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Revesting to Police Gazette No. 11, 1874, page 79, missing friend Olcher Player Eedden has been found.

Revesting to Police Gazette No. 12, 1874, page 84, offender John William Bottommore, has been arrested by Chief-Detective Feast. ■

Return op Appointments, &c., since Last G-azette.

promotion. First-Class Constable and Drill-Instructor Digby Mitchell to be Third-Class Sergeant.

RESIGNATION. , First-Class Constable John Hills

APPOINTMENTS. , ' June 16, 1874—Hugh Beaumont, to ,be Third-Class Constable June 19, 1874.J0hn Henderson, to be Third-Class Constable • June 22, 1874.—Hugh Manson, to be Third-Class Constable June 25, 1874.—John Mcßride, to be Third-Class Constable


Name. ‘ 1 ‘ 1 1 Offence. By whom Aebested. How Disposed of. lo mnv/r/f j; • Johnson, Thomas ... '■ Drunk and ! disorderly and travelling without a 1 railway ticket Telverton, AugustusLarceny of a chair Drunk and disorderly and travellingConst. Davis, Fined 20s, Johnson, Thomas l ... without a railway ticket Yelverton, AugustusLarceny of a chair Const. Davis, Christchurch Police Sergt. Willis, Christchurch Police Fined 20s, 6 months’ imprisonment Pitcaithley, William Drunk and , disorderly in a railway Const. Davis, Christchurch Police Fined 20s. Const. Lamb, Fined 20s. Bishop, Arthur '' 1 '...• carriage Drunk and illegally on the premises... Const. Lamb,Fined 20s. ; Christchurch Police Fined 20s. Const. A. Beck,. Upton, Thomas ... Clifford, James Drunk and disorderly and assaulting Thomas Bennetts . > _ ,, . r . ' Drunk and creating a disturbance in a Const. A. Beck, 2 months' imprisonment ChristchurcHPolice Const. Dance, Christchurch Police 2 months’ imprisonment Fined 20s. Brodie, John Drunk and creating a disturbance in a Const. Dance, licensed houseChristchurch Police Const. Dance, Fined 20s. Fined 20s. Christchurch Police Wilson, CharlesConst. Eirman, Drunk and indecent exposure at railConst. Firman, . Christchurch Police Fined 20s. Wilson, Charles Drunk and indecent exposure at railDischarged and sent to Sampson, Edward ...Hospital 1 Sampson, Edward ‘ Vagrancy -VagrancySergt. Kennedy, Sergt. Kennedy, ,• Christchurch Police Discharged and sent to Hospital Pryke, Henry Larceny in a dwelling Sergt. Ramsay, Akaroa Police 3 weeks’ imprisonment Jenkins, Edward ... Keeping a disorderly house Chief-Detective Feast Fined £5, or 1 month’s im(On warrant) ■ Mahoney, George ... Larceny of a pair of boots Detective Walker • prisonment 3 month’s imprisonment Richardson, Joseph...Cautioned and discharged Richardson, Joseph...Committing a breach of the peace ... Committing a breach of the peace ...Sergt. Greenwood, Sergt. Greenwood,Cautioned and discharged (On warrant) Butler, John Ashburton Police Violently assaulting his wifeMtd.-Const, Bayley, Ashburton Police Mtd.-Const. Bayley,3 months’ imprisonment, and Violently assaulting his wife3 months’ imprisonment, and Christchurch Police fined sureties for 12 months Kirkwood, Mary Anne Vagrancy ... Const. A. Beck, 1 year’s imprisonment . Christchurch Police Free, JohnConst. Firman, Drunk at railway station Const. Firman, Fined 10s., or 24 hours’ imChristchurch Police Fined 10s., or 24 hours’ imprisonment Free, John Drunk at railway station Free, John . Larceny from the person Sgt.-Major O’Grady, 6 months’ imprisonment Wadsworth, George Lyttelton Police Contempt of CourtSergt. Wilson, 24 hours’ imprisonment Contempt of Court Christchurch Police Contempt of Court ...Sergt. Wilson, Lyttelton Police Sergt. Wilson, Christchurch Police Sergt. Wilson,24 hours’ imprisonment Wadsworth, Mary... Contempt of Court . Christchurch Police Const. A. Beck, 24 hours’ imprisonment 24 hours’ imprisonment 6 months’ imprisonment Wadsworth, Mary... Hannon, Joseph ... Stealing from the person 1W Christchurch Police Tracey, Lucy Drunk and soliciting prostitution Const. E. Hughes, Fined 20s. Christchurch Police Browning, iGeorge ... Drunk and disorderly and resisting Const. Lamb, Fined 20s. the Police in execution of duty Christchurch Police Brown, Ellen S. the Police in execution of duty Lunacy Christchurch Police Sergt. Wilson, Committed to Asylum Christchurch Police Keevey, Michael ... Christchurch Police Drunk and obscene language, and reSergt. Greenwood, Fined 30s. Woods, Richard, alias sisting the Police Larceny from the person |P Ashburton Police Sgt.-Major O’Grady, \ Committed for trial Doherty Lyttelton Police Powis, Arthur Absent from barque Tien Tsin, and Const. McGorman, Ordered on board, or 48 Gallagher, Patrick ... assaulting Constable Lyttelton Police hours’ imprisonment Drunk and disorderly, and previous3 months’ imprisonment Drunk and disorderly, and previousConst. Wallace, Const. Wallace,3 months’ imprisonment Berens, John ... convictions Lyttelton Police Drunk and disorderly and furious Const. Haldane, Fined 10s., and costs Is. 6d. Taylor, Robert, alias riding Kaiapoi Police Drunk and disorderly and using obSergt. Wallace, Fined 10s., and costs Is 6d. John Smith scene language ■ Rangiora Police Welch, John Drunk and disorderly and using ob- ■ Mt.-Const. Kennedy, Fined 20s., or 7 days’ imDeHead, Henri scene language Arowhenua Police prisonment Drunk and disorderly and using ob-Mt.-Const. Weedon, Fined 20s. Peterson, Thomas ... scene language Waimate Police Drunk and disorderly and exposing Const. O’Malley, Fined 10s. O’Connor, William... his person in a public place W aimate Police Lunacy ' Waimate Police Sergt. McDonald, Committed to Asylum Timaru Police Cameron, William ...Const. Johnston, Drunk whilst in charge of a horse and Timaru Police Const. Johnston, Fined 30s. Timaru Police Brunt, ThomasConst. Johnston, Committed to Asylum Fined 30s. Cameron, ... Drunk whilst in charge of a horse and furious riding Brunt, Thomas ...Drunk, resisting Police, and using furious ridingTimaru Police Drunk, resisting Police, and usingConst. Johnston, Fined 60s. Butterworth, Emma (On warrant) Arthur, William ... Crookshank, George obscene language Lunacy Refusal of duty on board Mary Ann Annison Refusal of duty on board Varuna Timaru Police Mt.-Const. Dorn, Timaru Police Const. Wallace, Lyttelton Police Committed to Asylum 1 weeks’ imprisonment • Const. McGorman,1 week’s imprisonment Committed to Asylum 1 weeks’ imprisonment 1 week’s imprisonment Hattensawer, Ernest Lyttelton Police Const. McGorman, Deans, George Lyttelton Police Deans, George ... Toomey, William ... Walsh, Michael ; Refusal of duty and broaching cargo on Varuna Refusal of duty and broaching cargo on Varuna Refusal of duty and threatening language on Ballochmyle Drunk and using profane and obscene language Freeman, David - ...Assault with intent to rob Lyttelton Police Const. McGorman, on Varuna 6 weeks’ imprisonment Lyttelton Police Itelusal of duty and broaching cargoConst. McGorman, on Varuna Lyttelton Police Refusal of duty and threateningConst. McGorman, language on Sallochmyle Lyttelton Police Drunk and using profane and obsceneConst. O’Malley, 6 weeks’ imprisonment 1 week’s imprisonment 1 week’s imprisonment languageFined £6 \ Freeman, David Assault with intent to rob Const. Me Gorman, Lyttelton Police Const. McGorman, Lyttelton Police Const. O’Malley, Waimate Police Const. Wildermoth, 1 week’s imprisonment 1 week’s imprisonment Fined £6 i Fined 40s., or 7 days’ imHamilton, Walter Drunk and using obscene language W ashdyke Police Const. Johnston, prisonment Fined 20s. Thomas, DavidTimaru Police Illegally on the premises Mt.-Const. Dorn, Timaru Police Mt.-Const. Dorn, Timaru 1 Police prisonment Fined 20s. 7 days’ imprisonment Thomas, David ....Illegally on the premises


Name. Offence. By whom Aeeested. How Disposed of. Hanley, Patrick Drunk and using obscene language... Mtd.-Const. Kennedy, Fined 10s. Arowhenua Police Fined 10s. Breakwell, John Drunk whilst in charge of a horse ... ' - Arowhenua Police Mtd.-Const. Kennedy, Fined 10s. Arowhenua Police Fined 10s. Smith, James Drunk and exposing his person in a public place Mtd.-Const. Kennedy, Arowhenua Police Fined 20s. Martin, Henry Drunk and exposing his person in a public place Refusal of duty on barque Eleanor ... Arowhenua Police Mtd.-Const. Kennedy, Arowhenua Police Const. McGorman, ' 1 t-1 1 j Fined 20s. 3 weeks’ imprisonment Lyttelton Police 3 weeks’ imprisonment Wagner, Charles ... Refusal of duty on barque Eleanor ... Lyttelton Police Const. McGorman, 3 weeks’ imprisonment Lyttelton Police 3 weeks’ imprisonment Jarrieson, Henry ... Refusal of duty on barque Eleanor ... Lyttelton Police Const. McGorman, 3 weeks’ imprisonment Lyttelton Police 3 weeks’ imprisonment Cowin, James Refusal of duty on barque Eleanor ... Lyttelton Police Const. McGorman, 3 weeks’ imprisonment Lyttelton Police 3 weeks’ imprisonment Murchison, John ... Refusal of duty on barque Eleanor ... Lyttelton Police Const. Maguire, 3 weeks’ imprisonment Lyttelton Police 3 weeks’ imprisonment Walsh, Patrick Vagrancy Lyttelton Police Mtd.-Const. Morice, Dismissed with a caution , Ashburton Police Dismissed with a caution Luke, Isaac Riotous conduct, drunk and using obAshburton Police Mtd.-Const. Morice, Fined 20s. scene language, and resisting the police Mtd.-Const. Morice, Ashburton Police Fined 20s. Walsh, PatrickContempt of Court Ashburton Police Walsh, Patrick ...Contempt of Court Mtd.-Const. Morice,. 24 hours’ imprisonment Ashburton Police 24 hours’ imprisonment Comaskey, Matthew Drunk and using obscene language, riotous conduct in a licensed house, and refusing to quit same, and wilful destruction of private property Mtd.-Const. Morice, Ashburton Police Fined 20s., and pay damages 12s. Pryke, HarryLarceny under £5 Ashburton Police Mtd.-Const. Morice, Ashburton Police Fined 20s., and pay damages ; i2s. Pryke, HarryLarceny under £5 -Major O’Grady, Lyttelton Police Const. Wallace, Committed to Asylum Williams, William ... Abusive language to Master of barque Dismissed with a caution John Knox Lyttelton Police Committed to Asylum Williams, William ... Abusive language to Master of barque John Knox Lyttelton Police Dismissed with a caution ! • ; - .. . r. ' Jorgenson, Bentt ... Violent assault Chief-Detective Feast 6 months’ imprisonment Ambrose, Edward ... Drunk and exposing his person in a Const. Davis, Fined 20s. railway carriage Const. Davis, Christchurch Police Fined 20s. Boughton, John Larceny Chief-Detective Feast Dismissed Barker, George, alias Brennan Larceny ... Const. Smith, Christchurch Police 6 months’ imprisonment Uzurwa, Noah Wilfully placing stones on railway line Detective Walker Father hound over to keep (on warrant) Wilfully placing stones on railway line Detective Walker Father bound over to keep f boy off line boy off line Bottommore, John Wife desertion Chief-Detective Feast Eemanded to 3rd July William (on warrant) Wife desertion Chief-Detective Feast Remanded to 3rd July Green, Alfred Lunacy Sergt. Kennedy, Eemanded to Asylum Christchurch Police Remanded to Asylum Me Guinness, Wm. J.24 hours’ imprisonment McGuinness, Wm. J.Contempt of Court Contempt of CourtConst. Davis, Const. Davis, Christchurch Police 24 hours’ imprisonment McGuinness, Wm. J. Drunk and indecent exposure at RailChristchurch Police Const. Firman, Fined 60s. 1 way station Const. Firman, Christchurch Police Fined 60s. McNamara, Daniel... Drunk and creating a disturbance in a Const. Firman, railway carriageChristchurch Police Const. Firman,Fined 40s., and expenses of . railway carriageChristchurch Police Fined 40s., and expenses of witnesses Mcllraith, WilliamDisobeying an order of the Court witnesses Mcllraith, William (on warrant) Disobeying an order of the Court Sergt. Barlow, Leeston Police Ordered to pay £3, and costs £1 Betts, Joseph Sergt. Barlow, Leeston Police Ordered to pay £3, and costs £1 Lunacy (from drink) Sergt. Kennedy, Christchurch Police Committed to Asylum Keyan, Richard, alias Dublin Dick Creating a disturbance in a licensed house, and refusing to leave when Sergt. Wilson, Christchurch Police Fined 10s. requested to do so Sergt. Wilson, Christchurch Police Fined 10s. ■


Names. Country. Offence. Sentence. of Discharge. Age. Height. Build. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Remarks. Edward England and disorderly Deferred 1874 8, 39 6ft lOin Stout Pale Black Blue Large nose, large mouth, mole (Dismissed with 39 6ft lOin Stout Pale Black Blue Large nose, large mouth, mole on muscle right arm a caution) Hammond Do. the streets weeks’ labour, with(Dismissed 1874 11, 74 6ft 7jin Medium Fresh Grey Hazel Long nose, average mouth, 5ft 6in scars on right wrist, scar on right eyebrow. Widower a caution) June 11,1874 74 - 6ft 7|in Medium Fresh ■ Grey Hazel on muscle right arm Long nose, average mouth, # scars on- right wrist, scar on right eyebrow." Widower Large nose, large mouth; bald Joseph Ireland Larceny 2 months’ hard labour, J une 12,1874 35 Stout Do. Brown L. grey Large nose, large mouth, bald on forehead. Single Refusing to obey orders on 2 months’ hard labour, June 12,1874 35 6ft 6in Stout Do. Brown L. grey William London 1 week hard labour, 6ft 8£in Do. Pale Black Grey on forehead. Single Marks: Bracelet on right board ship 1874, June 9. 6ft 8jin Do. Pale Black Grey Marks: Bracelet on right R.M.C., Lyttelton - fi: ■ wrist, dots and anchor on • left arm, three scar cuts on back of right hand; average nose, mouth, and chin. board ship June 9. 1874, K.M.C., Lyttelton wrist, dots and anchor on left arm, three scar cuts on back of right hand; average nose, mouth, and chin. Seaman George Fraserburgh Broaching hard 1 labour, 5ft 4in Do. Sallow Do. Do. Seaman Blue spots between thumb and — — 5ft 4in Do. Sallow Do. Do. Blue spots between thumb and Ab June 11, 1874, forefinger, nose large and shire 1874, 11, R.M.C., Lyttelton bent to right, small finger right hand crooked, small mouth and average chin. Seaman R.M.C., Lyttelton : " * ’ ;* • forefinger, nose large and bent to right, small finger right hand crooked, small mouth and average chin. Seaman George Ardrossan Do. Do. Do. ' — 7jin Do. Fresh Do. Do. dot blue arm, right tween forefinger and thumb each hand, scar outer corner left eye, short and Coe Scotland 12 weeks’ hard labour, 14 days’ hard labour, 5ft 6fin Do. Do. Do. Hazel tween forefinger and thumb each hand, scar outer corner left eye, short and small nose, small mouth, average chin; single. Seaman, chemist and druggist 1st. cargo 2nd. Disobeying 12 weeks’ hard labour, 5ft 6fin Do. Do. Hazel small nose, small mouth, average chin; single. Seaman, chemist and druggist 2nd. Disobeying labour, 14 1874, 12, mands March 12, 1874, R.M.C., Lyttelton Cut scar right cheek, large William Toomey London Threatening language to 1 week hard labour, Do. — 5 ft 7jin Do. Dark Do. Grey Chief Officer ship March 12, 1874, nose and mouth; single Ballochmyle R.M.C., Lyttelton D. R. on right arm, right arm crooked, medium nose and Martin LondonScotland Disobeying commands barque Eleanor 3 weeks’ hard labour, June 15, 1874, — 5ft 7jin Do. Do. Do. Do. R.M.C., Lyttelton chin, small mouth. Seaman Threatening language to Chief Officer ship JBallochmyle Disobeying commands barque Eleanor R.M.C., Lyttelton 1 week hard labour, March 12, 1874, R.M.C., Lyttelton 3 weeks’ hard labour, June 16, 1874, R.M.C., Lyttelton Do. — 6ft 7^in 6ft 7^in Do. Do. Dark Do. Do. Do. Grey Do. Cut scar right cheek, large nose and mouth; single D. R. on right arm, right arm crooked, medium nose and chin, small mouth. Seaman Scotland


Name. Country. Offence. Sentence. of Discharge. Age. Height. Build. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Remarks. VaughnCharles Russia Disobeying 3 weeks’ hard labour, June 15, 1874 5ft l^in Stout Pale L. brown Blue 9.A. on right arm, blue mark barque labour, hard 1874,June 16, left eyebrow, anchor on 1874, 16, Lyttelton left hand, average nose, mouth, and chin. Seaman R.M.C., Lyttelton June 15, 1874 — 5ft l|in Stout Pale L. brown Blue 9. A. on right arm, blue mark left eyebrow, anchor on left hand, average nose, mouth, and chin. Seaman Desertion from ship Merritt Henry Jersey B weeks’ hard labour, June 22,1874 18 5ft. lin. Medium Pale Black Black Short pug nose, large mouth, ship from Desertion Hudson April 28, 1874, thick lips. Seaman Hudson 1 weeks’ hard labour. April 28, 1874, R.M.C., Lyttelton June 22,1874 18 5ft. lin. Medium Pale Black Black Short pug nose, large mouth, thick lips. Seaman PrykeHenry England Larceny Lyttelton hard days’ June 26, 1874 38 5ft. 7in. Medium Pale Brown Grey Large nose and mouth, three 1874, JR.M.C., moles on back of left arm, June 25, 1874 38 5ft. 7in Medium Pale Brown Grey Large nose and mouth, three moles on back of left arm, large scar above elbow trom scald; married. Labourer R.M.C., Akaroa large scar above elbow from scald; married. Labourer Brien Ireland disorderly and 96 labour, June 27, 1874 62 6ft. 65m. Stout Swarthy Grey ‘Blue Cross and thistle on left arm, 1874, scar left temple, scars left Lyttelton eyebrow; single. Seaman June 27, 1874 52 6ft. 6Jin. Stout Swarthy Grey * Blue Cross and thistle on left arm, scar left temple, scars left eyebrow; single. Seaman Lane J England Drunk disorderly remand, June 27, 1874 41 6ft. 9in. Medium Fair L. brown Grey Medium nose and mouth. 1874, Christchurch R.M.C., V. Labourer June 27, 1874 41 5ft. 9in. Medium Fair L. brown Grey Medium nose and mouth. Labourer John High Felony and attempting 3 years’ penal servitude Died, 29 5ft. 9in. Stout Fresh Black Blue Tattooed on right arm anchor, Devonshire suicide 3 months’ hard labour, June 27, 1874 ■ star, hook, spade, and diaEngland May 12,1873, mond ; J.B. on outside of District Court, Timaru arm; bracelet, star, and anchor back of right hand; star and bracelet left arm; cut scar back of left hand ; » dots back of left hand; ring and finger left hand; widower. Stonemason, &c. Felony and attempting suicide 3 years’ penal servitude 3 months’ hard labour, May 12, 1873, District Court, Timaru Died, June 27, 1874 29 5ft. 9in. Stout Fresh Black Blue Tattooed on right arm anchor, star, hook, spade, and diamond ; J.B. on outside of arm; bracelet, star, and anchor back of right hand ; star and bracelet left arm; cut scar back of left hand ; dots back of left hand; ring and finger left hand; widower. Stonemason, &c. Catherine Boyle Ireland Drunk hard labour 48 June 8, 1874 35 5ft ljin Do. Fale Brown Do. Servant 1874, June and R.M.C., ChCh. June 8, 1874 35 oft l|in Do. Pale Brown and grey Do. Servant • R.M.C., ChCh. ' grey Mary Scotland Do. Remanded, Do. 31 6ft Slight Fresh D. brown Do. Matron June 6, 1874, R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Do. 31 6ft Slight Fresh D. brown Do. Matron England June 6, 1874, R.M.C., Ch.Ch. ' < 'William Do. 48 hours’ hard labour, June 10, 1874 42 5ft 3Jin Stout Do. Brown Do. Cut scar on forefinger of right hand. Labourer England Do. 48 hours’ hard labour, June 8, 1874, R.M.C., Ch.Ch. June 10, 1874 42 5ft 3|in Stout Do. Brown Do. Cut scar on forefinger of right hand. Labourer Joseph R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Ireland 'Larceny hard 3 labour, Do. 33 6ft 4n Do. Do. Do. Brown Baker 1874, R.M.C., Do. 33 6ft 4n Do. Do. Do. Brown Baker 2 months’ hard labour > Thomas Hailiwell England Vagrancy Do. 31 5ft lOin Slight Pale Dark Dark Shepherd months’ labour. April 11, April 11, ' R.M.C... Ch.Ch. Do. 31 5ft lOin Slight Pale Dark Dark Shepherd


Names. Country. Offence. Sentence. Date Discharge. Age. Height. Build. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Bemabks. • • . i'.Ja UU .... „. ... Mahoney Ireland disorderly and Remanded, June 11,1874 41 6ft 3in Stout Fresh Brown Hazel > Matron June R.M.C., ChCh. June 11, 1874 41 5ft 3in Stout Fresh Brown Hazel Matron Bernard O’Billey Do. fighting 1 June 12,1874 38 5ft 6in Do. Pale Dark Brown > B. E. and anchor on right May Ch.Ch.E.M.C., - arm. Labourer June 12,1874 38 5ft Sin Do. Pale Dark Brown B. R. and anchor on right arm. Labourer George England disorderly and hours’ hard labour, June 13,1874 •- 47 6ft 8Jin Do. Fresh ■ i Brown Blue - Long cut scar under the left June 10, 1874, R.M.C., ChCh. June 13,1874 47 6ft 8^in Do. Fresh Brown Blue Long cut scar under the left eye. Labourer Mary Ann Scotland Do. June 1874, 10, 48 hard labour, E.M.C., June 1874, hours’ hard labour,E.M.C., 'Do. 35 l Do. Pale Dark Hazel Labourer eye. Prostitute Prostitute 1 Walters England Do. 24 hours’ hard labour, June 12, 1874, E.M.C., Ch.Ch. Do. 55 5ft 8|in Slight Do. Grey Do. Labourer Finland Do. June 11, 1874, E.M.C., Ch.Ch. 24 hours’ hard labour, Do. 65 5ft 8|in Slight Do. Grey Do. Labourer Charles Wilson Drunk and exposing June 12, 1874, E.M.C., Ch.Ch., 48 hours’ hard labour, Do. 67 5ft 7in Stout Do. Brown Blue Eight eye deformed, cut scar himself June 12,1874, | on nose,' third finger of left E.M.C., ChCh. HEHKBG9 hand cut off. Labourer Finland Drunk and exposing himself 48 hours’ hard labour, June 12, 1874, E.M.C., ChCh. Do. 67 6ft 7in Stout Do. Brown Blue Right eye deformed, cut scar on nose, third finger of left hand cut off. Labourer Frank England Vagrancy 6 hardlabour, June 16, 1874 51 5ft 8in Do. . Fresh D. brown Do. Labourer. Jan. 15, 1874, E.M.C., Ch.Ch. June 16, 1874 (By pardon) 61 5ft 8in Do. Fresh D. brown Do. Labourer Mary Ireland Do. Jan. 1874, 15, 6 labour, E.M.C., 1874, 14, 6 labour,E.M.C., pardon) Do. 35 5ft lin Do. Do. Brown Brown Matron Do. 35 6ft lin Do. Do. Brown Brown Matron Jan. 14, 1874, E.M.C., Ch.Ch. Robert Hamilton Ireland and disorderly 48 June 17,1874 35 5ft 7jin Slight Fair Brown Brown B. H. and anchor tattooed on June E.M.C., - .7 the right arm. Labourer . June 17, 1874 35 6ft 7jin Slight Fair Brown Brown R. H. and anchor tattooed on the right arm. Labourer George England Contempt of hard labour, June 19,1874 44 6ft 7in Stout Sallow Dark Do. Shoemaker June 18, 1874, E.M.C., Ch.Ch. June 19,1874 44 6ft 7in Stout Sallow Dark Do. Shoemaker Wadsworth Ireland Do. 1874, Do. Do. 37 5ft lin Do. Fresh Do. Do. Matron E.M.C., Ch.Ch. Do. Do. 37 5ft lin Do. Fresh Do. Do. Matron Thomas Scotland disorderly hours’ 1874, June 20, 1874 41 5ft 6|in Do. Do. Brown Blue Labourer E.M.C., Ch.Ch. June 20, 1874 41 6ft 6|in Do. Do. Brown Blue Labourer Brown Ireland Do. E.M.C., labour, 24 labour, 1874,E.M.C., Do. 27 9|in Slight Pale Do. Do. Pock-pitted. Lucy Tracey England Do. E.M.C., - . hard labour, Grey hard labour, Do. 44 5ft 3in Medium Do. Light Prostitute June 19, E.M.C., Do. 44 5ft 3in Medium Do. Light Grey Prostitute E.M.C., Ch.Ch.


Name. Country. Offence. Sentence. Date of Discharge. Age. Height. Build. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Remarks. Harper England. Vagrancy 1 labour, May June 20,1874 43 6ft Sin Stout Fresh Light Blue Anchor and sailor on right arm. Seaman R.M.C., 48 hours’ hard labour, June 20,1874 43 5ft Sin Stout Fresh Light Blue Anchor and sailor, on right George Scotland. disorderly and June 22, 1874 37 6ft. 4Jin. Stout Swarthy Black Dark arm. Seaman Labourer 48 hours’ hard labour, June 20, 1874, June 22, 1874 37 5ft. 4 Jin. Stout Swarthy Black Dark Labourer R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Hunter John Do. Do. 1874, labour, 24 June 23, 1874 48 5ft. 7in. Do. Fresh Brown Brown Moulder Ch.Ch.E.M.C., 1874, J 22, labour, 24 R.M.C., June 23, 1874 48 5ft. 7in. Do. Fresh Brown Brown Moulder June 22, 1874, i /' '- 1 ' Edward Ireland and exposing 48 hours’ hard labour, June 24, 1874 27 5 ft. 4Jin. Do. Do. Dark Dark E. A. on right arm, cut scar himself E.M.C., 1874, hard labour,' 48 R.M.C., on left side. Seaman June 22, 1874, E.M.C.; Ch.Ch. Bemanded, June 24, 1874 27 j 5ft. 4Jin. Dm Do. Dark Dark E. A. on right arm, cut scar on left side. Seaman Broughton England Larceny Do. 23 6ft. 9Jin. Slight Pale Do. Brown Tailor Remanded, June 23, 1874, Do. 23 6ft. 9 Jin. Slight Pale Do. Brown Tailor R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Little, Do. disorderly 1874, 23, labour, June 25, 1874 22 5ft. 5Jin. Medium Do. Do. Grey Labourer E.M.C., . Ch.Ch. 48 hours’ hard labour, June 26, 1874 22 6ft. 6 Jin. Medium Do. Do. Grey Labourer alias 1874, R.M.C., Anderson Ireland Do. labour, 24 Do. 21 5ft,4fin. Stout Fresh Brown Blue Heart tattooed right 1874, R.M.C., Groom Do. Groom William Do. Contempt 24 June ,1874 26, 30 lOin. Do. Do. Do. Labourer Do. Do. Labourer June 25, 1874, R.M.C., Ch.Ch. Thomas' Eiley Do. disorderly 1874, 24 hard lahour, June 27, 1874 22, 5ft. 3Jin. Medium Medium Sallow Brown Anchor, star, and R. W. on B.M.C., 1874, the right, arm, dancing girl 24 hard lahour,R.M.C., on left. Labourer June 27, 1874 22. ■ 6ft. 3jin. *' f Medium /» 1 ‘ ; t -- Medium Sallow Brown Anchor, star, and E. W. on June 26, 1874, E.M.C., Ch.Ch. the right arm, dancing girl on left. Labourer McManus J Ireland privateIllegally months’ 1874,June 45/ 7in Do. Sallow Grey Brown Labourer premises 1874, Timaru John England language 7 12,1874 June 45 9in Do. Fresh Do. Blue Sailor hard labour, June 1874, R.M.C., David Freeman America Assault Fined default in 40s., 1874 16, 35 9in 5ft Stout Dark Black Brown : arm, right 7 days’ star and anchor; left arm. June 1874, and arm, aocbor; Mulatto. anchors two ; two anchors; Mulatto. R.M.C., Cook David Wales Illegally 7 labour, 1874 16, 36 4Jin 5ft Medium Fresh [Dark Grey J See description June 10, 1874, E.M.C., Timaru 6, 1874. Labourer 6, 1874. Labourer *


Names. Country. Offence. Sentence. ofDate Discharge. Age. Height. Build. Complexion. Hair. Eye*. Remarks. | V : ; • . r William alias Gray, Ireland Larceny 1 month’s hard labour, June 20,1874 35 5ft 6in Medium Pale Brown Hazel Labourer William Barney Gray May 22, 1874, R.M.C., Timaru Ireland Larceny 1 month’s hard labour, June 20,1874 35 5ft Gin Medium Pale Brown Hazel Labourer GrayJames Bray . May 22, 1874, . R.M.C., Timaru England Lunacy Remanded, June 17, 1874, June 24,1874 30 5ft 3in Slender Fuir Brown Blue Marks: Scar under left eye and on right thumb. LaR.M.C., Timaru bourer James Bray Jones EnglandIreland Lunacy police Remanded,• Fined and costs, 1874 24, 1874 27, 3030 3in 5ft SlenderMedium FuirDo. BrownSandy BlueGrey left eyeLabourer and on right thumb. 1 Labourer June . 17,1874,’ default R.M.C., ■ hard days’ June 22, 1874, R.M.C., Timaru Ireland Assaulting the police Fined 20s.' and costs, June 27,1874 30 6ft 9in Medium Do.. Sandy Grey Labourer in default 6 days’ hard labour, June 22, 1874, R.M.C., Timaru 11- 1 ' Thomas Jones


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Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 13, 1 July 1874, Page 91

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Miscellaneous. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 13, 1 July 1874, Page 91

Miscellaneous. Canterbury Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 13, 1 July 1874, Page 91