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Noes—Ccontinued) Mr. Stafford, j Mr. Cuff, Mr, Campbell, Mr. Ward, Mr. Domett, Mr. Clifford, Mr. Fox, (teller). WEDNESDAY, JULY 30th, 1856. House in Committee on Scrip Restriction Bill. 1. Motion made and question put, That the following clause be inserted as clause 7of the Bill: No luch Land Orders or Scrip shall be exercised in any Province within the limits of any township or small farm set'.lement, established under a special scheme limiting tbe application of the proceeds of lands sold within such limits to the special benefit of such township or settlement, or within any district which may be set apart by the Superintendent as supposed to contain valuable minerals, except with the consent of the Superintendent and Provincial Council of the Province, within which the same may be situated ; and wherever the Government of any Province shall have expended public money in laying out and otherwise giving value to lands set apart as a township, or small farm settlement, and shall in selling such lands fix any portion of the price thereof, in addition to an upset price of 11, per acre, to be payable in cash for the purpose of repaying to the Provincial Treasury the money so expended, Government Scrip shall only be received in payment of the upset price of 1/. per acre, but shall not be received (except with the consent of the Superintendent of such Province) in payment of the additional portion so fixed as payable in cash for the purpese aforesaid. (Mr. Bell.) Committee divided. Ayes, 4. Noes, 15. Mr. Domett, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Hall, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Smith, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Bell, (teller.) Mr. Taylor, Mr. Brown, Mr. Daldy, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Ward, The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Fox, Mr. Beckham, The Colonial Secretary* Mr. Henderson, Mr. Lee, Mr. Graham (teller). House in Committee of Supply. Supplementary Estimates in Excess, for 1855. 2. Motion made and question put, That the Chairman do now report progress and ask leave to sit again to-morrow. (Mr. Stafford.) Committee divided. Ayes, 11. Noes, 10. Mr. Smith, Mr. Campbell, The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Hall, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Daldy The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Beckham Mr. Fox, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Graham, Mr. Lee, Mr. Brown, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Ward, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Beckham, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Bell, (teller)^ Mr. Taylor, (teller.) No. 11-