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PIAY IN THE WET. i i OOMPITITIONS RESUMED. ’ l 1 —— i . i . OLD BOYS AND TECHNICAL. l ! ;ming and sliding on the muddy: munds the itugby games in the Hamilton (“-‘ll'll't, .unnpeiition: were devoid of the sin-’i-lnvular on Futur»j 418)“. the four innit-hos ]|lE|,\'l‘lt lwinKv‘ forward .srramlniu-s. Ulll [lays inuiu<l mined their uuhvdiru rcrurrl \\houl they doi‘uuil-Ii 'l‘uilpil'i \\'usi. \\hilo; ’i‘r'rlinii-ai lild Boys. thu rummrs-up,i also \\nn ilu'ir innivli. ’l'lir lllL‘l‘llllSi nt’ Hid llqs uiut 't‘n-i'huil'nl Hid lluys next Saturday is bring eagerly await—l Gil. Results at. a Glance. I Old Boys 12, Tnuplri West. 8. Innkton 28. Tnupirl a. Technical Old Boys 15, To Awnmutu 5. Rover. 1. 111-riot. 0. MORE IN RESERVE. Tl AWAMUTU DEFIATED. TECIHNICAL'S ADVANTAGE. . VVith the advantage of having more in reserve at the end, Technical Old Boys defeated Te Awamutu on .\‘o. 1 ground, Rugby, on Saturday by 15 points to 5, after a keen forward struggle in which the players found it extremely dlflicult to keep their feet on the muddy, slippery ground. in the nrst half ’l‘e Awamutu had the advantage‘ throughout and were on even terms until near the end when Technical Old Boys came with a mule to score two further tries which. despite the conditions. Pardingtou converted. Td Awamutu.—T. Dalzlel; G. Crulolrehauk. R. Lo‘wis. A. Suther‘ land; W. Tombs. J. Hanna; M. Bell. S. Dickson. l“. .\chlpine. J. ’l‘urney, J. Askew, \V. Daniclls, )1. Grace, J. Scott. P. Grace. Technical Old Boys.——\V. Dalbeth; G. Porteous, H. Lidily, C. Goosman, W. Stevens. 1.. St. Grorgc; J. Broad; H. Harland. .l. Flannngan. 11. Pardlng—ton, J. Clough, .\. line, G. Taylor, .\. Carter, ‘6. Bankio‘r. The teams 111811 on to the flold in a ‘wnvy downpour of rain. "l‘r, Awamutu' having the wind and rain at their‘ banks. \\'iihiu tlu‘ iii-st fmv min< uirs it was uppiu'rut that. tho pluyers] would have no chaucr‘ of throwing tho I hall about. and him some immediately developed into a forward sri'uinblc.‘ 'l‘he ground was soon churned up by the acrums and rucks and both sides} found it extremrly diflicuit to keep! their feet even when running without! the bull. l The To Awamutu forwards had more I 1800011 with their speculating ktokll and they early held the territorial advantuge. Tombs wus Joining in with the forward- and he made about. 20 yuan for M. Bell to pick up and score. Hanna converting amid great excitement.—Te Awamutu 5: Technical Old Boys 0. The game continued in To AwaJ mutu's favour for most of the first spell though Technical Old Boys rallied on several orraslons. Dnlheth was \'rry reliable and several times in this spell which ended with To Awamutu in the load. Play More Exciting. The play was more exciting for the opening of the second such with Tec’hnlral on the ntim-k. 'lllll H." i‘mm‘go. after cutting through nicelyl and side-stopping two opponents., threw his pass forward and 'l‘or-hni—-ml cleared. \\'iili spor‘d on the wings tho Te Awamuiu forwards and inside; hacks kicked downteld at every op-l portunity and this kept. Technical on: the defensive. Halt—way through the | spell iho‘ Technical forwards took: rnmmand and dribbled down helm} Pnrdington. following up well. to pick up near the line and score. 'Het mnvertrd his own inn—Technical Oldi Roy: 5; To Awnmuiu 5. ; From thrn on till time was called: 'l‘erhnirnl had the ndvantage‘ terrl-; torinliy and Portenus and Stevens» wnrvd irir-s nfir‘r other Never: had‘ rlri'b‘hled the hall to near the line.l nnsr‘lte the ho‘nvv bail and aodden ground Pardinztnn rnnvei‘ted hnthtries. the game ending with tho» nonres— Ten‘hnirnl Old Boys . . 15 ‘ 'l‘e Awamutu . . . . .. . . 5 1 Mr A. C. \\'atkins was the refereni -—————— l OLD BOYS WIN. i TOO GOOD FOR TAUPIRI. VISITORS‘ EARLY ADVANTAGE. ‘ __._.__.. 1 On No. ‘2 ground Old Boys \vei‘o‘ victorious against ’l‘aunirl \\'est by i‘.’ points to S in a game \\hlcli. for the grcaivr part. was a mud scramble. Tnuplri \\'est had the mlvnniaxr hit the early staples of the stamp. but ovrr the latter spell old Boys we're delirium. ly superior and wore unlucky not tol win by a greater margin. The trains worn as follows : md ans.—~-'l'. .\irlmughlln: J. Hneps, J. Fum’lurllurg. .l. llriyrrafi: 11. Lisseito. 11. Starry; :\. Gilli-kph; \'. .liltllhtullC, P. \‘nn'r. .l. ’l‘ioiicns. .1. Gray. I“. .lunns. il_ linilmvny, [2, Thomas. R. .\"ii‘hnl. Tnurulrl \\'ost.—-\\'illlnnls: i'hmkni, .l, l)l|\'tt‘§. "l‘. (Muir‘s: llnrris. \\'ilson; D. Hailey: .\li‘i‘uuiru; tingle, \l. \\'nldiy Ryn. lluml. Austin. :\l'llllil\lti, .luiiu—stono. Early in tho Kdllif‘. \\'ilsou ju<t {nil—rd In punt from :1 pruziily almut 310 yards‘ nut. ll \\.N .I umni nth-mm. pnnsiilv‘ruiz itw dimmr) li'nli. l'rnm :1 similil‘ distant-u, liut mm'n- iii hum: of tho Kiwi. ilzi- .\lllll‘ MJM'I‘ hum-ti ihrn‘r points i'runy . gum! [\ii'k .l ['nw mluuins l.itn'r.»—'l‘.iillvii'i \\'n‘si il; 01.] Rays 0. \\'ilwu hut nuothl-i' niinuiiii fi'mu llt‘.il‘ tho 'Illlv‘!) liuv. hut lilo {mil \\rut will) u fvw ).ii':l~. 'l‘lvn‘ imuz'luz min. ihv silt-pvrv L'l'i‘llilit .mil .1 Ki‘r'.l~\‘ lnill unluln lmuiiliuu .Illliit‘l lllllllW‘lhll‘ mill ”to uuno :‘vs-iluni ilxwll’ tutu .‘i inr- \\ ml iusfilc‘. tlotii sui< of links at» ivnwimz plissiuz ruin-w. but ill" mnnn mv‘nix \\v'l‘v‘ nn' >ilv-'v‘s~i'lil. \\'ilwiu nil mw m~.~:i.~i.-n sm‘ui'wl i'rmu ilw (”pk m UH llifix im-nl} :lw :unl “rlumuuml” i-wiurii'ullv imfm-u lulan; out I,l“uvig .lui \ni iii» Inn-I“ going. but the 51".Illlld “.1: l 0.) >uClilL'li

[it allow any speed. Tletjens inter—l copied in 'l‘aupiri territory and dashed to!" the line, but threw a wild pass’ “till one. hand. ’l‘aupirl saved with at lucky speculator. l Old Boys on the Attnck. l 'l‘aupiri tired a little towards the} end oi‘ the first half and Old Boys: pressed and were near to scorlng on; two occasions. Inaccurate speculator E kicks by Taupiri gave Old Boys all chance and Sundberg followed up fast} to touch down for a. try. Heepst failed with the kick. The half timei bCOI’QS \\'ere.—— E Oldßoys .......... 3 t Tauplri \\’est . . . . . . 3 f Old Boys attacked early in that second half and Storey beat the Tau-l pii'i full—hark to the touch. lleops :nlsw'l \\’ith the kick.——-ltltl Boys 6,, 'l‘nlunli'l \\'est 3. 'l 'l‘.iupiri immediately returned Ml .tltm‘k nml .l. lmvies secured in 01d: litus‘ liult‘ :intl made for the line \\'lth‘ only the t‘tlll-lmck lo hr-nl. 'Fhol l'ull»li.irlt slipped and limies som‘ml‘ lll‘tll' the posts. \\'ilstin gonletl.——l 'l'ulipii'i \\'usl. R; Illd Bins ti, i Play fur the first l\\cnl,\' minutes; or llil‘ second spell was confined toi 'l'qu-h'i territory, 014,1 Boys making? mery endeavour to save defeat. but. the conditions were against "good football‘ The game became a succession of scrums and scrambles in the mud. Gillespie worked the blind side and Haycroft was pulled down just. short of the line. Twice in quick succession Taupiri were compelled to force. Old Boys continued to attack and time after time they were near to scoring. but, Taupiri were just as often compelled to force. Finally Gillespie sent. to Storey from a. serum and Storey passed to Lis—sette. who went over unopposed uearl the posts. McLaughlin failed with the kick—Old Boys 9; Taupirl West 8. A few minutes later Haycraft made a dash for the corner, but lost possesslon, the ball going over the line. Thomas was handy, however, and scored. Gillespie missed with the kick—Old Boys 12; ’l‘aupiri \Vest 8. _ Thomas was over again a little‘[ later, but; the whistle had gone torl an infringement. The final scoresv were:— Old Boys 12 ‘Taupii‘l West . . . . . . I Mr F. Burgess was referee.


‘ WIN FOR FRANKTON. ‘ TAUPIRP EAST SHORT. I __ I .. | \\ith the Tanpiri East. team short. oft Hll'tH‘. players only a scratrh game was t play-d nt thirdmltvill on Saturday. whr‘n l’runkton were “scheduled ml ;|liily ’l‘zlllpiri Exist. The home team‘ only haul twrlro men when the time! it'nr starting nrrin‘li, hut in the hope‘ i that. morn would turn up tho match i was commenced. At halt—time t Frunkton ted ‘by 21 points to 3, anni tint no further ’l‘aupiri men turned up. the Frankton emergencies played for: lTaupiri in the second spell. the game. fsame ending in favour of Frankton by‘ {'2B points to 6. Scorers for Frank—t iton were: Beeps. Hall (3). Tetzlai’i’v‘ iand Davies. i::\ercst converting two! Hall one. while Pearson kicked a field goal. For Taupirl O‘Hearn and Bayly scored tries. t i ROVERS DEFEAT MARIST. ‘ i —— 1 I PLAY AT TE AWAMUTU. ‘ l (Times Representative). ’I‘E A\V.»\.\IUTU, Monday. Following the morning's heavy rain football romt "Ins were far from pleasant at Te .-\\\:onulu on Saturday, \\'hen .\lu‘rist (iinmiiton) met Rovers. istrady rain fell pravticully throughout ltho matr‘h and, with the field in il 1 particularly sticky condition. the {mine twas mainly confined to the forwards [and was not or a very interesting iordor. ltorcrs gained the decision {by 7 points to nil. i The teams lined out as follows: i Rovers—D. Vincent, L. Young, C. ißogers. R. Jackson, A. Quin, G. Mr.ilx'iniay. L. Wilson. R. Spence. it. tWillis, E. Holmes. L. Chamberlain, A. ;’l‘homson. G. Pirrlt, D. Hinton. \V. ‘ Shepherd. ‘ .\larist.—C. Shannon. Carter, Cas‘sidy. O'Dea, St. George. Clark. J. ‘Trotter. Ryan, Belgrave. Laos. Kane. Devclch. Cairns, Flynn. . Early in the game ‘Bovers' forwards ‘looked dangerous in the opposing twenty-five. but McKinley was pulled 'down when he was within an ace of srorlng. .\larist tried several times .in the early stages to open the play up. but the wet ball frustrated all tthcir efforts and Rovers, showing isnperiority in the forwards, had 'lhem pcnncd up for a good deal of itho time. Cairns showed out well in it smart. rush and Cassidy also had in. good sroring rhanre until he over—-li-un thn ball. A rising wind made ithinizs it hit diflirult i‘ur ltowrs hut. tum-hing the ball on the around. ”my kept up the pressure and Slnmnnn \vns rullvd on In ricar time after tinnn ’l‘he half—time whistle blew without cither side scoring. Shortly after half—time Mrh’lnlu)’ 'was instrumental in talking: the play ‘;l\\‘ll‘V for Rovers and with :L smart. ishot in front of the posts he opened i his tt‘nm‘s account with a ilcltl goal.— i ltoxcrs 4’; .\lnrist. 0. l .\tartst had another close call shortily afterwards 'whcn Shannon misv iiiit'iil‘t‘l lii‘tll‘ his own line. but he re—i . tumr‘rml and sought relief in a force. tllurd work hy Spcnro was of much 3::sslstnm‘o to Rovers and R. Jackson. ‘klclx‘ln: with the wind lwhlnd him. isont tho forwards away on several .m-I'usiuns, i Following u solid forward rush I'l‘hnmsnn managed to keep his feet itonz nnuuch in an over and add to limors‘ lailv, Yolm: hiiod with tho klv'li—ltmr‘rs T: .\inrtst. o_ hint-tintin: pin)‘ \\.‘t\ thi- urtir‘r in ‘tim l..?vr strum or thv Ettilit‘ and Mar 'illtsilt‘ti in ncuirul trrrltur)‘ Without mldition to the si‘nrn. )1" n. L. \< was titt‘ rv’t‘vrcc. LOWER GRADE GAMES. .il Nil'lH .\.,‘iil 'l‘illilll t?it,\t’tl’.. l'lvl)in-: in llw inniwr section at ’l‘l,\\\.iiiiii‘li. \\'.«iw-i'm \ !:.111 :In t'ns) \t"Hi'_\ ..\.-v~ til-i illos in iiit‘ tunn nt' I‘. |'t'ii|i\ in mi. .uivi 'l‘olitmul ao-.»..imt.-.1 w- \\ .“wri. l: h) i‘.‘»»ll.'l‘e \‘.\,.4it)“l in-It \mitlinnl ily iii—"~ll, 'I ‘5;- i‘:.!i| Al'IIi" sm‘llun lilti thus .h».-.\ “vb south-1w without either 51- mi wimiwn. u .n-i-iixlut. .lilll to \\\.l 'iillil) .\..“ "Hum ||._ii Si'iiw-i ll) ‘1" ‘t‘Uilliw t‘v llii.

‘ 7 LI WAIIxATO DOWNED. i .‘ , .1 i ITARANAKI WIN BY EIGHT POINTS-I - __._. I i _ l 3 E APPALLING PLAYING CONDITIOSD. I i I 1 l j __.._._ 5 (By TRIPKY'EDIi.—Pr?\s \ssnrtaiion.) I If NEW PLYMOUTH. Saturday. Fl In the most dismal and depressinsi “weather experienced this se'ason, with} 'irheavy rain failing practically thei {whole or the time, Taranaki defeated ,Waikato at Pukckura Park by lil ;polnts to 3. The game was. for thei ’lmost part. a forward scramble on 81 :‘fle‘id that. has not been so greasy 01'] " muddy for many a long day. and while! ‘i more wrre zitii-iupis nii imth side's in 'i‘oprii up ”it" R'flilii.‘ and niaim H a'tlrar-l iliivr, they \\t‘i'i' t'iitilr. ‘l‘im 'liail he—i l-i'amt‘. too Siiiiiit-i'y and greasy 10! 1‘ handle with ili't‘iil'fll‘)‘. l2 l, The forwards pinyml \aiiaiiliy. and: ‘iil tho rii'riiiiisiunrcs illl‘ referee “1" "i lnwrd liit-ni u iiitlv: mnrv latitude thany . l usual. ii‘ur “lt‘ wiiiiirrs the score i ’irmislsiod of trips, semi-rid h_\' Fowler 3! and )[pxipim one of \\‘hil'il \\us runiiverird l)_\' iiuiliiis, who also kirked a ‘ penalty goal. Catiiry scored for \\‘ai- ) kaio. _—- I, 1 s t MAi AMATA UNION. i a .‘ LEADING TEAMS MEET. - -l—‘ J FAST GAME RESULTS. :l V (Special to Times.) I’. MATAMATA. .‘lOi‘idal~ Althouaii a slight drizzle felt throughout the matches zit Butil‘ord Park Uli >atui'da3', a it had litilr (‘iTE‘iII on play and some of ' the finest Football «.ii‘ the season was witi_ nesseil. :l'hi- ciiloi' ilxture was that De--1 tween the unbeaten liiniiera Club and Matamnta. St‘l'ulltl in tlii‘ senior coiiipeti--5 tion Willi two defeats, who succeeded in being the lirst to lower the colours of the e Eyeliowis. 'i‘lic ganir was played at a treimendnus pace thiuughnut. and although 1' [them was an iiiiiisuul number of penalties 5 'this did not stay the pure or what proved to be one ol‘ the hardest and most exciting’ [minus eier witnessed in local club football. The tackling or both side! was superb throughout. and the play kept the spec—tators on tip-toe for the whole or the period. Maianmta \tiscly made the game a forward one, but their hacks handled nicely on occasion, although the team lacked Chic and sharpe, who were on tour with \\’aikatu. On the other hand. iltnuera persistr-ii in their endeavours to feed their fast and clever hacks. and although they put in many tine mm‘rmeiits tliny Found the conditions and the defence Lou good for them. ‘ . .\iaiainaia opened the scoring with a penalty goal by Fitzilei'iild. iiiiiiiora rO- - with hat-k iiiui'onii‘nts and scored ltwlca. In the first the hull went alona’ ltiie chain from lialr<w2iy i‘nr Lit‘l'lllnnll to lniitpare the dart-urn. whilo in the surnnd iluwku rut in liriiiizinili' l‘roin tliv snnm linark to send l.¢-iiiion over. Hawks rnii~i if iverted tim ill'si my. .lii-i hei'nrn hair—ltnm i {Fltlg‘rirairl adiii'd (lillli‘ill‘i' penalty fur : illataiuata. Playing- :izriiinsi tlir wind in tin! iv second liiilf ilii' .\ititiiiiiaia forwards With 0 Kl‘ent open i'imthiili. in-liuml liiiiiinra iii ll.tlicir own hall for inusi ui‘ liii-, spell. iSeteral ciirinrr-s wvrn inissr‘il, hut tiiiaiiy °.Kneebuiin l'ui'i'i‘il hi 4 way ni'rr after a] e‘prond oil‘nri, i-‘itza‘rraid rnnroi'ind. 'l'lllfii h thts all lili‘ <i'iii‘lliil'. :iiid :iiiiiiiiiirli liiiiiinra ‘lillfltif‘ iii-Nprraii- nii'ui'rs 11l tiir closing ‘4 stages. the “autumn: riei‘onrn lit-iii. (ti in thr- niiu-r si'iiiiir gain» \\'.irdvilir'. [1 fplris'ilip; slinl'l»it:iiiiir(i. giiiiir‘d :i slii‘prisiiik‘ ..YICiUI‘Y over l'aietoro. \\’.- and it. Rubin‘l ison and A. Hughes srni‘ed ll'if‘i i'ur \\'ai‘de {villa Known-s converting two. For Patey tare Hayes and Bottoniiy scored tries. l Results—seniors: .\latiimata ii, iiinu- " Her: 3; \\‘ai'iiviiln IR, Patetei‘o in. Third him-ads: Wardiillu i2. Walton o. °i d -..--.-..__.__. ‘ HAUTAPU BEAT NORTHERN. ‘ UNITED'S FIRST DEFEAT. (Hm II in Times.) _ i:.\,\ii«iiiililii-:. Sunday. Heavy rain full at trziinlii'iilim yt-stL-rday. when the lliigby roniprtitioiis \\'L-i'c coli—- ‘ (tinned. Y Dvspiii‘ iiin iiiipix-aszint conditions. how- “ ever, the football at illt‘ Square was iiiv trrosiinx. particularly the Lt-iiniiiiginn- ... Limod ramp. in \\'vhirii l'iiitod sui‘rercd 5- lhrlr first defeat this svasnn. IL} From the Lit-ginning- I,i-:iiiiiiiginii fort-ed dim" issue. Miappiiii: iii) in l‘iiitotl territory, 3. Holmes llt‘aii)’ drown-(l a livid ‘0 igual. lil‘SlllllillL’, iiiili-d )irnrtraied to thin. [S'l.('all]lllgl(lii I‘s. \\iinrr “P“‘Plt gathered, g ‘lO pass on in ll‘rii. who was forced out a ii'ew yards oti’. l-‘roiii the line out. Leani‘ll tnstoii wore penalised. hut llewrit's attempt at goal failed to rise. At this stage _ the L‘iiited tliree-(iutirtor. \\’. \\‘tlsoii, re- ~. tired with a sprained ankle. ”I Lnamlngtuii kept up the pressure. and 3' in. Sear gathered from a nick on the line }. Ito srora it try. lioinies failed to convert. ‘ ‘Leainington 7. Edited 0. ‘i Leaniiiiirton were attain penalised. hut V- ‘lill’, heavy nature or the bail prevented Howe". from kirklnx successfully. ;_ Halt-time pame with the score—Learni lngton 7, United 0. a.) After the Interval. i From a line-out on the Leamlngton goal 15 line, the hall was thrown out to Hague, i 8 lwho rut in to heat his man. and score in 'd lal it‘andy position. llewett failed with the ir . )f . i‘nlted wnre tryingr to cqualise the score aslanii F. (Joulier kirkerl. followed hard and W litdirway supporting him. scored in ClOSl‘. ‘ ’liewrtt missrri “till the kick. .11, night riii illiii’. lieamiiiL'tnn added to 15 their total. when McDonnell followed a “1.1”"? kirk. heating a man to tho i'urr‘n. linime sraised the ilflits, making ihr'. l’inai f'ffsrnro: Leanilngtnn l‘J. United 6. in. Mr G. Hill was the rornroe. id ‘ --'-————- ‘._ . to i WIN FOR HAUTAPU. i. —_ w m i‘runi iiir‘ klt‘kvfifl' a period of forward w play rushed. and ”alumni wero iirst to. smrr \\heii ‘. liai‘liiiti siiiiiipi‘d 111 l i'rriiiil W a rurk nu tho Hill‘ in go over. lilacliy l'iiiiiid \\'iiii iiir- itirit'. n, .\'ui‘iiii‘i'ii i'iiiiliiiiimi in prrss. fur i‘r‘iiiinll - in >fl\(‘ win'n hi‘ found ”11‘ line on iiir‘ ll'iliiiiiiapii ~35. i‘rniii thvl illiP-riill. ilriutiwu ['f,‘\\f‘i'(‘ [mnzilismL and \\'l‘ii-i'i‘ linnlri iiii nil"'il ltakr‘ \\ilii thl‘ kli'it': \ui'liiri'ii ii. lifllllallll‘ i 11. Kil‘killß‘ hit. ”it" liaiiiniiii park drilihlruil for the nmimitivui R'i‘mi line. and wilt-ill ’_ ‘thn ball was itiv‘kmi nut in Prnnr‘li. i‘if‘ . ‘IR‘KIHK‘N‘H, tn itiurh ilimii \\'rll out and rnii- I 3' \L‘l‘i. ? Additional points r‘ltlllf‘ \\'ilf‘l‘l liii'ii's heat. [_ "\ntll‘t"\\'~‘ tn Sworn iiiin‘ipnsnd. iiai‘biitt; ' ‘iiiaiin ii imnd iitil‘iiipt at mull; llaiilapii 11,] 'll i .\‘urilir'ru R. n,‘ \\'limra sri‘lim was rirdr’rr'd a i'r‘w yards] “ .uli‘ till" linn. i. \tl‘li-rll ran round the srriiiii.i ' and St‘ili'f‘ii iii a iiiiiiily position. Vii‘iiuii' ill \‘illlVPl'll‘ll hi> tri'. niakinir a hair~iiinrv f~rurr: liniiiiiiiu in. .\Ui'llil‘l‘ll :i. 1 2;; The Second Hall. I 'Il! A l‘ill‘k formed on tiin line. and \'irhnit 11l ,wa: Kl‘l‘ll to it” arm‘s rur his SFi‘l'ii‘iil try. :“llillifl‘ I‘ll‘lll‘ll ~iit-rn‘~~l'uii_\‘, Hiring his [i'llili :i it-ziil ni‘ is iminh, iii. ltl‘l'ilit Kiliiil‘i‘l‘il li'iiiii :\ lulu-mil. and M iiiziiiu a ~li'illil‘lil i‘liii i'nr illf‘ iinn. piiiitiiiir .. it... ii.|!'«l r.u- .i liiiii:iivii ili.|il In rim-u, [5 'lvi'iliiiliiir ~35 )ill'il‘. |:i_\iur llt‘lH \[l'liint'l'll a" wot-.- a iii-Hui try. This kirk It poll iizi'i-‘ii. “.\l!l.‘t:ril :‘i, \AiE'llli-i‘n .;_ liilliimllle-H .ilii-r ~i:i:iii 1111111-l :iii upon-l Ill}: illlil k.|'|\i'i| i'i-r i‘n- lmr. Itriii' iii-:iiiiiiri lliili in inn I-m'v. \ >iiirw"ii l'i‘iililit'yl lhn" tit.‘ pi':~~~iiru lifiil tint In!“ \\:i~ \\iiiiiiwiH nut 1.. ‘lll‘lii. \\li-i truss-wt nil in \llill'l'\\".‘ \\hn r.ui .‘ll'i'll~\ liniq-Imwd. \\’Olri‘i- i‘uiii'il \\iih llli‘ |\‘|'l\. 1 \\'iwii HII‘ ivaii \\;i~ iririwvi iwhiini iiir‘ [\ni'ilinin liii4‘. ili'iiviivi‘ii [NEE-“mi i':i~i. lii‘ hf‘fl! his lll.l‘l Zillil l‘urx-r llH\\|l. 'l‘iii- kii‘iii “3.; disallow-Hi. liliiilJt'll z'i. \lll'illni'li ll.‘ \ ruruzird [ilsrii‘ I‘iiiilllliil'il iiiii‘i tii.-‘ and ul‘ [||l‘ ',.":lll|i‘. llii riii'ilirr >l‘lll‘i‘ l'l‘~l|li' ‘ [3. me. Mr 4‘. \\'alliii'r‘ \\(is iiii‘ i'r‘i'i‘ri‘r‘. ‘} i of .—..__.__._. n[‘9’ LOWER GRADE RESULTS. l-‘i Jimmy: iiinimr-u ~33. hF‘JII liillmi n,3 "l“it'rii'aiiii'w i). hmil .\Hi'iiii‘i'ii I'-. inlliliiiiiiiill. ‘ '.'| lii-v ,III‘ Ililiil lii'lllf' iliili‘il i‘». ilii-w \\i:'i \ur. ' imam :1. ilJlliflilil '3. l'lr‘di lJ‘ammxi'vii 1 \Luulinued in neat column.) i

IN THE MAIN CENTRES. Aucklanrl.——-Technical Old Boys 9, Marist. Old Boys 0; Training College '11:, Grafton 6: College [lilies 18. North [Shore 3; Pnnsonhy I‘l, Utahuhu G; Mnnulmu 0, University t)~ Tanmarunui.—l\'invg Country 18. 'l‘arannlii B G. \\‘ellington.—Ps‘tonc - (5. Wellington mallet-re Old Boys 3; Athletic 7. St. ll‘atrick's College 0; Marist 17, East. Illulll‘llfi 8; Poneke 18, Johnsonvllle 6; llutl ‘2l, \\'eilinston 3. Second Dixi—‘sion: Wellington 14. eramur 3: All)» iletic ‘23. l‘nlted 0; University ‘27, il’lrates U; \\’ellington College Old Boys 1 11, Oriental 0. , (Inribtchurclr—Sunnyside .3. 01d 'Rnys 3; Sydneham 17. Christchurch ' ii; Athletic 13, Linwood 8; Albion H, ‘gYarsity S. Palmerston North.—Fellding Old Boys 3, Feildlng A 0; Massey College 3, Old Boys 8; film Tou 33, Felldlng u 8. 'l‘iinm‘u.—~'l‘mnuka 12, Old Boys 3; Zinsuri JR, (Leltio 0: representative nmlrli: 'J‘unn 1"4, (inunlry 23. 1 ln\‘urcm‘glll.—’l‘lic nnnual match 110 A lt\\ron Town and Southluntl Suh—unlon jrvprcsontntlvc tmnis was played this int'tnrnnnn. rr‘sullinx in an easy “in [or t'l‘tmn it) 3': point; to n_ I Illinmlini» Sunthnrn 1'). liziikorai S; (Zinguri 17. '\':u'~‘it}j H 1!; l’irules 11. ‘llunwlin S; Allinml'rn 1.3, 'J‘uieri u; i‘\':irsity A it, l‘niun (J. l Mustorton—llzmkc‘s Bay '27, \\'3lv ramp; is. SCHOOLS SEVEN-A-SIDE. Starting in the morning thn‘ primary whx'mls annual sers‘n—msirle tnurna‘ lllF‘lll “ax lll‘lll (In [\rtturtlar nnrl \\ith "trams from all parts nt‘ the district runipolin: win»- intvl‘wstinr play was ‘snmi llt'stlltv tlln :Inlwrsn‘ I'A'lnxiitinns Iln thn lTnnl ’l‘v \umnutu .\ accounlml ltur 'l'e Awamulu B by U paint: to 6.

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Waikato Times, Volume 120, Issue 19942, 20 July 1936, Page 11

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HAMILTON RUGBY Waikato Times, Volume 120, Issue 19942, 20 July 1936, Page 11

HAMILTON RUGBY Waikato Times, Volume 120, Issue 19942, 20 July 1936, Page 11