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Having now I trust, entered fully sufficient into the subject, so as to enable his Excellency to judge of the accommodation to be obtained here. I propose to return to Auckland by the first favourable opportunity to assume the charge of my ordnance and barrack duties, which I trust will also meet his Excellency's approval. I have, &c., (Signed) Wm. Plummer, D. O. S. and Barrack Master. The Major of Brigade, 4c., &c., &c. Royal Engineers' Office, Auckland, l .th June, 1855. Sir, —Referring to former correspondence on the subject of providing cover for 2GO men, at New Plymouth, and more particularly to my letter to Captain Clarke, respecting the purchase of iron houses at Melbourne, to effect that object, I have the honor to enclose (accompanied by a plan, elevations, and sections) a communication from that officer, dated May 16th, 1855, by which you will perceive that under the impression of the existence of an urgent necessity, and the consideration that he could not meet it in the way pointed out in my instructions to him, which as a favor I had, requested him to carry out, he has taken the responsibility upon himself of entering into an agreement with a party or parties at Melbourne to provide the iron cover required, at an expense of 40001., including all materials, packing, cartage, and delivery. Under the impression that the urgent necessity for sending treops to in ew Plymouth no longer exists, and that consequently Barracks there are not now required ; and influenced by the consideration that Captain Clarke, under a strong zealous impulse and desire to meet an urgent case, creditable to him, has leadered himself responsible for an amount of expenditure in this service not authorised by your Excellency or by me, I have the honor to propose, that in the event of these Barracks not being required for New Plymouth, they may be appropriated for the accommodation on some other site of the troops now at the Wahapu, and the payment of the rent of the buildings there, amounting to 400'. a-year, discontinued giving due notice of quittance, I have not yet received the details of the contract entered into by Captain Clarke, but the plan, elevation, and sections he has sent, convey to me the impression that the whole is to be recommended. I have written by return of post to Captain Clarke, requesting him, if not too late, to delay sending the building until he shall again hear from me. I have, &c., (Signed) F. H. BinDEtEr, Colonel commanding Royal Engineers, New Zealand. His Excellency Colonel Wynyard, commanding troops, New Zealand. Auckland, 16th June, 1855. Sir, —I hasten to lay before your Excellency, the enclosed copy of a correspondence just received from the Officer commanding the Royal Engineers in New Zealand, referring to an application made by that officer to Melbourne (a copy of which is also enclosed) for the necessary accommodation for the detachment of troops detailed for New Plymouth. It will be seen by this correspondence that the original outlay was estimated at about 13502., but that failing to procure shelter that could be depended upon, the officer to whom Colonel Baddely addressed himself was under the impression the service was very urgent has undertaken a contract that amounts to the sum of4ooo/. This expenditure may appear enormous in comparison wi:h the sum originally calculated. However, when compared with the expense of erecting block houses, such as were constructed for Wanganui, the outlay may not be considered excessive or unreasonable, should circumstances render it unnecessary (which I do not expect) to occupy the proposed post at New Plymouth, these same buildings may be used in any part of the colony, and if at Bay of Islands, lead to a saving of £400 per annum, and relieve the detachment at the Wahapu from a position which has been frequently represented by Major-General Pitt, and myself, as unmilitary, and in case of native excitement, untenable. Under all these circumstances, I trust the steps taken on this occasion may meet with the sanction and support of her Majesty's Colonial Government. I have, &c., (Signed) R. H. Wynyard, Commanding the Troops in New Zealand. The Officer administering the Government of New Zealand. Auckland, 16th April, 1855. My Dear Ross, —Having already troubled Captain Ward at Sydney, and Captain Pasely, at Melbourne, with the execution of certain commissions for me, connected with

Royal Engineer's office, June 15, 1855. Copy ofCapt. Clarke's letier, dated 16th May, 18 5 5. Copy of -letter of Capt. Ross,dated 16th April, 1855* Plan, eleration, & sections (to be returnsd).