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ENCLOSURE TO MESSAGE No. 15. Downin»-street, 24th January, 1855. Sie,— -i-iisras KTsssa.'s awmesj* «■— „,„SKr—. f - "• w - • j j neUuke of Newcastle has communicated to nie a copv of a Desnifch toMM. i IQ i, - addressed to the officer commanding the troops in New Zealand nn tl ch he has under date of the 12th of June, 1854, of which I enclose a conv Tf, n, , ® ® üb J ect ' that it is not within the contemplation of her Majesty's Government that anv n r pS a S°ury! f ° r the defeUCe I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient servant, The Officer administering the Government of (Si D ned) G. Gacr. New Zealand. War Department, g IH _ 12th June, 1854. I have received Sir George Grey's Despatch (No. 126, Military) of the 27th Defntb W ♦' enC f'[ CS from y° urself i ur g in g the expediency of constructing deces for the protection of the town of Auckland, and pointing out the manner in which accomplished" 1 opinion of the officer commanding the Royal Engineers, be best the Ge ?^ ge Gre y, had Ino1 not ' a ' the date of this Despatch, received mine of New Zealand general subject of the to be afforded to "i ou will have been led by that Despatch to anticipate the inability of her Maiestv's cSTELft COI H Ute tow f rds the . expense of the works recommended by Lieutenant el Baddely, and in accordance with the views therein expressed, I can only refer f7i, l £ General Assembly for a decision on this or any other project for the defences of the harbours and towns of the Colony. ueience* I have, &c., Lieutenant-Colonel Wynyard, (Signed; Newcastle. &c. & c. &c.

ENCLOSURE TO MESSAGE No. J9. Downing-str'eet, g IE; Bth February, 1855. f 1 h f e I eCe T ived 7°? r Dps P (No. 85) of the 21st September last enclosing Re solutions by the Legislative Council and the House of Representatives of New Zealand urging the propriety of reconsidering the sum which, by certain Acts of Parliament has been made payable to the New Zealand Company oui of the Land Revenues of the Co ad/rm es tHhe Oue e en IVed /t OU h D h eS P atch (No ,' f), ofthe 21st of September, forwarding ... 10 tr,e . Vtueen, and to both Houses of Parliament from the Hwup „f bentatives, praying that an Act may be passed for granting relief in this matter " was lasedloreSVt 11311 the f*™ to the before -ho presented to graclousl J'> an d that the other addresses have been duly I bare, &c., The Officer administering the Government, (Signed; G. Grby. New Zealand.