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6th. That if any petitioner, or the sitting Member petitioned against, should, by petition presented to the House in the usual manner, request the same, the House may direct a Commission to be issued by the Speaker to any number of persons, not exceeding three, to hear and adjudicate upon such petition ; for which purpose they should be empowered to exercise all the powers vested by the Standing Orders of this House in special Committees for the trial of elections, and should in their proceedings bo guided by such Standing Orders to report to the House, with a full statement of their proceedings, and of the evidence taken in the enquiry. Member should be considered to have vacated his seat on the report of any commission till the same should have been adopted by the House. 7th. That any person who should wilfully give false evidence before any Committee on the investigation of an election petition, or before any Commission of inquiry thereon, should, on conviction thereof before the Supreme Court, be liable to the penalties of wilful and corrupt perjury, although such evidence might not have been given on oath. WILLIAM FOX, Chairman.