton to disobey the lawful command of master of ham arm. barque “ Cliarmain ” Wheeler Charles William R.M.C.,R.M.C., March 31,1875 Continuing to combine 8 weeks H.L. BirmingSeaman 1850 5 6f Stout Fair Fair Blue Large Medium Medium Anchor and blue spot on left LytteltonLyttelton to disobey the lawful command of master of - ■ ' - ham arm. March 31, Charmain barque 8 weeks H.L. to disobey the lawful 8 weeks H.L. Shetland Seaman 1855 5 111 Stout Fresh Brown Blue Long Large Medium Small cut scar on forehead. commands of master of barque “ Cliarmain ” Ollison William ... Hud- Henry R.M.C.,R.M.C., Continuing to combine Shetland Seaman 1855 5 lli Stout Fresh Brown Blue Long Large Medium Small cut scar on forehead. April 26, 1875 Vagrancy 1 month H.L. Dublin Apothecary 1840 5 2i Slight Dark Brown Grey Small Small Small Lyttelton to disobey the lawful commands of master of _ barque “ Charmain ” Vagrancy j Hud- Henry son Rangiora It April 26, 1875 1 month H.L. Dublin Apothecary 1840 5 • Slight Dark Brown Grey Small Small Small • Thomas Smith R.M.C., March 31,1875 Continuing to combine 8 weeks H.L. Ayrbroath, Printer and 1851 5 9| Stout Fair Brown Hazel Medium Medium Medium Small blue mark on left arm. Lyttelton to disobey the lawful commands of master of Scotland able seaman barque “ Charmain ’’ William John Nelson John Wilmshurst .., R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Jan. 30,1874 Larceny in a dwelling 18 months H.L. Glasgow, Scotland Compositor 1851 5 7i Stout Pale Black Grey Long cut scar on left eyebrow. Sup. Ct., April 8,1874 Larceny as a bailee 18 months II. L. Colchester, Surgeon 1825 5 5i Slender Pale Sandy Blue Small wart on back of neck; front Francis Coyne Ch.Ch. Essex, Eng. teeth gone, others in bad condition. R.M.C., Aug. 4,1874 Larceny 12 months Dublin, 1840 5 64 Stout Fresh Sandy Grey Right arm, sailor and gun; left arm, sailor, union jack, gun, Ch.Ch. Ireland James Kelly and anchor; mark of scar in centre of forehead. R.M.C., Aug. 4, 1874 Larceny. 12 months Cork, Miner 1842 5 8 Stout Fresh Black Grey Medium Medium Medium Tombstone figure with wings, William Henry Hudsonson RangioraCh.Ch. Ireland flags, ship, anchor, bracelet, on right arm; sailor, flag, anchor, and bracelet on left arm. * • R.M.C., Lyttelton May 31, 1875 Drunkenness 24 hours H.L. Dublin Apothecary 1840 5 24 Slight Dark Brown Grey Small Small Small Smith John R.M.C., March 31,1875 Continuing to combine 8 weeks H.L. Ayrbroath, Printer and 1851 5 9^ Stout Fair Brown Hazel Medium Medium Medium Small blue mark on left arm. , Lyttelton to disobey the lawful commands of master of Scotland able seaman barque “ Charmain ” NelsonWilliam John R.M.C., Jan. 30,1874 Larceny in a dwelling 18 months H.L. Glasgow, Compositor ' 1851 5 7£ Stout Pale Black Grey Long cut scar on left eyebrow. * John Jacob Cox Ch.Ch. Scotland Sup. Ct., April 8,1874 : Larceny as a bailee 18 months H.L. Colchester, Surgeon 1825 5 5J Slender Pale Sandy Blue Small wart on back of neck; front Francis Coyne O’Neill ... Ch.Ch.R.M.C., Essex, Eng. r s • teeth gone, others in bad condition. R.M.C.,Ch.Ch. Aug. 4,1874 Larceny 12 months Dublin, [Musician 1840 5 6i Stout Fresh Sandy Grey Right arm, sailor and gun; left arm, sailor, union jack, gun, and anchor; mark of scar in Ch.Ch.R.M.C., Ireland . - Ch.Ch. R.M.C., Ch.Ch. R.M.C. Ch.Ch. May 25, 1875 May 25, 1875 May 25, 1875 May 26, 1875 Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly Drunk and disorderly. 24 hours H.L. 24 hours H.L. 48 hours H.L. 24 hours H.L. Ireland Liverpool England Ireland Labourer Labourer Labourer Miner 1829 1854 1846 1830 5 5 5 6 111 4i 1 Medium Medium Medium Medium Fresh Fresh Tale Fresh Dark Brown Black Black Fair Blue Dark Grey Brown Blue Medium Medium Medium Large Medium. Medium Medium Medium Bearded Medium Medium Bearded Cut scar on right temple. Cut scar on left arm; troubled with gravel. Fair beard and whiskers. James KellyJohn Sullivan ' centre of forehead. R.M.C.,R.M.C. Ch.Ch.Ch.Ch. Aug. May 1875 Larceny. disorderly months hours H.L. Cork,England MinerLabourer 18421802 85 5 StoutSlender FreshPale Black Grey GreyBlue MediumMedium MediumMedium MediumMedium figure Female, right arm ; crucifix, bottle and ■ glass, and L. G.. on left arm; cut scar on back of left wrist. Ireland flags, ship, anchor, bracelet, on right arm; sailor, flag, anchor, and bracelet on left arm. ’ ’. ■ William Henry HudR.M.C., Lyttelton May 31,1875 Drunkenness 24 hours H.L. Dublin Apothecary 1840 5 2J Slight Dark Brown Grey Small Small Small sonJohn R.M.C., R.M.C., Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L'. Ireland Labourer 1829' v 5 11J Medium Fresh Dark Blue Medium Medium. Bearded . • • * ' . . / May 25, 1875 ' Drunk and disorderly. Brown May 25, 1875 24 hours H.L. Liverpool Labourer 1854 5 4J Medium Fresh ' Black Dark Medium Medium Medium Cut scar on right temple. 'Wilson Jacob Cox Grey R.M.C., R.M.C.Ch.Ch. Drunk and disorderly 48 hours H.L. England Ireland Labourer 1846" 5 51 Medium ' Tale Black Medium Medium Medium Cut scar on left arm; troubled May 25, 1875 May 26, 1875 Drunk and disorderly. . 24 hours H.L. Miner 1830' 6 1 Medium Fresh Fair Blue Large Medium Bearded with gravel. Fair beard and whiskers.' William O’Neill ...John Sullivan R.M.C.Ch.Ch. Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. England Labourer 1802 . 5 5l Slender Pale Grey Blue Medium Medium Medium Female, M. C., hart and dart, ‘ • • right arm ; crucifix,' bottle and May 26, 1875 ■ . "V ; . glass, and L. G..' on left arm; - cut scar on back of left wrist. \


Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of. Trade. Born. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. * Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous References. Patrick .WhereR.M.C., Tried.Ch.Ch. - - Complexion. Remarks and Previous References. R.M.C., May 27, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Ireland Labourer 1829 ft. in. 5 74 Medium Pale Black Blue Medium Medium Bearded Large wen back of neck. Name. When. Oflence. Sentence. Native of. Trade. Born. Height. Make. Hair. Eyes. Nose. * 1 Mouth. Chin. . ft. in. .. Ahern ePatrick Robert May 27, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. London Labourer 1835 6 14 Me dium Sallow Black Blue Large Medium Bearded Cut scar right eyebrow, small R.M.C.,Ch.Ch. andbald Roman round scar left temple ; R. W. right arm; anchor left arm, anchor left hand. May 27, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. - Ireland Labourer 1829 5 7f ' Medium Pale Black Blue Medium Medium Bearded Large wen back of neck. • Oh.Ch. Winter GoldingR.M.C.,R.M.C., May 1875 May disorderly disorderly hours H.L. 48 hours LondonEngland LabourerBoiler18351834 JJ 6 74 Me Medium SallowSallow i Black Black BlueBlue LargeBroken, Medium ProtruCut scar under nose; do. left Roman Medium Bearded Cut ■ scar right eyebrow, small round scar left temple; R. w. right arm; anchor left arm, anchor left hand. Ch.Ch. ■ Ch.Ch. andbald • maker and bent to ipff. ding hand. Edward Golding Henry R.M.C.,R.M.C., May 1875 May Drunk disorderly disorderly hours hours 24 H.L. EnglandIreland Boiler-Labourer 18341828 7* 5 8 MediumStout SallowFresh BlackBlack BlueDark Broken, Long Medium Bearded Scar on nose, do. on both shins. bent to left Medium ProtruCut scar under nose; do. left Ch.Ch.;Ch.Ch. Grey Medium Medium Bearded ; : P ■' • : ' maker and Medium ding Bearded hand. HenryArchibald McDonald R.M.C.,R.M.C., 1875 28,May May 28, and disorderly disorderly 24 hours H.L. hours H.L. IrelandGlasgow LabourerLabourer 18281845 86 StoutStout FreshFresh BlackBlack DarkBlue Standard of England on right Grey Long Scar on nose, do. on both shins. Ch.Ch.Ch.Ch. Large Bearded arm. ~ -; ' ’ Medium McDonald Baker John R.M.C.,R.M.C., . May 28,1875 Drunk and disorderly , 24 hours H.L. Glasgow Labourer 1845 5 5 Stout Fresh Black Blue Medium Bearded Standard of England on right Ch.Ch. May 28, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours H.L England Labourer 1833 5 10 Stout Fresh Brown Blue Deformed Cut scar on left thumb. Baker John MilneThomas Ch.Ch.R.M.C., R.M.C.,Ch.Ch. J May 1875 May 29, and disorderly disorderly hours 24 hours H.L EnglandIreland LabourerLabourer 18331820 TO 5 5 StoutStout FreshSallow BrownBrown BlueGrey DeformedMedium LargeMedium BeardedBearded First finger on right hand stiff. arm; Cut scar on left thumb. Ch.Ch. . : ”, - • 1' ' Medium HH MilneThomas Stevens George R.M.C.,RM.C., May 29,1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L Ireland Labourer 1820 5 6 Stout Sallow Brown Grey Medium Bearded First finger on right hand stiff. Ch.Ch. R.M.C., Ch.Ch. May 27, 1875 Drunk and disorderly. 96 hours H.L. England Labourer 1827 5 84 Stout Fresh Brown Blue Large Large Large Long cut scar under left eye. George John May 29, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours H.L. England Labourer 1802 5 64 Slender Pale .Grey Blue Medium Medium Medium Female, M.C., heart and dart on rignt arm; crucifix, bottle and glass, and L.C. on left arm; cut scar back of left wrist. Ch.Ch.j Large ' Large Large Long cut scar under left eye. ■R.M.C., May 27, 1875 Drunk and disorderly. 96 hours. H.L, England Labourer 1827 5 8J Stout Fresh Brown Blue Sullivan John Hart John Henry Ch.Ch.R.M.C. April 2, 1875. Violent assault 2 months H.L. England Labourer 1840 5 8 Stout Swarthy Black Dark Medium Medium Medium R.M.C.,Ch.Ch. brown Large Two cut scars on forehead and May 29,1875 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours H.L, England Labourer. 1802 5 6J Slender Pale Blue Medium Medium Medium Female, M.C.y heart and dart on rignt arm; crucifix, bottle and glass, and L.C. on left arm; cut scar back of left wrist. Lud vig Carl Gunderson R.M.C., Fob. 5, 1875 Larceny. 4 months H.L. Denmark. Baker 1849 5 94 Slender Fresh Brown Brown Long Pointed Ch.Ch. Medium Medium one on lower lip. Margaret Dempsey ... R.M C., Ch.Ch. April 5,1875 Vagrancy 2 months H.L. London Matron 1827 5 34 Stout Fresh Grey Blue Medium Featured Bridget Ferrock R.M.C., Ch.Ch. May 5, 1875 Vagrancy 1 month II L. Ireland Prostitute 1841 4 9 Slight Sallow Black Brown Small & vagrant turning Thomas Johnston ... R.M.C., Ch.Ch. June 5,1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours imprisonment Ireland Labourer 1845 5 84 Stout Fresh Dark brown Blue Medium Medium Bearded Cut scar on left eyebrow; tumour on left cheek. Discharged the Medium Bearded same evening, 6th inst., being Sunday. George Murray R.M.C. Ch.Ch. June 5, 1875 Drunk and disorderly, 24 hours imprisonIreland Labourer 1842 5 10 Stout Fair Fair Blue Large Discharged the same evening, 6th inst. being Sunday. William Baker R.M G\, May 4,1875 using obscene language Fined 55s., in deLondon Laborer 1838 5 9 Medium Dark Dark Hazel PromiMedium Ordinary Crown, Union Jack, and laurel Timaru fault 21 days H.L. England Brown nent. round on right arm; cross, two hearts, P.L. and laurel round on left arm. Thomas Johnston ... R.M.C., Timaru R.M.C., May 24,1875 Larceny On remand England Labourer 1839 5 11 Stout Fresh Brown Blue Medium Ordinary Bearded J.T. and anchor under on left arm. William Gladstone ... May 26, 1875 Drunk and disorderly Fined 5s., in deCountv of Sailor 1831 5 10 Stout Fresh Dark Brown PromiMedium Bearded Timaru fault 24 hours imKent. nent Arthur Morgan R.M.C., May 29, 1875 Drunk and creating a prisonment. Fined 40s., in deIreland Labourer 1834 5 7 Medium Sallow Dark Brown Medium Ordinary Round Timaru disturbance fault 48 hours imturning Charles Simpson R.M.C., Dec. 16,1874. Larceny prisonment. 6 months H.L. England Sailor 1853 5 44 Medium Fair Grey Brown Blue Medium Small Ordinary Henry McCarthy ... George Taylor Timaru R.M.C., Timaru R.M.C., Waimate R.M.C., Timaru July 28, 1874 May 28, 1875 Larceny Resisting the police 12 months H.L. Fined 40s., in deLiverpool Ireland County of Cork England Labourer Sawyer 1838 1832 5 10 5 2 Stout Medium Fresh Fresh Dark turning Grey Brown Blue Blue Long and straight Ordinary Large thick lips Medium Broad Bearded Male and female on right arm ; female and cross on left arm; bracelet round wrist. George Dowse June 1,1875 Vagrancy. fault 7 days H L. 3 days imprisonment. England Labourer 1834 5 64 Medium Pale Grey Hazel Aquiline Ordinary Pointed Ch.Ch. . Medium Medium - Hart John ... Henry April 2,1875. Violent assault 2 months H.L. England Labourer .1840 5 8 Stout Swarthy Black Dark brown Medium R.M.C.Ch.Ch. R.M.C., Feb. 5,1875 . Larceny. 4 months H.L. Denmark. Baker 1849 5 91 Slender Fresh Brown Brown Long Large Pointed Two cut scars on forehead and Ch.Ch. HMM Medium Medium one on lower lip. Carl Gunderson Ludvig Dempsey... April 5,1875 Vagrancy 2 months H.L. London Matron 1827 5 31 Stout Fresh Grey Blue Medium R.M C., * Ch.Ch. R.M.C., - May 5, 1875 Vagrancy l month H.L. Ireland Prostitute 1841 4 9 Slight Sallow Black Brown Small Featured ' : ' v • ; ' Ch.Ch. & vagrant turning grey Dark Medium Bearded Bridget ...Thomas Johnston .... June 5,1875 Drunk apd disorderly 24 hours imprisonIreland Labourer 1845 5 81 Stout Fresh Blue Medium Cut scar on left eyebrow; tumour on left cheek. Discharged the same evening, 6th inst., being Sunday. v R.M.C., ment brown ' -.v~: • . pip • • R.M.C. June 5,1875 Drunk and disorderly, 24 hours imprisonIreland Labourer 1842 5 10 Stout Fair Fair Blue Large Medium Bearded Discharged the same evening, 6th inst. being Sunday. Ch.Ch. Medium Ordinary Murray Baker May 4,1875 using obscene language Fined 55s., in deLondon Laborer 1838 5 9Medium Dark Dark Hazel PromiCrown, Union Jack, and laurel round on right arm; cross, two hearts, P.L. and laurel round on left arm. R.M G, fault 21 days H.L. England Brown - nent. Ordinary Bearded ■ R.M.C., May 24,1875 Larceny On remand England Labourer 1839 5 11 Stout Fresh - Brown Blue Medium J.T. and anchor under on left arm. plHHfl Medium Bearded Thomas ...William Gladstone ... • May 26, 1875 Drunk and disorderly Fined 5S„ in deCountv of Sailor 1831 5 10 Stout Fresh Dark Brown Prominent R.M.C.,Timaru Kent/ fault 24 hours imprisonment. ' Fined 40s., in deBrown Ordinary Round Drunk and creating a R.M.C., May 29, 1875 Ireland Labourer 1834 5 7 Medium Sallow - Dark Medium Timaru disturbance fault 48 hours imturning Arthur MorganCharles Simpson Dec. 16,1874. Larceny prisonment. 6 months H.L. England Sailor 1853 5 41 Medium Fair Grey Brown Blue Medium Small Ordinary R.M.C., ,Timaru R.M.C., July 28, 1874 Larceny 12 months H.L. Liverpool SI Ireland 'Labourer 1838 5 10 Stout FreshDark Blue Long and straight Large thick lips Broad Male and female on right arm; female and cross on left arm; bracelet round wrist. Timaru County of V. turning Grey Brown Medium Bearded Henry McCarthy George Taylor May 28,1875 Resisting the police Fined 40s., in deEngland Sawyer 1832 6 2 Medium Fresh Blue Ordinary R.M.C., Waimate R.M.C., Timaru June 1,1875 Vagrancy. fault 7 days H .L. 3 days imprisonment/XlMH England Labourer * 1834 -5 61 Medium Pale Grey Hazel Aquiline jOrdinary Pointed 5 '■ ' George Dowse


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Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XIV, Issue 12, 15 June 1875, Page 95

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Inquests. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XIV, Issue 12, 15 June 1875, Page 95

Inquests. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XIV, Issue 12, 15 June 1875, Page 95