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B.—No. 3. Native Affairs. Annexed tke ReP ° rt ° f ° f En<luir * into Natife affaire > with sundry papers B.—No. 4. Finance. Financial Statements, of Receipts and Expenditure for the periods include w Ist January, 1853, and 31st December, 1855. 'Memorandum of the Auditor General 1 reference to the above, dated 10th May, 1856, and laid on the table of the House bv th, p i Secretary 13th May, 1856, printed with it as an appendix. 7 ° Colomal B.—No. 5. Cvmmissio7is of his Excellency. Copies of Commission as Governor of New Zealand, with Roval Instruct!™* „i Commission as Vice-Admiral of the same. ' "°o*> also B.—No. 6.—Finance. Detailed accounts of Expenditure on account of the management and survey of Waste Lands of the Crown. Also cost of management and collection of the Customs' Revenue.

RETURNS TO ADDRESSES FROM THE HOUSE. C.— No. 1. Finance—Surveyor-General. acc ° U nt of the Surveyor.General's Department for the year 1855; also to 31st, C.—No. 1. Finance. Printing and Returns to the Houses of Assembly, cost of. C.—No. 3. Finance. Expenditure in comparative statements on account of each branch of the public service from Ist January, 1853. C.—No. 4. Land, Purchase Department. Return of all Lands purchased from the Natives between sth July, 1850, mid 3ist March, 1856. C. —No. o. Chatham Islands, British authority at. Correspondence relative to the establishment of ; and copies of all correspondence with Mr. Shand since his official appointment at. C.—No. 6. Duppa, George. Decision of Mr. Justice Stephen relative to a Land Claim in the matter of. C.—No. 7. Land Purchase Department. Return showing the Expenditure of Mr. McLean in the purchase of Lands. C. —No. 8. Immigration. Correspondence relative to proposed immigration from Canada and Nova Scotia. C. — No. 9. Immigration. Correspondence / relative to immigration from Victoria (Melbourne,); in continuation of foregoing p:ipers. # C.—No. 10. Lighthouses. Despatch from Secretary of State, with enclosures, relative to the erection of Colonial Light Houses. C.—No. 11. Magistrates, not Justices of the Peace. Opinion of Mr, Attorney-General as to the validity of such appointments. C.—No 12. Lands sold• Return of the number of acres of land sold in all the Provinces, in each quarter, from sth July IboO, to 31st March, 185(5. C.—No. 13.—Native Disturbances, New Plymouth. Reply of Secretary of State for the Colonies to a memorial of Superintendent and Provincial Council of New Plymouth, on this subject. C. —No. 14. Customs. Estimated Receipts and Expenditure on account of the Customs Department for the year ending 30th June, lBst>; also, return of probable Receipts from Duties of Customs at each ot the various Ports of the Colony during the same period.