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Orders to regulate the mode in which the House and Legislative Council may confer, correspond, and communicate with each other. The Committee to consist of Mr. Speaker, Mr. Sewell, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Fox, Mr. Domett, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Hall, and Mr. Merriman. Question put and passed. 6. Postponement:—Mr. Stafford, with leave of the House, postponed to a future day the motion standing in his name second on the notice paper of this day. 7. Select Committees Mr. Sewell, with leave of the House, moved, That leave be given to Select Committees to continue their sittings during the contemplated adjournment of the House for one week. Question put and passed. 8. Chairman of Committees :—Mr. Daldy, pursuant to notice, moved, That the honourable member for the Bay of Islands be Chairman of Committees. Mr. Lee moved, That the question be amended by the omission of the words " honourable member for the Bay of Islands," with a view to insert in lieu thereof the name of ''Mr. Merriman." Question put, That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question. House divided. Ayes, 21. Noes, 5. Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Lee, Mr. Brittin, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Smith, Mr. Ward, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Featherston, Mr. Sewell (teller), ; Mr. Hall, Mr. Fox, Mr. Graham, Mr. Wells, Mr. Domett, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Richmond, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Brown, Mr. Bell (teller). Whereupon original question put and passed. 9. Land Fund Province of Canterbury :—Mr. Hal!, pursuant to notice, moved, That a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Governor, requesting that he will cause to be transmitted to this House, copies of correspondence between the Colonial Secretary and the Superintendent of Canterbury respecting an alleged over-payment from the Land Fund to the Provincial Treasury of that Province (in continuation of correspondence already presented to the House). Question put and passed. 10. Adjournment:—On motion of Mr. Sewell, the House adjourned at half-past one o'clock until to-morrow, at noori.

NOTICES OF MOTION AND ORDER OF THE DAY. Friday, April 18, 1856. 1. Mr Sewkm, to move, That a Committee be appointed to enquire and report as to the nature and amount of Land Scrip issued within the Colony, and already satisfied ; and of the amount of all such Land Scrip remaining unsatisfied, and of all outstanding and unsatisfied Land Orders. That such Committee do consist of Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Carleton, Mr. Hall, Mr. Richmond, Mr. Wells, and the mover. 2. Mr. BelL to move, That a Committee be appointed to enquire and report upon the state of the account between the New Zealand Company and the Colony in respect of their charge on the