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Dominion’s Dairy Wealth


Representing the finest produce of dairy factories in all parts of New Zealand, the butter and cheese entries at this year’s Waikato Winter Show are described as the greatest display of the Dominion’s dairv quality ever assembled in this country. The entries in both sections total 1225, and practically every dairy factory of importance in the Dominion has contributed towards the fine exhibition which is a feature of this year’s show.

For five days fifteen officers of the Dairy Division of the Department of Agriculture have been engaged in judging the classes, which involved many championships and special awards, and they completed their big task during the week-end. The officials commended the entries as excellent, and said the outstanding feature of the butter entries, which numbered 800, was the remarkable uniformity in the quality of the exhibits. This was also a characteristic of the cheese, in the face of difficulties experienced during the season in connection with “starter.”

As New Zealand’s greatest dairy exhibition, the Waikato Winter Show is the leading event in the eyes of those associated with the dairy industry, and the awards made there are regarded as marking the successful exhibits as the Dominion’s best.

UNIFORM QUALITY. DAIRY IXHIIITI IMPRIBS. ___. HIGH STANDARD 01“ ENTRIES. COMMENTS OF THE: JUDGES. With the quality of the butter and cheese or a uniformly high standard. the task of the Judges in making their awards was no easy one. The judges were as follows z—hiessrs \V‘. Dempster (Hamilton), E. C. Wood (Auckiandi. G. Stevenson (Wellington), :1. Walniscott \Napler), W. Crawford. D. Howell (New Plymouth). H. Barnett. .\i. Foster, ’l‘. Henry (Auckland). J. J. Walker (Pates). L. Morrison (Whangarei), H. Fetch (Christchurch). E. .\ielton. H. Fay. G. Bait (Hamilton). The chief Judges were Messrs Dempster. Wood. and Stevenson. in their comments on the butter section the Judges said an outstanding feature of the exhibits was the remarkable uniformity in the quality of the entries. Uniformity was paramount and it was apparent. that this factor had been recognised and given i-tfeet to by the exhibitors. The Judges found it a difficult task to separate prize-winners. A feature worthy or mention was the true but—ter flavour and aroma that character—ised many exhibits. and the absence of feed and storage ilavours was tavourably commented upon. An lumtlai Quality. in the two classes for butters taken at random from the grading stores the quality was sound. and the majority had stood up wall to storage conditions. This was an important factor as a first essential of a New Zealand export butter was that it should keep. Out of approximately 800 exhibits staged for Judging, very few could be faulted for body. sailing or colour. which reflected great credit on the skill of the makers. in no single in—stance was it possible to find an entry that was not of sound commercial quality. in commenting on the cheese section the judges said as thei past sea- l son had been a somewhat iimcult one for cheesemakers. the number of en- . tries in this year's show was slightly‘ less than that. benched for the prev-l inns show but nevertheless there was a very satisfactory entry of 425 exhibits. The general quality was fairly uniform and considering the season‘s difiieuitles in connection with "starters" exhibitors were to be compilmented on the results. Absence of Openness. it was pleasing to note that me‘chnnical openness was pi‘acu’cally absent hut. slitty texture was apparent in a number of choose. A pleasing feature in regard to flavour was the marked reduction in the number of exhibits showing evidence of “ si‘m‘cht‘d" and “ bitter " ll:i\'our. 'i'iic exhibits in the class for fully mat-tired cheese were of sound quality hut mostly lacked that degree of maturity which was looked for in a class of this descrip—tion. With very few exceptions the cheese were benched in a clean and attractive condition. Attention had been previously drawn to the necessity of trimming the bandage neatly on “1., ends of show cheese. (llld a little more rare on the part of exhibitors in [his connection \\tilll‘l be desirable from “It! point of How of neat iiuisii. The judges found it necessary to penalise the points [or ilnisli iii SCYCI‘dI iii< MM1095. OWHIK to lllslilllt‘lt‘lll attention in this iiiipm‘tiiiit detail, The follow-:1): are rho awards;— BLTTER. Grand Championship Banner. ‘ l‘uiiih .Jl\\tlhlil‘l ......x. l'Jlli'\ :‘n A, .':.v_i.,-, l liilil[i\\:iill.’l llriiiliiiit- ... up, ‘ harm I.” l'illllll‘ ('.:,s_7 g (.iillllhuhmit (’.. "l'. i...“ ~._ \l‘qlllll‘ . _ (..'.i7 3| \\'umrm'hii tin-up tum; in, .2511 31 Auckland Provmcinl Championship. il'nlill‘ i'i'ln.\Z. W‘W‘i‘ lidfl'v I‘m. \.:.i?v-.| .'u'v.'..‘i ll ’l't- .\i'uliJ»l'li.iiilu-~ \‘iillm i,“ "l‘. liuii'r tin. it‘tllldl' :'.:‘-;'.l 1' ATl\\l| liltil‘) lii i‘iiliJ: fulfil 1" [my ..r l“'iil\ lii u;- ii...v\ int 34.3.. ”I Tlunlkl Provincial Championship. 1 i ‘.iilll~ ‘l‘l/t' \inngnri-l tinny, I‘:|ll'\l' in . .’.vnn I! .\lidlilret (.(I up. Jillil') in, .. .'nli‘Jt ’.‘l

Wellington and Mawke'a lay Champion-hip. (Points Prize.) .\wahuri co-op. Dairy (:0. .. 565.0 4 Ranziwai'uia-Ruahlne Co-op. Dairy Co. 564.0 9 Wantaehu Co-op. Dairy Co. 563.5 3. loulh lalend Championehlp. (Points Prize.) Colllnxwood ca-op. Da‘l’ry Co. . 563.9 4 Golden Bay co-op. Dairy Co. (equal) 561.9 2 Golden Coast Co-op. Dairy Co. (equal) 564.9 2 Golden Dawn Co-op. Dairy Co. (equal) .............. 561.9 2 Kaikoura Co-ap. Dairy co. .. 560.0 8 I'll-at Aaaletanta.‘ (Points Prize.) Ranaiilkei Cu-op. Dairy Co. . 233.0 4 Rangiwahia - Ruahine Co-op. Dairy Co. 282.7 2 Golden Bay Co-op. Dairy (:0. . 2827.5 3_ champlon 0' championa. ' NJ. Co-op. Dairy Co., otoro~ hanea ................ 94.3 1 Ranziwehia - Ruahine Co—op. Dairyco. 9L7 2 Colllngwood Co-op. Dairy Co. . 94.6 3 Arawa Dairy Co. ........... 94.5 4 King George Challenge cup. 1 N.z. co-op. Dairy 00., Ngatea 94.8 i . Featheraton Co-op. Dairy Cu. 94.7 2 Te Arolia-Thames Valley Co-op. i Deiry Co. .............. 04.6 3 Rongmea Co-op. Dairy Co. ..: 94.5 4 A. J. Mllla' Cup. N.Z. (To-op. Dairy CO,. Mai-rins-Ville 94.5 1 Golden Coast, Golden Dawn Coop. Dairy co. .. . . . . . . 94.7 2 ‘\Vangaehu Co-np. Dairy Co. . 04.6 3 .\laungalurolo Co‘oy. Dairy Co. 94.5 4 Export lunar, December Make. Northern \V‘airoa (To-op. Dairy 03.. K‘irikopuni . . . . . . . 94.8 1 Shannon (Jo-op. Dairy Co. .. 94.7 2 .\lauricevllle (To-op. Dairy cu. 94.6 3 Levin Co-op. Dairy Co. ... .. 94.5 4 K Aggregate fer Clauea e and 4. Northern \\'airoa Co~op. Dairy . Co.. Klrikopuni . . . . . . . . 488.3 4 Shannon Co-op. Dairy (:0. ”8.2 2 Maurlueville Co-op. Dairy co. . 188.4 3: Salter and Sioku Challenge Cup. Awahuri Co-op. Dairy co. 94.5 1 Ranglwanle - nuahine Co-op. DalryCo. ............ 94.7 D Fearhersion Co-op. Dairy Co. . 94m 3 colllngwood CO-op. Dairy Co. 94.5 4 Pat lunar. United Co-op. Dairy Co. ... 94.8 4 Raelihi Co—up. Dairy Co. .. . 94.7 ‘2 Collingwood Co-op. Dairy Co 94.6 3 \Vangaenu (10-op. Dairy Co. . 94.5 4 Home separated cream. ‘Hangmkei Co-op. Dairy (:0. . 94.3 i haikoura Co-op. Dairy Co. . 94.7 2 Collingwoon Cu-op. Dairy Co. . 94.6 3 Blenheim L'o-op. Dairy Co. . 94.5 4 Chart card Clan. Shannon co-op. Dairy (:0. _ 94.8 i Rmigoiea {Jo-op. Dairy CO. . 04.7 2 coilingwood Eo-op. Dairy co. 94.6 3 Chelmenham Co~op. Dairy 00. 94.5 4 Fleet Aulatente.’ E-keiahuna Co-op. Dairy Co. . 94.8 i Untied Co-op. Dairy Co. 94.7 2 Ranglwaiiila - Ruaiilne Go-op. Dairy Co. ............. 94.6 3 Collingwuud co-op. Dairy co. m 94.5 4 Pate—Fir“ Aaaleianta. Ranglllkei Co~op. Dairy Co. . 94.8 i Kauai Co—op. Dairy (:0. .... 94.1 2 Elmg'iwahia. - Rumble Co-op. Dairy Co. ............ 134.6 3 Golden Bay Lia—op. Dairy Co. .'.] 94.5 4 ' Novice Menage". Raeiahl Co‘op. Dairy Co. .. 94.8 i nkoia Cn-op. Dairy Co. 94.7 2 \\'amrnehu (Lovop. Dairy Co. . 04.6 8 .\.Z. (Lo-op. Dairy Co.. Azalea . 94.5 4 Auckland Fir-i. Aeelnanie' Auoclailen. .\'.Z. tin-op. Dairy Cn.. .\‘galea . 94.8 1 Bay 01’ l‘lr-niy (In-up. Dairy Cu. 94.7 2 Liamiiriilirv (141-011. Dairy (10.. llalliapu ............. 94.6 3 N.Z. (In up. Dairy L:u., Morrllls\ille 94.5 4 J. 3. Ford Company Trophy. Rangiwahla l'luahine Co-op. Dairy (20. 94.8 i Kuku (to-op. Dairy Cu. .. . .. 94.7 2 liankllikel Comp. Dairy Co. 04.5 .'i Karamra co-op. Dairy Co. . 94.5 4 Mac Ewan Sail. Prize. l nangimikl Plains Co-up. Dairy (Tu. 94.8 i! \ra\\n Dairy (in. ........ . . . $4.7 ii haililiil l‘n-op. Dairy (20. .. 414% :i 'l'aupirl lunxy Cu. . . . . . . .. 94.5 4 Open championahlp of New lealand. Cnlllllgwomi (Zn-Up. Dairy CO. 04.8 i Ilangimiliiu - iluulnnu tic-up. ] lullrylin. 94.7 2 \\\a:iuri lump. inmy Ca. .. 94». 3| iiuilil'll lia) Cami». Dairy (in. ‘.‘1.5 i Unsalted Butler. lillnxillku‘l mm” llvlll'y Lin. . m} 1 \\\.'lillll'i 12min». Imm Cu. .. 02.7 1’ I‘miizuu- l‘wnlr. Ilrliry (In. .. MAX iii \l.|\\.i hair) «IN. His; ll Maasey College Diploma. ‘ liauullilwi (Zn-up. [Dairy (20. . His 1 lill'lil‘llillilll [ln nil. Imiry 110. . UL? '.' \\'illilili'illi I'wuil imiry 110. . 95x. I: imlpnu «u nil, inliiy Cu. .. { i Unaalied Butter. l'::~l \\‘l‘lilillm Kilkll I'wnp. l~.nr_\' tin, .... {1 l.\‘ | li.lllxliikl‘| (Hm-p. Ililli') 12a, . ii i. 7 :' mehnnu Hump. luxury 4:... ._ URI, ;: k.iii\~iii.| llnlrlril. lulzry m. .. {li.b vi Novice—First Aesielante. l'.i||‘ Liv-ill. l|.i.i_\ I u. .. nix i .;..1.i.~n Hm I'm .ip, i‘.‘|!."\ m. u. 7 :' ini’iillli'fl I'll up, lI:nI‘\ I”. . ‘.ll r. I: \il-llllllill Lu-op ilauy in). . 34.5 a‘

‘ Champion oi the Auckland Province. inauraki Plains Cmop. Dairy CU. 9m 1 iraupiri Dairy CO. .....,.., 94.7 [Arawa Dairy C-o. .. .....,. ilini : 11.583; 01’ Pieniy Dairy Fm. 94.5 i I Champion of the Taranuki Province. ~Lepperion Co-op. Dairy Ca, . 94.7 i Eiiham Co-op. Dairy CH. .... 94.6 -. .\iangorei Co-op. Dairy Co. .. 94.5 : 'Champicn oi the Wellington and Hawke's Bay Dlairlnu. Rangiwalifa - Rumine Co-up. . Dairy Co. 94.8 i 'Feazherswn C0»op. Dairy Co. 94.? -: itineiienham comp. Dairy co. . 94,9 3 inaetihi Co-op. Dairy Co. .. .. 94.5 i ' Champion o! the South Inland. ,Kaikoura Co—op. Dairy Co. . 04.5 i [Golden Bay Co-op. Dairy Co. . 94.4 9 .Coliingwooa Co-op. Dairy Cu. 94.3 .'i uGolden Coast, Golden Dawn Co-. 01). Dairy Co. 94.2 4 marter lunar. Golden Bay Co-on. Dairy Co. 94.7 4 [Rangiiikei (10-op. Dairy Co. . 94.6 2 Cambridge Co-op. Dairy CO,, 1 Hauiapu 94.5 3 ‘ Non-Marur Butter. United (10-op, Dairy Co. 94.7 1 {Golden Bay Co‘op. Dairy Co. 94.6 ‘2 Bay of Plenty Co—op. Dairy Co. 94.5 3 I Aggregate for starter and: Non-atarter. 'Golden Bay CD-DD. Dairy Co. . 189.3 1 lCambridpr (10-op. Dairy Cm, Hauiapu 183.5 2 United Co-op. Dairy Co. ... i 88.2 3 CHEESE. ‘ Grand Championahlp lannor. Paliiazua Co-op. Dairy Co. . 379.5 Auckland Provinnlal Champlonahlp. (Points Prize.) NZ. Co-op. Dairy Co., Manawaru 283.3 1 Taranaki Provincial Champion-hip. (Points prize.) Pembroke Co-op. Dairy Co. - 283.0 M Wellington and Hawka’a lay Championahlp. (Points prizeJ Pahia'iua Co-op. Dairy Co. .. 283.5 South laland Champion-hip. (Points prize.) Wyndham Co-op. Dairy Co. . 28H; Flu-av. Aaalaunta. (Points prize.) Pahiniua Co-op. Dairy co. . 239.7 Champion 0' championa. Pahiaiua Co-op. Dairy CO. .. 95.0 1 iiukanui Co-ap. Dairy Cu. .. 94.3 9 New Zaaland Rannot Challango cup. N.Z. (10-rm. Dairy 00.. MilnaWaru 95.0 i Painlaiua i'lnvnp. Dairy (‘.r). .. 94.7 2 Hauraki Plains Co-op. Dairy (‘.O. 94.5 3 i Island Dairy Co. 9m 4‘ White—suitabla for Export i Pembroke Comp. Dairy Co. . 95.0 i Pahiaiiia Co-op. Dairy Co. . 945 9 Nl. Co-op. Dairy 60., Manawaru 94.3 9 Lonadala Challenge Cup. Omil'ni Co-op. Dairy CO. .. . . 116.352 Madlum Chum—Coloured. N.Z. Co-op. Dairy Co., Huirau Road 95.0 1 N.z. Co-op. Dairy CO,, Manawarn 94.7 2 Narkneu Memorial cup. Paulatua Co-op. Dairy (:0. . . 95.0 i Kaponga comp. Dairy Co. .. 94.5 2 Kaiparoro Co-op. Dairy Co. . 94.0 a Che-ar—Colourad or Whlaa. (Novice Managers.) Kahlil Co-op. Dairy co. 94.3 i Hauraki Plains (Do-op. Dairy Co. 940 9 Woodviile Co-op. Dairy cO. . 93.5 3 Gravlllo Memorial Prlu. Kiritaki (Jo-op. Dairy Co. ... 94.5 i Kaponga co-op. Dairy Co., Rowan .............. 94.3 2 Elmdaie (in-op. Dairy Co. 94.0 R Pahiaiua CO-op. Dairy CO. .. 93.5 4 I Opan Champion-hip 0' New Inland. Pamatua Co-op. Dairy Co. .. 95.0 1 Final. Aaalaiania' Claaa. 322. 120-01). Dairy Cn.. .\lanawarn 9.5} 1 Island Dairy Co. 94.7 9 .Elmdale Cn-np. Dairy Cn. 94.74 3 Hauraki Plains Cn-op. Dairy Cr». 94.0 4 Lou Cheese. 31.. (to-op. Dairy 90., Huirau Road 95.0 i Rapamli (To-op. Dairy (In. .. 94.5 9 Kirltaki Co-op. Dairy co. .. 94.0 3 Maaaey Collage Diploma Clan. \Vaimana Dairy co. .. ... . . 9.1.5 1 Island Dairy Co. ......... 93.0 9 Lowgarih (10-op. Dairy Co. .. 99.5 .’i Coloured—Fir" Aa-latania. NZ. Cn-np. Dairy (70., Hulrau Road 95.0 1 Pnhlaiua Co-np. Dairy Co. 94.7 9 Eimdaie Crimp. Dairy Co. i 11.5 3 I White—Fir". naelatanu. Penibrnke Camp. Dairy Co. .. 95.0 i l Pahiaiiin (Timon. Dairy En. ~ 9.59 9 Lowgarili (‘.n-op. Dairy Cn. . M 5 3 Branch Managers. N.z. Co-op. Dairy CO,. Manawaru 94.0 i N.z. Comp. Dairy 00., lluiran Hnad 93.5 5' Cambrian, Cn-opi Dairy (10., Victoria Road ..... .. . . 92.8 3 Champion of tho Auckland Provinca. Cambridge Co-op. Dairy Co., Pukeroro 95.0 i Bruntwood Co-on. Dairy Co. .. 94.6 2 31.2. Cn-op. Dairy Co., Manawaru 94.3 3 Champion of the Taranakl Provlnoe. Pembroke Co-np. Dairy Co. . 95.0 1 KEhlii CO-np. Dairy Co. .. ... 94.7 2 Stratl‘ord Farmers‘ Co-op. Dairy Co 94.0 3 Champion of Wellington and Hawke’a 1 Bay Dlairlou. Pahlaiua Co-op. Dflry Co. .. 95.9 i Dannevirke Co—op. Dairy Co. . 94.7 2 11-iiikanuni Co-op. Dairy Co. .. 94.5 3 Champion of the South Inland. \Vyfdham Co-op. Dairy Cu. .. 94.5 i omimi CO-OD. Dairy CO. .... 05.3 2 island Dairy Co. 94.0 3 Maiured Cheou. Alton Co-op. Dairy CO. 93.5 i Hauraki Plains co-op. Dairy Co. 93.0 9 Manarahara Co-op. Dairy Co. . 99.8 3 Maolwan salt Prize. Brumwnod co-op. Dairy Co. . 94.5 i Opouriao Co-op. Dairy Co. ... 93.5 9

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Waikato Times, Volume 119, Issue 19894, 25 May 1936, Page 3

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Dominion’s Dairy Wealth Waikato Times, Volume 119, Issue 19894, 25 May 1936, Page 3

Dominion’s Dairy Wealth Waikato Times, Volume 119, Issue 19894, 25 May 1936, Page 3