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MEMORANDUM. 11th July, 1855. The Manager of the Union Bank of Australia, has sent frequently to ascertain if the Bills forwarded by me on Monday last for instructions will be accepted, being unable to give any answer to that effect. The Bills in question have been requested to be returned to the Bank. A. Shepherd, Colonial Treasurer. To the Colonial Secretary, &c., &c. Brigade Officc, Auckland, 16th July, 1855. Sir, — In reference to your letter of the 10th inst., relative to three drafts drawn by Captain Clarke R.E. (and dated from Melbourne) on the Colonial Treasurer, payable at the Union Banks at this station, amounting altogether to the sum of four thousaud five hundred and ninety one pounds sixteen shillings. In reply I have the honor to acquaint you that the Military Authorities here, have no further explanation to offer on this subject than the in formation already furnished to the General Government by his Excellency the Officer Commanding the Troops; as no communication has as yet been received from Captain Clarke respecting the issue of these Bills. I have, &c. (Signed) J. Greenwood. Major of Brigade. The Honorable The Colonial Secretary, Auckland. Colonial Secretary's Office, Auckland, 11th July, 1855. Sir, — With reference to your memorandum of the 9th inst., enclosing Bills to the amount of •£4591 presented for acceptance by the Manager of the Union Bank of Australia, I am directed by His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government to return you the Bills and to authorise your acceptance of them. I have, &c., (Signed) Andrew Sinclair, Colonial Secretary The Honourable the Colonial Treasurer. New Zealand, Auckland, gj r 27th June, 1855. In reference to correspondence as per margin, which has already passed between the Colonial Government and myself, relative to the stationing of troops at Taranaki. I have now the honour to forward for the information of your Excellency the accompanying report of the Barrack Master, whom I sent on "special service to that Settle ment in order to ascertain what facilities existed for locating such military force, and for other purposes connected with the service. Mr. Plummer has performed this duty to my entire satisfaction and his report is moat creditable to him, but I beg to point out to your Excellency that his views with regard to the housing of the men in detached buildings far apart, no military officer could adopt, it being absolutely indispensable that if soldiers are sent to Taranaki at all they must be provided with defensible barracks placed in proper situations and that therefore it would be impracticable to avoid erecting such for the occasion. I have, &c., (Signed) ft. H. Wynyabd, Commanding the Forces in New Zealand. Ilis Excellency I he Officer administering the Government, of New Zealand. .

Letter from hit Excellency the Officer administering the Government to CoJ. Wmyard 17th April, 13i6. Col. VVynyard to hi Excellency the Ofiieer administering the Government, 16th June, 1855.