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1853. £ s. d. A.Brown His account for Governor's party 19th August 15 0 William Ardley Account of Ferry at Wairarapa 23rd "16 6 Hariatione ]5 days work at 3s. a day 24th "2 5 0 Pene For dog killed by Europeans 30th "10 0 Raiate Wages Ist September 35 0 Ferry For Government Messenger at Wairarapa « «0 3 0 Hemi te Miha For carrying despatches from Wairarapa to 21st "10 0 Wellington H. Morrison Present to Te Manihera 10th October 14 0 0 Hari Carrying Sir George Grey's luggage from " «213 0 Wairarapa to Wellington Bidwell His account for provisions for Natives " "10 0 Native For carrying Survey instruments to and 3 2th "211 0 from Wairarapa Te Wereta Blanket and shirt for 13th "110 0 Messenger From Captain Smith to Wanga Moana and 20th "012 0 back, 4 days at 3s. Blacksmith For shoeing horses in Government service 22nd "2 8 6 H.. Brown For saddle broken by Piri Kawau " "212 0 Tamihane 23 days work on Survey, at 3s. " 39 0 do. For food supplied to Natives engaged on " "216 0 Survey Guthrie His account, presents to Chiefs 31st "619 li McMarshall Drawing plan of land Castle point Ist November 10 0 AScKain Presents to Chiefs 11th "4 9 0 Colonso Account (presents to Chiefs) 14th "1119 10 Joseph Mason Carrying despatches 17th "2 0 0 Native For finding Mr. Park's compass 05 0 Herewine Hawaii Carrying luggage from Ahuriri to Waipi- 17th November kurrau 0 8 0 Herinine For use of an iron pot " "0 8 0 Mikeara Wera Carrying despatches from Native Chiefs at 14th December 20 0 Wairarapa to Mr. McLean at Wairarapa Hodder Expenses ot Natives 17th "110 0 For use of horse to Hawke's bay and back 19th "2 0 0 1854 Tawhaki Wages 7th January 113 0 Spinks Contractor's account for food for Natives 17th " 144 4 1 J.M.Taylor His account " "9517 6 Demurrage of " Sea Belle" at Wellington 24th February 70 0 Native Chiefs Lent to them to be re-paid out of instal- " " 230 7 0 ments falling due for Land at Waira- i rapa ■Province of New Plymouth. Gilmore Account for stationery 32rd " 010 0 Messengers From New Plymouth to Wellington 60 0 " Sea Belle" Preight of gold (£400) to Auckland 40 0 Demurrage at the Waitara 80 0 Ranura 11th March 50 0 For a tent " "8 0 0 Cudlipp For repairing a tin box 18th "0 7 0 Sharland Presents to Chiefs " "2 4 6 Plack Food for Natives " "817 10 Crocker do. " " 0 13 0 J. &R. Gilmore Account for stationery 20th "010 0 John Medland For copying a deed <l ■ if 010 0 Chief Ngahuru Lent to him 17 "8 0 0 Carried forward £681 0 6