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(4 ) Pensions Bill. THOMAS GORE BROWNE, Message o. The Governor transmits to the House of Representatives for their consideration, the draft of a Bill to nrovide for the retirement of certain officers of the Executive Government. The object of this Bill is to prepare the way for the introduction of Responsible Government, bv nrovidine for the retirement of the gentlemen who now hold the offices of Colonial Secreta \, Attorney General, gftcl Colonial Treasurer, and who were appointed on the tacit understanding that ' lie^rnj° U Q o ygrnoVdoes'iiot propose any specific amount of Pensions, but trusts that the House of Representatives will adopt a scale of compensation somewhat similar to that which has been adopted and annroved in other British Colonies. . . Should the Bill pass into law, no time shall be lost in carrying it into effect. Government llouse, Auckland, 25th April, 1856. 5. Improvement of accommodation in the House :-Mr. ElHott moved the suspension of Standing Order No. 29. • select Committee be appointed, to whom shall be referred alienators pertain in"' to the comfort and necessities of this House. The Committee to consilt of Mr" Speaker, Mr. Hell, Mr. Hall, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Macandrew, and the mover. Question put anil passed. • XS2W -»*• and Orders of the last House of Representees. Question put and passed. 7 Leave of absence :-Mr. Hall, pursuant to notice, moved that leave of absence be granted < . E. Fitzgerald, Esq., for three months from this date. Question put and passed , . o v w > Mr Stafford pursuant to notice, moved, That his Excellency be requested to issue 8 - N rJw wVitfor\he election of a member for the Motueka and Massacre Bay D.stnct, ,n the room of Charles Parker, Esquire, resigned. Question put and passed. _ 1D Kncocfrnm the Natives •—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to (amended ) notice, moved, That a f). Land 1 urchas n ,- e sented to his Excellency requesting him to furnish for the information oflS«" he purchased tram the natives since 1 -,v l vof Inlv 18 )0 shewino- the province and Tistrict where situated; the extent in the oth day ot July, ■>< , she win i moun tain, or waste ; the amount acres dates of all payments made, or agreed to be made, in cash and scrip pa , , h j , 8 have been purchased ; the amour.t St.SL'bep"Jl account of any such pun hie ; and the amount o incidental* expenses in each case, specifying the names ot the Commissioners, oi c lei pers by whom such purchases have been negotiated ' Question put and passed. It) t .nd Serin :-Mr. Stafford, pursuant to (amended) notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, requesting him to furnish to the House a return o a se"P Livable in the purchase of Crown Lands, issued to Europeans or natives since the oth y July, 1850, the persons to whom and by whom, and the authority under w lie i any scrip was issued. Question put and passed. . T , 1 I Superintendents of Provinces; —Mr Pitzherbert, pursuant to (amended) notice moved 1 hat his 1 S?» ill •» " kh » «<W f > h » of'S n-' dated 27th of November, 1855, respecting the position and right ot precedence of Super.n tendents of Provinces, together with all the correspondence relative thereto. Question put and passed. 19 Leave of absence-—Mr. Stafford, pursuant to amended notice, moved, That leave of absence for one month be given by this House to William Thomas Locke Travers, Esquire, one ot the members for the Waimea District, on the ground of urgent private business. Question put and passed. 13 Tensions Bill Mr. Sew ell moved, That Mr. Speaker, do now leave the chaff, andl theiHous resolve itself into a Committee of the whole for consideration ot his Lxcellency 0 » No. 7, transmitting the Pensions Bill. Debate ensued. ... .. 14. Adjourment (special): — Mr. Carleton moved, That this House at its rising do acjourn un i Monday next at noon. Question put and passed. 15. Pensions