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be transferred to the Provincial Government of such Province, and the Land Revenue thereof raade Provincial Revenue, subject to the following charges : — The Province of Nelson to be subject to a charge of £66,666 13s. 4d., to bear interest at the rate of 4 per cent., with a sinking fund of 2 per cent. The Province of Canterbury to be subject to a charge of £66,666 13s. 4d., to bear interest at the like rate, with a sinking fund at the like rate. The Province of Otago to be subject to a charge of £66,666 13s. 4d., to bear interest at the like rate, with a sinking fund at the like rate. The respective Provinces of Auckland and Wellington to be subject respectively, to charges equal to the proportion of the permanent loan borrowed for the purchase of Native lands in such Provinces respectively, with interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, and a sinking fund of 2 per cent. The Province of New Plymouth to be subject to a charge equal to the proportion of permanent loan borrowed for the purchase of Native lands in such Province, with interest at the like rate, and with the like sinking fund, but after allowing the sura of £20,000 as a first outlay to be made in that Province, in the purchase of Native lands, without charge to such Province. (The Colonial Treasurer.) Amendment proposed, That all the words after the first word " That" be omitted, with a view to insert the following in lieu thereof, " the debts of New Zealand, viz.;—the amount of loan to be raised to pay off the New Zealand Company's Debt; £200,000 to effect purchases from the Natives in the Northern Island ; and the amount necessary to be raised to meet the floating debt of the Colony,say £100,000, be consolidated and charged, together with the expenses of the General Government on the General Revenue (Customs and Territorial) ; the Territorial Revenue to consist of two shillings and sixpence an acre, and no more, on all land sold or alienated, except on mere Pastoral Licenses, within the Colony (not including those disposed of in satisfaction of Scrip on Land Claims now in existence)," (Mr. Fox.) Question put, That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question. Committee divided. Ayes, 19. Noes, 10* Mr. Campbell, Mr. Henderson, Mr. Brittin, Mr. Fitzherbert, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Ward, Major Greenwood, Mr. Clifford, Mr. Domett, Mr. Macandrewy Mr. Williamson, Mr. Daldy, Mr. East-, Captain Cargill, Mr. Lee, Mr. J. Cargill, Mr. Traver3, Mr. Smith, Mr. Wells, Mr. Fox.(teller). Mr, Curtis, The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Merriman, Mr. Cuff, Mr. Brown, The Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Stafford, Mr. Beckham (teller). FRIDAY, JUNE 27th, 1856; Ilouse in Committee of Ways and Means. Financial Resolutions. 1. New Zealand Company's Debt.—Motion made and question put, That the following Resolution be recommended to the House for adoption. " That the sum already contributed by the different Provinces towards the New Zealand Company's debt, but not yet remitted home (amounting to £27,000 more or less), and which the Committee of the House have determined shall be considered as a debt of the Colony, and be pro- . videdi