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TO. Message The following Message from his Excellency the Governor received and read Aborigines. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message No. 9. Governor . . The Governor transmits to the House of Representatives the accompanying copies of letters,, together with their translation, from the W"aikato Native Iribes, addressed to the Governor and the General Assembly, praying the enactment of a law for the prevention of the sale of spirits to* to the Natives. Government House, Auckland, 29th April, 18PG. Message and enclosures ordered to be printed. 11. Roads:—Mr Hall, pursuant to notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, requesting that he will cause to be transmitted to this House copies of correspondence between the Colonial Secretary and the Superintendent of Canterbury, relating to the power of the Provincial Legislature to authorise the diversion of existing lines of road, and the construction of embankments on river beds in that province. Question put and passed. 12. Postponement:—Mr. Macandrew postponed the motion standing in liis name, seventh on the notice paper of this day, until Friday next. 13. Disputed Election Returns Mr. Fox, Chairman of the Committee on Disputed Election Returns, brought up the report of the Committee, which was read and ordered to be printed. 14. Pensions BillOn motion of Mr. Sewell, Mr. Speaker left the chair, and the House resolved itself into committee of the whole for consideration of the Pensions Bill. On Mr. Speaker resuming the chair, the Chairman reported progress and obtained leave to sit again to-morrow. 15. Compensation to retiring Officers :—Mr. Daldy moved the suspension of Standing Order, No. 29. Question put and passed. Mr. Daldy then moved, That Mr. Speaker do now leave the chair, and the House resolve itself into a committee of supply for consideration of the question of compensation to retiring Officers of the Executive Government. Ques i >n put and passed. On JMr. Speaker resuming the chair, the chairman reported that the Committee recommend the following resolutions for adoption by the House :—l. " That it is the opinion of this House that it is expedient that a fixed sum should be paid to the officers retiring under the first clause of tiie Pensions Act, in preference to a pension or annuity." 2. " That the House considers three years purchase of the present salaries as an equivalent commutation for two-thirds ot the present amounts of salary in the way of pensions. Question, That the foregoing resolutions be adopted by the House, put and passed. 16. Adjournment: —On motion of Air. Bell, the House adjourned at five o'clock until to-morrow at five o'clock.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDERS OF THE DAY. Wednesday, 30th April, 1856. 1. Mr. Sewkj.i, to move a reply to his Excellency's address on opening the session. 2. Mr. Brown to move f or a Select Committee to inquire into the administration of Sir George Grey's Land Regulations of the 4th of March, 1853, with power to call for persons and papers. The Committee to consist of Major Greenwood, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Featherston, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Sewell, Mr. Cargill, and the Mover, and to report to this House thi9 day week. 3. Mr. Fitzherbert to ask the honorable member for Christchurch (Mr. Sewell) whether any reply has been received from the Secretary of Mate for the Colonies to the Resolutipns passed by this House on 17th August, 1854. 4. Mr- Lee to move, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, praying for a return of the names of those pensioners who have either paid or are paying their passages from England to this Colony, together with the amounts already paid, and whether the sums so paid, become funds of the Colonial or Imperial Treasury.

ORDERS OF THE DAY. ]. Report of the Committee on Standing Orders, to be considered in Committee of the whole House. 2. Pensions Bill—to be further considered in Committee. CHARLES CLIFFORD, speaker.