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By “Martian."

FROM TRACK AND STABLE. llolflfl FIXTURES. (By “Mnrt!nn.") ‘ July IB—Poverty any Turr club. .- ll~Soum Canterbury II.C. .. "—Mennwatu RC. GOSSIP FROM ALL PARTS. . First acceptances for me Grand] Natlonal Steeplechase. Grand Natlonul' Hurdles. and \\'inler llup m‘e' due at. 3‘ O'l‘lock on Friday evening. To Be Spelled. Banlry ran-Ml much below expecta— Hnns at 'l‘t'mthum. and it is more lhan hks-ly 1h" .\orr‘ :vlding \\'ill lm lume'd nut for at low: spell. Bluo Tlgnr'a Condltlon. I Rluc Tim-r Kuu- himsoll‘ a nnsl)’ Lum'k \\hiln «null-sting HH' \'illorin Hurdlr‘s rm Hm :.lmning day al. 'l'l'fi'vlli lhnm and “.15 'III' :Ilulv In lw |lrmlum|ll again n! ”w mm‘linux Ho rvlm‘nvd in \\'omhillp \\illl rill ”My Iv“ lH‘llillll and may be off the scone [or quite a while. looked for Rlooerton. \‘nlnvon is lmlnwl privnlnl)‘. and little ls heard about ‘him, IIuI. nonord< ing In rmlm'm Iw \\'ill ln- lllkl‘ll M lllm-arlnn mrly uml ~wlumlr’d over the .\‘allonnl cnunlr)‘. A. 'l’lnkor. The cx—Te llnpa horsmnan AL ’l‘inkr‘r has not yrl I'm-nvorrd from llm injury he rr‘rnho'd M MS 10:: smnv llmt‘ bark. hut how‘s to rvsunm riding \\'illlin‘ Hm next few weeks. E Addltlon to lam. I High .\‘Mr. (A four-,vmr-nld Keldlnfil: by Tho .\l-u {rum Slm‘ .\llrm'liun. is a N‘l‘Olll. :uldiliun lo 11, .\ll-'l'nvisll‘s Imm all, I‘lllm'sliv'. lliszh Srm‘ is a half; brother to Km-mmapui. \\'lmm MP'l‘uv—‘ lsh trained and rode \\'llh Suvcess. __..__._~___.——— \ KARL. ‘ After I let-up the Areuelo colt Karl hu retumed work at Woodvllle end In looklng In splendld order. Very few two-yur—oldl dllpleyed more brIIII-ney thnn Karl, who I. expected to develop Into a top-notch Iprlnter next eeeeon. Ho would nope-r I good proupoot for e no. mm the Wenoenul Gulneu In September. Profeulonnl. As he developed a r-old after raclng at Tronvlmm. Profe'sslonnl is helm: treated to u spell. l'x-ofeslonal has run good races on occnslons, but hls form has hardly been up to ex« pectatlons. Lon Bong Schooled. The New Zenlnnd—‘bred Love Song. who has dlsappolnto‘d on the flat of late. was sn‘hnnlfld ove‘r hurdles at .\lonrenald rm‘rntly. Hidden by F. Dale. tlm gelding was arm. over two nhsfnolml, He got, mm the first rntlmr l-lnsn'. hut l-lenred the second In good style. \

In Steady Work. I To Hat is again in steady work at [Cllf‘i‘slllX and it. E. Manson has him looking Iti‘lf—‘lll and \\rll. lie should lm \\‘eii t'oruaril for spring engagements and uromisrs to prove more solid than formerly. Te Aroha Improvements. The ’re Aroha Jockey Club has ac—ceptud a tender for additions to thel mo‘mbers‘ stand and the erection of 50 stalls and loose boxes, the contract price being over £2OOO. 'The shift—imt of tho lotaiisaior building and further additions to the structure .are to be taken in hand in the near future. steadily Improving. Itonsllh‘rnhle improvement is noticeahlr in tho l-ondition of Roman Mascot tllll'iliK Hil‘ lust i‘vw works. She is also pullimr more ilnsh into her track \\ork at. Hilrrslio. This mare has not. in-i-n unduly hurt-ind in her prepara—lion. hut silo is thriving nxr‘rplionally . well. and will hr in tip—top order by tho limo the now sonson opons. From a Good Family. ‘ lzoiislar, a \\'innm' at l’losotwr)‘ 'FydA noy inst \\m-‘k, is a siV—yoar-olil mare' ll)" ljulussus from \\'ursiaiu S'hé‘ comes; from tho sumo family as Star Sii'augeini Imin! lurmi hy .\ir .\. J. Toxwarrl. hem lin‘ili lminj: hy Maninpoln from Lady; Lury. \\'arsim- and Hiar Lady, lht“ lllllil of Star Slrnmzm'. are lmlf—sislrrstl Ilolistar was soot in Australia \\’iihl ltr'r dam in 1930. struck a Bad Patch. I in tho' early part. of the current season in Franco \\'. Johnstons rode with rvmarkahlo sill'L‘CSS. and was a long \Vny ahead of every other jockey. ’l‘owarlis tho (‘n-l or April he struck a had patrh. and route so few ".Vlnne'rs tor a Inonlh that, at the rommcnce-i nu-ni oi' liu‘ lust. \\'i‘('k in May he had; dropped hark to third. Al that. timoi llrirlziaml 101 l with 3‘2 wins, Dupuit following \\'ilh 30. and then Johnstone 27. I Billy Boy and Diamond. ! Trentham should play a strong hand} in the decision of the ‘C.J.'C. Grand; National Steeplechase with Billy Boy! and Diamond. Both horses have theen‘) working well since the \\’.l‘tf}. meet—, ‘ing. Diamond's displays. particularly tower the fences. being highly meritlorlous. The pair should be seen to ladvantage at Ric/carton. \V. Rennie land R. Smith. who have been ass-claim litth with their recent successes, will} ride the pair in their southern en-i l gasemnts, The Stipendiary Steward. . Mr W. ‘H. Hamilton, chairman of the Durban Turf Club. met with very little support at, the‘ annual meeting of the Jovkny lilnh of South Africa in his vamoalgn on behalf of the extension of tho stipendiary steward system. That fact has not. discouraged him. and at a meeting of the Durban 'I‘.C.. he asked the stewards of his club to ask tho? stewards of the Clairwood TIL to make use of the services at Mr D'Arcy. “\\'e will not bar-gain too hard with the lilairwood TIL. as to what its proportion will he.” said Mr Hamilton. Sumo of the South AtriI ran papors favour tho stipendlary sys—l tom. and than is no doubt more clubs will he’ giving it a trial next year.

Successful Voar. i The Esmont. Racing" Club has had a‘ remarkably successful season, and tho haluncmshrct is gratifying to the nth—-t-ials, mmnhers, and the sportingr pub lic. After paying approvlntntciy 95mm to the Government in taxation and allowing a. reasonable‘ sum for depreriation, the club will face tlli‘ newt season with a good credit balance! The coronation dates, May 12 and 13,1 have been secured for the winie'ri meeting, in lieu of .\luv 6 and 8. Travels of Solarlu. Solaria, who was left with trainer E, A. Keesing at. T 9. Aroha after win—l ninxg at. Tauranga last month, is still being kept going along quietly, so he should be in good order to race as soon as required. This horse was: probably travelled more than any] othcr this season, having been taken as far north as VVhangarei, and raced throughout the Auckland Province. in addition to 'l‘renthani. New Plymouth, llnwera and many other centre's in the i lower portion of the North lslnnd. He should not he. difficult to place. in sprint company on the provincial circuit in the coming season, - POLYDORA. Though Polydorn did not race up to expectations in her efforts on the flat, she promises to make good in her forthcoming hurdilnq [ campaign. In the few schooling took; that have been apportioned her during the pest fortnight she has shown all her former aptitude an a Jumper. It is Intended to give her one or two races in public before tackling the Grand National Hurdle Race. . Outlook for English Racing. In England this your attendances have been considerably in advance ‘Of last season, and at Epsom the Derby (lay crowd was the largest for many years. So far as the enclosures for which admission had to he paid were concerned. the receipts worr- well alto-ad of last year. From liliii until a year ago attendances at English] meeting continued to rleorcase, but now they are steadily increasing and, with them, the totaiisaior turnover. London papers say totalisator ibetllngt is now well understood and well es—‘ tablished, and has brought into racing :1 large amount of new money. In Uncertain Trip. ‘ \Vhen One \Nhetu was nominated in Australia, several others of Fryer'a ; team were entered for leading events ‘ in that country, these being Le Grand. {\Votan, Cynical Kid, and Soloist. Since then, however, One Whetu is the only |one‘ of the five to have fulfilled ex—pectations. “Neither Le Grand nor tVVotan has been favourably weighted .tn Australian races, and their owners. Messrs Smith Bros, are hardly likely to entertain the‘ idea or the trip." said Fryer, dismissing the recent. hacking of One \Vhetn. "Le Grand has been handicapped at considerably above his best New Ze‘aland form, while \Votan‘s I resent. form has been hopeless. It he were right I would not hesitate about taking Cynical Kid, for he is Just the type to do well in ‘siéeplechnses in Victoria. I would very much like to take him over. but in his present con—dition there is no chance of his go—ing." Definite plans for an Australian trip will not. be made until the con—olusion or the‘ Manawatu fixture. In the meantime the prospects look very uncertain.

“Durby or Darby." An American sporting writer got considerable mnuscnicut out of the furl. that. in hrmulzrasltin:~ tho? Kentucky l Derby. scvcrul of thc rclrliritics called tthe Derby "the Darby" in accepted. English fashion, hut, occasionally slipped when they were not thinking. and pronounced it D—u—r-b-y. He wound up as i'oiiows:~—“lf the Eng—lish care to give articulate utterance to the name tlholmondcicy as it" spelled ‘ tlhunilcy and the Americans feel hap[pier saying \\’oosirr t'or \\’ol‘ccster l and 'l‘olllrcr for Taliai’crro, its all right here. As for me. I'm just. plain back—woodsy and not a bit toney. I simply can‘t seem to twist my tormue‘ around Darby at; alii Perhaps its just. as well. if anybody up here in Minne—sota had the tetnorlty to speak of Kentucky's great raring classic as the Darby, he‘d be crowned with a brick." The Coronation Dates. _ The Franklin Karin].r Club, which conducts the Bay of island fixture at its course at Pukekohc. was snorc'ssful in oiilainlng Coronation Day, May 12. for the new season's meeting. and there is no reason why this should not. he a most successful Venture. with such a wide field to draw upon for its 'horses. it. certainly is in a better position than Egmont, Otakl, and liawke‘s Bay. which also race on Coro—nation Day, for the three vcluhs draw practically from the same sources. It is probahlo that thorn will be more horses in work at, this period of the season than there will be for the King's Birthdny (which follows six weeks littnr). hut the ligmont meeting may nevertheless tind it rather dim—--cult to fill its fields as wcll as it has in the past. This would he a pity, for the. Egmnnt mce'liup: nnrly in .\lny has usually launched the jumping season ' proper. \\'ith the \\'nug‘anui inreting now delm'od tilt the King‘s Birthday the early winter circuit in future years is not. likely to im so instructive as it was. . PROFIT 0F £B9O. ‘ l , I STRATFORD RACING CLUB YEAR. I INCREASED MEETING REVENUE. A successful year's working following the annual fixtures being favoured by line weather on both days is re—viewed in the report. to he presented at the 45th. annual meeting or the Stratford Racing Club on July 28. Favoured by tine weather on January 1 and 4, the meeting resulted in an increase in revenue from all sources, the report states. The total nmount in stakes amounted to £2490, und 8. sum of £35,663 passed through the totalisator. The protlt and 1055 ac—count discloses a net profit of £B9O Gs lid for the year. utter writing off £413 35 Gd for depreciation, The com—initteo has in hand the matter of further iinprm'rnicuis llcpnirs and reuo~ nations to the caretnkcr‘s ‘housc have been completed and a tender has been accepted for the erection of new stalls nnd additions to the inside hooth. chtch plans for at new Lotnlisator house have been prcpnrcd. while suu« dry minor improvements are also being done. .\ permit was obtained for a t‘urthcr tiny ut‘ racing. which will be hold (luring the coming year.

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Waikato Times, Volume 119, Issue 19945, 23 July 1936, Page 13

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THE RACING WORLD Waikato Times, Volume 119, Issue 19945, 23 July 1936, Page 13

THE RACING WORLD Waikato Times, Volume 119, Issue 19945, 23 July 1936, Page 13