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Laid on the table of the House May 27th, 1836, and ordered to be Printed.

Government House, 26th December, 1855. Sir, —I have the honor, by the directions of his Excellency the Governor, to request you to be good enough to report, for his information, on the nature of the arrangement made by the late Governor, Sir George Grey, by which 5 per cent, from the proceeds of certain lands has been reserved for the Natives who originally sold the land to the Government. I am also to request you to state to what extent such a contract is now in force, in what Provinces, and over what lands, and whether any sum due on that account is included in the £13,000 estimated by you as necessary to complete purchases of lands already made. Hip Excellency would also wish to know whether a contract of that kind is now being made in Native Land Purchases, and if so, his Excellency is of opinion that it should not be repealed in future negotiations, and requests you to be good enough to issue instructions accordingly. I have, &e, (Signed) W. Gisborne, D. M'Lean, Esq., &c., &c ; &c. Chief Commissioner's Office, Wellington, January 18th, 1856. Sir, —I have the honor, in compliance with the request contained in your letter of the 26th December last, to enclose a statement for the information of his Excellency the Governor, of the probable extent of land in this Province on which five (5) per cent, is payable to the Natives, out of the net amount that may from time to time be realized by the Crown for such lands. The Deeds of Sale by the Natives, the translation of an extract from one of which is herewith enclosed, specify that the five (5) per cent, is to be applied for the erection of mills and schools, for medical aid, for presents to chiefs, and such other similar purposes as may tend to the advancement of the Native race. With reference to the second paragraph of your letter ; f>s to the extent to which such contracts are now in force, in what Provinces, and whether included in the sum of thirteen thousand pounds (£13,000) estimated by me to complete purchases already made : I have the honor to state : Firstly, That such contracts are not in force in any of the Provinces excepting Wellington, and a few at Auckland ; the exact nature and extent of which id the latter Province, I am at present unable to furnish, as the contracts with the Natives of Auckland were made under Sir George Grey's directions previous to the year 1854 by the Surveyor-General, who will be able to furnish the necessary returns. Secondly, That a sum of £1000 out of the estimate of £13,000 is on account of five (5) per cent, due to Natives.

A,-No. 5.