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‘ DAIRY CATTLE IMPROVE. BTOOK AT MORRINSVILLE. FAT SHEEP STEADY. The feature of the stock sale at Morrinsville yesterday was the large entry of dairy cattle which attracted a keen bench of buyers. Moderate yardings were forward in other depart—ments with only a. very slight- supply of fat and. store pigs. Any price changes were slight, values throughout heinvs praCtlcally on a par with those of the previous week. The beer section included a larger :supply of ox which comprised good light to medium steers, these selling readily at prices that were just a shade firmer. Bright competition was offered for a. limited entry of prime quality in the cow and heifer beet department and values fully equal to late quotations were obtained. A full supply of plain and secondarygsorts met a steady ‘ sale and no variations from recent rates was recorded. ‘

An excellent clearance was made in the sale of dairy cattle which. included better quality sorts than the previous sale. satisfactory competition was forthcoming, prices ranging 10 £7 15 for heifers and to £6 105 for

The fat sheep pens were well filled, the entry including a large supply of prime wethers. These sold under a fair demand at price reflecting no reduction in late quotations, the (best line making to '295 6d. Good ewes were in demand at keen values. while an ‘ax‘emge entry or lambs met with fair competition at unchanged Values. No heavy baconers were included in a light entry of fat pigs, but a keen demand was shown for light to medium sorts, which were traded at full late rates. Porkers were quiet of sale. but values were generally on a par with those ruling at Frankton. The very small entry of stores, practically only one full row, stimulated competi—tion and prices rose sharply. Price Summary. The following is a summary of

prices realised for rm; stock at the .[rrninsvii'le yands during the past iortnight : BEEF (per 100 m.) This Week Last Week I Prime 0x .. ‘\ 21/-t023/-Prime Cows . ie/- 1021/Second quality Cows 16/-to 18/lIIU'I'I'ON (per head) E-xtrs Prime \V’ethel‘s . 29/6 Fat Welher: 27/- 27/Extrn Prime Ewes .. 19/31019/9 Unfinished ' ‘ ewes 13/3 to 15/Fat 18/6 to 22/- 19/-to2i/6 i PIGS (pu- held). Baconerl .. 56/~ to 67/Porkers .. se/- to 45/- 34/-t045/-\Veimei‘s . G/—toi2/- 7/6 to 9/51193 u/-to 20/- 10/- 1012/6 Large Store: 20/-tO2B/- 13/- to 20/- ' Flrmerl' Auetlonoering Go. The Farmers' (Jo-operative Auctioneering Company, Limited, report on the sale as Iollows:—A good yarding of all classes or sheep came forward, with wether mutton in fun demand, while ewes showed no alteration. Lambs were penned in good numbers with exporters operating at late rates. For a better yerdlns or ox beef, mostly light weights, the market showed no change. Cow and heifer beef again came forward in full numbers with good quality scarce. this class being in firm demand. Second quanitly and boner cows showed no alteration. A heavy entry of dairy cattle came for—ward. inclinmis the advertised herd on account 01’ Mr 11. J. Evetts, which met \\‘!ill a ready market. the whole herd averaging £ll 15s. A good yerding of heifers also attracted attention with spirited bidding for good quality heif—ers, showing well forward iii—calf. A small yarding of pigs comprised mostly unfinished porkrrs and stores. Fats sold at ruling rates, while stores and wmncrs EilL\\(l,i :\ marked improve—ment. No heavy haconers were penned “a quote:— Sheep.—Fat \vethers, 27s to 293 6d; fut ewes, 185 to 19s 9d forward conditioned ewes, 13s 3d to 145 6d; medium fat lambs, 22s Go to 23s 311; light, 205 to 2.13 6d; killahle, 185 to 19s 3d.

Cattle—Light. fat steers. £7 35 to £7 125; medium fat cows and heifers, £5 15s to £6 63; lighter, £4 85 to £5 55; klliable cows, £3 85 to £4 is; heavy boners. £2 12s to £3 35; medium. 353 to £2 6's; lighter, 203 to 305; young cows and empty heifers. 35s to £2 85; potter bulls, £2 to £3: Jersey dairy cows, close to profit, £5 155 to £0 55; iuter calvers, £4 105 to £5 55; backward cows, £2 to £2 105; best quality Jersey heifers, close to profit, £7 to £8 17s 6d; medium quality Jersoy heifers, £5 105 to £6 15s; later calvers, £7l to £5 53; Friesian heifers, £2 155 to £6 I‘ls 6d; Jersey Cross heifers, £7 to £7 155; small and heel;\\’urd heifers, £3 105 to £4. Pigs.——Light baconcrs, £2 Gs to £2 lTs; heavy norkers, 385 to £2 55; me—(lium, 32s to 355; light. 265 to 305; large stores. 205 to 28$; slips, 145 10 1'03; wuuners. lis to 12s; sows, \\ilh litter. £2 15 (hi; sows iu pig. £2 125 to H 25 Oil; choppers, 809 to £2 5:. Dalgo‘ty and Company, Ltd. Messrs . lmlgoly [and Company, Limited, report. on the sale as follows: ———.\ medium yaruling of all Classes 01' mule mime I'ur\\'uril.. Medium mt rows miuic up Lo 32': 85; light, fut rows miule 1": Us to £3 95; killultlu 1'11! cows, 1‘: Us In 5.“! Ms; hum-r cows west), £2 in 3:? Li: uilu‘rs, £1 [0 £1 165; ihiir)‘ heifers in milk, iv) £7 iiis; cows in milk In £ :i 115; yearling; Jersey dairy heii'n'rs. £2 Us in £2 his. ’i’hero “us only :1 snmll eniJ‘y of sheep, Smuii rull huuhs mmie es mi 1.. 105; slure \\'Cllll‘l's, 205 1M; meal) owes, [435 mi, 'l'hvre was :1 sumll offering of pigs, nu luau) pigs helm; )Jl‘ill‘lL Heavy ]J|li’i\|‘i'~€ in light uuiinishx-ii llm-ouers will :il L”: is to £2 i‘m: prime medium purlu-rs, ill l‘ls in L'i 1:35; \\oll “lll‘llL‘il ilKili imrimn, 1:1 is in £1 55. Loan and Mercantile. The New Xiniihnil Mum umi Mermuiih- Armin-y llniuluuu‘, Limileil, ilumiihm, report on iheir .‘Jorrinsville .‘L‘H'k Mir iH-lii yosivriluy as follows: More umi light -[imiily i'.il Jersey cnws \wre enlerml in quite lu‘uV)‘ numbers hut ihurv “.15 unly u sprinkling of heaxy cu\\s apart Hum a few yous .11

the commencement. The usual buy—ers were operating and a. steady clemand with late rates belns fully mam—talned was experlenced. A draft of four and {lve-year breeding ewes in ‘lzxmb to Southclowu rams 501 d comparaltlvely well, while a small enlr)~ of ‘l'OL‘Ward quality lambs also met with la brisk men-lion “'0 quote: llcavy quality fat. cows, £4 ’2l (id to £4 .105; medium, £3 12:; (‘ul to £4; lighter con— Idllionerl fat Jersey cows, £l2 175 Gd tlo £3 Jlls; sum! mmliliuncrl sl-ore cows, 522 {us to £52 155; llcavy boners, Nil 03 to £2 25; oLhers. to £1 155; [four and llvc—yenr breeding ewes, £1 75 6d; forward ful- lamhs, 105 to 1‘33 6d; others to 155 6d.

'I'E AWAMUTU STOCK SALE. Messrs Dalgety and Company, Lim—ited, report having held their tri—weekly stock sale at Te Aw‘amutu saie« yards on Thursday as under:— Cuttle: An average yardlug which sold at full late rates. Light builocks, £7 145 0d; light fat cows and heifers, £3 55 to £ll 105; fleshy cows, £2 85 to £2 175; light boners, 27s to 355; bulls, £3‘to £3 173 6d; yearling Jersey heif—ers, 275 Go to £2 135. Sheep: A moderate yarding which sold at full late rates. Light unfinished wethers, 2115 9d; store wethers, 215 6d; fat ewes. 15s: fat lambs, light, 183 M to 205 7d; mixed use ewes, in lamb to Southdown rams, 245 3d; {.m. ewes in lamb to Southdown rams. 185 9d; ewes in lamb to Romney rams, 215 9d. Dairy Cattle: A large warding was forward. Good sorts of dairy cows due July and August brought £5 to £6 10s; later calvers, £3 105 to 5:4 155; choice Jer—sey heifers, £5 105 to £7 55; backward heifers, £3 105 to £1 155; inferior cows, £2 105 to £3 55. Pigs: There was only a medium yardingr of both ‘fat and store pigs. Ali clueses of pigs isold under keen competition and a {total clearance was effected at most satisfactory prices. Store and weanel‘ ‘pigs met with a. very keen sale, par—‘ticulariy “ell-grown good-conditioned pigs. Light baconers, £2 10s to £2 165; buttermilk pig's, £2 55 to £2 95; heavy ,prime porkei-s, 885 to £2 23; medium porkers, 345 to 375; light prime, 285 to 325; light porkcrs, 2-15 to 275; Choppers, £1 to 305; large stores, 135 to 225; medium stores. Us to 185;i slips, 10s to 135; best weaners, 85: to 125; others, Us to 95. l

Klo Klo CLEARING SALE. The New Zealand Low and Mercantile Agency, Company, Limited, report as follows on Mr ’l‘. J. O’RCHIX'S clearing sale held on his farm at; Kio Kio yesterday: Prnoiiuully the whole herd consisted of young big bodied, Jersey cows, due early and in very good condition. The wonderful suc—icess of the sale in partly :liliiiJulod to the fact that. the haul was well—known locally and a large gathering of local buyers was present. All the cows and dairy heifers sold. and results eclipse many of the good \Vaiknto sales. The, 66 cows averaged Just on £7 55; and the top price was £lO. Tile dairy heifers, too, partici—pated in the lively competition and for these also prices were most pleas—ing. We quote:—Best young Jersey cow-s, due early, £8 55 to £10; good conditioned, July/August. culvers, £6 105 lo 328; medium, £5 to £6 55; poorer quality and late, £3 155 to £3l; 555; good types incoming heifers, £7 55 to £l7 155; medium, £5 155 to‘ £6 105; others to £5 105. i

NGARUAWAHIA STOCK SALE. The Farmers‘ Co-operathe Auctioneerlns Company. Limited, report having held a sale at Nauruawahia on Friday, when there was a medium yardjug of cattle. Competition was keen, and a. total clearance was effected at late rates. A few pens of dairy cows were olfered and met the market at recent clearing sale rates. Quotations:—-.\ledium fat Ehorthorn cows, £4 10s to £4 165; medium mi. Jersey cows, £3 105 to 5:3 155; light {at Jersey cows, £2 155 to £3 :35; heavy boner cows, £2 53 to £2 173; light, 305 to 3724 Gr]; yearling Jersey heifers, £2 to £2 '55; young Jersey and Jersey Cross dairy cows, August calv—eys, £4 10s to £5; later calvers, 3.12 175 Gd to £3 is Gd.

‘ I's KUITI sTocK SALE. Messrs Dalgety and Company, Limited, report. having held their fortnightly sale aL ’l‘e Kuili yesterday, when a medium yarding ol‘ sheep and cattle came i'orward. Sheep sold well at late rates, but on the yarding of cattle \comprisius mainly .tore cows) competition was not as keen. Quotations—Heavy fat wethers, 255; medlum, 22s (id to 22s 10d; medium fat lambs. 19:; forward con—ditioned 13.1“. nuggets, 165 7d; good store B.F. hoggets, 1115 7d to 155 4d; good wetlier hoggels, 17s 3d; small B.F. hoggets, good condition, 135 Md; good Lm. ewes. S.D, ruins, 2115 (sd; medium, 205 9d. Forward conditioned Shortllom cross -steers, £5 55; light {at Jersey cows, £2 1'55 10 5:3 is; good conditioned. 355 to 38s; boners, 255 to 27s Gd; aged llereiord cows, r.w. ‘I’OUELI Angus hulls, poor condition, £3 25; Hereford slccr calves, medium, £3 105; good dairy cows in milk, £4 105 to £3; medium to culvc, £3 to £5; good Jersey heifers, close to prom, £O. —____

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Waikato Times, Volume 119, Issue 19911, 13 June 1936, Page 4

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UNCHANGED VALUES Waikato Times, Volume 119, Issue 19911, 13 June 1936, Page 4

UNCHANGED VALUES Waikato Times, Volume 119, Issue 19911, 13 June 1936, Page 4