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Members as aforesaid. And I hereby give notice to such of the Electors of the said District as shall vote for the said William Thomas Locke Travers, at this Election, their votes -will be thrown away. And 1 hereby further give you and" each of you notice, that if the aforesaid William Thomas Locke Travers be declared duly elected to serve as a member of the House of Representatives for the said Waimea District, a Petition to His Excellency the Governor will be prepared, complaining of the illegality of such Election, and praying that such Petition may be referred to the House of Representatives to determine the validity of such Elections. * CHARLES BIGG WITHER. Dated this Twentieth day of June, One thousand eight hundred and fiftyfour, at Richmond, Waimea East, in the Province of Nelson, in the Colony of New Zealand,