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FRANKTON PRICES LOAN AND MERCANTILE The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, Hamilton, reports as follows on the Frankton stock sale held on Tuesday. Cattle: There was an extra heavy yarding of both cow and ox beef. Vealers and potter hulls were penned In good numbers. There was also a large entry of boner and store cattle. Ox beef sold at firmer rates than last week, but cow and heifer beef were decidedly easier. Vealers were down on the previous week. Boner, store cattle and potter bulls sold well at late rates. Quotations: Heavy prime ox beef. £ll 17s 6d to £1 2 2s 6d; lighter. £ll to £ll 105. prime ox beef, £ll to £ll ss; medium prime beifers, £3 to £3 ss; lighter. £7 to £7 10s; prime Jersey heifers, £5 15s to £6 1-S; prime cows, £6 6s to £7; prime Jersey COWS, £5 10s to £5 17s 6d; lighter, £5 to £5 SS; light vealers. 24s to 30s; heavy boner cows, £3 18s to £4 4s; medium, £3 7s to £3 11S; light. £2 4s to £2 1 OS; small yearling Polled Angus steers, £2 12s; small, running with bull, Jersey cross beifers, £3 9s to £3 12s 6d; Jersey cows and calves at foot, £3 ISs to £5 15s; potter bulls, £6 17S 6d to £7 55; springing Jersey cows, £7 15s to £B. Sheep: Another good yarding of rat sheep was yarded, consisting mostly or medium fat wethers and hoggets. A truck of wethers on account of Waikeria Borstai Institute made 23s 9d, and a line on account of Waikato Racing Club, 23s 3d to 23s 6d. A few ewes were yarded a these met with fair competition. A number or lambs was penned and sold well up to recent quotations. Quotations: Fat wethers, 22s to 23s 9d; medium wethers, 18s 3d to 19s 9d; heavy fat ewes, 17s to 18s 3d; medium Tat ewes, 12s to 14s 6d; best hoggets. 173 to 19s; medium fat lambs, 19s to 21 s 6d. Pigs: A large yarding of fat pigs came Torward and a good sale eventuated, with prices well up to previous quotations. Store pigs also were • yarded in large numbers and sold at satisfactory prices. Quotations: Heavy' prime baconers, £3 19s to £4 3s; medium prime baconers, £3 8-s to £3 1 4s; heavy porkers, £2 18s to £3 2s; medium porkers. £2 5s to £2 12s; best 6tore pigs, 35s to 395. Wright Stephenson and Company Wright, Stephenson and Company, Ltd., quote as follows: Cattle.—Prime Polled Angus cows £7 2s 6d to £8 ss, Hereford heirers £6 5s to £7 2s 6d, unfinished Hereford beifers £5 15s to £6, heavy cow’s and dairy cattle £6 to £7 ss, lighter sorts £4 10s to £5 7s 6d, heavy boners £3 15s to £4 7s Od, lighter sorts £2 12s to £3 15s, rough yearling beifers £2 5s to £2 17s, Holstein steers £3 12s 6ci, heavy works bulls £7. Dairy cows springing £5 to £7, heifers £6 15s to £9 ss, light bulls £4 to £6 10s. Sheep.—Heavy wethers 22s to 24s 9d, medium 21s to 22s 6d, lighter and unfinished 19s 6d to 21s, very heavy ewes 173 3d, good average 15s to 16s, plain 13s 3d. Store sheep: Two-tooth ewes 25s Id to 275, shorn ewes 100 per cent lambs at root 14s 3d all counted. Pigs.—Heavy prime baconers £3 18s to £4 3s, heavy £3 16s to £3 18s, medium weight £3 Ils to £3 16s, light-heavy baconers £2 18s to £3 3s, medium £2 10s to £2 16s, lighter £2 to £2 9s. Large store pigs to £2 6s, medium 3 Bs, small to 3is. ( TE KAUWHATA YARDING G. W. Vercoe and Company. Ltd., report having held their fortnightly stock sale at Te Kauwhata on Monday, when the advertised entry of cattle came forward. Competition on all classes was keen throughout and a total clearance was effected at full late rates. Heavy fat cows sold from £7 to £7 175 6d, medium-weights £5 to £6 15s, light to £5 12s 6d, medium-weight Jersey heifers to £6 ss, light to £5. Forward-con-dition young Shorthorn cows to £5, others to £4 7s 6d. yearling Jersey heifers to £i. empty 2-year Jersey heirers to £3 ss, heavy boners £4 to £4 15s, mediumweights £3 5s to £3 17s 6d, light to £3. . Pigs.—A large yarding of fat pigs sold readily at full late rates. Heavy prime baconers £4 to £4 3s, heavy £3 16s to £3 19s, medium-weights £3 12s to £3 15s, light £3 5s to £3 lls, heavy porkers £2 18s to £3 4s, medium-weigltts £2 14s to £2 17s, light £2 6s to £» «S. choppers to £3 14s. Store pigs were again penned in large numbers and prices were a shade easier. Sows in pig sold to £5. large stores 36s to £2, others 32s to 355, best slips 28s to 31s. others 22s to 275. good ■weaners 20s to 245, others 15s to 19s. PUTARURU SALE Dalgety and Co., Ltd., report having held their Putaruru stock sale on Monday, when a medium yarding of sheep and cattle came forward. Prices were on a par with recent sales. They quote:— Light-weight rat bullocks, £8 10s; fat Jersev cross cows night), £5 to £6 2s 6d; Tat Jersev cows, £4 15s tn £5 ins: boners, heavy, £3 10s to £3 17s 6d; medium, £2 7s 6d to £2 18s; lighter, 27s 6d to 355; springing dairy heifers. £4 10s to £7 10s. Sheep: Fat ewes. 14s 9d; four and sixtooth ewes and lambs, 17s 9d all counted. Pigs: A very heavy yarding of both fat and store pigs came forward. Fat pigs, although rather dull of sale at the start, improved and late market rates were maintained. Store pigs sold under fairly keen competition at prices well in accordance with late market rates. Quotations: — Medium baconers. £3 10s to £3 16s: lighter. £3 3s to £3 9s; heavy porkers and buttermilk pigs. £2 10s to £2 17s: lighter porkers. £2 3s to £2 8s; medium choppers. £3 to £3 6s; unfinished porkers. 38s to £2 best stores, 33s to 375: medium stores, 27s to 32s 6d: good slips, 24s to 28s; others, 18s to 235; good wpanprs, 18s to 21 s; others, 8s to 15S; sows and litters, £4 to £6 15s.

FRANKTON CATTLE SALE "Messrs Wright, Stephenson and Company, L d.. report on the Frankton cattle sale as follows: — Good 3-year Polled Angus steers £7 5s to £8 75, coloured 3-year steers in good condition £6 7s to £6 12s. 2-year Shorthorn steers (small and in store condition) £3 6s to £4 2s fid. A first-class line oi yearling Polled Angus steers was sold in two lots at £3 17s and £4 2s; forward Polled Angus and Hereford cows, on account of J. E. Locke. £4 2s, £4 7s and £4 179; rdws and calves £4 7s 6d. yearling Polled Angus beifers £2 4s to £2 14s. STORE CATTLE SALE Messrs Dalgety and Company, Ltd., report on their special store cattle sale at Frankton as under:— Fresh-conditioned 4-year Polled Angus steers £9 63 to £9 12s, 3 and 4-year Polled Angus steers in store condition £7 17s 6d to £S 6s. 3-year Polled Angus steers £6 10s to £7 Is, 3-year Hereford £6 7s 6d to £7 2s 6d, 3 and -i-year steers mixed breeds £6 5s to £7 Is. 3-year ditto £5 5'S to £5 17s 6d, 2-year Polled Angus steers £5 15s to £6 10s. 2-year Shorthorn steers £4 10s to £5 155. small yearling ditto cross heifers £2 to £2 in», Hereford cows with calves at Toot to £5 17s, ditto empty £4 4s to £4 15s. MATAMATA SALE Messrs Dalgety and Co., Ltd., report having held their usual fortnightly sale at Maramata on Wednesday when prices were firm on recent rates. Quotations. —Cattle: Light rat bullock. £9'lOs. ditto heirers £7 3s. fat Jersey rows £5 7s 6d to £6 2s 6d. heavy boners £3 5s to £3 17s. medium ditto £2 12s fid to £3, lighter 25s to 37s 6d. Store cattle: 2 and 3-year Polled Angus heirers £5 is to £5 ss, 2-year-old ditto £3 10s to £3 lUs, 2 and 3-vpar Polled Angus steer* £7 5s pottP” bulls heavy) £7 10s to £ 10. Sheep: Fat wethers 21* fid to 23s 3d: Tat ewes 15s. Pigs: Heavy prime baconers £3 10s to £» 2s. medium ditto £3 10s to £3 16s, buttermilk pigs and light baconers £2 185 to £3 Bs. heavy porkers £2 Ss to £2 15s. medium ditto £2 3s to £2 7s, light and unfinished 39s to £2 2s, choppers £2 10s to £3 15s according tn weight and condition, good stores 37s to £2 2s. medium 30s to 355, other ditto 27s to 30s. good slips 27s to 30s, other slips 21s to 2 ss, best weaners 1 fis to 19s, others 10s 10 14s, sows with litters 12 10s to £3. HIKUTAIA YARDING The Farmers’ Co-operative Auctioneering Company. Ltd., report having held their fortnightly stock sale at Hikutaia on Wednesday, when only a small offering <»r cattle was yarded, prices being on a par with recent quotations. A pen of l'at Jambs met keen competition. Quotations. —Medium fat cows £5 10s to £6. light fat cows £i 13s to £5. springing dairy heirers £7 10s to £B, light fat lambs to 16s. FRANKTON CATTLE FAIR The Farmers’ Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Ltd., report that at the special store cattle sale held at Frankton on Wednesday a medium offering came Torjw&rd. Competition was steady through-

out, with values comparing favourably with recent sales. Quotations. —~mall 3-j r ear Polled Angus and Hereford steers £6 to £6 16s, small 24-year Shorthorn steers £4 1 is to £5 19s, 2 -year Shorthorn and Jersey-cross steers £4 2s, 2-year Hereford and Shorthorn - cross heifers £2 13s to £3 12s, mediumconditioned Polled Angus-cross cows £3 17 5. RANGIRIRI SALE The Farmers’ Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Ltd., report that at their Rangirirl stock sale held on Wednesday a medium yarding of cattle was penned and competition was steady. Values remained on a par with recent quotations. A small entry or stoTe cattle was sold at satisfactory prices. Quotations. —Fat Jersey nows £5 9s to £5 17s, tillable cows £i 12s fid to £5 2s fid. heavy boner cows £3 10s to £4 3s, medium £2 10s to £3 ss, heavy potter bulls to £lO, lighter £5 17s 6d to £7 15s, empty Polled Angus nows and heifers £ 1 5s to £ i 10s, Hereford nows with calves at root £5 4s, small yearling Polled Angus and Hereford steers £2 6s to £2 15s, small yearling Polled Angus and Hereford heirers £2 6s, small 15-months mixed coloured heifers running with bulls £3 9s to £3 12s. SALE AT REPOROA The Farmers’ Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Ltd., report having held their stock sale at Reporoa on Monday, when a lull yarding of cattle came forword comprising a good penning of store cows, yearling steers and heifers, and a medium entry of fat and boner- cows. The greater part of the yarding consisted or poor-con-ditioned cattle. Values were on a par with late sales in the district. Quotations. —Light Tat cows £'» 14s to ii 17s. heavy boner cows £:; 13s to £i 2s, Others £2 5s to £3, potter bulls £3 10s to £i 12s fid, 3-year Shorthorn steers £5 18s. aged Shorthorn cows £'. is. poorconditioned Polled Angus cows and heifers £3 ios, empty 2-year Jersey heirers £2 17s fid to £3 3s. backward yearling Polled Angus heirers £2 2s 6d, backward yearling Jersey heifers 30s to £2 10s, cows and calves £2 9s to £3 lls.

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Waikato Times, Volume 125, Issue 20988, 15 December 1939, Page 14

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COMMERCIAL NEWS Waikato Times, Volume 125, Issue 20988, 15 December 1939, Page 14

COMMERCIAL NEWS Waikato Times, Volume 125, Issue 20988, 15 December 1939, Page 14