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Stolen, on the 4th January^a^liveffcoloured retriever ! dog, registered,' but not wearing his collar';' answers to the'name'of “Tight,” the property of Mr. Joseph Day, of Sumner. Identifiable. 1 ! 11

Lost. or Stolen, in Christchurch,' sometime between 8. a.m. .and 9 p.m. on the 13th January, oa lady’s gold open-faced lever watch, plain .white dial, has two : keyholes, and leaves worked on back case, number unknown, the property of Mrs Da\id Robinson, Christchurch. Identification doubtful.

Stolen, between. 2 p.m. 12th and 5 p.m. 13th. January, a pair of new side-spring

boots, size' 8 or 9, having the straps pulled off", pegged soles, the property of Edward "Williams, Tuam .' Street. Identification doubtful. Mrs. Gallagher, 40 years, sft., thin ouild, pale complexion ; dressed in -V a dirty liiisey dress, and an old black hat, who left the boarding-house at which Air. Williams was staying, is suspected. . , T . J o> . ...L, ... . l.vHy, s "111

Stolen, between' 8 J and 9 ( p.m. on the 9th January, 1 a large-sized silver hunting lever watch, No. 7462, maker Rotherham, London, the property * of 1 Thomas Howard, 4 ; r who had pledged 1 the - watch at Cohen’s. ‘ The ticket was presented by a man on the date named, who gave the name -of ' John Nickol, aged about. 25 years, sft. 9 or 10in., supposed dark hair and whiskers, fresh, complexion, respectable appearance, not identifiable. The watch can be identified.

Stolen,' from . Ashburton, between the 1 21st December, 1874, and the sth January, 1875, a swag containing a tent 6ft. by Bf't , “ Wellington ” marked on it, with makers name over, a very large single thick white blanket with small tear in the middle, one shepherd s plaid shirt, two spotted . Crimean shirts, sleeve- torn off ' one ; a small round lookingglass, a- pocket-book containing papers and accounts, 1 one towel, one under flannel, one pair flannel drawers, one pair old moleskin trousers, one old dark tweed coat, two woollen ' scarves,' one 1 shepherd s plaid, the other blue and white ; one new cambric handkerchief, one pair Wellington boots;

You XIII., No. 3.

lately toe-capped, No. 9 size ;;'one housewife containing needles. &c. All ■ identifiable. Value £O, the property of Frederick Swain.

Stolen, from the dwelling of David Tippets, of Fern side, near dtangiora, L about 4 p.m. k on the 19th January"last,, eight £1 notes, numbers unknown. A German named John, 28 years of age, sft. Oin , very stout build, black hair, beard, whiskeys, and moustache , dressed in dark coat, light ribbed tweed trousers and vest, hard black bat, and watertight boots, a labourer, supposed to have gone to Oxford, is f suspected. ff\ . *3s •la ° i a' i Yf? sV \aa 1 t 3 . d « l

Stolen, from several stations on the Can • terbuy railways, during the "last two months’ a quantity of rope used for lashing timber, &c., on the trucks, three strand, twenty-four, yards in lengthy painted ring in red paint at every six feet • supposed to have been taken by draymen. Identifiable.

Stolen, from the shop of Mr. Robert Black, which: was broken into during the night of the 24th, 1 or morning of the 25th ulto., an ordinary dark grey pepper-and-salt cloth sac ; coat, and % twenty-one or twenty-two penny "pieces. Coat only identifiable. T/ :

Stolen, from the person of George Circuit, of iWaimatef at‘ Timaru, about 1 p.m. ,on the 22nd ulto., a yellow leather purse, containing, five single note's, bank unknown, four of them numbered J 721149, . 721188, ; r 721781, 720530; a letter from Mrs. Circuit, ManChester,'lone.* J from Mrs. Butterick, . C on |W', Manchester, and two telegrams from Postmaster, Lyttelton. ■ i All identifiable.

Stolen, from I G. H. Thompson, of \ Temuka? between . 8 p.m. 24th and 8 a.m. 25th January? 18/5, two pole straps, each nearly two feet long, branded “ G. H. Thompson,” on wrong side with an impress \ type. iv/ Value 10s. identifiable. ; •

Stolen, from the premises of Charles Newman, St. ’ Asaph Street, Christchurch, during the nights of the 19 th' and 21st January last, one white blanket "witif tear down the middle, red, yellow, and blue border one grey horse-rug, with red, black, and white borderf;; one x cotton shirty 1 small yellow and black yeheckiT,pattern!; b one white flannel undershirt, nearly mew;) 'ldentifiable. Hr//* j;

Stolen, from the dwelling of E. W. Trent Templeton, about'4 p.m. on the 18th January last, a silver watch, since .recovered., () Ludwig afiudes|enya k Dane, - ( speaks bad English, 25 years, sft 10 or Him, thin build, thin pale tace, dark hair, small beard, very,,[large awkward feet ;. dressed in an old tweed suit fmdT r y - - V black .Mlycock hat, very tend of chewing tobacco, is suspected. .Sun. posed to have gone to , Akaroa. ,r. ... j ,

Stolen, . from Michael - O’Connor, at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Christchurch, between 3 and 9 pm. on the 20th January last, a blue blanket swag, containing a pair of corduroy trousers, moleskin trousers, and two white flannel undershirts. Identifiable.

Stolen, between 8 p.m. 23rd and 7 a.m. 25th January last, J the knife crank of a reaping l machine, /J value 255., which was awaiting repairs in the yard of James Hatton, near Identifiable. . ~

Stolen, om the Immigration Depot,* Addington, at 12 noon on the 23rd January last, a chamois leather bag, containing nine _ sovereigns (eight English and one Australian). The ( bag, which was 9in. by 4in., with a dirty piece of white tape attached, is identifiable by the owner James Coad.

Stolen, su on board C<he \ ship\* Waimate,v in Lyttelton harbour, between 2 and 8 p.m. on the 26th January last, two pairs blue serge trousers, one serge vest, one pair grey tweed trousers, one pair low shoes, two pairs portmanteau straps, two black and grey flannel shirts, and one bar marine soap, the property of James Miles. Identifiable.

Stolen, from the Kaikouras, about the 29th December, 1874, l a dark brown gelding, 17 hands, white blaze down Office, A three white feet, broken down on off lore-leg, tbranded S near shoulder ; known as “Faugh-a-Balia,” late 5 “ Takawai;-” the property of James Bickurs, of Woodend, near Kaiapoi. Identifiable. sus ks j«oO .ntraw /A ) aou o v l £

Stolen, between s 4. pm. 30th January, c and 7 a.m. Ist inst., a brown rug • swag, containing one Scotch blanket, marked L C., with .rt d thread in the corner, s Va.‘ pair of,yh'aP-worn watertight ,boots. ; a pair of dark grey tweed trousers, u a v; ,Crimean and a w'hite flannel shirt, the property v of v John v ..Campbell,Sv of Ashburton. Identifiable. vwmwn

Eliza Brown, English, housemaid, 25 years, but looks younger, I '9about 4ft. Him, very small spare 1 figure, . fair , hair, inclined, to sandy, generally worn in plaits, squints right eye,. dressed when last seen in black hat and jacket, ,r. puce-coloured L gown, charged on warrant, 'filed in Commissioner’s office, with deserting her child ' in " Christchurch, on or about the 16th November, 1874. Offender was in the employ of Mr. McLean, of Ashburton, and when she left service she placed ; her child fin the care of. Airs. Harold, of . [Christchurch,- and has not since been heard of. bo>l-iovz -kovlol birr,

Mathew , iaoßiifdo« iiATTHEW Longden, English, labourer,-. 38 years, oft. 4in., stout build, sallow comp exion, brown hair, beard, whiskers, and mous ache,-/; fond of loafing about public louses, > dressed in brown coat and cap, and

dirty moleskin trousers, is charged on warrant, filed in Commissioner's- office, with deserting his wife and family. , , .' r .V(' " (Tf'S. i* i fi * . /1 1 I i , (I ilr ~ J i : L r N !/• fa

John Ross, Scotchman, labourer, 27 ’years, sft. Bin., stout build, dark .complexion and hair, small dark whiskers and moustache, sometimes shaves () his cheeks and ; leaves a goatee on his . chin ; t dressed ,in •, light sac coat, moleskin trousers, watertight boots, black billycock hat, is h charged on 1 ' warrant, J filed in Commissioner’s tj office’ \ with \assaulting James Fergus, on the 28th December, 1874.

John Peter Christensen, is 1 charged; on warrant, filed in'Commissioner’si office, with deserting his wife Anne Christensen,-:at Addington, on the 30th November, 1874. Description : —A ' r Dane, j 37 years,.sft. 7or Sin,,/very,stout build 1 , large square shoulders, 1 fair g complexion, hair, 1 beard, whiskers, y and moustache" all round, large broad face, and high cheek bones ; dressed in moleskin trousers, black , coat and i vest, Blucher boots, black stiff billycock hat ; Vail,blacksmith. - Gone; south towards Ashburton. O Y,

John Blackhore, Tasmanian, a blacksmith, 32 years, r oft. , Bin.,,stdiit build, 14 stone weight'' fresh complexion, . grey eyes, sandy beard,:small/.whiskers and moustache, thick lips, -pug-nose, anchor on left 1 arm; generally 'dressed in "dark;, clothes and black billycock hat, vis .charged >on » warrant, ''with 1 ;' deserting his wife, Julia Blackmore, "'-at' Lyttelton, about the 20th : ulto. . j He may assume the surname of Evans, or Johnson,' r supposed to have gone with King’s Circus f ComCi •• \ < D ”"‘ ; . ;; g - . pany to Dunedin: 0 soiloH it/nubumi-J .

Charles Joins son, a Sweed, 33 years, sft. Tin-.-, i stout firm - build, fresh complexion, dark brown hair, clean shaved, generally/, allows his beard to grow for a week, -grey eyes, a lumper, is charged on warrant from Dunedin, filed in Commissioner’s office,' with deserting, his wife and family at Port Chalmers, on the 4th January, 1875. „ t Offender was accompanied by a countryman of his named; Louis Johnson;,a. seaman and a lumper ;/sft.yloin.’;’ fair hair, and well built. 1 They were believed to have' left in the s.s. Otago , for Lyttelton, on the 4th January last.

• i. . -nqjifl-.r :C _ A 1 -i 0 1 H-J _ ' KP-i- Qly, ? Charles James, aged 35 years, > oft. 3in.’ medium'build, sallow complexion, , black hair’ small.. blackwhiskers, and moustache,-chin shaved, an engine-fitter by trade, > late treasurer of- the Odd Fellows’..'‘Society :inChristchurch, is charged on warrant with larceny f as a .bailee of the sum of £187,' the property of the society.' Offender was seen on' board the sis Tararua, at Port Chalmers, on her last trip to Melbourne, about the 21st January'last: 1 VHe is likely to .visit Odd Fellows’ Lodges, and to have a large sum of money in a belt round his waist.

Reverting to Police Gazette No. 2, 1875, page - LO, - Police horse No. “Lucifer,” 'has been found, o i

Reverting to Police Gazette No. 2, 1875, page 9, Michael Lawlor’s - watch has been found, not stolen. 4 ; ( blsnin ?‘ l g°)'; 7 J • ;• 'V't I'll)

Reverting to Criminal Offences 11 Report, dated Detective office, Christchurch, 21st December, 1: 1874, the watch therein described has been found in possession of the suspected Rasmussen Jorganson, who has been arrested by Detective Benjamin’ for stealing same. i .

Wanted the present whereabouts of William-) Marley, -a f ship-carpenter, who'has been working at .one time on i the harbour works, Lyttelton and also, for Mr. Sandford, Heathcote Valley, \at different 'times 'during the last three years. Marley was seen in Christchurch on the 2 1st December, 1874, when he told Mr. Sandfordhe was going to Port Chalmers work- at a vessel belonging to Connor and McKay, of Lyttelton, but he has not done soJ- ;, Information : to be .sent to the. Commissioner of, Police, Christchurch

Whereabouts !-wanted -> of ■ John ‘ Rafferty, shearer, •. 38 years, , sft. 9in., stoutr .build, bushy sandy beard ,and moustache, cheeks shaved, very fond: of drink and frequenting public houses. ’ Said to, have left South bridge for Temuka, on 10th January ; worked for a farmer there McKenzie, 1 about a year- ago ; has also worked at a threshing machine for Wilson, Rakaia.

Return of Appointments, &c., 1. since U u ? nß[ aifln-do - Last > Gazette. bhinOwlto U yyy James j Watt, and 1 .' 1 John Hayward, ‘ to’ be .Third-class .Constables. yil-jJiuO - j - . ... RESIGNED. First-class' Constable William Bass, ■ and oifdxjf Mounted-Constable William Chambers h.’.. Bayly. I A -V' !!

DISMISSED. WH y ?a\ s , Third-class Constable 1 Henry nAlfred /-q I (i J f‘ltd 1L I H '-7 • Cowley. r _ i zoO l

The following is a list of the Police Stations in this Province/ Head Quarters at Depot, Hereford. Street West, Christchurch : ; L .' ; . Lyttelton Leitiifield. ' Akaroa. ■ vl,lh Hurunui. isoi Timaru. Rangiora. Waimate. . ; Oxford. pi rn Wasiidyke. Ol Bealey. Temuka. 1 Courtenay. lfiri;) pi Geraldine. ' Leeston. vp • Ashburton. Southbridge. Kaiapoi.

Commissioner Police.

' : • -' kJt 4 Name. Offence. By whom Arrested. How Disposed of. 1 Bt whom Aeeested. - - -• '•d:: v.rriP);>:-• ;? ‘ How Disposed of. - Alexander Allison ... Larceny Detective Benjamin. 1 month’s imprisonment ,iT.\ H (on - warrant) " , Mary Ann Gibson ... Larceny Chief-Detective Feast, 14 days’ imprisonment (on remand) George Stevens 9 r - Larceny lowfyi K- • t'*_ - ;.V( > ... : .iioiot«.'don ,i>ptupt ; Vagrancy \h:fi j -Oil Detective.Benjamin. r ,.... -■••• * * . Chief-Detective Feast,' eIbuo/h «t)>! r Sergt. Kennedy, .0,1,, ' ‘ Christchurch Police 1 month’s imprisonment r , 14‘ days’ imprisonment / iij7f A'l/it) iLBlTWy'.'l.ffSriFined 60s. !-> RyntiIsttioV 8 4 iir,!-, ,' V)i r^ Mark Toole ■l .,R'jaSD0l1 flt/U'HOia Mark Toole OPT Drunk and resisting the police in the 'Druhk'lmd resisting the police ir Const. Wilkinson, the- ' Const.' Wilkinson] ( f Christchurch Police ; Fined 20s. William. Hatton Drunk and illegally on the premises Const. A. Beck, Christchurch Police Fined 40s., or 96 hours in default .Mary Ann Greaves... Drunk and indecent conduct in a haai \Vnoa Jj r.iiv>>±. public place Drunk and illegally on the premises r MOpooiiio ov-jtoo'loUiv.iJiL: Drunk and indecent, conduct lunar . Const., A. Beck,, s Christchurch'Police', Const.'Hughes, Fined,40s., or 96(hours in v( ) [ii -6 months imprisonment ,. ‘V '-'-’public place ’ • ' .6 ! Larceny Hi XU , Const Hughes, Christchurch Police 6 months’ imprisonment William Dunn Detective Kirby 1 month hard labour (on remand) tvr r ni;;;ilhRTob flOSRUlifSi [i‘ | J. P. Meehan .Vagrancy,,,,!!- ov hoyl!i<I \d. j - -t" i ChristcburchlPolicei odt no ,?Jf1 bOiituh } William Dunnl BjiK •i,. . (on remand) jtjjf < ‘ J. P. Meehan'. Vagrancy Const. A. Beck, Discharged on promising to . rxti; ; Christchurch Police Detective Kirby 1 month hard labour Const. A. Bpck, r, Christchurch Police leave town at once Discharged on promising to i ;. ileave town at'once.Ktib .Annie Osborne ...- Drunk and using obscene language uage Const. Gatward, ‘Const. Gatward, , : Fined 20s. iSi?5 d ?S s \>oVti Aiuvnmi in a public place 1 till Christchurch Police f .Christchurch Police 1 Samuel Geddings ... t Fined £5 ' XI ii ’JlU 1 '103'lb Samuel Geddings ... Drunk and indecent exposure in a Drunk and indecent exposure Const. Hughes, Fined £5 ,7. r - public place 6J- • nA'i.nA fb. n„ : ay Const. -H ughes,’ ri’.) 0 StVf, /to- >.dw:00 f'O'lO Christchurch Police • -A v ,, Christchurch Police? CO .if .‘ Of! i‘> John Gimblett. '. Fined 20s. John Gimblett Drunk and illegally on premises Const. Wilkinson, U J.'OJ> M »« f * Chiistchureh Police i Trevor Barrett 1.4/ Drunk and illegally.on premises |j ... 0 - -ft j 1 r* a rt n < f r' 'j o V7 . . Illegally on premises and assaulting / .'.Const. Wilkinson,. > Christchurch Police J fConst) Rowland. O'J'iJ iroitqh^oa Dismissed i on'pro raising ■ to !.fvT£rH>fr.fw5 /j M b’t the Police it the I IKwIOjj Christchurch Police go on board Merope Iwr Christchurch 1 police r, \, go on board Meropen n’t James Johnston jj ...). Larceny from the person Const. James Sheeran, Dismissed Christchurch Police i John Condon’-' -Larceny from the person' i - ■ 4 j •' •• -i.i: ifihl 9ifd Attempted arson . . ... inu t\n{ Const.' J ames Sheeran, 1 Christchurch Police ‘ : Const. Smith, n i I.i-.C' 'i'.f Dismissed o(i vl0-.‘i 1j ifptitl f V-iocfuio-riiU Christchurch Police ■ Charles Cant ..V.:.', OjiFiro f(itrtjDi-ri^ndk). Violent assault r Const. Hughes, To find sureties to keep the (on summons) Violent ass V auI? (,m ‘ ;; 4; J ‘ h °^. r nit .Christchurch Police, • Const.' Hughes,'' ’’ i >'<[(• t (;.}•) ' To find sureties; to keep the Christchurch Police ■“ . peace for 6 months ( ‘ ‘ ri (on summons) '] peace for 6 months u\t !t; Christchurch Pol'ce Archibald Knowles... Violent assault Const. Hughes, njtfxl;Const. Hughes, (To find/suretiesito keep the To find sureties to keep the -16'V . George Wilkin v ; * f ..., Lunacy from drink Christchurch Police peace for 6 months Sergt. Burtenshaw, Discharged with recom- -? rjy (on remand) 1 ;T. >i6r/r-tiftfi Tpnrro J o i ).Htf 'Lunacy from drink -off pud -j I t .Ui-l ; Christchurch Police peace for 6 months Courtenay Police ■j mendation to abstain T * John Richardson . ?! 1 ’ Drunk- and 1 exposing his person in a in a Const. Prew, r Const. Prew,;n;iil!f,tn . ined 20s. ,D ined 20s/. 7i 0 A J ii A (H) Ann P. Coulter ... - public place 4 Christchurch -Police.-H’-if! r B*[hov :.£g -Larceny : ■ Const. Sheeran, 3 weeks’ hard labour r" • . (on remand) if /: , :• ;; i • --V r Christchurch Police vi) V Christchurch Police \ 7.-JH 5IUO0 ' :('■■* i i , si!giq '>< Joseph Rich r;dot“.^ , Contempt of Court ciiAi-U 1(11.1 // f Sergt. r Wilson, hi if i 24 hours’ impiisonment :i George Joss ’ !<3 ,T-r. del .y l>'i f.oity Christchurch Police Indecently exposing his; person in a Const. Firman, Fined 40s., or 96 hours in I. 0 railway carriage u ' • v'{ in ?a ! Christchurch Police ; Const; Firman,’ 4 J1 ca'HHil i? D f \ 1 Fmed 40s.,, or 96: hours * m :•ml odno . ,oi! Of;) hi pi d-i-0 7Christchurch Police' ;i ‘‘ default !!i Michael Ferrick ,,j;.. railway carriage Christchurch Police default Lunacy from drink Const. J. Smith, Dismissed with a caution (on remand) . r Christchurch Police Jane Hoskins 4 ** 56 * Lunacy From drink 1 v .bo/vRP?! • Const. J. Smith, fr •Dismissed with a ! caution f i j- i Tvt oifflDU Lunacy • tm\U if.tUl no ,L;iutrroi p.oi — ? cr ,r • Lti! T Committed to Asylum . r Christchurch Police I UL.i OWU t'J •-••LH' -oil ;■/ Committed to Asylum ; .Oil JJ : 11 .JUA; t)i. J . 4 U t - j'. "OT ;;:r,ho',7.; Wm. Burgess ;tj| r.j Oi! ■ amumn Yxuri fill ; Drunk and resisting police in execution - . , Const: Prew, ,, f r r 10 L Fined 10s. to .OflIHfI*liJ3 Michael 0 ‘Neill j.4' ... -01 duty ..... . . . 1 1 Christchurch Police ,. Christchurch Police ) ■ / f ovnH Qi boson Drunk and resisting police in execution Fined 10s., and damage to Drunk and resisting police in execution 1 Const. Rowland, * Const.'Rowland^ 51 € 1 1 Fined 10s.. and damage to Frederick Cooper ... of duty ■ Christchurch Police ctb'4s;'6d. l), ' ! Of AHfKj Forging and uttering Chief-Detective Feast Committed for trial .; —— (on-remand) ' ' ■ • " : — — Catherine Ford alias Larceny Const. Eares, Dismissed with a caution HO* Catherine Sellar ■' Larceny , ' ‘ " 'ct %u>zAit'i'iA JKfnjT.iyl Christchurch Police Mi Const. Eares, • . Chris (church 1 Police J Dismissed with a caution Si J Walter Crudd Drunk and using obscene language ... r ;Sergt: Kennedy, d^«i‘ Dismissed with a caution'! i John Ray Drunk and resisting police in execution Christchurch Police Const. A. Beck, Fined 20s. j George Tibbs ...- 1 | ■ - Drunk and resisting police in execution •' t, Christchurch Police. ■'Const.'A: Beck,-' r ’' ’ i-4-< VSi'lo /lifirf bfwoul Fmed 20s. . . . , • ? of duty j () T V r<) 1 o Ot I)T'iSO (J •' b £fl r t ,•.■;■ ! - y Christchurch > Police Drunk and using obscene language in; Christchurch Police Const. Gat war ', ,. I Fined 5s.f i; i ; o vj .-jOCj i\W 1 Daniel Cox i rnfno; nbbolri Bound over m his own re(on summons) a public place Using violent and threatening language towards his wife Ih cognizance' to - keep tLe Daniel Cox ... . Christchurch Police ... (on summons) ., Bound over in his own re- , LfiJD/'•»?: tl ■ AH U'i llj v cognizance to keep the a public place Using violent and threatening language r towards his wife :. 4. ,.xr 1 OilJM'iriUU'.s ciriiilO-Ti-t Ii ; . ■' Christchurch Police iTatiau (to t s<'i;)rnlhdD Do 1 Alice j-WhurrlmiliKi?/ Soliciting prostitution in a publie street ' Const. Hughes, i l> - Christchurch Police’ peace for 6 months ill 1Fined .20s., or 48fhours,in ’ default J J ’ - U J ’ “TA Richard Harper - „ , . . .Vi'.' >;o Drumr and resisting police in'execi Const. A. Beck, peace for 6 months Fir ed 20s., or 48 hours in Richard Harper Druna and resisting police in execution ■ t-fft of duty Wife desertion default Fined 20s., and cab hire George Barrie alias Selwyn (on remand oltir.jsttfo j aa^lo-lmiir.-Christchurch Police Detective Walker, Is. 6d. To pay £1 per week from Timaru) _ .7 > ! ) Daniel Cox Contempt of Court ilion ■ Const. A; Beck, Cl! ;; ‘Fined i: 20s.] X cab* ( hire George Barrie alias' jjpSelwyn (on remand from Timaru) Daniel Cox v.iv- Contempt of Court ! ; -01 | " y * . . Christchurch Police Detective Walker,.. ; t <J\ViVWJ ;.V..H v fiMj ;i •• : ls.,6d: i!?n /[hub Husl ;To pay £1 per week J ;>07 pj; .jfjj'J'-Ofl) no .((oi [•;)]}-,ul 24 hours’ imprisonment James Eldridge Vihifh'if odl 3o 7b Illegally oh premises . i ■ Const. Fares, Magdalena Run da ;.. Illegally on premises . Lunacy.r ; s i/}' : . . 5 Vagrancy‘ " 1 Christchurch Police ioRc qitak j:u■■ ■Wai^'h ') Ellen‘Anderson •' Thomas Cock : "ti i .(;i t?. Qj.; . Mt -Const. Morice,. Christchurch Police, Const.’ Fares, , Chris tchurch Pol ice Committed to Asylum] ’ jj..,,,., 3 months’ hard labour ”“ r l Drunk and using obscene language, rt-’Oi-uRSio >nii ,-no7fiti« ' .n.KTl'TJITTAJ and resisting police in execution of , r ' 0 1 j] duty —r , VS language,and resisting police in,execution of duty . '.y .7 , :y , Ulegaiy on premises and resisting 1 police . & Not appearing'to his' bail, Nov. 12 Const. Eares,, Christchurch Police [Fined 10s , and cab Is. 6d. it -vj t ii;)fiTibjjfii'ifiv) Fined 20s., or'48 hours‘in 'default Matthew Smith Matthew Smith'd'! (O . Irt; J >r, Const. Wilkinson, ; Chrislchurch Police 1874, to answer to charge of Const. Wilkinson, drunk and illegally on premises "" Christchurch Police' Larceny • . >-ifi ;• .oh'i .'!•,:•••• !o Const. Fares, Christchurch Police Cautioned and discharged Ellen Anderson Thomas Cock Mt -Const. Morice. Christchurch Police Const. Eares, Christchurch Police Const. Eares, Christchurch Police Committed to Asylum 3 months’ hard labour Fined 10s, and cab Is. 6d. Matthew Smith Matthew Smith Const. Wilkinson, Christchurch Police Const. Wilkinson, Christchurch Police : Const. J. Smith, -,r , ; Christchurch Police Fined 20s., or 48 hours in default .v:;,i 1 :irl RichardWiliiamsah'as “ Sydney Dick ”■ • Fined 40s. for being illegally on premises, and 4 n s. for not appearing to his bail 6 months’ imprisonment ■ :30'aj;ihl< rjo-?. hard labour 1«74, to answer to charge of arunk and illegally, on - premises Larceny Fined 40s. for being illegally ’ ' on premises] and’4 n s. for < not appearing to his bail .6 months’ ■ imprisonment ivioj-siufnieA --i' r . t hard labour . • :c>: t.V/oiir> ; 1 r Y\ t T ■ 4 ' . Aeit;v pubbt aro-i flou j; : rtr vnnubf'io


Name. Offence. By whom Arrested. How Disposed of. Alfred Brown Illegally on premises Sergt. Kennedy, Fined 10s. Ann Osbourne Vagrancy Sergt. Kennedy, Fined 10s. Ann Osbourne Vagrancy , Christchurch Police Const. Strong, 6 months’ imprisonment Mary McCauley ... ' i,J (on remand) ' 0 W Vagrancy, wilfully destroying GoConst. Breen, ■ vernment property, Christchurch Police vernment property, and i existing .a Christchurch Police : be given to her father police Thomas Hendley ... Fighting in a public street be given to her father Thomas Hendley ... Jnoinnos'.n-nir Vdlndm Const. Beaumont, Fighting in a public street Fined 10s. Ci-nst. Beaumont,' Fined 10s. — - i viijiii) n ■in.-.rr. •■> '■Christchurch Police William Murphy ... Const. Beaumont, William Murphy ... Fighting in a public street Chri tchurch Police • ’medal bn;d 'aveh 4 Const. Beaumont, Fined 10s. Patrick Kennedy Fighting in a public street ‘'Fined 10s'. ,i;! ' , - <1 - 1 •>iur,:>/i:. . -'-.l) j/, ; _ • ’ Drunk and using obscene language in Christchurch Police J Const. Eares. 1 Fined" 20s. t HI <£2! i 11 r. . James O’Brien public place Vagrancy, drunk, and using obscene ci: dhionri v> t <7j h'.-;i language in. a public place Christchurch Police Const. Eares, Dismissed with a caution ■ 1 George Morris Chiistehurch Police Drunk and illegally on premises - ! 1 fir 1 ',‘J- '!■■'><1 "lij q->-1 .1 or Const. Strong: Fined 10s. "■ Mary Cunningham... public plaeell .t-noO j Christchurch Police vagrancy, drunk, and using obscene Const. Eares, Dismissed with a caution language in a public place ophupo. Drunk and illegally on premises .. Chiistchurch Police Const. Strong: Chris! chuich Police Fined 10s. ,r0ifr/^ JoX ' l . w.i.-aifiY/ vjl) Illegally on premises Christchiiich Police Con-t Strong, Fined 10s. 1 ’ “ * { '~ j ■ ’* ■ ' V :; V". Christchurch Police Tim thy Fahey ,.;i Christchurch Police Lunacy from 1 drink .0 Sergt. Pratt,.. ...... Discharged (on remand) j ovfu/I ao n'.A !. Chiisti-hurch Police Chiistchurch Police ! ... & iHluilii .30:11 William'Fisher ni.‘: n< Dru- k and committing a nuisance in a nuisance in Const. Beaumont, Const. Beaumont, Fined 10s. Fined 10s. r .. ■-I 1 'VI ;.l Thomas (Hawked inrc7;« i "public street 1 Christchurch Police Indecently exposing • his person in a Christchurch Police Detective Kirby, Fined 40s., or, 48 hours in default Easmio Jorgenseni ... ' railway carriage default Larceny Detective Benjamin 6 months’ imprisonment hard (on remand) | o railway carriage Larceny »If . .'an ... Detective Benjamin , 6 months’ imprisonment hard labour ' ’ ■’ j ••oilo'i •y,iAiiu\'U Henry Elliott’ Mtthijwfi Illegally on premises'id Const. Strong, Fined 10s., or 24 hours in i L-nh/l h i, nu f . default j Const. Strong, .. Fined/lOs.', 'or 24, hours in "default"” 1 11 Jack Soenson 1 1 | Christchurch Police Christchurch Police Indecently exposing his person in a s person in a Const. Firman, Const. Firman, t , Fined 40s., and witnesses Fined 40s., and . witnesses Philip G-reenotlung'./C railway carriage Burglary Christchurch Police Detective Benjamin expenses 6s. Committed for trial (on remand) John Jones i O'railway carriage Christchurch Police "expenses 6s.'‘ :^ ‘‘‘ : ' , ' 1 Burglary •-••.■ihi'l ogalO Detective Benjamin Committed for trial ,, - _ i .Uijii .. V lioll ' Drunk and illegally on premises Fined 10s.j‘ 1 Const. Wilkinson, Drunk and illegally on premises Fined 10s. Christchurch Police Mary Cunningham.::'! Christchurch Police Wilfully destroying Government! pro- ; Const. Gatward,,, f j. To pay 4s. 6d. for damage to Christchurch Police To pay 4s. 6d. for damage to • Henry Elliott '! bv;|'l ! o petty linmoT Christchurch Police Government property • i ’ Government property Vagrancy H.'O .4««oO L tasiairsgvt .’Tt Const. Strong, ,Const/ Strong, 1 month imprisonment hard 1 month imprisonment hard ! Tlabour' " 1 ‘nuj rl u:00 .>.{■ hfiii i ■ 1 rdcui'i• ! ■ - Christchurch Police Jamps Alexander alias • Christchurch Police labour Prostitution in the park j 'to niun’in i.l. £ J. C. Ridley, 4rihn -3 Fined £5 ' Wm. Havne 1 iUiui-iud fjmal. Wm. Havne Park Ranger i Park Banger Agnes M. Hawes '-'.Y.'l Attempted indecency with a boy in J. C. Ridley, a 7 :, ,„ r j 1 month hard labour ., ■ ■. ,iuu 1. ‘ j Government Lpark John Finlay Attempt to commit suic Government park Park Ranger Park Ranger Attempt to commit suicide . C. W.. Greenwood .:;j C. W. Greenwood Discharged James Johnson Sergt:,Kennedy, John Finlay- <'1 h-j ";T de.. Discharged ' ‘ Drunk and assaulting females in public Fined 20s. , ■ 1 ‘James Johnson'/no;" C Sergt. Kennedy. rj&oclo'.i iiTtimir . |. . Drunk and assaulting females in public Fined 20s. ■ijjddsl street •> • street-■• 11 ineT' Christchurch Police Christchurch Police i Frank H. Turner.efi..? Larceny as a 1 bailee th? •’ffiil tuoxfi:.-..._: Chief-Detective Feast . Chief-Detective Feast. Committed for trial Committed for trial. (on warrant) b! eoih/i elhai h-.'!f ■ John Collins'- sxid)./;l Fighting in a railway ) carriage Const. Davis, Dismissed , .. , .,, lociiorm US rf/d Christchurch Police Oiilo 1 iruujill Christchurch Police Herman von Jotson Vagrancy i ’0‘0 .ig:o3 oilduq .. Sergt. Pratt, , Sergt.- Pratt, 3 months’ imprisonment hard ! 3 months’ imprisonmenthard (on remand) Christchurch Police . labour’ ‘‘ Christina White miv/.L Larceny > ri ' >'< > . tgfo3 beaqof)i[ ' a; ..i ■ Chief-Detective Feast Chief- Detective. Feast Dismissed with a caution : Dismissed with a caution j.i.jt.i «iiao3ii Gustavus Fox h "tiJ Bestiality ) * J j ni ooiloq oJl- ) Sergt. Felton, ,• Sergt. Felton, . Committed for trial i Committed for trial T Ashburton Police | i HJtiMJjyTd' ■Jii-riiiaosmj. xrjiloT 'jjim.nt II ,. Ashburton Police : 'Thos. Barton '.oo-V.M-Drunk and using obscene language. to Act.-Sergt. Maguire,/ ! Discharged with a caution atrsr.f.nnj Hill Vi.q a Justice of the Peace H Lyttelton Police , Act.-Sergt. Maguire, j 14 days’ hard labour Thos. Fisher 1 Continued disobedience of lawful com-Act.-Sergt. Maguire, • J 'mands min Lyttelton Police mands David Evans Larceny lunO'O . hpoii of 14 days’ hard labour, f ■JJ-David Evans ‘ ... Larceny yilffpq a xtr.• * r* Sgt.-Major O’Grady, Sgt.-Major O’Grady, r — (on remand) h •J0;!uM otiufim II Lyttelton Police Lyttelton Police Thos. Evans 1 '- •• "■.v. 1 Larceny under £5 iH •lilJwq'B n:...' Sgt.-Major O’Grad y, Sgt.-Major O’,Grady, / — aitrxmS .mV/ (on remand) ! 0 iiixmi) Lyttelton Police Lyttelton Police Thos. Partridge Fined 5s. Thos. Partridge Breach- of Railway Offences Act lt n '. .. » Breach of Railway Offences Act ■ Detective Kirby,..;.; ,1 Detective Kirby ffqosoT. Wm. Cooks '• \:f . y.ilrdi oiooiia W J Absent from barque East Lothian Const. Wallace, ; •, Dismissed with a caution without leave Lyttelton Police Dismissed with a caution «w. J .ma in 1/ *.* I f i f / i 1 » Lyttelton Police *•‘a without leave 1 month hard labour . Thos. Carroll Deserting from ship Geraldine Paget Ut.-wj IliHllUf / • Thos". Carroll' Acting-Sergt. Maguire Deserting from ship 'Geraldine Paget Acting-Sergt. Maguire Lyttelton Police laemuo.ii’tq j‘>; I 1 .* J * : i <T::'• fV 1 month hard labour Wm. Deton Deserting from ship Geraldine Paget Acting-Sergt. Maguire r -J Lyttelton Police .... •'! ,.!,:,i.:i.V/ i Lyttelton Police Arthur Felton ■ 1 month hard labour Arthur Felton Deserting from ship Geraldine Paget Deserting from ship Geraldine Paget Acting-Sergt. viaguire ‘J.,:: )'{ Hi r (f.'f.i Lyttelton Police Acting-Sergt. V! aguire 1 month hard labour mod/d - Lyttelton Police 1 month hard labour, John Roberts Drunk and assaulting mate s.s. Const. Wallace, ,, j Parana lei Lyttelton Police ■ TaranaJci ** Lyttelton Police 14 days’ hard labour Hezekiah Spratt ■ . Refusal of duty on board E. P. Beuverie Acting-Sergt. Maguire Lyttelton Police •1 ■ ■,1 .. ... ,t 1 John Black Ordered on board John Black •« • tin ..». Absent without leave from ship Isabella Absent without leave from ship Isabella Acting-Sergt. Maguire Acting-Sergt. Maguire Ordered on board John McIntosh 1 Stowaway on board s.s. Wellington ... Lyttelton Boiice Wellington ... Sgt.-Major O’Grady, Lyttelton Police Sgt. : Major .0’Grady, Lyttelton Police Dismissed on payment of amount John Mercer ) Sgt.-Major O’Grady, Lyttelton Police Dismissed on payment of amount i Committed for trial John Mercer 1 ),n ") •VJti'/l H.llliL..j'1-Jj.) . /b .i-.m.-J-.jM i (on remand) .1 Murder Sgt.-Major O’Grady, Lyttelton Police | Committed for trial Chief-Detective Feast ) , 7 days’ imprisonment Peter Stenhouse Stowaway on board s.s. Lady Bird ... Const. Wallace, •model hied 'r.d:.u >kt £ ; Lyttelton Police Stowaway on board s.s. Lady Bird ... Const. Wallace, 7 days imprisonment Lyttelton Police; O'gid ymoll f ifotlll UU-.S-.Ml h »,.iT : .iiuileT .igfoS i (i usicitfn icfojT : ... esjifimiul on') bio’i fcOOffib


' Name. .I1'„ J-r.iO.J : . -O' '' J ' Offence. \ , - )>• U 7 ;f .*'■■■ ' By whom Arrested. ' ■ V ' • ' • V If \f ■ How j Disposed op. Charles Parkins,; ,... ; • .1.••• . Larceny under £5 - Sgt.-Major O’Grady I 1 . ri in Lyttelton Police 2 months’ imprisonment Samuel Parks . Drunk and vagrancy ' . •••, Drunk and va grancy Acting-Sergt. Maguire f. | .! !! ■, in ‘'•Tsajfjjfral Lyttelton Police Sgt.-Major, O’Grady - . -. Lyttelton Police- - Ibi Jf ■ sis 2 months’ imprisonment ;■: -. Tihi-u.i/. .naiii;v/ 14 days’ hard labour Samuel Parks , ... Acting-Sergt. Maguire une- [Lyttelton Police * 14 days’ hard labour - ... yhorrcoH &>bu<l . George Langey ...; .Larceny IjjSlKllI Const. Rutledge, : / Dismissed i Lai; Akaroa Police Dismissed ny’nfl'O seixiat. John Wilson Assault and threatening language ... Mt-Const Lamb, Akaroa Police Fined £5, or 1 month hard labour, and bound over (by warrant) Assault and threatening language pt i—inn m muifriVi/ir i i iF m 1 lUffn Mt-Const Lamb, , ij ;io : Akaroa Police! Fined £5, or 1 month hard labour, and bound) over triiioll lia.'uirliei'nTJ '■ j to keep the peace, himself i to keep the peace, himself . 1 ■' ,‘snw j ! if-.') ! £50 and two sureties in B'.r.unfnq no vlbiiol! £50 ; and. two; sureties in ' i w> lo‘l li'j ui: 1 i - hdG £25 each £25 each Thos. Hunter Exposing his person ' Const. Butledge, . • . : . • ■-•'!If. ■ I'll -1, ) Akaroa Police Const. Rutledge, ‘.aniJ. Fined 20s., or 48 hours hard Akaroa Police labour in default Fined 20s., or,48 hours , hard labour in default Ernest Low Lunacy noO i;i ocon-ii;:' Sergt. Ramsey, ' >1 jn( Died in lock-up as£i |i(17/ A . . j Akaroa Police Died in lock-up Akaroa Police /■■■.if! Ri George Wilson Lunacy 7 ' " 7rj ‘ !o) " a " r"• • Sergt. Ramsey, ,:•> ; sf>rt Akaroa Police Committed to Asylum Mack a lias Jas. Hurie Lunacy : :<I j - -. Mt.-Const. Weedon, k' Discharged j <r,..j m■- I. • (on remand) Stephen Boucher ... i Larceny ••• ••• Waimate Police Sergt. Macdonald, j «.i ■ ■ . vui/f'j h :ulO • Timaru Police Waimate Police Sergti Macdonald, Dismissed Timaru Police (hmiiooi no) Dismissed joilia fynyll Dominic Sweeney ... Breach of the peace " ' * .« •'■' iroar^.7,, Const. O’Malley, nfi/ Fined 40s.• Vi )/;. > Temuka Police Fined 40s. Harry " Walmer '''or' Sodomy • j Otago Police / ! ; .-:;d! Committed for trial irpf Waldon , alias (hnfiif/ri !!o) Harry Smith |: " ,1T ; if ... E-Ogimsi [ itp A hiu: AiunQ : , rol/f. . ; (on remand) j Miio'I ir>r:nsiO Charles Sansen Const.' O’Malley ,'jiiIrYl Breach of the peace in view of a con- Fined 10s. : viy.Jf, Charles Sansen ■'•'; l.'.V Const. O’Malley, Breach of the peace in view of’a con-3 Fined 10s. "•"‘‘•■u'liiiw i stable ’ Temuka Police Charles Sansen Wilful destruction to Government Const. O’Malley, fc-fT ; , ; V Fined 10s.; j damage , 7s. 6d. property Temuka Police and 4s. coach fare James Burham ! " property " f: V, . O Temuka Police ( and 4s. coach fare E ading to give evidence in a case of Detective i Walker Discharged •■ ■!;. • ■ : .i.f. / „ (on remand) . 1 1 felony r Mt.-Const. Kennedy, ; I •-■ '••//.:11 •/./ Prank Hill :'' ■Lunacy from drink ' •/• *•-' V” ! .'J.’i Discharged .lY-./.y h ji A (on remand) . Geraldine Police Henry Ward | ■ XU* %‘act ■■ ri! < Geraldin e Police [ Using obscene language • -• ..“1 • Const. Johnson, ryejj/, Fined 15s. j , * Timaru Police Fined 15s. • Timaru Police James Chapman 1 j Stealing from a dwelling • v Const. O’Malley, 3 months’ imprisonment hard j * ' ' >T)UI : , ) Temuka Police ? Const.,O’Malley/ ( V (I 3 months’ imprisonment hard Temuka Police labour labour John Beit " j Being found on premises without lawSergt. O’Connor, 7 days’ imprisonment hard ful excuse Sergt.' O’Connor, Waimate Police 7 days’'imprisonment hard j labour nr,) Michael Foley Lareeny of timber jjpy i Const. O’Malley, IT 1 14 days’ imprisonment hard Timaru Police lab', ur Bichard Horseman,.. Timaru Police lab ur Using obscene language in a public Sergt. O’Connor, Fined 20s. , - ar/nr,!'! ’ place ' : ■ Waimate Police Frederick Layde Creating 1 a disturbance in a licensed Sergt. O’Connor, /w-J : Dismissed niwhdO Frederick Layde house Waimate Police Assaulting and resisting the police in Sergt. O’Connor, iU iiT i Fined £5, or : 14 days’ imexecution of duty Waimate Police prisocment Frederick Layde execution of duty Wilful ' destruction ' of ( Government Waimate Police • Sergt. O’Connor, prison ment Dismissed ■ on ; promising to property, value 39s. 6d. .s 0:1 Waimate Police Mark Fox ' pay for the damages property, value 39s. 6d. Waimate Police pay for the damages Using obscene language in a public Fined 10s. ■- Mark box ... Mt.-Const. Weedon, Using obscene language- in a’ public Fined 10s. place •' ! Mt.-Const. Weedon/ - , Waimate Police John Monaghan place Waimate Police Using obscene language in a public Sergt. O’Connor, Fined 20s., or 48 hours in ' place J : \ ■' ; Sergt. O’Connor, tV, it Fined 20s., ; or 48 hours in Waimate Police default : • ■ Wm. Simms place Waimate Police default Using obscene language in a public Mt.-Const. Gilchrist, Fined 20s. place' . ! Joseph Bichardson ... Using L obscene language ■ in a i public place Using obscene language in a public Waimate Police Sergt. O’Connor, Fined 10s. place .. . . Mt.-Const. Gilchrist,: Fined 20s. .:// kodT Joseph Richardson'..'. Waimate Police i: Sergt. O’Connor, um( no) Fined lOsknj/I i„, •' ■ William Cook place W aimate Police W aimate Police Creating a - disturbance in' a > licensed Mt.-Const. Gilchrist; Fined 20s., or.48 hours’ imWilliam Cook prisonment house William Cook house ” | Using obscene language * in a i public y Waimate Police Mt.-Const. Gilchrist, prisonment Fined 40s., or 7 days’ imGeorge McCar.'y ... prisonment . place '* • .' ! Larceny in'a dwelling 1 .-’-/‘/I ■ m-j!m-i .. oiemj “ ! 7 days’ imprisonment hard Waimate Police George McCardy ... place Larceny in a dwelling 'Mt.-Const. Weedon,! Waimate Police prisonment Mt.-Const. Weedon, 7 . days’ imprisonment hard Duncan Gold Larceny in a dwelling | ■Simdjyfs Waimate Police labour Larceny in a dwelling ‘Mt.-Const. Weedon/ Waimate Police Mt.-Const. Weedon, 14 days’, imprisonment hard labour 14 days’ imprisonment hard Wm. Blake ... Larceny in a dwelling •■■••'; ©lam.' Waimate Police' 1 Mt.-Const. Weedon;; labour Dismissed George Keys Creating a disturbance in' a licensed 1 W aimate Police , Mt.-Const. Weedon/ Fined 10s. irfcidosaR Daniel Connor Cautioned and discharged Daniel Connor Daniel Connor “T"® I Creating a disturbance in a licensed house Creating | a > disturbance - in ai- public r place r ' 1 . ! ! Waimate Police ! Mt.-Const. Kennedy, Geraldine Police ‘ - *wnis> | Using obscene language in a public Daniel Connor f place gjgjj&lr* 0 * <> f tfio / '* Desisting tl e police in execution of duty Waimate Police Mt.-Const. Weedon, Waimate Police Mt.-Const. Kennedy, Geraldine Police Mt.-Const. Kennedy, Fined 10s. Cautioned and discharged Fined 10s. Daniel Connor Robert Pender , U81n ? .°y® ce . ne : language in a public place ! •’ > -j • r Geraldine Police 1 Mt.-Const. Kennedy, ' Geraldine Police! Mt.-Const. Kennedy, i Geraldine Police Fined 10s.-.;/ „ Resisting tl e - police in execution of r Fined 20s. - ■ ■ ' rui'oL*' • , (on summons) *, Henry Digby (on remand) James Ford Stealing from-a till ! Drunk and using obscene language Sergt. Felton, •a L i/ Ashburton -Police Const. Graham, Ashburton Police' Sergt. Felton, Willtam Storey Ashburion Police Const. Graham, William Storev Ashburton Police Const. Graham, Neill McPbee • Ashburton Police Stealing from a till Drunk and using obscene language Creating a disturbance in a licensed bouse Assault Escaping from legal custody of a bailiff Sergt. Felton, Ashburton Police Const. Graham, Ashburton Police Sergt. Felton, Ashburton Police Const. Grabam, Ashburton Police Const. Graham, Ashburton Police Const. Wallace, Ashburton Police x 2 months’ hard labour ■! !■■■ ft? d 2 months’ hard labour Fined 10s. Fined 10s., or 24 hours’ hard labour Fined 40s., or 96 hours hard labour Discharged , * Willtam Storey William Storev Creating a disturbance in a licensed house Assault Neill McPhee . Escaping from legal custody of a bailiff


■ ' Name. - Offence. By Whom Arrested. How Disbosed of. — . . ' ' John Le .Roux Drunk and using obscene language in Const. Graham, Fined 10s. William Bossiter a public place Breach of the peace in view of a Ashburton Police Const. Graham, Dismissed . Arthur Morgan constable Obscene and abusive language in a Ashburton Police Const. Graham, Fined 10s. George Jones public street Default of bail Ashburton Police Const. Loose, Fined 40s. Jim Ryan Drunk and using obscene language in a public place Breach of the peace in view of a constable Obscene and abusive language in a public street Default of bail Const. Graham, p Ashburton Police Fined 10s. I [ - ■Vw'’' Const. Graham, Ashburton Police Const. Graham, t Ashburton Police Const. Loose, Ashburton * Police Dismissed Fined 10s. -■H. : . ' t ■ Fined 40s. . . • 1 - l; , Illegally on premises Ashburton Police Const. Graham, 24 hours’ hard labour Jim Ryan Refusing to show or deliver up his Ashburton Police Const. Graham, Fined £2, or 3 days’ hard ■ Jim Ryan railway ticket when demanded Ashburion Police Drunk and disorderly in a railway Const. Graham, Fined £5, or 7 days’ hard G. Morris Titmus ... Ashburton Police • g Refusing to show or deliver up his railway ticket when demanded Drunk and disorderly in a railway carriage * Ashburton Police Drunk and using obscene and abusive Const. Graham" : Ashburton Police Const. Graham, .Ashburton Police Fined £2, or . labour . Fined £5, or labour 3 days’ 7 days’ . 3 f hard hard Const. Graham, Fined £6, or 14 days’ hard ‘L 1 Phillip B. Parker ...7 days’ hard language, &c. Ashburton Police Drunk and using obscene and abusive hard Phillip B. Parker ...Const. J. Wallace, language, &c. Drunk and using obscene and abusive Fined £3, or 7 days’ hard Ashburton Police Const. J. Wallace. labour Fined £3, or James Williams language, &c. Ashburton Police Obscene and abusive language . Ashburton Police labour Mt.-Const. Loose, Fined 20s., or 48 hours’ hard (on summons) \ ,■ £ (on summons)Ashburton Police ", !L 'Ashburton Police . labour ! 1 Arthur Morgan Indecent exposure of his person Const. Graham, Fined 20s., or 3 days’ hard hard Charles Rowe Ashburton Police Obscene language Const. Haldane, Fined 10s. James Hazlehurst ... Kaiapoi Police Obscene language Mt.-Const. Beck, Fined 10s. Isaac Parker Kaiapoi Police Lunacy Inspector Barsham, Committed to Asylum (on remand) Kaiapoi Police Mark Toole Obscene language Obscene language Ashburton Police Const. Haldane, "V Kaiapoi Police Mt.-Const. Beck, labour Fined 10s. • i Fined j ‘l ’ : - p. j ■ Lunacy ... Kaiapoi Police Inspector Barsham, Committed to Asylum —t • N r Drunk and exposing his person in a Kaiapoi Police Const. Haldane, ' Fined 10s.,' or 48 hours S " r c .... >- John Evans public place Kaiapoi Police Drunk and wilfully destroying private Mt.-Const. Beck, Fined 10s. and costs property George Mackay Drunk and r resisting the police in Kaiapoi Police Mt.-Const. Beck, Fined lOs. and costs d-Vrr H-i . £ property Kaiapoi Police George Mackay ...Drunk and resisting the police in Kaiapoi Police Mt.-Const. Beck, Fined 10s. ■ and costs, and 1—4 £ and execution of duty, and destroying Kaiapoi Police pay £2 10s . for jumper - constable’s uniform Kaiapoi Police pay £2 10s. for jumper £ James Treasure constable’s uniform Drunk and illegally on premises Mt.-Const. Beck, Fined 10s. and costs Kaiapoi Police i . r Fined 10s.' and costs| X • t o " James Bennington ...- Kaiapoi Police Insulting female in a public place Const. O’Shannassy, Fined 20s. and costs Is. 6d., James DewDrunk and assaulting police, and deRangiora Police or 48 hours hard labour Drunk and assaulting police, and deSergt. Muliin, stroying uniform clothing 'Oxford Police Eangiora Police or 48 hours hard labour^ James DewFined £2 10s. and to pay . (on bail from Oxford) Sergt. Mullinp stroying uniform clothingOxford Police Fined £2 10s. and' to pay £1 for damage 1 . « 2. §'2. i | Jessie Andrews ’ Illegally on premises Sergt, Wallace, 24 hours’ imprisonment hard labour | j . John MitchellFined 20s. and costs Is. 6d.‘ Rangiora Police labour John MitchellIllegally on premises Illegally on premisesSergt. Wallace, Sergt. Wallace,Fined 20s. and costs Is. 6d. George Mitchell Rangiora Police Drunk and indecent exposure Eangiora Police Mt.-Const. Cunning- ■ ' ■ 1 J Dismissed in consideration ham, Oxford Police of having been 2 days in Frank Burns Drunk and assaulting the police in ,ham, Oxford Police Const. W. Smith, of having been 2 days in lock-up 1 • execution of their duty Southbridge Police Fined 6s. for being drunk, • . execution of their duty Southbridge Police Fined 6s. for being drunk, 20s. for assault, and ordered to pay £2 10s. f~. ' / £_: - ' for damage to constable’s 20s. for assault, and ordered J to pay j £2 1 10s. for damage to constable’s jumper •

' „ .. - . . .... .. . I Where Tried. When. Offence. -J?. Sentence. £ of. Trade.’- ? Born. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. • ■ Nose. Mouth. Chin: ; Remakes and Previous | Nose. Mouth, ! Chin. Remakes and Previous References. 1 At ■ ’ ' w 8S@8 . K~ <1 • | < « l I is . . . Jones Sup. Jan. 6, violenc Robbery P.S. years e q Shropshire, Seaman, 1851 oft Stout Fresh Light Light Medium Medium Medium Crucifix ; right Ch. England more a and blue on top of cross; scar labourer fair | centre of forehead; cut scar right t umb. Discharged by pardon 11th inst. “ f B •England , V more a O' tz O cb t, H. •• .-and -> 0 a - blue, • on top of cross; scar - ;r • - labourer £ A -■—... • — ‘yZ. p ’• p. • " fair 5 ■ ■ . ‘C c *5;&. ■ r O C ' A centre of forehead; cut 1 Arthur Hill Sup. Cour t, July 7, 1873 Horse stealing 2 years H.L. England V eterinary 1832 5ft 8|in Medium Pale Brown, Dark Medium Medium Medium Large scar on left forehead, Ch.Ch. surgeon bald blue Grey Medium, from kick of horse ; mark of shoe. 2nd conviction. Dschgd. bvpaa’don 11th inst. Mother’s mark left breast; | Frederick Fisher R.M.C., Dec. 30, 1874 Disobeying lawful 14 days H.L. Trieste, Seaman 1846 5ft 5fin Medium Sallow Dark Medium Medium j Lyttelton commands ship Austria brow 7 n bent to “ Flatfish,” American and P. P. Bouverie . right English flags, right grm ; English coat of arms, left | George Smith R.M.C., Nov. 20, 1874 Embezzling cargo 8 weeks H.L. London Seaman 1851 5ft 2f in Stout Fresh Dark Grey Medium Thick Small Cut scar on bridge of nose; Lyttelton ship Waitara brown c • lips round crucifix, four figures, two coats of aims, R.J.T.S., and bracelet right atm; sailor with two flags, a cluster of figures, and wreaths and bracelet left arm j chain across breast, wiih cross suspended ; RICHARD GEORGE JUDD, right leg; SON • - - r •' • OF MARY JUDD, sailor on wreck, and THE LAST HOPE, left leg Patrick Kennedy R.M.C., Jan. 7, 1875 Suffering from effects On remand Sydney, Vocalist 1846 oft 5jin Medium Fresh Sandy Deep Small ihin feat ured Scar inside muscle of left Ch.Ch. 1 of excessive drinking N.S.W. blue arm; thin cut sear between eyebrows George Wilkin R.M.C., Jan. 7, 1875 Suffering from effects On remand Carlisle Surgeon 1821 6ft 7fin Medium Pale Grey Light Medium Medium Bearded Ch.Ch. of excessive drinking blue ? ■ lull and grey Cut scar top of head; scar James Faulkner R.M.C., Jan. 8, 1875 1 Suffering from effects of excessive diinking On remand County Labourer 1831 6 ft Medium Fair Red Blue ! Medium Medium Mediun Ch.Ch. 1 Monaghan, under left ear; left leg scarred and disfigured, Ireland * Laving been broken Michael Ferrick R.M.C., Jan. 9, 1875 Suffering from effects On remand Dublin Labourer 1830 5ft 4^in Medium Pale Dark, Blue Medium Medium Medium Cut scar right eyebrow : bulCh.Ch. of excessive drinking turning let wound left shoulder Samuel Parkes R.M.C., Lyttelton Jan. 14, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Liverpool Seaman 1829 5ft lfin Stout Sallow grey Dark brown Blue Large P u g Large Large Crucifix on breast; eagle on back of left hand ; woman, ship, and anchor on right £ I ~ arm; brig and star left arm. 2nd conviction Janies Morris R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Oct. 17, 1874 Assault 3 months H.L. St. Mary’s, America Hawker 1827 5ft 5fin Stout Fresh Black Hazel Medium 1 Medium Medium Bracelet and anchor right wrist; large scar under right breast; ditto on right leg; roof of mouth , o-one; affects speech; left J / arm amputated at shoulder f ' TfA 'M ■ 3; A " Ia I,- . 0 , *■*, c. fT i ■ :: ’ ’’ tT ! J scar j right t umb. Dis- ' : charged bypardon 11 thinst. Large scar on left forehead, I 1 Hill , July 7, 1873 Horse stealing 2 years H.L. ' England Veterinary. -1832. 5ft 85m Medium “Pale Hrown, Dark Medium Medium Medium Sup. Cour Ch.Ch. .. : ■ surgeon •: rr ! ; V: ■ | ;■ . c"3 c „ ,'/ 9~ O bald"^" “ blue - A 1 S. ’ "y. '■ O . ‘ C* ' from kick of horse ; mark of shoe. 2nd conviction. Dscli gd. b vpar don 11 th inst. 1 J Fisher Frederick Dec. 30, 1874 Disobeying lawful 14 days H.L. .Trieste; a Seaman “ ' 1846 5 ft 5fin Medium ; Sallow" Dark*" - brown 3 c e Grey"; b S',^ V S 1 * s '-g i 1. Medium, Medium Medium Mother’ s mark left breast; R.M.C., Lyttelton commands ship JS. P. Bouverie J f A Austria § G. J \ ' C: • . r- C . ‘ ■ -.V- ™ * U. • ■ ..;g {iip f ±-2 ~ W b. *" i S'&RSbent to right E 5 : : :. 9 2 p S “Flatfish,” American and English flags, right grm; English coat of arms, left : T : ‘ - C ; {j, £ *■. S ' . ‘ 5T . w 3f.; 7arm I ♦ I Smith George Nov. 20, 1874 Embezzling cargo 8 weeks H.L. . London - : • Seaman i.1851 5ft 2|in .-Stout .' Fresh Dark ’ - Grey : Medium Thick 'Small Cut s scar on bridge of nose; E.M.C.,Lyttelton ’ . CC - AS ; - •A 6 M O A brown D; O . 1 0 c lips £ round O O crucifix, four figures, two ; coats of aims, R.J.T.S., . o'' ' ■ £r ,3 A, ' S r : . 0 ; 5. p V 1 J -,-y and f bracelet right arm; ■ sailor with two flags, a cluster of figures, and wreaths and bracelet left ship Waitara ■ •! C . • £ ■ ‘ *5 ‘ V £ ", O • , ©;■£. £■*£•;•' ’4 ‘ ' ! '9* » C» >?*'■; U C tT 15 :> V .^Jr - . J p; ■* c-. - •; ZZ ■ Z .] \ C ' id 9. . r" V ' 0 1 '■ *’ • OLd , .5 , U • » . ■ 0 5 1 y CS a£; ■ ■ >' C ; P v >, y A y 'S ' t: ■ ’ ... ,.2. . 2 arm ; chain across breast, wiih cross suspended ; RICHARD GEORGE ’JUDD, right leg; SON :OF;MARY JUDD, sailor on wreck, and THE LAST -HOPE, left leg ; R.M.C., 1 Jan. 7, 1875 Suffering from effects On remand g Sydney,':“Vocalist 1846- ir 5ft 5Jin Medium 7 Fresh ' Sandy . 'Deep - J Small; ihinifeat ured E. Scar inside muscle of left Ch.Ch. 1 of excessive drinking 1 ■ ... n.s.w. 3 r 2 to! J: to- l Sr ■ A, 9 -yAblue - b • T C ‘ ;.l £..f arm; thin cut scar between eyebrows I Patrick Kennedy George R.M.C., Suffering from effects of excessive drinking On remand * -Carlisle JT -t ' ii y cv rSurgeon i82i ; 5ft 7fin § -- g 15 Medium 2 " 2 ' 1 ' a Pale 7" ; ■ VP* - •'» O . ' O . : Op- .* Light v " Srblue : ‘p Medium r; - r ‘. Medium ! P, c*. a Bearded. fulland I Jan. 7, 1875 E.M.C., Jan. 8, 1875 Suffering from effects | On remand - ' Q ,, M — County 7= : fl y —Labourer — Ll83ll_ Alert". .Medium " Fair Cl, 7. Red f 1 A Blue - o- 9M edium Medium DPey Medium Cut sr ar ’ top of head ; scar Ch.Ch. of excessive drinking .Monaghan, Ireland ;: K : ; : ..O' under leit ear; leu reg scarred and disfigured, having been broken James Michael Jan. 9, 1875 suffering from effects of excessive drinking On re mand . Dublin r--Labourer “ 1830 5ft 41in Medium ' Pale Dark, ; Blue Medium Medium Medium Cut scf ir right eyebrow : bulwound left shoulder E.M.C.,Ch.Ch. ' P X &: f.< zj zr F-* <-*• -J * ••• 1 ■: C*-: , . :<i / 3-1 1: : :* ' 0 • turning .Isrey • 0 it D .. . P*. N ■ let A 1 E.M.C.. Ian. 14, 1875 ] Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Liverpool; i~ Seaman ■ 1829 5ft lfin £. Stout r Sallow ■ • 'Dark : Blue g Large; Large; Large Crucifix on breast; eagle on ' back of left hand ; woman, ship, and anchor on right arm; brig and star left arm. 2nd conviction Bracelet and anchor right wrist; large scar under right breast; ditto on right leg; roof of mouth , . gone; affects speech; left J arm amputated at shoulder j Lyttelton % 1 j & b ~ i- a1 l ■ c . < .O' - - Pa. g p 9’ ■ 9 . ~ z> S' ' h 1 > M . • 1 3 * ' S • 1 5 0" i browns : i I C~i b " E P. u g A T* . ad P O > 52 ■ p -*»J c ■w Samuel • . James Morris Oct. 17, 1874 Assault • 3 months H.L. St. Mary’s, Hawker 1827 5ft 6 Jin Stout Fresh Black Hazel Medium Medium Medium R.M.C., ' ' \ 1 America


Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of. Trade. Born. Height. Make. Complexion Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and References. 1 ■ ' i John ... Court, up. ! G T; Oct. 5, 1874 Larceny A 1 A; H’F 12 months H.L. | : i ] 1 ! '■ Tipperary, j Ireland Labourer 1826 5ft 3in Medium Dark Black Hazel Medium Medium Mediur Ch.Ch. ; 1 ’ I fi s • : • *3 J-J u Cut scar on forehead; American flags and eagle left 1 j b'.i v;v l arm; mark of powder in forehead Oct. 5, 1874 Larceny 12 months ELL. Tipperary, Ireland Labourer 1826 5ft 3in Medium Dark Black Hazel Medium Mediun Mediur n Cut scar on forehead; American flags and eagle left arm; female dancer right arm; mark of powder in Herman Jetson... R.M.C., Dec. 19, 1874 Vagrancy J: |- 1 month H.L. Hanover Labourer 1833 6ft 9jin Stout Fresh Grey Blue Long Medium Mediun Ch.Ch. • Small dimple over right eye Dec. 19, 1874 Vagrancy 1 month H.L. Hanover Labourer 1833 5ft 9^in Stout Fresh Grey Blue Long Medium. Mediun forehead Small dimple over right eye Travers Hugh R.M.C., Ch. Oct. 20, 1874 Illegally on premises 3 months H.L. Hobart Town, Tasmania Bushman 1838 6ft llin Stout Pale Black Grey Medium Medium Mediun First joint of left thumb gone: R.M.C., Lyttelton Oct. 20,. 1874 Illegally on premises 3 months H.L. Hobart Town, Tasmania England Bushman 1838 6ftiiin Stout Pale Black Grey Medium Medium Mediun First joint of left thumb gone; upper front teeth gone . Full-rigged ship right arm; Hezekiah Spratt Jan. 6, 1875 Absent without leave 14 days imprisonment Seaman (2nd mate) 1850 5ft 6gin Medium Fresh Brown Dark Long, Medium Mediun E. P. JBouverie grey crucifix, I. H. S. I. and R.M.C., Lyttelton Jan. 6, 1875 Absent without leave from ship 14 days imprisonment England Seaman (2nd mate) 1850 5ft 6jin Medium Fresh Brown Dark Long Medium Mediun upper front teeth gone Full-rigged ship right arm; JS. P. Bouverie g re y crucifix, I. H. S. I. and bracelet left arm; burn Peter R.M.C., Lyttelton Jan. 15, 1875 Stowaw'ay 1 week H.L. London Seaman 1832 5ft 4rjin Medium Fresh Dark brown Grey Small thin Small Beardec scar left side of chin Wart on right side of nose; ring tattooed on centre R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Jan. 15, 1875 Stowaway ■ ■ '• ;! 1 week H.L. London Seaman 1832 5ft 44in Medium Fresh Dark brown Grey Small Small Beardec bracelet left arm; burn scar left side of chin Wart on right side of nose; | ring tattooed on centre James Murphy July 18, 1874 . , ’ thin Vagrancy 6 months H.L. 1 England Labourer 1841 6 ft 6 in Stout Fresh’ Dark Dark Medium Medium Bearded finger right hand t , r ... R.M.C., Ch.Ch. July 18, 1874 Vagrancy 6 months H.L. England Labourer 1841 5 ft Sin Stout Fresh Dark Dark Medium Medium Bearded finger right hand Sullivan...' R.M.C., Aug. 3, 1874 \ Larceny '' * ' • 6 months H.L. , Ireland Seaman 1853 5 ft 4in Stout Fresh Brown Blue Medium Medium Long Ch.Ch. Tattooed on left arm: A.R. ' U uTb O v; J.R., S.C., N.C.,: star, anchor, cross swords, HOPE and anchor; clasp of bracelet on left wrist Aug. 3, 1874 Larceny 6 months H.L. Ireland Seaman 1853 5 ft 4in Stout Fresh Brown Blue Medium Medium Long Tattooed on left arm: A.R., J.R., S.C., N.C., star, anchor, cross swords, HOPE and anchor ; clasp Sullivan John R.M.C., Cct. 12, 1874 Vagrancy 3 months H.L. Ireland Labourer 1847 5ft 7in Stout Fresh Blue Medium Medium Bearded Ch.Ch. Brown A ballet girl, anchor, and crucifix on right arm; banners of war, man and •, woman and ballet girl on . left arm; bracelet on wrist; star on back of left hand Cct. 12, 1874 Vagrancy 3 months H.L. Ireland Labourer 1847 5ft 7in Stout Fresh Brown Blue Medium Medium Bearded of bracelet on left wrist A ballet girl, anchor, and • crucifix on right arm ; banners of war, man and woman and ballet girl on left arm; bracelet on wrist; star on back of Patrick R.M.C., Nov. 14, 1874 Violent assault 2 months H.L. ' Ireland Farmer 1837 5ft 7in Medium Fresh Sandy Blue Medium \ Bearded Medium Top of third finger of left Nov. 14, 1874 Violent assault 2 months H.L. Ireland Farmer 1837 5 ft 7in Medium Fresh Sandy Blue Medium Medium Bearded left hand Top of third finger of left Mary r.m Jan. 4, 1875 Larceny 14 days H.L. Scotland - Married 1857 6ft lin Slight Pale Brown Brown Medium Medium Medium hand cut off Ch.Ch. Pock-pitted Jan. 4, 1875 Larceny 14 days H.L. Scotland Married 1857 5ft lin Slight Pale Brown Brown Medium Medium Medium hand cut off Pock-pitted George R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Jan. 8, 1875 Drunk and indecent 96 hours H.L. West India Seaman 1845 5ft 7in Stout Black Black Black Broad Big Large R.M.C., Ch.Ch. R.M.C.,Jan. 8, 1875 i )runk and indecent 96 hours H.L. West India Seaman 1845 5ft 7in Stout Black Black Black Big Large John Williams Jan. 11, 1875 exposure Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. America Ship’s 1845 5ft 7Jin Slight Stout Dark Dark Schooner, anchor, and C.E.J. on left arm .Tattooed: On the back — a large man-of-war, INDEPENDENCE, and small pilot boat, No. 5. On the chest —sailor standing by seaman’s tombstone. On right arm —man-of-war, R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Jan. 11, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H L. America Ship’s steward Seaman 1845 5ft 7|in Slight Dark Dark Dark Medium Medium Medium Schooner, anchor, and C.E.J. Hughes Jan. 11, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours • Wales steward Seaman 1833 5ft 8|in Fresh ,Sandy Blue Medium Medium R.M.C.,Ch.Ch. 1 * J r ' t; if i ■ ■ fi r Medium i B Ch.Ch. Jan. 11, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Wales 1833 5ft 8|in Stout Fresh Sandy Blue Medium Medium Medium on left arm Tattooed : On the back — a large man-of-war, INDEPENDENCE, and small l • pilot boat, No. 5. On the chest —sailor standing by seaman’s tombstone. On right arm' —man-of-war, woman, h pe and anchor, crucifix, with stars and candles. On left arm — female holding flag, a female with wings, a female 1 | ! ! resting on hope and anchor a ship and sailor; bracelets on both wrists, with female busts as clasps tiv ' r, woman, h pe and'anchor, crucifix, . with stars and candles. On left arm—. male with wings, a female j ’ i resting on hope and anchor a ship and sailor; bracelets on both wrists, with female busts as clasps .


Name. Where Tried When. Offence Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous | Reference. * When. Offence Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. * ! V; ' Height. ': Make. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. ’1 Remarks and! Previous 1 Rererence. 1 ,T ’"'. ' . I Archibald Menzie R.M C., Ch Ch. Jan. 11, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Scotland Labourer 1844 5ft 8in Stout Fresh Dark Blue Large Medium Bearded James Piercy E.M.C., Ch.Ch. Jan. 11, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. England Labourer 1833 5ft 9in Stout Fresh Brown Grey Medium Medium Medium Thomas Cock E M C., Ch.Ch. Jan. 11, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. England Cooper 1852 5ft 5in Medium Swarthy Dark Brown Medium Medium Medium Patrick Butler R M.C., Ch.Ch. Jan. 11, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours H.L. Ireland Labourer 1838 5ft Bin Stout Fresh Dark H azel Broad Big Bearded P. tattooed on left arm Anne Osborn .,. E.M.C., Ch.Ch. Jan. 11, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 96 hours H.L. Ireland Married 1838 5ft 4in Stout Pale Dark Grey Large Large Large Deep cut scar on forehead Minnie Edwards, alias R.M.C., Jan. 11, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 96 hours H.L. Scotland Prostitute 1837 5ft 2in Stout Pale Dark Blue Medium Medium Medium Burn scars round left eye Ihompson Cb.Ch. ' John Eay ’ , I ;';'; j' . •trr.w- ••;. > 1 ' E.M.C., Jan. 12, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. England Labourer 1832 5ft 6jin Stout Pale Dark Blue Medium Medium Medium Sailor holding a flag, and | Archibald Edward R.M C., C .Ch. J M.C. on right arm Jan. 11, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. ; Scotland Labourer 1844 5ft 8in Stout Fresh Dark Blue Large Medium Bearded .--.n!;oi. afiroqiiift pi.-'D 1 1 R.M.C., Jan. 12, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. England Labourer 1840 5ft 9Jin Medium Fresh Dark Blue Large Large Bearded Burn scar behind left ear; ! PiercyJames Baker ch ch: Ch.Ch. late of the 57th Regiment 1 24 hours H.L. ' • : l " E.M.C., e.m c., 1875 11, 1875 12, disorderly and disorderly Drunk England Labourer 1833 5ft 9in Stout Fresh Brown Grey Medium Medium Medium 48 hours H L. England Labourer 1833 5ft lOin Stout Fresh Brown Blue DeLarge Bearded Cut scar on the left thumb | BBRHni a Cox Ch.Ch. Ch. formed | ! j • !: ' j R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Jan. 13, 1875 Contempt of Court 24 hours imprisonment London Messenger 1821 5ft 5jin Stout Fresh Dark and grey Dark Medium Medium Medium Cock Reginald C. E.M.C., Jan. 13, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. England Civil 1848 6ft 11 in Stout Fresh Brown B ue Medium Medium Medium A cross and half anchor on i•j John Eay R.M J C., Ch.Ch. Engineer the ri lit arm ; cross flags, anchor and MARY on left arm •'■Ch.Ch: E.M.C., Jan. 11, 1875 JJ JriV : f Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. 0 i :•••<•=•- ji. t ' England Cooper >■ 'tin.., V 1852 5ft 5in r | l Medium : ‘ • 1 * ‘ j Swarthy ; Dark J Brown ir"' 1 /l Medium ”1 '" a Medium ,v ll*‘ vv M Medium S no.,og: HU pps ■ pv-. ;t — r:-. \ Ch.Ch. Jan. 14, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours H.L. — — — — — — — — — — — Patrick Alice R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Jan. 15, 1875 Vagrancy 48 hours H.L. London No calling 1853 6ft 2in Slight Pale Dark Brown Medium Medium Medium Cut scar on right wrist '** i i//J!ll Elizabeth ! R.M.C., E.M.C., Oct, 19, 1874 Vagrancy 3 months H.L. Ireland Prostitute 1852 5ft 2Jin Stout Fresh Light Brown Turned Large Medium Cut scar on middle linger of : Ch'.Chi Jan. .11, 1875 JJ JoX;J ; 1 Drunk and disorderly Vl/Uj i HjjVJ >J (jtrUjA 1 , 48 hours H.L. .; J si ;J j Ireland ' ‘ Labourer ■- ; •1838 8 W ; i‘l 5ft 6in. ' v Stout . ..Fresh , ->■ . ( Dark . Hazel,, 1 Broad,. J* Bearded P..tattooed on left arm ■. • : 'V ■ \ Osborn McCauley Mary Ch.Ch. up left hand EMC., Ch.Ch. Oct. 19, 1874 Vagrancy 3 months H.L. Ireland Prostitute 1855 5ft 2in Stout Fresh Red Brown Medium Large Medium ']Yr<9 ooifia '*• ( j; O’Brien T.M.C., E.M.C., Jan. 6, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 14 days H.L. Ireland Labourer 1843 5ft 9jin Stout Fi esh Brown Blue Medium Medium Beardec Banners of war on right arm; C Ch.Ch! Jan. 11, 1875 ' Ui ' it'. J#iS 1 I Drunk and disorderly UfJJjt yj ■ ■ 96 hours H.L. ,,n fl J j Ireland' C n ii J ; Married •« ■ ■ iii .1838 • ru i - J , 5ft 4in r I • Stout ] .Pale l 5 ”i- ; 1 ,, Dark . Gr °y : .Large ■ Large j .Large Deep cut scar on forehead I. Minnie Edwards, Matthew Smith Ch.Ch. bracelet on wrist; ring on middle finger of left hand R.M.C., Jan. 11, 1875 Drunk and disorderly, 24 hours H.L. Scotland Baker ’847 5ft 8jiu Medium Swarthy Dark Blue Large Mediun Medium J.W. on left wrist; ring on Ch.Ch. re-isting the police, and failing to appear middle finger Thompson Williams R.M.C., R.M.C., cb'.ch: Ch.Ch. 1875 Jan. 11, Jan. 1875 14, on recognizance Drunk «nd disorderly 96 hours H.L. Scotland Labourer 1812 5ft 7jin Stout Fresh Grey Grey Large Mediun Medium Cut scar on bridge of nose '""'t ibiv r Drunk and. disorderly 96 hours H.L. M '!•'• - 11 i ■ Scotland . Prostitute 1837 r 5ft 2in r Stout „ Pale «»jf | 1, • P. ark j Medium Medium Medium .Burn scars round left eye A • — ** •;:•:< • • ■“ ' J * V* i . . . . u" • * r John Eay William Storey R.M.C., Jan. 15, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 12 hours H.L. Ireland Labourer 1844 5ft 7fin Medium Pale Dark Blue Medium Medium Medium Three long cut scars on left A o.vty** mjc.p George shburton and an as-ault arm (a bank fell on him) R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Jan. 18, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Scotland Labourer 1829 5ft 9in Stout Pale Dark Blue Large Large Large •’R.M.C., ; 'C'.Ch. > E.M.C., Jan. 12, 1875 1 r Jolt : : Jan. 12, 1875 Drunk and disorderly A:"]'"’! Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. u. 1,0 “(r ii i' 1 24 hours H.L. England J i. Labourer Labourer . 1832 .. 5ft 64in 1 j Stout J , f Pale Fresh ,.Dark Blue l; ; *; Vi Medium Medium 'A if Medium . Sailor . holding , a .flag, and .... J.M.C! oh right arm ' \ England 1840 5ft 9Jin Medium Dark Blue Large Large Bearded Burn. scar lT belnnd .left, ear; Ch.Ch. i | ; • • » .. late of the 67 th Regiment Cut scar oh the left thumb 1 Edward John Baker Jan. 12, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 48 hours H L. England Labourer 1833 6ft lOin Stout Fresh Brown Blue DeLarge Bearded R.M C.,Ch Ch. j • | ! ' | i B - ' l ' R.M.C., ■1 Ch Ch. JaD. 13, 1875 Contempt of Court 24 hours imprisonment London Messenger 1821 5ft 5^in Stout Fresh Dark and Dark Medium Medium Medium ( i (M.jnz . ou ••| r M ! r •'• ‘ • : | • r • ... grey Daniel jrt&u JW p/rj r -r Hi’ J8lt 3 TIT : l-.ojonq : ;• PAi” fo/rp | •] j j ! 7. v. V p :f ;l'£ Sa.r smr.uoi.' rim; ; V'A C" ! i R.M.Cl, Jan. 13, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. England Civil 1848 5ft 11 in Stout Fresh Brown Bue Medium Medium Medium A' cross and half, anchor on Ch.Ch. ' Engineer • | : 1 ,*;,the ri. ht arm ; cross flags, , !, anchor . and, M ARY,. on 1, left arm :rc; r i . ' | O' ! .0/4 n j J . J : ;. C. Reginald A' 1 ...Ray: Jan?14'-1875 Drunk and disorderly ® * r 4 8 1 hours' H.L. I«,j!rntr . gurimru 82‘L_ 2 Mill {c rr£_ : I ii r?< ’_l y 9qujr»i 7 ■ ' obil 1 R.M.C., - 1 Ch.Ch. . ■ , lv - ■ : ! ■ . .,[•: i ; * * i Medium 5 R.M.C., '1 ‘Jan? 15, M 875 J - Vagrancy *• ' 48 hours H.L. • London No calling 8'1853 - r 6ft r 2in 1 * Slight 1 Pale ‘ ■ Dark ) V) • * •’ Brown Medium Medium Cut scar on right wrist : Alice ... J)Elizabeth ... . . I ; : Ch.Ch.R.M.C., Vagrancy 3 months H.L. Ireland, Prostitute 1852 5ft 2iin , Stout . , Fresh ‘ 'Light Brown 1 Turned ,1 Large, Medium .Cut. scar -on middle finger of Oct. .19, 1874 "MBVJ818 {■■ ! 'C "r h i ■;.',■■ t . i ; 833 j 2‘ ■n :*r 2 , / fl ! ' U,,y , Tr- | \ * ’’ up’ Medium 11. H & j V ' .left hand 0 ’r' tiim Ch.Ch: ■•: EMC., Oct. 19, 1874' Vagrancy 4 ; 3 months H.L. Ireland Prostitute 1855 5ft 2in Stout Fresh Red Brown Large Medium . pvavjH' V-™' | j Ch.Ch; . ' j , ,f •/ j ' ■' | ■ • ‘ ‘ 1 | 'f | Mary O’Brien Jan. 6, 1875 Drunk and^clisorderly . 14 days H.L. /■•.•• • .-Oj.m.wojJ Ireland ■ ’ Labourer ,1843 ., 5ft 9iin > Stout , . Fresh, Brown ’Blue Medium Medium Bearded Banners of war on right arm; R.M.C.', i.*4 - at pjui.t> i'.j I 82U f VI J ■ 1 1 j ) • *j - 1 • J T , 4 '!,i bracelet on wrist;. ring on ,;r C ] r!il> ■; V ■ -■ ‘ ' . •i'l •■••'■, . 1 . ! 1 middle finger of left hand J.W. on left wrist; ring on P: CP' I R.M.C:, ( < Jan/11^1875!; Drunk and disorderly, ;; 1 24 hours' H.L. | JI 1 l5f Scotland • ! " Baker 8-Y847 - 5ft 85m Medium -.TlO. '<! ‘ ] i Swarthy •' Dark 11 Blue y ' Large 7 Medium Medium Ch.Ch.' n|MB|| j resisting the police, and failing to appear ! ■ , •: .. .. middle finger, ; Matthew "... g ; mum 1 '•ij>om*GL I : .\; ; i *; m i e; o’:«; Cprtf j ] | V - \ ,>]<T0 | v([irfz»j :j •ijHt;;;. p J (uooijt jrjv. -j recognizance ' ’ ' . R.M.C:, Jan. 14, 1875 96 hours H.L. 1 Scotland Labourer, .1812 5ft 7iin Stout Fresh Grey " Grey Large Mediun Medium Cut scar on bridge of nose Williams William Storey Ch.Ch; • :■ !■ 1 j ' ' • , . i ’ : R.M.C., Jan. 15, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 12 hours H.L. Ireland , 1 hhw i.o a. /. : Labourer [-'•In., •1844 830 j? 5ft 7fin , Medium Pale .Dark Blue ! --i : Medium Medium Medium .Three long cut scars on left arm (a bank fell on him) Lshburton ) •( 8 1811 ; and an as-ault i 13 HT P 11!" 1 ;/ 14 ' i ■* . ; v J George Jan. 18, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. 1 Scotland | Labourer 1829 6ft 9in Stout Pale Dark Blue . Large Lame Large j R.M.C., "Ch.Ch. " ’ j T ‘ 1 1 • -i h . r J I • •• •*: j y.^vAV]' r ' . •> i •. ! : ■■■ : '


Name. Where led. When. Offence. Sentence. of. Trade. Born. Height. Make. Complexion Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth Chin. Remakes and Reference. - alias Wells, K.M.C., Jan. 18, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Engl.nd Labourer 1810 5ft 5in Slight Pale Grey Grey No teetl Beardec Stace R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Jan. 18, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Engl .nd Labourer 1810 5ft 5in Slight Pale Grey Grey L ng No teetl Beard ec Patrick Kennedy Ch.Ch.K , \ v, ! t. , R.M.C,Ch.Ch. 19, disorderly 24 New Labourer 1844 6ft 7in Slight Fresh Sandy Blue Medium Medium Medium Bullet scar left side of neck Wales Labourer 1844 6ft 7in Slight Fresh Sandy Blue M ediuir Medium Medium Bullet scar left side of neck Ch.Ch. Wales Green K Jan. 20, 1876 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Ireland Rope maker 1824 6ft 7 Jin Stout Pale Grey Blue Medium Medium Medium Fish on back of right hand Ch Ch. Jan. 20, 1876 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. Ireland Rope maker 1824 5ft 7£in Stout Pale Grey Blue Medium Medium | Medium Fish on back of right hand Mary R.M C., Ch.Ch. Jan. 20, 1875 Vagrancy Remanded * — — — — — — — Norris George Ch R.M.C., C.,Ch.Ch. Jan. 21, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. England Miner 1845 5ft 6^-in Medium Swarthy Black Blue Medium Medium Beardec Ch.Ch. R.M.C., Jan. 20, 1876 Jan. 21, 1875 Vagrancy Drunk and disorderly Remanded 24 hours H.L. England Miner 1845 6ft 6 Jin Medium Swarthv Black Blue Medium Medium Beardec HenleyThomas Ch.Ch.R.M.C., R.M.C.,Ch.Ch. 1876 21, disorderly hours H.L. Ireland Miner 1839 oft Stout Pale Dark Blue, Medium Medium Beardec cut right temple Patrick Kennedy Ch.Ch.H.M.C., R.M.C.,Ch.Ch. 1875 Jan. 21, disorderly and 48 — . — — — — — • temple Cunningham ... Ch.Ch.R.M.C., R.M.C.,Ch.Ch. 21, disorderly 24 Ireland Pro; titufce 1840 ft 5 Stout Pale Dark Grey Medium Large Medium in neck Ring pockpitted Henry Ch.Ch. M.C R , R.M.C.,Ch.Ch. 1875 22, disorderly H.L. hours England Labourer 1809 5ft 4Jin Stout Fresh Grey Blue Large Large Medium pockpitted Ch.Ch. 1 John R.M.C., Jan. 23, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. England Plasterer 1833 6ft Sin Medium Pale Dark Brown Medium medium Medium Middle finger left hand cut Ch. Plumber Slender Brown Hazel Ordinary Medium off at middle joint Jan. 23, 1875 Drunk and disorderly 24 hours H.L. England Plasterer 1833 5ft Sin Medium Pale Dark Brown Medium medium Medium Middle finger left hand cut off at middle joint John R.M.C., Jan. 6, 1875 Illegally on premises 7 days H.L. Scotland 1849 5ft 6in Dark Medium Marks : Old sore on left hand Tirnaru Jan. 6, 1875 Illegally on premises 7 days H.L. Scotland Plumber 1849 5ft 6in Slender Dark Brown Hazel Ordinary Medium Medium Marks : Old sore on left hand above thumb Frank Timaru M R C., R M C., imam 1 Jan. 8, 1875 Lunatic Remanded England ' Carpenter 1837 5ft 4Jin Slender Fair Brown Blue Aquiline Ordinary Bearded above thumb irnaru '1 M.C,, R. Waimate Jan. 8, 1875 Lunatic Remanded England Carpenter 1837 5ft 45m Slender Fair Brown Blue Aquiline Ordinary Bearded Cook Jan. 9, 1875 Creating a disturbance in a licensed house, aud using ob-cene langu. ge Fined 20s., in default 48 hums H.L.; second offence — Fined 20s., in default 7 days H.L. England Labourer 1840 oft 3in Stout Fre.-h Dark Grey Flat Large Bearded Marks: Sore on right eyebrow R.M.C., Jan. 9, 1875 Creating a disturbance Fined 20s., in default England Labourer 1840 oft 3in Stout Fre.ih Dark Grey Flat Large Bearded M arks: Sore on right eyeWaimate in a licensed house, and using obscene language 48 hums H.L.; second offence. — Fined 20s., in default 7 days H.L. brow Frederick | R.M.C., Jan. 4, 1875 As-ault Fined £5, in default Australia Blacksmith 1853 5ft Sin Medium Pale Black Brown Large .Medium Round W Jan. 1875 4, 1875 11, As-aultLarceny Fined in default 14 days Ireland 1831 5ft lOin Stout FanSandy Grey flat1 MeJium Bearded 14 days H.L. Australia .Blacksmith 1853 5ft 5in Medium Pale Black Brown Large fiatMedium Round M-. y M 7 days H.L. . Labourer Ordinary Waimate Jan. 11, 1875 Larceny 7 days H.L. Ireland Labourer 1831 5ft lOin Stout Fair Sandy Grey Ordinary Medium Bearded Michael VV aimate C., Timaru 1875 6, Larceny days Ireland Gasfitter 1838 7Jin Slender Fair dySac Blue PromiLarge Broad nent Large Broad Gould TimaruR.M.C., R.M.C.,Waimate Jan. 1875 Larceny 14 days H.L. Scotland Labourer 1826 6 ft 8in Stout Sallow Dark, Blue nent J Aquiline Di dinary Medium | 14 days H.L. Scotland Labourer 1826 6ft 8in Stout Sallow Dark, turning grey Blue Aquiline Di dinary Medium turning , 1 i grey Waitnaie


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Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XIII, Issue 3, 1 February 1875, Page 15

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Stolen. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XIII, Issue 3, 1 February 1875, Page 15

Stolen. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XIII, Issue 3, 1 February 1875, Page 15