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Message, No. 30.

On Thursday the 10th instant, the Officer administering the Government, received from the House of Representatives an Address dated the 9th, to which he •would have replied without delay, if he had not at the same time been informed of the adjournment of the House until this day. He rejoices at being able to dispose at once and entirely of the incidental matter to which the attention of the House has been directed from the consideration of the important subjects of Lis Messages No. 24, '25, and 20". Although he believes that under the Royal Instructions, which form part of the Constitution of New Zealand, he should have been justified in treating the present critical state of affairs as one of those occa-ions on which it is competent to the Governor to act independently of his Executive Council and to avail himself of any advice or assistance, at his free discretion, bearing himself alone the entire responsibility of any act performed by him ; yet happily there is no necessity for further explanation of his views on that point, since he is able to inform the House that in every step taken by him during the present emergency, he has enjoyed the unqualified concurrence and support of his constitutional advisers. The Officer administering the Government receives with pleasure the insurance of the House, that they will without further delay proceed to consider the subjects of his Message No 95, because he is only waiting for the result of their deliberations thereon, in order to add some Members of the Assembly to the Executive Council with the view of turning the remainder of the already protracted, yet fruitless session to some good account for the people of New Zealand. R- H. WyjvYAKD, Officer Administering the Government, Auckland, New Zealand, 15th August, J 854.