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KING REY’S BIG EVENT BEAU REPAIRE UNPLACED FIRST DAT OF TE RAPA RACES ACREMAN SURPRISES IN TRIAL The first day of the summer meeting of the Waikato Racing Club opened at Te Rapa to-day with a surprise for the large attendance. Coming with a great run from well back in the field, the tenth favourite Acreman won narrowly to return his supporters over three-quarters of a score on the win machine. The weather was fine but overcast and the track was in excellent order although naturally dead after the recent heavy rain. The Hurdles provided interesting light on form for the second day of the meeting with Charcot giving a fine display to win from end to end. The sprint event for the two-year-olds, the third race on the card, resulted in a victory for Gay Miss. King Rey repeated his success of 1938 in winning the Storey Memorial Handicap for the second time. Scotland, winner in 1937 and -1939, is the only other horse to have won the event on two occasions. King Rey was sixth favourite on the win maehine and returned a dividend of almost double figures. His place chances were more favoured by the public and he started second favourite on this machine. TRIAL STAKES Or £200; C rurs. 10—10—ACREMAN, Messrs J. Grant's and A. Miller’s b g by Acre—senorlta, 4yrs, 8.9 (G. P. Dowrlck) 1 2—I—JOAN PEEL, Mr A. Cook’s br f by Hunting- Song—Tlnotere, 3yrs, 8.1 (€. G. Goulsbro) 2 7 7—LOCH ACHE, Messrs R. J. Sexton’s and W. I. Taylor’s br g by Acre—Nurjah&n, 4yrs, 8.9, car. B.lo* (J. F. Fergus) 3 Joan Peel -was coupled on tbe machine with Town Survey. Also started: 6 —9 Mandalay, 8.9 (McTavlsh); 11—li Runanga, 8.9, car. B.lls (Amunsden); 14—14 Klngcrart, 8.9 (T. Green); 5—5 Lord Ace, 8.9 (Cameron); 13—12 Master Ace, 8.9 (Evans); 3—3 Rose Acre, 8.6 (McKenzie); B—6 Glenbevan, 8.4, car. 8.4* (Day); 12—13 Augment, 8.4 (Midwood); 2—l Town Survey, 8.4, car. 8.10 (Pratt); I —2 Moymell, 8.1 (Doyle); 4—4 Lady Bambury, 8.1 (L. J. Ellis); 9—B Flying Vixen. 8.1 (Markwick ). Winner trained by J. F. Tutcben, Te Rapa. Acreman, who had shown some promise at recent starts, put up a solid performance In the opening event when, after being rairly well back at the turn, he challenged at the distance and secured n run on the rails to draw out to withstand the determined challenge or the well-sup-ported Joan Peel. The latter horse, who was one or the leaders throughout, came again on the outer to run the winner to hair-a-length. Loch Acre was sticking- on while Glenbevan, who showed early brilliance at Rotorua recently, attempted to win all tbe way only to tire badly over the last 500 yards. The wln-ravourlte Moynell was never sighted. Augment Jumped out smartly rrom a good start to lead over the first rurlong rrom Joan Peel, Lady Bambury, Glenbevan, Mandalay, Town Section and Loch Acre. At the hair-mile Glenbevan shot through to the front and he was followed here by Joan Peel, Mandalay and Augment. He maintained the running until the home turn where he had an advantage of several lengths over Joan Peel, with Mandaluv handily placed In front of Augment, Lady Bambury, Loch Acre, Town Section, Runanga and Acreman. In a fine finish Acre, man galloped through on the rails and. when he looked like an easy winner, Joan Peel challenged on the outer to get within hair-a-length of him. Lodi Acre was third only a head away with Town Section fourth In front of Glenbevan, Rose Acre, Augment, Mandalay, and Lady Bambury. The winner paid over three-quarters of a score on the win machine. Time, 1.17 1-5. FRANKTON HURDLE HANDICAP Of £300; li miles 2 I—CHARCOT, Mr W. T. Duder and Dr. A. MoGregor Grant’s b g by Bronze Eagle—Koura. syrs, 9.0, car. 9.1 4 OH. Turner) 1 1— g—LOOMBfNATION. Mrs F. E. Loomb’s b g by Illumination— Principal Lady, aged, 10.9 (A. Gilmer) 2 3 *3—IOENTAI'RUS, Mr L. Hodgson’s br g by Hyllus—St. Crispin mare, aged. 9.7 (J. 11. Mcßae) 3 Also started: 4—4 Rloitous, 10.H2 (J. Chapman); B—B Tutor 9.2, car. 9.24 (Waftson); 7—6 Green Label, 9.0 (Curran); 6—7 British Isles, 9.0 (Cleaver); s—‘s Orient Dawn, 9.0, oar. 9.04 (8- K. Thomson); 9—9 Mlo Generale, 9.0 (O Mcln&lly). Winner trained by R. J. Mateer, Malania tia. Charcot, who In hts first essay ov.?r obstacles at Matamata recently showed promise or an early return, went to the front In the Frankton Hurdles and. staving on solidly, won in a great finish with Loomblnatlon. He appeared, however, to have the Issue In safe keeping a couple or Turlongs rrom home. He was ridden very confidently by 11. Turner. Loomblnatlon drew attention to his latter day chances while Centaurus was always handily placed and he was staying on at the end. British Isles screwed slightly at the first fence and checked Cliareot momentarily but the latter was in charge passing the stands from British Isles. Mlo Generale, Green Label, Orient Dawn, Ixtonibinatlon, Riotous and Tutor. Raring into the bark stretdh, Charcot and British Isles were some five lengths out from the rest of tin* field and six furlongs rrom home they were still being followed by Green I-abej, Centaurus, Orient Dawn. I.oomblnation, Riotous and Tutor. At the hair-mile Charcot was bowling along freely two lengths ahead or Bri.ti-h Isles and Mlo General'-, with Green Label and Centaurus all handily placed. Racing to the turn Charcot had established a break of three lengths over British Isle« with I.oonibinatlon moving up Into third position in Trout of Mlo Generale. Centaurus and Orient Dawn. Charcot held on In th»» straight to withstand the challenge or Loomblnatlon and beat him by half-a-length. Centaurus was ten lengths away third with Orient Dawn next in front of Mio Generale, Green Label, British I-les. Riotous, and T-utor. Tune, 2.19. JUVENILE HANDICAP or £250; 5 furs. 2 2—GAY MISS, Mr H. J. Harrison’s ch f by Racerul—Diamond Maid, 2yrs, 7.13 (T. Green) 1 3 3—SURE PAY. Mr W. Townsend’s br c by Autopay—Bother, 2yrs, 7.9 (V. Gollop) 2 8— 7—VOLIFOX, Mr P. A. Swney’s br f by Foxbridge—Vollmond, 2yrs, 7.0, car. 7.14 (A. C. Messervy) 3 Sure Pay was bracketed on the machines with Radiant vaals. Also started: 4—6 Worton, 8.2 (Atkins); I —l Marshall Hall, 7.11, car. 7.114 (L. J. Ellis); 3 — 3 Radiant Vaals. 7.6 <\V. Reid); 11—11 Leleke, 7.8 (Horne;; 5—5 Beau Leon, 7.7, car. 7.10 (C. G. Goulsbro); 6—4 Agricola. 7.5 Mudford); 7—B Silveyor, 7.3 (B. Markwick>; 9—to Lady Vixen, 7.3 (Long): 10—9 Auburn Lad 7.0. car. 7.0 J (Gilchrist). Winner trained by J. 11. Wallace, Takanini. Gay Miss, who has been working brilliantly at TaUaninl over the past week. run right up to the promise or her track essays when she hit the front at the out-et and carried on In the straight for an effortless success. Sure Pay went another solid race, while VollTox drew attention to her Immediate prospects by the manner hi which she was finis-lung on. Silveyor. who has been racing unluckily, stumbled at the distance, but his rider made a good recovery. The favourite. Marshall down'the running. The r&vourlte. Marshall Hall, appeared to be eaught napping at the start and whatever prospects he did possess be ruined by running wide at the home turn. Auburn Lad and Gay Mi«s jumped out smartly, but Gay Mi-s soon hit the front rrom Silveyor, \gricola and Auburn Lad. This quartette earried on the running past the half-mile and Gay Mi-- was followed into the straight by ‘Agricola. Pure Pay, Silveyor. Lady Vixen, Radiant Yaal«. Auburn J*«d. Leieke, .MarxhaL iiaU. who tan

very Tilde, and Beau Leon Nothin*- had a chance with Gay Miss at the end and aha went on to win by Tour lenrths from Sura Pay. with Volifox, who r&ine home well, six lenirthi away. Auburn Lad was fourth and then followed Radiant Vault, Womton, I.eleke, Beau Leon, Marshall Hall and Agrtcola. Time, 1.2 3-5. STOREY MEMORIAL HANDICAP or £700; 1 mile and 3 furs. 6—2 —KING REY. Mr N. GrafaiNl br g by Raceful—Hllmar, ared, f. 7 n. h. MdCeacte) i B—7—‘RAfCECAM'P, Mrs M . Williams' <* g by Hareful—Caimney, aired. 7.0 <L. C. Brown) 1 4—S—LADY MONTANA, Mr B. Burgess’ b m by Lord Quex —KilceK, syrs, 7.13 (A. Mid wood) M Also started: 9—9 Golden Sheila, t.i (Cameron); 2—4 Royevrus, 8.9 (Home)f I —l Beau Repalre, 8.7 (Kills; ; 3—6 Out Joan, 8.3 (McTavish); 7—B Royal Appellant, 8.2 (T. Green;; s—B Mlntlaw, 7.4 'Markvlch); 10—10 Eastern Heir, 7.0 (J, Menially). Winner trained by R. H. Martin, Matamat a. King Rey. a model of conslrteiKur thta season, bavin* been further back than Tourth only twice In his 18 starts, made amends for recent disappointments when, under the lighter scale off weight and suited by the going-, he drew away halfway down the running to win very convincingly. His sucr*»ss me* with a rousing reception Trom the crowd. Raceramp, also a consistent performer In recent weeks in hack company, demonetnaied that his elevation to open class will not prove a barrier to further achievement* by the maimer in which he finished on to beat aJJ but the winner. I>ady Montana went a good race, while Royal Appellant, after being one of the leaders throughout and llrst Into the etralght. failed to go on with It In the final furlong The big disappointment was the hot favourite Beau palre, who. after being well back in the early stages, never looked likely once the real business of the raee began. Our Jean, Royal Appellant and MlnttawL were on term* a* they raced past tbd ‘lands from Eastern Iletr, lady Montane, King Rey. Baceeatnp Golden sheila. Royevrus and Beau Repalre. who wea bringing up the rear. A« they went along the i>ack Royal Appellant and Our Jean were pracrtlcaHy on term* with kastani Heir, King Rey. Lady Montana. Rtreraanp, Golden SI) el la. Murtltw, beau Repalre and Royevrus all racing in close order, there being onlv about hair-a-dozen lengths between tlie nrst and Ja*t horse*. Hair «- mile from Imme Royal Appellant and Our .lean were still making play and approaching the borne turn, where King Rev had run up Info third, this pair was situ jo Charge rrom king Rey. has tern Heir, )*dv Montana. Rareramp, Golden Shelia, Beau I.epalre and Royevrus, with Mlntlaw bringing up tne rear it was halfway down the running that King Rey. who wa« commencing his run. hit the rront and he carried on to win by four lengtha from Raceramp who finished gamely to beat lAdy Montana by six lengths. Royal Appellant was fourth and then came Beau Repalre, Mlntlaw', Golden Shelia, Our Jean, Eastern llelr and Royevrus, Time, 2.53 j-». STOREY MEMORIAL HANDICAP PREVIOUS WINNERS OF RACE The previous winners of the Storey Memorial Handicap, the principal event of the summer meeting of th« Waikato Racing Club, are as follow** 1925 Bajpmcter, 6.9 (E. O. Tuobey), t. 7. ; 1920 Ruapapa, 8.3 <W. Ryan), 2 9 4 1 j 1927 Transformer, 8.11 (E. A. Keeslnr)* j 1928 YaJkon, 8.2 (E. A. Keeping'. 2.9 8-B 1929 Aussie. 9.9 iL. G Morris,. 2.§ 4 f I 1930 Corinax, 8.11 <R. w. McTavlsb). 2.7 1931 Antique. 7.12 (G. Goulsbro). 2 6 3-1 1932 Ciller Joy. e. 9 <R. Bagby . 2.7 1933 Knight or Australia. 8.0 <E. kee#tnff)» 193 1 Aga Khan. 7.7 I K. Voltre). 2.7 2-8 1 935 Chief Marionette, 7.54 W. J Brouglb* ton). 2.7 4-r, 1930 l.nge. g.l I*. Fearn), 2.12 1987 Scotland. 8.8 C. G. Goulsbro), *jg 1938 King Rey. * 3 fL. J. Kills). 2.22 M 1 1939 Scotland. 7.7* J l orsvth) , 2.19 . 19 40 King Rey. 8.7 (N. R. McKentfe). 2.ft| •In 1938 Hie distance of the race wad increased Lorn 14 miles to l mile 3 fiN longa*

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Waikato Times, Volume 126, Issue 21041, 17 February 1940, Page 8

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FAVOURITES FAIL Waikato Times, Volume 126, Issue 21041, 17 February 1940, Page 8

FAVOURITES FAIL Waikato Times, Volume 126, Issue 21041, 17 February 1940, Page 8