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FAT STOCK SALES. RISE IN PIGS AND SHEEP. ‘ CATTLE MAINTAIN VALUES. AUCKLAND, Thursday. Substantial rises in pig prices were established yesterday at the weekly [at stock sales at. \\'r'sttlrldl ’l‘he yarding‘ bwus tumble. in Illi‘l'i the demand, and 1 the iirelir-st hiddiny.‘ since curly in June was the result. lturuni‘rs jumped its to Skin 41 head, :illlltmnh iill‘ average nihililt‘t‘ on the general iiii'rt-ust-ii val~ Lies of lusl work was nlmut t'm. t)tiior sorts varied from is in is u ilt‘xiti hetter, making Values it pound Slightly more tln-m :t turthiua' night-. - all round, baroners now helm; lild xmd purkers, 52d [0 Gilli. The upward trend in the sheep mar—ket continued to as much as '25 a head, making the total improvement over recent weeks in the Vicinity of 75. Better lambs were on offer. Best grades sold at 30-5 each. 85 6d better than last \\'Eek, when values cased by nearly '25 a head. Liattlc were yarded in satisfactory numbers, Prices all round were un—- ‘ changed on the previous SlllO. although ‘many better individual quotations were recorded. Calsc-s failed to maintain the admittedly cxircme improvements re—ported last week. Values receded to much the same level rulingr a fortnight ago, runners making 1088 each and ‘\'ealers, 965. Comparison of Quotations. The following is a summary of the prices realised for fat stock for the last two weeks at the \Nestfleld lai stock sales:— This Week. Last Week. BEEF (per 1001 b) Ex. choice ex 30/- 30/Choice and prime ox . 26/-tO2B/- ee/-to2s/-i 1 Choice and i l prime cow i . and better . 26/40 23/- 29pm 23/i SHEEP (per head)— i Prm. w'tn'rs 37/- to 88/6 37/-to 37/9 Unnn. w’th’rs 20/-to 30/- 18/- 1:027/6 Prime ewes . 32/- to 34/ 32/- to 33/Unfln. ewes . 15/—to96/- to/-to 23lPrtme lambs ~27/- to 30/- 95/610 26/5 Unnn. lambs 15/6 to 18/9 15/-to 19/CALVES (per head)— Runners . 65/- to_u>B/- 70/-tot£o/ Vealers ... 87/- to 06/- Do/-totDO/-PIGS (per head)—Baconers 8(/-to 94/- ‘7G/-to 85/Porkers .... stl-to 58/ 50/. toil/\Veaners .... iO/- to 15/- 10/ to its/v Slips 15/- to 18/- il/w m 17/Large stores 20/~ to 27/- tin/r 1.023]lndlvldual Consignments. For an extra. heavy prime bullock. included in a line of six from Messrs Thompson and Ernst, of \\'hakaiane, the best price of the day for ox beef. £315 is, equalled that of last. week. Rates were ilrmer all round. however, £l4 iss being the figure realised for the steers of Bell‘s Estate. or Papamoa, while those of Mr C. Sampson. of Waerenga, sold to £ls 'ls 6d. Line! . from Mr C, Aime-Baker, of Port Waikato. brought to £ll. and from Mr “5. Kemp. of Te Papaya. to £lO 175 6 . Also on a par with last week's top figure in the cow bee! section, £lO 155 was paid tor one of a large consignment from Mr J. E. Allen, of Tirau. A ltne from Mr J. A. Hill, of Ohinewai, brought to £lO. Lots from Mr R. H. Bailey, of Titan, and Mr I}. Goodfeliow, ot \Vaihou, reached £9 5:, while '25 6d less was paid for trucks from Trewin Bros., of Marohemo, and Mr B, F. Hall. of \Valton. A line from Mr H. \\'indsnr, of Matangl, made to £8 105. Other quotable lines were those of Mr C. G. Vesper, ranging to £8 55; Mr \V. \V. Dickie, of \anton, to £8 and £7 175 6d. Dalgety and co. Messrs Dalgety and Company, Limited, report having held their weekly stock sale at \\’estticid to—day when there was total yarding of 245 head including 39 steers and 206 tows against 208 head last week. The de—mand was again good and a steady Isaie was experienced at Values Ilrmer .than last week's rates. ‘ The top price of £ls 55 was ob—tained for a well ilnis'hed bullock sold on account of Messrs Thompson and Earnest, \thkaiunc, and purchased by Messrs Stott. Limited. Birkenheud. Quotations: Extra rhoico ox sold to 305 -per tombs: rhotrv and prime, 265 to 293; secondary and plain, ills to 255; prime young cow and heifer beef. '27s to 295; just kiiiablc, 215 to 265; extra. heavy primc steers range in price from £l3 15:5 to £ls 55; heavy prime steers, £ll 1773 to £l3 105; lighter prime sters, £8 10s to £9 155; small prime steers to £8 105 to £3O 155; small 'and unfinished, £6 155 to it) Calves were yarded in average num—bers. The demand “as not so keen and Values eased on last week's quot tations. Qnotations—Runners, £3 to £6 its; prime runners m'rrnS‘ed £5 55; heavy \’ealr-rs, iii .35 {l, £1 185' medium. £3 105 to $3 185; light 93’ its to £3 65; small. r-z Us 2.. "9:2'9s' unllnlshcd and iilli'ltl‘i (mi. £1 to st 155: itobh)‘ calves, is to L‘i is, Again a Short. .vnrtling tli‘ gilrjgr‘ came forward, which sold ltlliit‘t' kw-n ram. petition at improved rules nil last! week. Extra lxv.|\_\' [H'iltll‘ “ths 375 to 38.: Ga. for prime ii('d\,\‘ \\ethll crs sold on arrnuut of .\ii‘.‘ l-I. Bullion] hcaw' prime. 3.35 lid to 3:3,, of]; “mm Itm, 33s out to 355: light and uniln—i ished. 27s to 335: heavy prime ewesyl 305 to 33:5 3d: lighter. 25s to 29s Gd; other ewes, ‘Zis to 2is lid. An average entry ott‘ lambs sold under good competition tit \t’l‘,\' firm late. rates. Heavy primr- lnmiis, 235 4141 M 253 (iii: mmlillm prime, 32s to 235: light prime. tits (rd to 21> Gd; small and plain. lTs to tits. 1 \\'u yardnd ralws in mun-11:0 mime hers. The dmnnnd w-ts not .w kindri and values r‘ismi on List \\m‘h's quori tnilons. Runners. £2l in t“? its, :1? truck of in prime runners t'ri-m .\lri 'l‘. .l_ .\lltr"n_\, i’llixt'ixtmvl, sin-mum: L‘fii 7‘s Yul; ili‘.‘l\j' \mlnrs. t‘i ':< t») t": 135:5 medium. lift it's in CI: tln; lin‘lzl. 5;“. lie 14 5;". its: Hirili. i"! do in £2 !i~;i tinlltiishrd :mtl iiili'i.l‘i it'd, !‘l to l'li‘ ifw: lmliliy (illti !' ‘liLl'l rhinos, i\ i t .t‘i' ‘ls I‘m! iiiu~ \‘.rru _\.i"iiwi] in iv'nwz' than ' murmur lili'lli't‘l"~ I,niitlwl ir-vn \\.i~ \nry lmou :.H-l \.liiil'-V t‘ i" twill [l‘.-.m.. W‘s :mll [irvrlzv'k Juvwil .m ,ti-[il'«i--i.;‘ ti'ilo‘ l‘isv. \'.. "'nmtwrx \\i re nu ul'i'wr, iv lirm)‘ ll'lr‘wnv‘rs “1; His n. «j’. 5.; medium. £3! H. II ‘l': if”: i'flti' r-g tis to fit Ty l'vuir l-urlu'l'~. r-J 11~ ‘ '4 1"} i‘is: ‘ll-‘i'tl"!. s"} is it if" i‘m; ‘ igiil. f‘t inn; m "l l‘s: "ll’tii ..zui mr ‘ iiill\i‘-‘li. 15‘s to El it’le, ‘ t I Alfred Buukiand and Sons. " \"i‘r‘li ihi"i\iiiiill .‘iilti T‘Wii.“ l. in ”tin: i‘flpw'ts we: the \niil‘ .ls .‘ullvx‘.\>. ,l \\. .\H'iiml m «utili‘ 1.; 1m illlills‘l lurr of ililii ll~‘:ini,.i.~ .ti‘lili‘i L’f-i iil‘dliil list “wit, rolnprising SH >t¢rra .miil

‘22.: co\\.< uml heifers. The quality of ux beef penned “.15 first class. Com--Ivrmion \\as luau um! \ulucs were firm at late \[UUIRIIDHS. Cows and hcxrers were )ardul in large num—bers “1111 values showing a slight Casing on last week‘s sale. Extra rhuicc ux sold to £1 105 per 100113.; chwiuc and primr', £1 1‘»: to £1 55; svmmlm‘)’ and pluin, ill 35 to £1 55; prune .\uxurx mm und lu-H’cr beef, £1 1‘..» IL) 1:! .\'>; urnlinury »mnv beef, lbs‘ tn £1 ‘s'. [CHI-:1 hmn‘y prime stvm'sx Imam] in m'rru- from £ls! to £l7l 1.35 m i:~ \_\' [Jinn >:r4"l‘.~, I‘lo 10:; [0 £lll 1%: lixhlvl' lurinn‘ slums. £9 to 32‘.) l‘.\ Fnl; iiuhl Imm" hlm‘rs, £23 105 10 55 17. x ml: mull unvl unfinished >l- rs. ‘3?» IIN In ‘3? .34; (‘xxru lwm'y 1m nv yum: A'vv\\\ um] Iwift‘rs. ER in 1,!“ 15>. llu’ Mer mum- iwim: I‘m- :1 hwfvr hum \II' ,I, >2 .\lh‘n, 121‘ 'l‘irnu.. mm pul'rlmm-ul h} \h' H. 5. Maxi“: | ‘ \'y |mmn «-u\\~ :nul Ivvil'ers‘ L'H In 1' lius: liulalv‘r' wimn mmfi :mrl llvil' w . L'l: In 1'.") |:Ih: {ll‘m'r killnhll' “ms, 5:2: m L":. "m- :utdl .\ru'ul‘n: M‘ .4va numb In >ll 3?»? \\AHM‘?\ \\l'rr' ”VIII .1! 1:110 I'w <. \\‘Hln I\\r'-~ rlm-rmml on l‘PPf'll‘, r" <_ ilxh'u hv‘ny primv \\r‘lhmw‘. r! rm :.. [I In :M; 1..m-_\ ”mu-i \m "MN. 1'! 115 ::.I 1\ til 1'15: Infi—ti' n In |u-.l\_\' ll'jmr' \\<‘€ll«‘!‘~. £1 95‘ :‘ni in H Vim I'ul: lul‘.‘ In nwrlium 3' w \\‘ Hll‘Y's. :1 In‘ 1141 14. £1 TS (M;' I':' illbh'i \‘l‘Hll'!‘<. J'l l< [0 £1 I“ (I |~\lr: In my i'I'ELH“ .\uun: mum. LII in. Elm-'1 i 1» .HI: 1» I\‘;~' prime mum. I 511 Is In ‘3! » :11: lir'hivrl>r7nwov.-.\\‘ fl :is «‘nl In 1'! M 6|: ulhm' killnlm‘,‘ man ~ Ir“ m 1 m «It I» mt: ulllt‘r mum. 7~Vl|lu J'l.~\Y 1

f Lambs were penned to the number - of 283. Bidding was brisk, with 5 values \'e'ry Mm. Exn‘a heavy prime ' lambs, £1 Us {0 £1 Ts 'Jd; hea\_v prime ‘ lambs, £1 25 Gd to £1 55; lighter . prlmo lambs, £1 to 51 is 0d; Ugh! L prime lambs, 185 to 195; small and ; 111 nm lambs, 12s Gd to 165 Gd. 1 The call‘ pvns were “1‘“ Imm. Tho} demand \\:ls hunlly so strong as at last week‘s ml". and Values l't‘vvdcwl ‘ slinhtly. I(unum‘< mmlr‘ £3 Fm lu £57 W3B. nu vxlm :.rnml X'lllllll‘l‘s brill; ul'l'» “rt-:1; hmny \l‘:l]4‘l'>‘. L'k Ts lu L'i his: llnt'vlillln, £3 85 ll) £3 ll‘vs: liyhl, 3."! I'm In El! h; small. £2 is In L'L‘ NM mllTui>lu~xl uml ipm'livl-I'x-IL sll In .\.'l [7»; 1mm») unvl X'I7II_LL'II mhvs. lb In» L'l ‘.‘\ L’NI |':ll\'l‘.~' \\vrn .\HIIL \\'v hml :1 .\mnllvr uI'I‘I-I'in: n!‘ MK.» ”ll‘ IIIHIIIN‘I‘ JH-inj: lllhilnil'ix'lll far 1"" -4|llil'l‘l|ll‘lll\'. Hinldim; \\'.b.‘ lkl'iak I'uL‘ |.ll| |'LH~.~.V.~‘ nl‘ falls. :mJ‘ Hlll‘ 4|llulaliun> .\huw .I hllill‘ll rim‘. lIIII)|V|H‘I'\‘ 111 ml" EL' 1.35 [(1 £1: hmx‘y Ill'lllw' ]\.n‘u|l"l'.~. L": In; In )l'u ll).\':l‘\lx':x smwiztl Illllunwll In)’ .\[l' limvruw l(.|\vn, ur \luunl HH‘|\“|. mmlu up In L": I'm: mmlillm lmvunvm, L'li iL's In El: I 135: liulli, L" In 335: Ks; linuny [vv\l'l<vx‘.~. I‘2 I'm [a ‘l'! H's: lmwlium, 9.": 251115.”! Ts: liuhr. L‘l lib fill» L'l H‘s: HIM” uml unfinislnwl. L'li Ila I'l in»; .\lnrvs 11min 11.1.1 gum! inquixgxx .wHiu: .11 [I la £1 7~: Mix». I'N In I 85: \\A‘anl-I‘s, His In 13. x I'milumt: \\muly Nu'ls. I'm- In -\'>: Imu'nn—lmx sold :1! am :n’muugu- ul’ Iljll IH'l‘ ”L. .IIII] prux'lmnw. 7y?" In 13H. ,\ lulu "VI IJH‘I plg~ \\4: >HI'I. g N.Z. Loan and Mercantlla. Tll" .\nw [vulunrl me :mvl \lvr Ixmml‘ Ayn“) (tummn), Limited. rvv

:] ports on the sale as follows: ‘ l Uur yardtns of beef was more than a an average one. Competlllou was : steady, with values firm at late rates. ' Extra cholcc 0x sulcl to £1 105 per 2 1001-IJ.; chuicu‘ and prime ox, £1 7s I to £1 95; ordinary and plain ox, £1 '25 to £l. Gs; prlmc young cow and heifer illnrcl', £1 05 to £1 Us: ordinary cow I 1100!, £1 to £1 55. Nu extra. hozu‘y prime slcrrs \\rrc [1(‘l‘lll‘d. litany t prime stc'ers, £l2 55 lu 151:1: llKhll‘l' primn stm'rx I'll 10 151‘! is I'ul: light prime stn-I‘rs. IN 1251 M In 2110 17> I‘ul: plain and .\lllil”, 127 In SIN 11M: l'\ll'-’l hmu‘y priim- .\uum: wms unul hoil'vrs, :55 to £1) .35; lit-any primv you": mum Illltl lti'it'vr.~. 1:7 In £7 17> (.11: liz'hlt-Iu rn'. In £6 t?st?4l;light. t": In [3. 17> m 1; “chl null plniu 11ni>hcll r-m‘, £1 ltls tn £sl 17:. GIL \\'u hml Illul‘l' thin an ll\‘l‘|‘;|L'l' yardim: Itl‘,\ht'n‘ll. IZnlm-I‘litiun “.15 [\l't'll \\itlt \'.illitxs :izziin impt'num: 11y I‘ In 1’» par llttlllil \u w\|l';l l|¢~.|\_\ print:'“l‘Hll‘l'S \\i-rv' llt‘lllll'll. 111-,~\_\ III'llIt" \\u-Ihvrn “1.1110 [1 IV-s In 1| 15>: Xlll‘llilllll priltw \\vtttm's. I'l ILN In El II». 1111; liulil primr- \\l-I|it-r~. I'l ‘2‘ to CI 11~ Int; mmII .uul unlini>lml \\l‘l‘l‘ 01‘s, $1 in '_'l 7m; hmn') prnm‘ l"\\'l‘>. i I'l 12¢ In El 13>:lll‘3‘11lllll1|l'lllll‘ «nu-r. I'l I's 1:) I‘l 115 .041: lizhl primn rw‘s. I‘l :Is In L‘l Rs 5111: .illsl killdlvl“ .mtl ml‘t‘riurly fullml rues. 1?“ in 1:1 'I-: punr o\\r~>. Ts 4111 mmarcl. \\'o pc‘nnod I‘llTl‘i‘fi in mur" I‘l :u .a\‘ prime numhurs. Ilnmnctitiuu \\..~ Imm. with mines tlrm uI intu- Illlltllllltllr. I‘l\1r;1 hmu')‘ primn. s‘l '.\ 1.. 9:1 Ills} Itmny prime‘. £1 is In I‘l Ina; mmhlnn 1>I‘II'III"_ I‘l ‘Js firl In ..‘I "-~ t'tl. hm prlmr‘. 11's I'7 .‘3l )9, qulnile. In -tv

10s 6d to 13s 9d; others, 12s to 10s. n We had a small yarding of pigs and a they were in keen demand. Valuer 5. showed a sharp rise on last week a v quotations. Choppers sold from £2 19> s to £3 6s; heavy and medium haconets, s £4 to £4 10s; light uaecncrs and heavv r porkers, £3 3s to £3 19s; medium v porkers and light porkers, £2 10s to y £3 ss; small, £2 to £2 8s; untrnished, y £1 Os to £1 10s. Store pus sold at l * late quotations. Large store?., £1 to t £1 ss; slips, J2s to 19s; we.mcrs, Is ; to 15s. a Our entry of calves was an averago one. Little quality was penned, s and the demand was not so keen. Values cased on last week’s quotations. s Runners, £2 Ids to £5; !iea\v vealers, I £ i I«» £ i Ids; medium, £3 10s to i ; 18s; light, £3 to £3 8s; smaller, £2 is to £2 JSs: small and freshed II dropped, 5s to £2 2s; rough calves, ' £1 to £2 ss.

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Waikato Times, Volume 119, Issue 19945, 23 July 1936, Page 11

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WESTFIELD MARKET Waikato Times, Volume 119, Issue 19945, 23 July 1936, Page 11

WESTFIELD MARKET Waikato Times, Volume 119, Issue 19945, 23 July 1936, Page 11